Top 19 Entertainment Apps Like BG Manager - Best Alternatives

BG Manager Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BG Manager alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Entertainment apps that are similar to BG Manager. Pick one from this list to be your new BG Manager app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BG Manager on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like BG Manager - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BG Manager alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like BG Manager 2025. представя първото си приложение за iPad и iPhone. Ако живеете в България, ще имате неограничен достъп до стотици филми, сериали, предавания, документални филми, мачове от Шампионска Лига и Лига Европа, бокс и други спортни събития. Съдържанието, достъпно...

Price: Free Developer: CME: Central European Media Enterprises

Приложение за най-големият видео портал в България -

Price: Free Developer:
Sofia Film Fest

Sofia Film Fest

SIFF е новото приложение на СОФИЯ ФИЛМ ФЕСТ, чиято цел е да бъде в услуга на всички вас, запалени киномани! Случвало ли ви се е да си загубите така важната фестивална програма, в която сте набелязали всичко, което искате...

Price: Free Developer: Melon AD
Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG

Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG

Live Fish † Black BG † Unique † Animate † Live Wallpapers User Guide:
 - Set iPhone Lock Screen - 1. Start up the Live Fish app, choose any Live Photo you want, save to camera roll. 2. Go to the Photos...

Price: Free Developer: Wai Chan
Radio 1 BG

Radio 1 BG

Радио1 - Класическите хитове Това е официалното приложение на Радио1. Радио1 е най-популярната музикална радиостанция в България. Програмата се излъчва на живо от студиото на Радио1 в град София. Radio 1 - The classic hits. This is the official application of Radio 1...

Price: Free Developer: Atanas Genov
BILLA Bricks

BILLA Bricks

Събери всички BILLA части за сглобяване и направи твой собствен BILLA магазин. От 23.08.2018г до 17.10.2018г. за всеки 15 лв. покупка в BILLA получаваш безплатно 1 опаковка с BILLA части за сглобяване. Вземи и стартов пакет с над 140 BILLA...

Price: Free Developer: BILLA AG
Music Play Box - HQ Music BG

Music Play Box - HQ Music BG

Music Play Box features a beautiful, fast and intuitive interface, alongside powerful audio configuration options on your iPhone/iPod/iPad. Millions of free songs, albums, playlists, DJ sets, remixes! Music Play Box facilitates free streaming of legal and unlimited music. Keep millions of...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Duong


С приложението на Partybus можете да следите промоциите, парти снимките, промените и подобренията в оборудването, както и да се свързвате по-лесно и удобно с нас.  Какво ви очаква в Partybus? – 2000 Watts музика, 32 инчов телевизор, мини бар, климатик – Екзотични...

Price: Free Developer:
Power FM BG

Power FM BG

Power FM е хитовата станция на Бургас и Южното Черноморие! Удоволствието да слушаш радио с най-голямото музикално разнообразие. Слушай Power FM с мобилното приложение, директен чат с водещите, както и с всички online слушатели. Забавлявай се и споделяй с...

Price: Free Developer: POWER MEDIA EOOD
Events Manager

Events Manager

The EF Event Factory App enables customers and event organizers to streamline their event management execution. The App with our integrated Event Manager allows Event Organizers to create new events simply with a fully customizable booking and cancellation booking...

Price: Free Developer: Engagement Factory
Kevin Toms Football * Manager

Kevin Toms Football * Manager

Kevin Toms wrote the original Football Manager, considered an all time classic and still played by many, decades later. With Football Star * Manager, he has re-created the addictive fun of that game, for modern devices. Pick your team, buy...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Kevin Toms
RPG Adventure Manager

RPG Adventure Manager

RPG Adventure manager is the perfect solution to keeping track of all your notes and ideas. Nothing derails a campaign like having to flip through pages of notes to find a forgotten NPC. With RPG Adventure Manager, that will...

Price: Free Developer: Total Web Connections LLC
Apsession Event Manager

Apsession Event Manager

With Apsession's Event Manager app, event organizers now have a wide range of resources at their fingertips to ensure success of their events. Event organizers can now create new event listings, edit existing events, monitor real-time ticket sales, check-in...

Price: Free Developer: Apsession
City Cinema Theater Manager 18

City Cinema Theater Manager 18

Here we have brought you a product that named as: City Cinema Theater Manager 18 in which you can run your own movie night theater with number of responsibilities. It is not an easy task to make a cinema...

Price: Free Developer: Raheel Kayani
Clash War Manager

Clash War Manager

A unique application, intended to enhance the gaming experience of "Clash of Clans-Clash War", to optimize and facilitate the game for effective organization of the attack order and to maximize achievements and receipt of stars. Enhancement of the user experience...

Price: Free Developer: idan magled
GoingOut Manager

GoingOut Manager

GoingOut Manager allows restaurants and bars to manage their GoingOut accounts. With GoingOut Manager, venues can make Announcements, create Events, post Dining Specials, and upload Photos. They can also connect their Facebook and Twitter accounts to simplify their social...

Price: Free Developer: GoingOut
Vault Manager for Destiny 2

Vault Manager for Destiny 2

The Vault is a FREE item manager application for the massively popular shared-world shooter game: Destiny 2. The Vault supports Destiny 2 on all current platforms: PlayStation, Xbox Live,, Steam and Stadia. The Vault is created keeping the hardcore and...

Price: Free Developer: Serkan Bal
VIPSocio Manager

VIPSocio Manager

VIPSOCIO Manager is custom built for our Event Organizers and Event Producers. The VIPSOCIO Manager is the ultimate tool to provide a seamless experience for your customers at the Event Venue. *View all your Live Events and past Events *Scan...

Price: Free Developer: Innocent Wamey

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