Top 34 News Apps Like TV-Guide Danmark (DK) - Best Alternatives

TV-Guide Danmark (DK) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TV-Guide Danmark (DK) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 News apps that are similar to TV-Guide Danmark (DK). Pick one from this list to be your new TV-Guide Danmark (DK) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TV-Guide Danmark (DK) on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like TV-Guide Danmark (DK) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TV-Guide Danmark (DK) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like TV-Guide Danmark (DK) 2025.

Haystack TV Local & World News

Haystack TV Local & World News

Get the most trending news videos in a headline news channel personalized for you and watch it on your iPhone, your iPad or on your TV thru Airplay or Chromecast. New: Live News for Breaking Events! Haystack TV is also...

Price: Free Developer: Haystack TV
TV Valkenburg

TV Valkenburg

This TV Valkenburg App brings you news and information from the municipality of Valkenburg aan de Geul. In this app you will find: - the latest local news items - headings with (local) information - Program Missed from our TV programs - Live TV...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting TV Valkenburg works around the clock to bring the latest in news, politics, and culture from the Middle East and around the world. Enjoy live streaming on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad from anywhere.

Price: Free Developer: COPTICSAT.TV,INC.
Ahlulbayt TV

Ahlulbayt TV

Ahlulbayt TV is the first ever full English TV channel to broadcast the pristine message of the Holy Household into every Household! Here on your iPhone and iPad. You can watch our latest programmes, find out what is coming...

Price: Free Developer: Ahlulbayt TV


VOSA (Voice of South Asia) TV is a New York based Live TV that offers "24x7" live transmission for communities residing in USA, Canada, Pakistan, UK & Worldwide. VOSA TV is committed to promote American, Pakistani, Indian, Canadian &...

Price: Free Developer: Rhonda Coyle


TNN, Pakistan's leading news network, is a pioneer in multimedia news services. Our growth has been fuelled by the desire to fulfill the basic human urge and curiosity for knowledge and information, and we have done so with sheer...

Price: Free Developer: Rhonda Coyle
UNC-TV Public Media NC

UNC-TV Public Media NC

The UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina app allows you to explore and watch all of UNC-TV content on demand, kids content with parental controls, live streaming and view the schedules for all of the UNC-TV Public Media stations! Live Schedules •...

Price: Free Developer: UNC-TV


Zoomin.TV brings you the greatest Unkown Stories from all over the globe. Furthermore Zoomin.TV is the place for videos in Games, Travel, Kids & Parenting, Women, Offbeat, Sport, Lifestyle and much more... All videos are produced by our own...

Price: Free Developer: Zoomin.TV


Full app version of the Epoch Times with the following content: - Newspaper & magazine: Update the news and read the special articles of The Epoch Times - Live TV: Watch Epoch Times live broadcasts - Video: Watch videos from Epoch Times...

Price: Free Developer: EPOCH TIMES VIETNAM, INC.
Janam TV

Janam TV

Janam TV is an Indian television channel which broadcasts news and entertainment programmes in Malayalam. It is operated by Janam Multimedia Ltd, and its stated aim is to "promote national interest".

Price: Free Developer: Janam TV


The IAA-News-Guide app features the news and innovations of selected exhibitors from the 66th IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hanover. Find the main exhibitors with their novelties sorted alphabetically, by product groups and by halls. The app offers you constantly updated content...

Price: Free Developer: EuroTransportMedia Verlags-und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Guide TV برنامج Egypt (EG)

Guide TV برنامج Egypt (EG)

Guide TV برنامج Egypt allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major Egyptian TV stations all over the Egypt (EG)! An easy access to the best...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV Guide New Zealand • TV-Listings (NZ)

TV Guide New Zealand • TV-Listings (NZ)

TV Guide New Zealand allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major New Zealander TV stations all over the New Zealand (NZ)! An easy access to...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV Program India • TV Guide (IN)

TV Program India • TV Guide (IN)

TV-Guide India allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major Indian TV stations all over India (IN)! An easy access to the best programs from the...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV Uhlelo Program South Africa • TV Guide (ZA)

TV Uhlelo Program South Africa • TV Guide (ZA)

TV-Guide South Africa allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major South African TV stations all over South Africa (ZA)! An easy access to the best...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV-Guide Canada • Listings CA

TV-Guide Canada • Listings CA

TV-Guide Canada allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major Canadian TV stations all over Canada (CA)! An easy access to the best programs from the...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV-Guide Ireland • TV Listings (IE)

TV-Guide Ireland • TV Listings (IE)

TV-Guide Ireland allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major Irish TV stations all over Ireland (IE)! An easy access to the best programs from the...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV-Guide United Kingdom (UK)

TV-Guide United Kingdom (UK)

TV-Guide in UK allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major British TV stations all over UK (United Kingdom)! An easy access to the best programs...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
TV-Listings & Guide Australia

TV-Listings & Guide Australia

TV-Guide Australia allows you to look up in this fast and complete TV guide available from a sole App. Find all the major Australian TV stations all over Australia (AU)! An easy access to the best programs from the...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland
Radio af Danmark: Danish radio

Radio af Danmark: Danish radio

With Radio af Danmark, you can easily listen to live streaming of news, music, sports, talks, shows and other programs of Denmark. Radio af Danmark offers tremendous depth and breadth of stations with genres ranging from Alternative, Electronica, Metal...

Price: Free Developer: SERHII SKURENKO
TV Guide Danmark (DK)

TV Guide Danmark (DK)

TV Guide Danmark giver dig mulighed for at se TV-programmet af alle dine foretrukne danske tv-kanaler. Mere på App: • Arbejder over WiFi, 4G, 3G eller EDGE. • Arbejder i Danmark eller i udlandet. • TV-program bliver automatisk fornyet. • Du må ikke kræver...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
EU i Danmark

EU i Danmark

Med applikationen kan du nemt følge med i de vigtigste EU-nyheder. Både dem der har direkte betydning for dig - og dem der handler mere om resten af Europa... Med denne app får du følgende: - EU-nyhederne i dagens danske...

Price: Free Developer: House of Code IVS


Energiforum Danmarks nyheds- og magasinapp, med nyheder om energi, energieffektivisering og bygninger, og med direkte adgang til baggrundsartikler fra vores magasin. Abonner på nyheder inden for kategorierne: - Inspiration (arrangementer, guides, tips- og casehistorier) - Politik og regler (høringssvar, redegørelser og forhandlinger) -...

Price: Free Developer: Energiforum Danmark
Kamera Spotter

Kamera Spotter

Med denne simple app kan du være med til at kortlægge den udendørs videoovervågning i Danmark. Ingen ved med sikkerhed hvor mange overvågningskameraer, der hænger rundt omkring i Danmark, og hvor de befinder sig. Det laver Kamera Spotter-app'en om på....

Price: Free Developer:


One long stream of news, like you know it from all other social media.  Search in English Search for "invest" or "property" a cross Europe You can search for "property" in Danish articles! A more complex search would be, you want to find...

Price: Free Developer: LESS IS MORE.LT UAB
Berlingske e-avis

Berlingske e-avis

Berlingske e-avis udgives af Berlingske Media, Pilestræde 34, 1147 København K. Få Berlingske printavis i en digital udgave til din iPad, iPhone eller iPod Touch. Den digitale avis er en 1:1 udgave af printavisen, som du kender den, men der...

Price: Free Developer: Berlingske Media
Herning Folkeblad

Herning Folkeblad

Bliv opdateret lokalt på iPhone eller iPad med vores app. Læs e-avis og de vigtigste nyheder fra Derudover kan du læse ugeaviser, tillæg og magasiner. Udvalgte artikler, ugeaviser og magasiner er gratis. Er du abonnent, får du anbefalet fordele og...

Price: Free Developer: Herning Folkeblad A/S


Med Appen, Folketidende, kan du læse din avis, ugeavis eller magasin på din iPad, iPhone eller iPod touch. Herudover kan du scrolle gennem nyhedsoversigten med seneste nyheder fra Den digitale avis er identisk med printudgaven, men har en...

Price: Free Developer: Folketidende
Børsen e-paper

Børsen e-paper

Med Børsens e-avis til Iphone og Ipad har du altid Børsen med dig. Du kan læse avisen, få et overblik over de væsentligste historier, se de seneste onlinehistorier og søge i avis-arkivet, der går tilbage til begyndelsen af 1970'erne. E-avis...

Price: Free Developer: Dagbladet Børsen
Licitationen E-avis

Licitationen E-avis

Få Licitationen – Byggeriets Dagblad i en digital udgave til iPad, iPhone eller iPod touch. Licitationen er udkommet siden 1908 og kan nu læses uanset hvor i verden, du befinder dig, og der er også adgang til tidligere aviser....

Price: Free Developer: Nordiske Medier A/S
Motor-magasinet E-avis

Motor-magasinet E-avis

Få Motor-magasinet i en digital udgave til iPad, iPhone eller iPod touch. Motor-magasinet er udkommet siden 1969 og kan nu læses uanset hvor i verden, du befinder dig, og der er også adgang til tidligere aviser. Læs mere om...

Price: Free Developer: Nordiske Medier A/S
Søfart E-avis

Søfart E-avis

Få bladet Søfart i en digital udgave til iPad, iPhone eller iPod touch. Søfart er udkommet siden 1949 og kan nu læses uanset hvor i verden, du befinder dig, og der er også adgang til tidligere aviser. Læs mere...

Price: Free Developer: Nordiske Medier A/S


Med Jyllands-Postens E-avis app kan du læse din avis på iPad og iPhone. Jyllands-Postens e-avis på iPad og iPhone er Jyllands-Posten, som du kender den – en 100% udgave af dagens avis og endda med flere fordele: Dagens udgave...

Price: Free Developer: Jyllands-Posten

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