Top 20 Education Apps Like Cursive moderne - Best Alternatives

Cursive moderne Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cursive moderne alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Cursive moderne. Pick one from this list to be your new Cursive moderne app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cursive moderne on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Cursive moderne - Best Picks for 2024

The best free and paid Cursive moderne alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Cursive moderne 2024.

I learn cursive writing

I learn cursive writing

"really teaches correct letter formation and kids have to focus and slow down to go to next letter." "The only proven application that my 4 yr old could follow and want to better himself with. Way to go!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serpodile offers a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Jean-Laurent de Morlhon
I learn cursive writing lite

I learn cursive writing lite

Serpodile offers a new method for learning cursive writing by decomposing the 26 letters of the alphabet in 13 basic shapes (circle, candy cane...) using visual and audio directions. 4 basic shapes and 6 letters are available in this...

Price: Free Developer: Jean-Laurent de Morlhon
Learn Cursive Writing

Learn Cursive Writing

Learn Cursive Writing with these digital Worksheets - cursive alphabet, cursive letters, cursive words, cursive sentences. Practice your penmanship with these handwriting worksheets app. Features : - Learn how to trace cursive abc alphabet letters and words correctly - Uppercase & lowercase...

Price: Free Developer: BHADRIK MEHTA
Crazy Cursive Letters

Crazy Cursive Letters

Features include; * Choice of cursive style letter e.g. two styles of the letter r. * Personalised feedback to tell kids which letters they are totally awesome at and which letters they could focus on practising. * Practice of single letters in...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: madebyeducators
Crazy Cursive Letters Lite

Crazy Cursive Letters Lite

A new crazy character/ scene is unlocked with every 4 words written correctly. Full Version Features include; * Choice of cursive style letter e.g. two styles of the letter r. * Personalised feedback to tell kids which letters they are totally...

Price: Free Developer: madebyeducators
Cursive Letters and Alphabets

Cursive Letters and Alphabets

Cursive Letters Writing Alphabets app is an application that is designed for individuals who want to learn English language alphabets. It is one of the leading apps that are currently available for this purpose. Being a cursive letters app,...

Price: Free Developer: SentientIT Software Solution
Abc Cursive Writing For Preschool Toddlers

Abc Cursive Writing For Preschool Toddlers

Looking for a fun, free, and simple educational app to help your toddler learn cursive writing and trace letters of the alphabet? Look no further than ABC Cursive Writing Game. A tracing game that will teach kids to...

Price: Free Developer: divya mehta
Australian Touch and Write: Victorian Cursive

Australian Touch and Write: Victorian Cursive

"This has gone from a great app to an awesome app with the new update. Thanks for listening to our feedback and doing these changes." - Customer review "Brilliant - fun way to learn Victorian cursive. I have been waiting...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: FIZZBRAIN LLC
Cursive Converter

Cursive Converter

Cursive Converter is an app that instantly transforms English words into cursive! ◆ A wide variety of cursive styles Choose your favorite from an extensive range of cursive styles. ◆ You don't need to know how to write in cursive There is a...

Price: Free Developer: Shoichiro Takaki
Cursive Handwriting

Cursive Handwriting

Learn how to write each letter of the alphabet in cursive with simple writing activities that can be practised again and again. Includes easy-to-follow directions. Now fully updated (and teacher approved!) Students of all ages can learn cursive writing. Kids age...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Abécédaire
Der Moderne Blick

Der Moderne Blick

Sie halten mit der Publikation DER MODERNE BLICK – THE MODERN VIEW ein besonderes Buch in Ihren Händen. Die Tür zum vollen Leseerlebnis öffnet sich durch die passende App für Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet. Mit Hilfe dieser App lassen...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Kruger
Fiabe Moderne Raccontate: Cenerentola, Babbo Natale, Bella Addormentata nel Bosco, Hansel e Gretel, Biancaneve, Cappuccetto Rosso. Dai fratelli Grimm e Perrault favole da ascoltare, classiche per buonanotte ricche di illustrazioni e disegni.

Fiabe Moderne Raccontate: Cenerentola, Babbo Natale, Bella Addormentata nel Bosco, Hansel e Gretel, Biancaneve, Cappuccetto Rosso. Dai fratelli Grimm e Perrault favole da ascoltare, classiche per buonanotte ricche di illustrazioni e disegni.

Raccolta di Audio Fiabe classiche riviste in versione moderna, con immagini di sfondo durante la riproduzione. La prima fiaba, Cenerentola, è gratis. Sette fiabe per rivivere vecchie emozioni e per riscoprirne di nuove. È il ricco e ambizioso menu che offre l'app...

Price: Free Developer: italiamultimedia
Hebreu Moderne 2

Hebreu Moderne 2

prérequis connaissance de l'alphabet hébraïque (Hébreu Moderne niveau 1) Hébreu Moderne niveau 2, permet d'acquérir au cours de 10 leçons le niveau premier semestre universitaire. Pédagogues : Mireille Hadas-Lebel professeur à la Sorbonne (Paris IV) et Sonia Barzilaï...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Yodea
Musée d'Art moderne de Paris

Musée d'Art moderne de Paris

Let yourself be guided by the Musée d'Art moderne de Paris app! - For a family visit, follow the tour dedicated to the artists' creative processes, including games of observation and creative assignments. - For teenagers, investigate and discover the museum's...

Price: Free Developer: Paris Musées
Ecriture moderne cursive à l'école : GS, CP, CE1 - minuscules et majuscules

Ecriture moderne cursive à l'école : GS, CP, CE1 - minuscules et majuscules

+Apprendre une écriture moderne rapide et harmonieuse, pour les droitiers, les gauchers et sur tous les supports actuels. +Les tracés des lettres sont animés : un joli papillon se déplace sur le modèle, durant tout l'exercice. L'enfant peut ainsi vérifier...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Benoit Legrand
Moderne Metalltechnik

Moderne Metalltechnik

Das Magazin für Ausbildung und Beruf der Metallbranche seit 1988, jetzt auch als E-Paper! Inhaltsbeschreibung: Jede Ausgabe besteht hauptsächlich aus Fachartikeln und Übungsaufgaben zu jeweils lehrplanrelevanten Themen der Metallberufe. Hier findet jeder Leser etwas, egal ob im 1., 2. oder...

Price: Free Developer: Directa Fachverlag GmbH & Co. KG
Assimil Grec moderne

Assimil Grec moderne

*** First 7 lessons for free ! *** Now you can use Europe's top language-learning method for beginners or false beginners on your mobile devices. The e-course includes all of the lessons in the printed version as well as the...

Price: Free Developer: Mantano
Antura et les Lettres (Darija)

Antura et les Lettres (Darija)

Aidez vos enfants à apprendre l’Arabe avec ce jeu GRATUIT plusieurs fois primé! La lecture se transforme en une aventure grâce à l’adorable chien Antura. Retrouvez les lettres arabes cachées à travers le monde, résolvez des puzzles et gagnez des...

Price: Free Developer: Video Games Without Borders
Ecriture cursive traditionnelle : minuscules et majuscules - GS, CP, CE1

Ecriture cursive traditionnelle : minuscules et majuscules - GS, CP, CE1

Fiches d'écriture pour l'apprentissage des tracés de lettres cursive. Un joli papillon se déplace sur la lettre modèle pour montrer le sens du tracé, durant tout l'exercice : l'enfant peut ainsi s'y référer pour tracer dans le bon sens la...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Benoit Legrand

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