Top 22 Education Apps Like Doncaster 1914-18 - Best Alternatives

Doncaster 1914-18 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Doncaster 1914-18 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to Doncaster 1914-18. Pick one from this list to be your new Doncaster 1914-18 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Doncaster 1914-18 on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like Doncaster 1914-18 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Doncaster 1914-18 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like Doncaster 1914-18 2025.

Doncaster Libraries

Doncaster Libraries

Access Doncaster Libraries from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Manage your account, search the catalogue, renew and reserve books.

Price: Free Developer: SOLUS UK Ltd
QPDbase - QPD Hull & Doncaster

QPDbase - QPD Hull & Doncaster

Students and parents of QPD's military prep course can securely login via the application and access our college portal. This allows parents and students to access course materials, monitor attendance, contact administrative staff and tutors, view weekly timetables and...

Price: Free Developer: John Wardell
Ss Peter & Paul's School - DE

Ss Peter & Paul's School - DE

The Ss Peter & Paul's School, Doncaster East App keeps students, families and the broader school community connected and up to date with the latest information from Ss Peter & Paul's School. App features include: • News panel with a latest...

Price: Free Developer: Fraynework
St Gregory the Great CPS

St Gregory the Great CPS

St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary Doncaster Skoolbag App for parents, students and community. It features push notification Alerts, Parent eForms, Events, News, School eNews Newsletters, Maps with GPS, Social Media integration, Documents, Photo Gallery, direct from the school....

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
Weltbrand 1914 - Bilder und Berichte aus Hamburger Zeitungen

Weltbrand 1914 - Bilder und Berichte aus Hamburger Zeitungen

Der Erste Weltkrieg gilt als die „Urkatastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts“. Eine komplexe Vorgeschichte und vielfältige Ursachen führten dazu, dass innerhalb weniger Wochen nach dem Attentat auf das österreichische Thronfolgerpaar in Sarajevo am 28. Juni 1914 ein „Weltbrand“ bisher unbekannten...

Price: Free Developer: CCS Content Conversion Specialists GmbH
Srbija 1914

Srbija 1914

Serbia 1914 is developed as part of the exhibition marking the FWW centenary, by Historical Museum of Serbia. The app enables you to experience history in a new way. If in Belgrade the app leads you to historically important...

Price: Free Developer: LiveViewStudio
beCarto 14-18

beCarto 14-18

BeCarto14-18 is an app developed by the Belgian National Geographic Institute (NGI) and the private company Geolives for the commemoration of WW1. This App allows you to access spatial and historical information about the 1st World War in Belgium....

Price: Free Developer: Geolives Belgium S.P.R.L.
AP World History

AP World History

Get help doing home work or studying for an exam with this easy to use AP World History reference app. An excellent study aid for the AP® World History exam, this app covers 8000 B.C.E. to the present. Whether you...

Price: Free Developer: Simple Tree LLC
LN - Histoire

LN - Histoire

Contenu Le logiciel contient 39 leçons pour illustrer l’histoire au CM1 et CM2. Chaque leçon peut être utilisée directement avec vos élèves, mais vous pouvez également les personnaliser en fonction des activités menées dans votre classe. Vous pouvez également composer...

Price: Free Developer: Éditions JOCATOP
Durchs Schlüsselloch: 1.WK

Durchs Schlüsselloch: 1.WK

The app offers visitors ofthe newly conceived exhibition at Artstetten Palace additional materials to explore Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the history of his family and of the First World War. There are: - Exhibits: videos, photos, texts, maps on the exhibition theme - Stories:...

Price: Free Developer: die Berater
HSC Apps

HSC Apps

Revise your HSC subject content with hundreds of questions and study for exams anytime, anywhere with HSC Apps. Features: - iOS6+ & iPad compatibility - Shiny new iOS7 look and feel - Feedback on each question, scoring in-line with HSC...

Price: Free Developer: Education Apps PTY LTD
PhotoElectric Effect Simulator

PhotoElectric Effect Simulator

About An open source physics at Singapore simulation based on codes written by Fu-Kwun Hwang, Loo Kang WEE, Tze Kwang Leong. more resources can be found on the supporting URL Introduction The photoelectric effect or photoemission (given by Albert Einstein) is the...

Price: Free Developer: loo kang wee


Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya, (Vidyalaya) was established in 1914 with the blessings of YUGDRASHTA ACHARYA SHRI VIJAY VALLABHSURISWARJI MAHARAJ SAHEB for the benefit of Jaina community. Vidyalaya believes that contemporary education coupled with pursuing basic principles of Jainism will...

Price: Free Developer: Amish Shah
Baby First Words: 18+ Months

Baby First Words: 18+ Months

- More than 150 thousand downloads and hundreds of 5 Star Ratings! Do you want to introduce new words to your toddler? Developed by Androbaby, this app is great to teach new words to your babies, toddlers and kids! Designed...

Price: Free Developer: erkay uzun
Caruthersville 18 SD

Caruthersville 18 SD

With the Caruthersville 18 SD mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information, sporting...

Price: Free Developer: Caruthersville School District 18
Now You Are 18

Now You Are 18

Now You Are 18 - A Legal Survival Guide for those just turning 18. Now You Are 18 gives you simple and straightforward answers about your legal rights once you turn 18. It explains areas of the...

Price: Free Developer: Bennett Roberts
Understanding Child Development for 13-18 years

Understanding Child Development for 13-18 years

Understanding Child Development for Children aged 13-18 years is the third App in the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) Understanding Child Development series. This mobile App has been developed for social workers, teaching professionals, youth and community workers...

Price: Free Developer: Tibus
1日10分 保育士試験 問題集

1日10分 保育士試験 問題集

このアプリは 保育士試験の過去問題・予想問題をクイズ形式で出題しています。 1日10分の学習を基本と考えています。その為に、1問60秒、10問を基本に作られています。 保育士(ほいくし、英: Childcare Worker)は、一般に保育所など児童福祉施設において子供の保育を行う者。日本の国家資格の一つである。 学歴によっては保育士と幼稚園教諭免許状(一種・二種免許状)の、双方の国家資格・教育職員免許状を取得することも可能である。保育士の単一資格者は後にオプションとして、幼稚園教諭免許状(一種・二種免許状)の教育職員免許状取得を目指す者も多い。 法律による定義は 「この法律で、保育士とは、第18条の18第1項の登録を受け、保育士の名称を用いて、専門的知識及び技術をもつて、児童の保育及び児童の保護者に対する保育に関する指導を行うことを業とする者をいう。」(児童福祉法第18条の4)。名称独占資格の一つである。 保育士資格を取得する方法 児童福祉法第18条の6に基づき、厚生労働大臣の指定する保育士を養成する学校その他の施設で所定の課程・科目を履修し卒業するか、保育士試験に合格するかのいずれかの方法がある。前者の施設は指定保育士養成施設といい、指定された科目を全て勉強し、保育園と児童福祉施設での校外実習に行って、卒業すると保育士の資格を取得することができる。後者の保育士試験は、受験資格に短大卒業程度以上が必要だが、1991年3月31日以前に高等学校を卒業した者でも受験資格がある。これは1991年4月1日以降から受験資格が短大卒業程度以上に引き上げられたことによる経過措置で、 高等学校の保育科を卒業した場合1996年3月31日以前の卒業で受験資格がある。 筆記試験科目 保育士試験は科目別の合格制をとっており、各科目とも6割以上得点すれば合格となる。一度合格した科目は翌々年までの3年間有効で、例えば4科目が合格点に達していた場合、その4科目について合格証が交付され、次の保育士試験では残りの科目のみを受験すればいい。ただし教育原理と社会的養護は同一年に両方合格しなくてはならず、片方の合格を翌年以降持ちこすことはできない。既に合格している科目でも再受験が認められており、合格すればその年から更に3年間有効となり仮に不合格でも以前の合格が取り消され有効期限が短縮されることはない。(2013年保育士試験から試験科目が一部変更。) ※は同一年度に両方合格する必要がある、太字は幼稚園教諭免許状を有する者への免除対象科目。

Price: Free Developer: gisei morimoto
Learn Words 18 Months Plus

Learn Words 18 Months Plus

First Words – 18 Months Plus is an educational game designed to introduce your baby or toddler to everyday vocabulary. This game is designed to teach your baby new words through sound, animation, and flash cards. It’s fun, free,...

Price: Free Developer: Noelle Hilgesen
PP's Europe Geography Quiz Edu

PP's Europe Geography Quiz Edu

Learn the locations of the countries, capitals, and flags of EUROPE with interactive learning! Select the correct answer on a scrollable, high-resolution image of Europe. The 'Edu' edition (Education Edition) of Europe Geography Quiz is a paid app with...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Peaceful Pencil Ltd., The
i3CTE 18’ FACT Education

i3CTE 18’ FACT Education

Event Application for i3CTE 18’ presented by FACT Education, remain up to date with the latest announcements. At F.A.C.T. Education we provide high quality professional and curriculum development​, relevant technology integration, opportunities of collaboration for experienced CTE teachers and mentorships...

Price: Free Developer: Estevan De Beer

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