Top 39 Education Apps Like Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú - Best Alternatives

Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú. Pick one from this list to be your new Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Ani Ville - Nông Trại Kỳ Thú 2025.

iThankYou - Modeh Ani

iThankYou - Modeh Ani

This easy-to-use, colourful app teaches children the prayer Modeh Ani and encourages children to be thankful for what they have, building the quality of gratitude. Every day, as the child says Modeh Ani, they fill in a leaf on...

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Interactive
Copiii Invata! Jocuri pentru copii 1-3 ani

Copiii Invata! Jocuri pentru copii 1-3 ani

Bucura-te de timpul liber in timp ce copilul tau se joaca si invata noi cuvinte, imagini si sunete. Acest joc educativ este conceput special pentru copii fara reclame si butoane inutile. Jocul include si o sectiune de Quiz. * Peste 350...

Price: Free Developer: Avadot Network S.R.L.
Ani'Mots Crossword

Ani'Mots Crossword

Dear Parents, The application "Ani'Mots" is a game based on the concept of arrow words intended for children between 3 and 8 years old or more. This game was designed to allow your children to learn while having fun. Whatever their age,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Julien Rozé
ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet este abecedarul interactiv pentru copii preșcolari de la 2 la 7 ani. Varianta gratuită a jocului oferă accesul la primele 12 litere mari și mici ale alfabetului limbii române urmând ca, dacă micuțului îi face plăcere să...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia


În micul sat din vârful dealului câțiva țărani abia așteaptă vizita copilului tău. Fiecare are câte o poveste de spus și cu siguranță vă vor conduce copiii cu drag și veselie prin cele patru anotimpuri. Fie că vor îngheța...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Bobocii şi Cifrele

Bobocii şi Cifrele

Unul din cele mai captivante jocuri de numărat pentru copii până la 5 ani! Alături de boboceii de raţă copiii vor învăţa cifrele şi ordinea numerelor de la 1 la 10. Copilul va lua parte la momentul în care boboceii...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Culorile Regale

Culorile Regale

Distracția începe colorând diferitele tablouri din împaratia Regelui Maimuţă. Este un joc interactiv de colorat pentru copii. Regele Maimuţă a împlinit 400 de ani. Copilul tău a fost numit Pictorul regal în acest frumos joc de colorat. Şevaletul şi culorile...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Curtea Animalelor

Curtea Animalelor

Răţuşca cea urâtă se află în curtea animalelor. Aranjând familiile de animale de la mic la mare şi vice-versa cu ajutorul copilului, răţuşca poate face impresie bună iar copilul îşi poate dovedi calităţile, inteligenţa şi rapiditatea. Jocul are 3...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Deseneaza cu Mowgli

Deseneaza cu Mowgli

Desenează și descoperă aventurile prin care a trecut Mowgli după ce a plecat din junglă. Peste 270 de modele de desen (printre care casă, soare, flori, băiețel, fetiță, bărbat, femeie, telefon și multe altele) îl vor ajuta pe copilul...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Little Ville PreSchool

Little Ville PreSchool

Little Ville is a mobile application suitable for an interactive platform for all stakeholders (management, staff, student and parent) of educational institution to manage and collaborate more efficiently and effectively. The key features of this Mobile App are given below. Latest News: All...

Price: Free Developer: Clobas Private Limited
Lycée de Ville

Lycée de Ville

L'application du Lycée de Ville permet aux parents d'élèves ainsi qu'à toute la communauté de l'établissement de suivre les actualités à travers les notifications, les circulaires et les événements.

Price: Free Developer: Grey Matter SARL
Mons Museums

Mons Museums

Découvrez les musées autrement. Parcours audioguidés, balades originales, vidéos et contenus multimédia enrichissent votre découverte des musées de la ville de Mons en connexion avec le patrimoine de la ville : Bam, Artothèque, Mons Memorial Museum, Beffroi, Silex's, ... Des...

Price: Free Developer: Office du Tourisme de la Ville de Mons, Asbl
Summit Salon Academy G-ville

Summit Salon Academy G-ville

Summit Salon Academy: Empower students with relevant information and resources delivered to them directly on their smart phones and tablets. Features include: PROFILE - Personalize your profile information. - Get access to academic related information. CAMPUS NEWS - Access to content that can include...

Price: Free Developer: Engage2Serve
LN - Géographie

LN - Géographie

Contenu Le logiciel contient 60 leçons pour illustrer la géographie au CM1 et CM2. Chaque leçon peut être utilisée directement avec vos élèves, mais vous pouvez également les personnaliser en fonction des activités menées dans votre classe. Les leçons du...

Price: Free Developer: Éditions JOCATOP
Murs bd Angoulême

Murs bd Angoulême

Depuis 1982, la Ville d'Angoulême habille ses murs de bandes dessinées. Aujourd'hui, un parcours de 25 murs bd s'étend sur la ville et régale habitants et touristes. Ce musée à ciel ouvert, riche d'un patrimoine original marqué par de grands noms...

Price: Free Developer: Mairie d'Angoulême
Paris - Aperçu du Guide du Palais-Royal

Paris - Aperçu du Guide du Palais-Royal

Version allégée du Palais-Royal, entre pouvoir et culture A travers la version gratuite de l'application éditée par Blue Lion Guides, découvrez le Palais-Royal à Paris, son histoire passionnante, ses anecdotes, ses trésors cachés mais aussi les galeries avoisinantes et ...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Lion Guides
Chemin des énergies

Chemin des énergies

L’application Chemin des énergies accompagne un « parcours pédestre augmenté » dans les collines de Gardanne, permettant de découvrir différentes installations industrielles. Depuis une vingtaine d’années, la ville de Gardanne a réorienté son activité industrielle en privilégiant le secteur des...

Price: Free Developer: Synertic
Expérience P3R

Expérience P3R

Le guide numérique Expérience patrimoine Trois-Rivières est un instrument convivial de découverte de la deuxième plus ancienne ville du Québec. De manière autonome, vous êtes invités à déambuler dans les principaux lieux qui ont marqué son histoire. L'application ne nécessite...

Price: Free Developer: Societe de conservation et d'animation du patrimoine de Trois-Rivieres Inc
Breaking Ground! AIA Tri-State

Breaking Ground! AIA Tri-State

Everything you need for Breaking Ground! the 2019 AIA Tri-State Conference in a single app. Up to the minute information on: Exhibitors · Speakers · Sessions · Sponsors · Tours

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Town Guide
Tri Valley CUSD #3

Tri Valley CUSD #3

The official app for Tri-Valley, IL allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff, find the...

Tri-Central Community Schools

Tri-Central Community Schools

With the Tri-Central Community Schools mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information, sporting...

Tri-City Christian School

Tri-City Christian School

With the Official App of Tri-City Christian School in Vista, CA, keeping in touch with all school happenings is now easier and more convenient than ever. View school calendars, newsletters, get instant alerts and reminders. Now all school happenings...

Price: Free Developer: Tri-City Church
Tri-C Mobile

Tri-C Mobile

Tri-C Mobile helps you stay connected to Cuyahoga Community College from wherever you are, on or off campus. Use Tri-C Mobile to find anyone in the Directory and get in touch instantly, stay-in-the-loop with the latest campus news, keep tabs...

Price: Free Developer: Cuyahoga Community College District
Digital HUB-Kết nối tri thức,phát triển thành công

Digital HUB-Kết nối tri thức,phát triển thành công

-Digital HUB: một mô hình Không gian khởi nghiệp số (Digital Co-Working Space) kiểu mới, kết nối tri thức và tương tác toàn diện trên nền tảng đám mây (Cloud), là một nơi cung cấp kiến thức kinh doanh...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Luu
Tri Pro English B2

Tri Pro English B2

Prepare for your English B2 (ISE 2) exam with ease and confidence with our listening exercises. - Study anywhere with your mobile - Tri Pro English exam-style format - Track your progress and see your confidence grow! The app contains 30 audios recordings...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: David Mitchell
Tri Jyoti Higher Secondary School

Tri Jyoti Higher Secondary School

Tri Jyoti Higher Secondary School app is notice publication app for Tri Jyoti Higher Secondary School, Nepal. This is an application for information and resource sharing especially designed for Parents and Students This application fills the common gap...

Price: Free Developer: Leading Professional Technology
Tri-Cities High School

Tri-Cities High School

The Tri-Cities High School app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Tri-Cities High School app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and class news...

Price: Free Developer: SchoolInfoApp, LLC
Ai là Triệu Phú Offline

Ai là Triệu Phú Offline

'Ai là Triệu Phú miễn phí' là game giáo dục miễn phí, KHÔNG giới hạn lượt chơi mô phỏng theo game show truyền hình Ai là Triệu Phú của vtv3 đài truyền hình Việt Nam. GIỌNG NÓI LẠI VĂN SÂM...

Price: Free Developer: CONG DUC TRAN
University of Kentucky K Week 2016

University of Kentucky K Week 2016

Welcome to the University of Kentucky! K Week, the fall welcome week for all new students, is designed to make the transition to UK and to college life as smooth as possible. K Week encompasses nine days with approximately...

Price: Free Developer: Legit Apps, LLC
K-Learning Puzzle

K-Learning Puzzle

K-Learning Puzzle is a simple words learning memory game for children of all ages. The main goal is to make any audience starting from small children up to grownups learn the basic set of native or better yet, foreign...

Price: Free Developer: K-Gaming OU
K-Learning Times Tables

K-Learning Times Tables

K-Learning Times Tables is a simple maths learning game for children of all ages. The main goal is to make any audience starting from small children up to grownups learn the maths times tables, while playing a fun card...

Price: Free Developer: K-Gaming OU
Pre-K ABC's

Pre-K ABC's

The Pre-K ABC educational app will help your child practice and learn the ABC’s. This comprehensive approach is highly interactive and based on choice. The letter and corresponding sound (short sound for vowels) is given along with words...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Bugbrained, LLC


K-MOOC is Korean Massive Open Online Course in order to establish basement of lifelong learning for higher education and to realize practical balance of opportunities for education. As of 2018, K-MOOC provides more than 300 courses...

Price: Free Developer: 국가평생교육진흥원
Dr K N Modi Foundation

Dr K N Modi Foundation

WELCOME TO Dr. K.N. Modi Foundation It was the vision of Raizada (late) Dr.Kedar Nath Modi that transformed into the noble inception and unsurpassed success of Dr. K. N. Modi Foundation, a reputed and respected educational conglomerate that encompasses various...

Price: Free Developer: sanjeev Kumar
Dr. K N Modi University

Dr. K N Modi University

WELCOME TO Dr. K.N. Modi Foundation It was the vision of Raizada (late) Dr.Kedar Nath Modi that transformed into the noble inception and unsurpassed success of Dr. K. N. Modi Foundation, a reputed and respected educational conglomerate that encompasses various...

Price: Free Developer: sanjeev Kumar


《K线学院》以近年来国内所有经典个股的全部k线图为蓝本,致力为准备入资股市作百支股票历史走势训练,利用真实股票历史K线猜涨跌、多倍杠杆模拟炒股训练,为炒股票群众踏入股市、比特币提供历史k线走势训练和买卖经验总结,让股民无需真金白银入市交学费买经验。并且拥有国内首屈一指的最新真实股票历史k线数据为基础的k线训练、股票模拟投资,是一款以经典股票个股走势决战操盘训练、模拟股票交易的财经金融理财游戏软件!让你零基础了解K线、以真实股票历史涨跌学炒股、炒股票入门学习投资,还有每天送金币配资炒股、多空大战、股王闯关赛、模拟炒股大赛等炒股期货入门虚拟炒股锻炼,同时添加了财经股票娱乐元素,打造专属于你的股市同花顺!是一个真正通过以往股票走势轻松学习炒股、训练K线的全新手机金融炒股游戏app软件!炒股达人最爱! 【玩法介绍】 股票入门学院 从单根k线到K线组合、初始均线到均线用法、从最基础的股票入门到模拟交易,股票学院中对多种股票知识进行了全面讲解,让初学者通俗易懂地从看懂模拟炒股、亲手实践模拟股票,为踏入财经、金融理财积累实盘买股票经验和总结,你的东方财富由此升起。 多人炒股游戏PK竞技: PK大战、做多做空大战、竞技场大赛通过经典股票k线记录模拟炒股,多人竞赛永不停止。还可以通过期货模拟盘、模拟炒股大赛、自选股票进行k线训练,虚拟股票模拟炒股任意尝试总结心得和策略,拥有慧眼抓住牛股王,必备的手机炒股配资宝! 【必选理由】 1、全新免费k线训练、k线决战、股票模拟交易、期货模拟投资于一体的手机模拟炒股投资软件! 模拟买卖2113支股票3个月涨跌历史! 2、国内所有经典股票的全程K线记录,让初学者更快的通过真实股票模拟交易、模拟投资、模拟炒股学习股市行情判断训练。还可以通过期货模拟、模拟杠杆炒股、模拟股市大盘竞猜进行实战股票操盘训练。 3、实盘模拟炒股、自选股票训练、多人比赛模拟炒股票火爆比拼中,手机学习股票分析和炒股策略永不踏空! 4、超全面的股票新手炒股入门基础知识大全,股市小白的手机炒股软件必备!股票入门行情分析必选! 5、2分钟一堂课逐个模拟训练2113个股票涨跌,积累荣誉值登上龙虎榜,并能获得丰厚奖励。真正的炒股学习、炒股游戏赚钱两不误! 6、对比特币、区块链、数字货币爱好者也有提供从0到1阶段的投资实战经验哦。

Price: Free Developer: zijian huang
Oystrr: K-12 School Checklist

Oystrr: K-12 School Checklist

Planning your child’s education is easier than ever now, thanks to Oystrr’s K-12 School Checklist, the #1 education planner in your pocket! School choice information, expert tips, and curated educational resources are now within every parent’s reach. With the Oystrr...

Price: Free Developer: Holly Woodson
Animal Math Games for Kids in Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st Grade Learning Numbers, Counting, Addition and Subtraction Premium

Animal Math Games for Kids in Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st Grade Learning Numbers, Counting, Addition and Subtraction Premium

Travel the world over from Bessie's Farm to the plains of Africa to the deepest reaches of outer space as you join math-explorer Emma through more than 100 fun math games on a quest to help her animal friends...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Eggroll Games LLC

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