Top 25 Book Apps Like Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول - Best Alternatives

Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Book apps that are similar to Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول. Pick one from this list to be your new Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Min wasaya al-Rasul : من وصـايـا الـرسـول 2025.

Min Bærbare Bibel

Min Bærbare Bibel

Med få ord og fantastiske illustrationer, er Min Bærbare Bibel perfekt for de yngste børn. De fire bøger udtrykker hvem Gud er og Hans kærlighed til børn. Læs Bibelen på en sjov måde, som små børn let kan forstå...

Price: Free Developer: Children’s Bibles
Evangelii Gaudium 5 min

Evangelii Gaudium 5 min

Digital mobile version of the popular book "Five minutes for joy" (pedagogical adaptation of the Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium of Pope Francis). A thought for every day of the year. Five minutes to inspire your day. Available in six languages. ...

Price: Free Developer: Publicaciones Claretianas
Guldlock och de tre björnarna - En interaktiv barnbok i HD

Guldlock och de tre björnarna - En interaktiv barnbok i HD

Guldlock och de tre björnarna. En interaktiv barnsaga i HD. #1 På finska boklistan (Finska versionen) ***** Riktigt kul. Barnen läste den varje kväll. Tack! (Brittisk recension.) Se den älskade historien om Guldlock och de tre björnarna komma till liv genom vackra handritade...

Price: Free Developer: JH Digital Solutions
Siddour Maguen Avot - סידור מגן אבות

Siddour Maguen Avot - סידור מגן אבות

Après le succès du Siddour papier « Maguen Avot » selon les rites séfarades et orientaux (כמנהג הספרדים ועדות המזרח), Zmanim diffusion lance l’application iPhone/iPad du Siddour. Le 1er siddour francophone sur iPhone/iPad regroupant tous ces avantages : •...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Zmanim Diffusion
Tre Små Grisar - En interaktiv barnbok

Tre Små Grisar - En interaktiv barnbok

Tre Små Grisar. En interaktiv barnsaga i HD. Se den älskade historien om De Tre Små Grisarna komma till liv genom vackra handritade illustrationer. Sidorna kan läsas på två olika sätt: ”Läs för mig” eller ”Jag läser själv”. Boken innehåller: * Vackra...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: JH Digital Solutions


Bookeetab is a Pocket Library. We gathered all the books together inside Bookeetab. With this application you can read all kind of books for free. From now on, you don't need to spend extra money on buying...

Price: Free Developer: Jafar Najafov
Sam Bug Sugar

Sam Bug Sugar

A children's story book 《Sam and the Sugar Bug》 teaches children to brush in a fun and interesting way. With interactive narration and beautiful full color photos, the book promotes reading skills as well as teaches children the importance...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yi Min Shen
MMBookshelf - Myanmar Books

MMBookshelf - Myanmar Books

MMBookshelf is collection of myanmar books, newspapers, journals and magazines for all myanmar people around the world. Not only books but also MMBookshelf can read daily news, check currency exchange rates, petrol prices and lottery results in one place. Main...

Price: Free Developer: Aung min Naing
Bible Study Together

Bible Study Together

Bible Study Together is a compelling daily Bible study that connects the New and Old Testament together while also ordering the Bible chronologically. Each day is broken into 10-minute readings with open-ended questions to help pull out insights. ...

Duroos al-Quran al-Kareem

Duroos al-Quran al-Kareem

Launching for the first time, an app that is one of its kind! Duroos al-Quran. About Publisher: Mahad al-Zahra over the last two decades has extended access to Quranic education for people wishing to memorise al-Quran. It has published and distributed numerous...

Price: Free Developer: Mahad al Zahra
Al-Quran. 114 Surah. Indonesia

Al-Quran. 114 Surah. Indonesia

1) Tidak ada koneksi Internet yang diperlukan untuk mendengarkan atau membaca. Kendali modus dukungan Offline. 2) Audio dalam: • Bahasa Indonesia • Arab 3) Teks dalam: • Bahasa Indonesia • Arab 4) Semua Perangkat IOS yang didukung: • iPad • iPhone • iPod touch 5) Fitur tambahan: • Dengarkan Al Quran...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ildar Khanov - Largest Digital Islamic Library - Largest Digital Islamic Library

The official app of the Digital Islamic Library Project: Get access to over 1700+ books, articles and over 2000 media resources on various topics such as: God and His Attributes Resurrection and Afterlife Sunni and Shia Comparative Religion Spirituality Philosophy Ethics Islam and Women Prophet Muhammad(s) Imam Ali Fatima al-Zahra Companions Imam...

Price: Free Developer: Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
AL-QURAN Offline القرآن الكريم

AL-QURAN Offline القرآن الكريم

The Holy AL-QURAN, القرآن الكريم "Read, study and spread the word of Allah." FEATURES: + No Ads Banner on top or bottom of the book screen! Its only have ads at the home page. Meaning you can read through...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Tran
Al Hadayah

Al Hadayah

Al-Hadayah fi Sharh Bidayat al-Mubtadi (d. 593 AH/1197 CE) (Arabic: الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي‎, al-Hidāyah Sharḥ Bidayat al-Mubtadi), commonly referred to as al-Hidayah The Guidance, is a 12th-century Hanafi juridical work by Shaykh al-Islam Burhan al-Din al-Farghani al-Marghinani...

Price: Free Developer: Naveed Ahmad
iQetab - Fatima Al Fihria

iQetab - Fatima Al Fihria

-------------------------------------- TRUE STORY OF A MUSLIM HERO TO INSPIRE YOUR CHILD ! In this first book of the iQetab Series, your children will meet Fatima Al Fihria. This extraordinary woman travelled from Tunisia to Morocco and dedicated her money to build...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Masarat App
Al Quran Tafseer (Explanation)

Al Quran Tafseer (Explanation)

Quran is the last and most exalted book of ALLAH which is a treasure of knowledge for all mankind. Keeping in mind the importance of this prominent book and to facilitate the Muslim Umah, the I.T department of Dawat-e-Islami...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Al Sahih ul Muslim

Al Sahih ul Muslim

Al Sahih al Muslim is an Islamic book and is part of Dars e Nizami course. Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all of our apps to help others. Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic book...

Price: Free Developer: Naveed Ahmad


Al-Quran-ul-Kareem Application Technology: In order to facilitate Islamic brothers, the IT department of Dawat-e-Islami has developed this application for iOS devices. Description: Being a guide to the humanity, the Holy Quran can, now, be recited through this application. By the blessings of...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Sahih Al-Bukhari in Indonesian

Sahih Al-Bukhari in Indonesian

This application gives you the ability to read the 77 books of the "Sahih Al-Bukhari " on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. => Content: - 77 books - +3600 Chapters - +7000 Hadiths => The text of the hadiths is : -...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: ISLAMOBILE
QRActive Story Of Rasul

QRActive Story Of Rasul

Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk scan QRCode yang ada di dalam buku terbitan Genta Group Production

Price: Free Developer: Miftahul Ulum
Cerita & Kisah Islami untuk Anak Muslim

Cerita & Kisah Islami untuk Anak Muslim

Bagi para orang tua biasanya menemani anak saat hendak tidur adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Sebab saat itu adalah momen yang sangat penting untuk menambah kedekatan batin dengan buah hati. Selain itu, di waktu jelang tidur ini, orang tua bisa...

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
Manzil Plus

Manzil Plus

Rasul Allah SallAllahu Alihi wasallam did not leave any worldly affliction for which he did not teach us a dua. Reciting specific ayahs of the Quran for specific circumstances is proven from the sunnah and the practice of our...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: SHL Info Systems
Nobider Jiboni (Biography)

Nobider Jiboni (Biography)

Its an app that describe the Biography of Prophets. The features of this app: 1) Easy to use and handy. 2) Describe the biography of different prophets and Rasul. 3) Get more references. 4) Suitable for both iPhone and iPad.

Price: Free Developer: MD ABDULLAH-AL MAMUN
40 Salat & Salam

40 Salat & Salam

Please make the following dua for the developer of this app, his parents, family and the Ummah. "May Allah grant us Shafa'at (Intercession) of Rasul Allah SalAllah hu Alihi Wasallam on the day of Qiyamah, provide us the shade...

Price: Free Developer: SHL Info Systems

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