Top 29 Education Apps Like FC Application Lite - Best Alternatives

FC Application Lite Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FC Application Lite alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to FC Application Lite. Pick one from this list to be your new FC Application Lite app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FC Application Lite on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like FC Application Lite - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FC Application Lite alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like FC Application Lite 2025.

Harryville Homers FC

Harryville Homers FC

Harryville Homers FC, Ballymena. Est.1972, play in the BSML Division 1. Current League Champions. Please download our app to stay up to date with the club via our News Room. Team training / fixtures and a lot more information.

SVS FC Learning

SVS FC Learning

SVS FC Learning gives you access to training courses for your continuous personal development as a foster carer. Only download this app if you have login details from Surrey Virtual School. Once logged in, you can download publications and start...

Price: Free Developer: Anspear Ltd
Bryan Station High School - FC

Bryan Station High School - FC

Welcome to Bryan Station High School in Lexington, Kentucky! Check out the key features of the BSHS App below: HOME: Find out what's going on today with a custom marquee message, featured events, polls, and more! CALENDARS: Get connected to the right...

Price: Free Developer: Fayette County Public Schools (KY)
Frederick Douglass – FC

Frederick Douglass – FC

Welcome to Frederick Douglass High School (FDHS)! FDHS is a public high school in Lexington, Kentucky. Whether you are a parent, student, or teacher, you can use this app as a centralized resource for information relevant to...

Price: Free Developer: Fayette County Public Schools (KY)
Kanji FC

Kanji FC

You are Learning Japanese? And want to have a powerful tool to help you. this app Japanese Learning, Common Use is one of the tool like that, it'd been made follow the kanji flashcard, dictionary... With Japanese Learning, Common Use...

Price: Free Developer: Trong Thien Vu
Tates Creek High School - FC

Tates Creek High School - FC

Welcome to Tates Creek High School (TCHS)! TCHS is a public high school in Lexington, Kentucky and is the only high school in Fayette County to have the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Whether you are a parent,...

Price: Free Developer: Fayette County Public Schools (KY)
People in the News - Little Fox Storybook

People in the News - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “People in the News” as a Storybook App! Learn about the dreams, challenges, frustrations, and successes of famous people around the world now! [People...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
DrakeEQ HD

DrakeEQ HD

Based on the famous equation by Dr. Frank Drake, DrakeEQ HD presents an elegant 3D simulation of the Milky Way Galaxy along with the number of intelligent civilizations it may contain by varying specific, galactic parameters. Learn about the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Onomaly LLC


シンプルでスタイリッシュな単語帳アプリです。 単語帳で学習するのが好きな方に楽しんでもらえるように、リアルな単語帳そのままの感覚で、カードをめくって自己採点することができます。 シャッフルや横断検索といった基本的な機能に加えて、苦手なカードを自動的に判定して出題する「自動暗記学習モード」という機能も備えているので、あなたの学習ライフの強力なサポーターとなってくれるでしょう。 わかりやすい操作性と軽快な動作、カワイイふくろうが特徴です。 Facebook公式ページ: デモ動画: ■ 自動暗記学習モードで苦手克服 「自動暗記学習モード」は、新しく暗記学習をする場合におすすめです。 登録したカードの中からランダムで出題されるのですが、いちど覚えたカードは3日経つまでは出てきません。 3日後にまだ覚えていたら今度は7日後に、その次は14日後、30日後、100日後といった具合に、アプリが自動的に調整して出題してくれるので、苦手なカードにしぼって学習が進められます。 ■ 頻出英単語600が登録済み! アプリをインストールしたらすぐに楽しむことができるように、頻出英単語600をセットしたサンプルの英単語帳があらかじめ入っています。 簡単すぎるという方は、裏表を反転すると難易度が上がるのでお試しください。 ■ CSVファイル取り込みで、登録も簡単 単語帳に登録するデータは、PCで作成するのが手軽でおすすめです。 エクセルなどの表計算ソフトで、カードの表と裏に表示したいテキストを入力してCSVファイルを作成するだけです。 iTunesからの取り込みに対応している他、アプリ連携で他のアプリからコピーすることもできます。 ■ i単語帳の主な機能 ・ふくろうをタップするとメニューを表示 ・レーティング機能 ・カード、テキストの配色変更 ・カードのシャッフル ・カードの自動めくり ・カードの表裏入れ替え ・単語帳のグループ分類 ・すべての単語帳を対象に横断検索 ・自動学習モード ・背景画像の変更 ・CSVファイルのインポート機能 (iTunes, 他のアプリからコピー) ※基本的に、単語帳のデータはご自身でご用意いただく必要があります。 アプリ内で登録もできますし、CSVファイルをインポートすることもできます。

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: aill, k.k. (JP)


Applying to college? Helping someone apply to college? If you answered yes, then you need ALL COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAYS, the one-stop reference tool to help students and counselors collect and organize college application essays and other college application requirements. Named one...

Price: Free Developer: All College Essays
Application à Danser

Application à Danser

Application à Danser propose un nouveau modèle de diffusion de la danse via l’utilisation d'appareils mobiles. L’application, au centre du projet, permet à la fois d’enregistrer une séquence chorégraphique du point de vue du performeur et de la restituer...

Price: Free Developer: Orbe
Application of Series Lessons

Application of Series Lessons

Application of Series is an app for students wanting to master Series the easy way. It follows on from Series. With our INTERNATIONAL content, EASY TO UNDERSTAND, FAST PACED lessons, YOU WILL SOON BE TOP OF THE CLASS and heading...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: D.P STACE & G.J STACE & S.A WILLIAMS
Application of Series Maths

Application of Series Maths

Application of Series is an app for students wanting to master Series the easy way. It follows on from Series. With our INTERNATIONAL content, EASY TO UNDERSTAND, FAST PACED lessons, YOU WILL SOON BE TOP OF THE CLASS and heading...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: D.P STACE & G.J STACE & S.A WILLIAMS
Aurum School Application

Aurum School Application

"Connect Communicate and Collaborate" with Aurum School Application This mobile application is for parents and students of Aurum School Application and effort towards bringing your favourite School of India a step closer to you. Now receive each and every update...

Price: Free Developer: CoolG Edu Solutions Private Limited
Lapworth Allosaurus Application

Lapworth Allosaurus Application

An educational virtual reality application from the Lapworth Museum of Geology, designed to allow visitors to learn more about the Allosaurus, a predator from the late Jurassic era. This application will allow users to learn more about the Allosaurus specimen...

Price: Free Developer: David Deighton
LAU Mobile Application

LAU Mobile Application

LAU Mobile Application This mobile application offers LAU students access to their grades, daily schedule and class location, academic calendar, news, and events, all in a single application. Application Features: - Grades - Daily Schedule - Student News Feed - Student Calendar -...

Price: Free Developer: Lebanese American University
Letter, Application & Resume

Letter, Application & Resume

Letter, Application & Resume writing is an important and effective app for your mobile with offline features and search option for your required letters, applications & resume. App offers more than 5000 business letters/applications and documents formats available for mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Charan Rathore
Touch and Born! Moving paint for iPad - Free educational application for kids

Touch and Born! Moving paint for iPad - Free educational application for kids

With regard to the latest iOS 10 of future delivery, making it in confirmation of the operating conditions. Therefore, in the case that have been made the OS update, there is a possibility that the application will not start normally. Operation...

Price: Free Developer: Atech inc.
Aypupen Lite

Aypupen Lite

Looking for a fun, free, and simple educational app to help your toddler learn trace letters of the armenian alphabet? Look no further than Aypupen Lite. Aypupen Lite is a free alphabet teaching app that makes learning fun for children,...

Price: Free Developer: Alex KILLIOGLU
Kana Cards Lite (Hiragana and Katakana)

Kana Cards Lite (Hiragana and Katakana)

Kana Cards Lite is an iPhone and iPod Touch application that helps you study the basic Japanese Hiragana and Katakana characters. This is the lite free version with the following features: - Japanese Hiragana and Katakana characters -...

Price: Free Developer: Mulishani LLC
Coach 7 Lite

Coach 7 Lite

Coach 7 Lite App is a limited version of Coach 7 App, which supports data collection with the CMA VinciLab data-logger (wireless via Wi-Fi) and offers a limited set of data analysis tools such as Zoom, Scan, Slope, Area,...

Price: Free Developer: CMA Science
Interactive Minds: Solar System - Lite

Interactive Minds: Solar System - Lite

The perfect way for kids to experience the Solar System in a hands-on way! This interactive science book contains a select 18 pages from the full version of the app. ----- INTERACTIVE CONTENT ----- Even as an adult, it can be...

Price: Free Developer: Vosonos LLC
Kiz Phonics 1st Grade1 Lite

Kiz Phonics 1st Grade1 Lite

First Grade Phonics Videos & Games for Level 1: This is the lite version of the Kiz Phonics 1st Grade Level 1 App. In this phonics level, children will focus on S blends (st, sl, sw, sm, sn, sp)...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Kiz Phonics 2nd Grade1 Lite

Kiz Phonics 2nd Grade1 Lite

Second Grade Phonics Videos & Games for Level 2: This is the lite version of the Kiz Phonics 2nd Grade Level 1 App. In this level, children will learn the long 'O' & long 'U' vowel sounds with the...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Kiz Phonics Kinder2 Lite

Kiz Phonics Kinder2 Lite

Kindergarten Phonics Videos & Games for Level 2: This is the lite version of the full app which helps children review the short vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). Special attention will be given to short 'i',...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Kiz Phonics Sentence Monkey Lite

Kiz Phonics Sentence Monkey Lite

This is the Lite version of the Kiz Phonics Sentence Monkey App, with some free exercises to try.There are 15 phonics sentence monkey games in the full version which are great for learning to read sentences with a variety...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Phonics 1st Grade2 Lite

Phonics 1st Grade2 Lite

First Grade Phonics Videos & Games for Level 2: This is the Lite version of the Kiz Phonics 1st Grade Level 2 app. In this level, children will learn R and L blends (bl, br, cr, cl, gr, gl,...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
PilotProTest LITE

PilotProTest LITE

PilotProTest LITE - Ofrece las mismas funcionalidades que PPTEST PRO pero solamente cuenta con el 15% de la base de datos final de preguntas, imágenes y audios. PilotProTest LITE es una aplicación pensada para todo tipo de pilotos, estudiantes de...

Price: Free Developer: Jorge Gonzalez Galvan

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