Top 13 Reference Apps Like Spine Calc - Best Alternatives

Spine Calc Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Spine Calc alternatives for iOS? We have listed 13 Reference apps that are similar to Spine Calc. Pick one from this list to be your new Spine Calc app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Spine Calc on your iOS devices.

Top 13 Apps Like Spine Calc - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Spine Calc alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 13 similar apps like Spine Calc 2025.



Ketu is a headless half-planet, shadowy as Rahu. This planet is also not visible in the galaxy. Ketu does not own any sign. ketu is also a malefic planet, though not as malefic as Rahu.In Hindu astrology Ketu represents...

Price: Free Developer: Dharmik Hindu


NeuBible is a beautiful, modern Bible app. ----------- "An elegant and radically simplified mobile app for the Bible." - Fast Company "Marries distraction-free design with soul-liberating intentions...reading on NeuBible is comparable to something as seamless as Medium" - PSFK "NeuBible has raised the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Quiet Pupil
Ouija Board Horror Stories

Ouija Board Horror Stories

This app is a collection interesting and spine-chilling ouija board horror stories. Some story titles from this app : This not a game anymore. Strange Markings. Accurate Death Prediction. Woodchopper Accident. We lost 10 hours and many more scary stories.

Price: Free Developer: Dedeepya Kasarla
A-Calc Companion for Atlas MMO

A-Calc Companion for Atlas MMO

Are you a fan of Atlas Pirate MMO game? If your answer is yes, then this unofficial taming calculator and companion app guide is a must-have for you, as it offers a Atlas taming calculator to let you know...

Price: Free Developer: Ronny Schulz
dB Calc

dB Calc

Need to quickly convert between various RF signal measurement units? dB Calc performs lots of decibel related conversions: Decibel / Neper / Ratio Conversions: Enter in either the dB, Np (nepers), power or voltage ratio, and the other values...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Black Cat Systems
Complex Vector Calc

Complex Vector Calc

Complex Vector Calc is the easiest way to perform arithmetic on vectors. It can also convert complex polar numbers to rectangular and vise-versa. Any format can be entered and both formats are displayed as a result. This saves time...

Price: Free Developer: Donnie Herman
Engineering Calc

Engineering Calc

This application is intended for engineers and students who are looking for a reference tool for electrical and RF engineering. Easily determine the resistor and capacitor values based on their color codes, or vice versa. Calculate electrical values based...

Price: Free Developer: Keysight Technologies, Inc.
ARDEX Americas Product Calc

ARDEX Americas Product Calc

ARDEX Americas Product Calculator and information App is brought to you by the leading global manufacturer of engineered cements, adhesives and high performance building products. This functional, easy to use application is designed for Contractors, Architects, Engineers and Building...

Price: Free Developer: ARDEX, L.P.
OilField Formulas for iHandy Calc.

OilField Formulas for iHandy Calc.

------- Updated. Added more than 250 oilfield calculators ------- Aims of this application to make ease the life of Oilfield specialist and Petroleum, Mud Engineers by providing correct hand calculations. It is meant for Engineers,Specialist who are involved in Oil...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: zhandos uakanov
Crop Nutrient Removal Calc

Crop Nutrient Removal Calc

Estimates the crop nutrient removal of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (expressed as P2O5), potassium (expressed as K2O), and sulfur (S) for a broad, and continually expanding, list of field crops. Results are calculated based on user-selected yield goals, and can...

Price: Free Developer: International Plant Nutrition Institute
Well Cementer Tool

Well Cementer Tool

Well Cementer Tool application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas well cementing service. Well Cementer Tool has most useful calculations which are using in daily Drilling and oil well cementing operations. Also this application...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: zhandos uakanov
Evolution Calculator for Pokémon Go!

Evolution Calculator for Pokémon Go!

GO- Calc! The new calculator that can calculate your Pokémon Evolution CP, It’s maximum CP, and its perfection (how close it is to a perfect CP for that specific Pokémon). -> Calculate the max possible CP(Combat Power ) of pokémon...

Price: Free Developer: Banty Patel

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