Top 22 Education Apps Like iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 - Best Alternatives

iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板. Pick one from this list to be your new iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like iThings Remote - ハイブリット電子黒板 2025.

iThings TV - ハイブリット電子黒板

iThings TV - ハイブリット電子黒板

iThings teachers TVは、電子黒板の世界を大きく変える新しいタイプのアプリです。すべての機能は無償で利用できます。 Apple TV とSiri Remoteのリモコンだけで教材を表示することができます。Siri Remoteのリモコンを使ってポインティングすることもできます。 また、iPad/iPhoneで動作するiThings Remoteと組み合わせることにより、Apple Pencil/Wacomペンを使って表示されている教材に注釈を記入するとリアルタイムでApple TVに表示することができます。 また、教材の登録は簡単で、Apple TVのiThings teachers TVにWebブウラザでアクセスして登録ができます。また、MacのファインダやWebDavクライアントからドラック&ドロップで登録することもできます。 iThings Remote for Office 2013/2016をご利用いただくと、PowerPointスライドショーをApple TVに表示することができます。また、保管ボタンを押すと直接Apple TVにオフィス文書を教材として登録することができます。Excel/Wordの資料からも利用可能です。 無料のみちざねのコミニュティサイトを利用して教材を共有することができます。詳しくは、みちざねのサイト(を参照ください。 ご利用マニュアル、iThings Remote for Officeは下記から無償でダウンロードしてご利用いただけます。

Price: Free Developer: iThings Lab Co.,Ltd.
Eスタジオ - AI対応E-Learning教材作成ツール

Eスタジオ - AI対応E-Learning教材作成ツール

Eスタジオは、iPhone/iPadのみでEラーニング教材を作成できる、新しいツールです。より学習効果を高めるために、マイクロラーニングの実現が必要となっており、現場で必要な情報を即座に作成できるツールとして、Eスタジオが利用可能です。 写真、ビデオ、サウンドなどのファイルを使用して、より臨場感のあるEラーニング教材を作成できます。また、AIを使用して説明テキストから、ナレーションを自動作成ができます。また、ビデオの音声から、AIを使用して字幕を自動生成することができます。AIは、日本語、英語、中国語に対応しています。 作成された教材は、KnowledgeC@fe(富士通ラーニングメデイア社)クラウドLMSにそのままアップロードできます。 既に作成されたPowerPointやExcelファイルから、E-Learning教材に変換することができます。 さあ、新しいEラーニング教材の世界へようこそ。

Price: Free Developer: iThings Lab Co.,Ltd.
BYB Remote

BYB Remote

Do you have a project that requires TTL signals? Are you tired of having to plug in your Function Generator? Would you like to remotely enable your project? Well... You are in luck! Backyard Brains has your...

Price: Free Developer: Backyard Brains
Remote Pilot Study Buddy

Remote Pilot Study Buddy

Operating a drone for non-hobby operations requires a Remote Pilot Certificate. You must successfully complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Knowledge Exam to earn a Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rating. Bundled with an wealth...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Sporty's Pilot Shop
TabletAED remote

TabletAED remote

Discover the new way of training BLS&AED with digital AED trainers on your iPad. With your iPhone as remote control you can simply operate every TabletAED trainer. A professional low cost solution for every instructor. In combination with the e-learning...

Price: Free Developer: Doczero
Remote Pilot FAA Test Prep

Remote Pilot FAA Test Prep

The #1 exam prep app for the FAA Drone Exam. Over 20,000 pilots have relied on FlightReady to train and prepare for the FAA exams. This app includes test prep for the initial and re-certification FAA remote pilot exams....

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Aeroapps Technology
BB Remote

BB Remote

BB Remote is "Band-in-a-Box Remote Control" - a remote control for the desktop Band-in-a-Box for Windows program. Important: You need to have version 2011.5 or higher of Band-in-a-Box for Windows to use the program at all. BB Remote functions...

Price: Free Developer: PG Music Inc.
Prepware Remote Pilot

Prepware Remote Pilot

Comprehensive preparation, study and test tool for the Remote Pilot Initial (Unmanned Aircraft General - Small) and Recurrent (UGR) FAA Knowledge Exams. Questions, answers and explanations included, for you to study with a true-to-form practice test. Operating a drone for...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: ASA
ZEN remote

ZEN remote

With ZEN remote you always have control over your long-term imaging experiments, no matter where you are. ZEN remote streams a live image of connected ZEN microscopy imaging workstations onto your mobile device. Review the status of your imaging...

Price: Free Developer: Carl Zeiss AG


iQPresenter-Remote is an iOS basic remote control for the MacOS program iQPresenter. It currently has forward and back controls and updates a new static image of iQPresenter's presentation screen for each click of the forward or back buttons. It...

Price: Free Developer: Ed4U, LLC
Cranium CoRE Remote

Cranium CoRE Remote

Download this Cranium CoRE Remote to play our educational game called Cranium CoRE. This remote acts as a control to answer questions in our gameshow format. Simply enter in the Game Code that appears when you setup a new game...

Price: Free Developer: Thinkersize, LLC.
Higher Education Abstracts

Higher Education Abstracts

This quarterly compilation of abstracts is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Higher Education Abstracts brings you a stimulating, high-impact selection of abstracts from journal articles, research reports, and books pertaining to college students, faculty, administrators, and related...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Kids Song All - 220 Songs

Kids Song All - 220 Songs

### Highest Ranks ### #1 Education App in Angola #1 Education App in Bahrain #1 Education App in Bolivia #1 Education App in Brunei #1 Education App in Cayman Islands #1 Education App in Cambodia #1 Education App in China #1 Education App in Egypt #1 Education App...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KWOK YU KIN
Quiver Education

Quiver Education

Responding to popular demand, we are thrilled to introduce Quiver Education! The same magical augmented reality colouring experience, but with a focus on educational content and a one time purchase for a lifetime of content! Designed with educators in mind,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: QuiverVision Limited
Discovery Education Techbook

Discovery Education Techbook

The Discovery Education Techbook™ app serves as a companion to schools and districts who have the Discovery Education Science Techbook™ and Social Studies Techbook™ services. This app can serve as the primary access point for students and teachers...

Price: Free Developer: Discovery Communications


uLektz is the world’s #1 Social and Professional Learning Platform exclusively for higher education. uLektz aims to connect students, educators and all other stakeholders of higher education worldwide to share knowledge, experiences and expertise so as to improve the...

Price: Free Developer: AEL Data Services LLP
Anatomical Sciences Education

Anatomical Sciences Education

The leading anatomy education journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Fresh from the newsstand, “Anatomical Sciences Education” brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of Research Reports, Relevant Reviews, Short Communications, Letters to the Editor, and more....

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing


With the aim to bring transparency around the key metrics, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) undertook the unprecedented effort to make all the Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) available to the general public. This app is an effort...

Price: Free Developer: TILICHO LABS LLP


Here is your opportunity to get educated, certified, and employed in one the fastest growing industries. We are the world’s first cannabis education app that was designed to make it easy to get cannabis job training on your iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Sierra Nevada Education LLC
Denver Classroom Teachers Assn

Denver Classroom Teachers Assn

Stay up to date on latest news from the Denver Classroom Teachers Association. DCTA believes public education is the gateway to opportunity. The following six core values guide our work, define our mission and inform everything we do together: Equal Opportunity...

Price: Free Developer: The Denver Classroom Teachers Association
Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect allows teachers and school administrators to quickly and easily connect with their online Education Galaxy accounts. Parents can now connect with their child’s account to improve the home/school connection. Teachers will be able to: 1. Pull 7 Different...

Price: Free Developer: Education Galaxy

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