Top 37 Book Apps Like Hadis e Kisa urdu - Best Alternatives

Hadis e Kisa urdu Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hadis e Kisa urdu alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Book apps that are similar to Hadis e Kisa urdu. Pick one from this list to be your new Hadis e Kisa urdu app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hadis e Kisa urdu on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Hadis e Kisa urdu - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hadis e Kisa urdu alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Hadis e Kisa urdu 2025.

Muntakhab Hadis

Muntakhab Hadis

Some sohih hadis taken from Muntakhab Hadis for 7 qualities below, 1. Emaan, kalima tayyiba 2. Namaz 3. Ilm and Zikr 4. Ekraam al-muslim 5. Ekhlas 6. Dawah & Tabligh 7. Get Rid of Unnecessary speech and Activities Hadis can...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Riyad As-Salihin Audio mp3 in Indonesian and in Arabic - 1896 Hadis - di Bahasa Indonesia dan di Arab (Lite) - رياض الصالحين

Riyad As-Salihin Audio mp3 in Indonesian and in Arabic - 1896 Hadis - di Bahasa Indonesia dan di Arab (Lite) - رياض الصالحين

This application gives you the ability to read and listen to the 373 chapters of the book "Riyadh As-Salihin " on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. => Content: - The 373 chapters ( Ayas...

Price: Free Developer: ISLAMOBILE


Ассаламу Алейкум, братья и сестры! Пожалуйста, не забудьте оценить приложение! Перед вами приложение, где приведены сборники хадисов (более 5700 хадисов), составленных наиболее авторитетными учеными: 1. «Сахих» имама Мухаммада бин Исма‘ила Абу ‘Абдуллаха аль-Джу‘фи аль-Бухари 2. «Рийад-ас-Салихин» имама Мухйи-д-дина Абу Закарийя бин Шарифа...

Price: Free Developer: G. Ibragimov
40 Hadits Qudsi

40 Hadits Qudsi

Hadis Qudsi, atau suci Hadis, memiliki status yang penting dalam Islam sebagai rantai mereka penularan datang langsung dari Allah dan dilaporkan oleh Nabi Muhammad. Aplikasi ini memiliki 40 Hadis Qudsi dengan terjemahan dan hadits asli dalam bahasa Arabic. Ada juga kesempatan...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
500 Hədis

500 Hədis

Mübarek alimlerin meydana getirmis oldukları muteber hadis kitaplarından istifade ederek bir gonca-i hikmet,bir kevkebe-i fazilet ve marifet olan bu 500 hadis-i serif iktibas etmis bulunmaktayız. Iktibas ettigimiz bu 500 hadis-i serif,bizim itikadımız,ibadetlerimiz,ahlaki ve toplumsal yasantımız ve ruhumuzun yücelmesi için mükemmel...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Sahih Al-Bukhari in Indonesian

Sahih Al-Bukhari in Indonesian

This application gives you the ability to read the 77 books of the "Sahih Al-Bukhari " on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. => Content: - 77 books - +3600 Chapters - +7000 Hadiths => The text of the hadiths is : -...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: ISLAMOBILE
Sahih Al-Bukhari in Indonesian Bahasa and in Arabic (Lite) - + 7000 Hadiths - صحيح البخاري

Sahih Al-Bukhari in Indonesian Bahasa and in Arabic (Lite) - + 7000 Hadiths - صحيح البخاري

This application gives you the ability to read the 77 books of the "Sahih Al-Bukhari " on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. => Content: - 77 books - +3600 Chapters - +7000 Hadiths => The text of the hadiths is : -...

Price: Free Developer: ISLAMOBILE
Sahih Muslim in Indonesian Bahasa and in Arabic (Lite) - + 5300 Hadiths - صحيح مسلم

Sahih Muslim in Indonesian Bahasa and in Arabic (Lite) - + 5300 Hadiths - صحيح مسلم

This application gives you the ability to read the 56 books of the "Sahih Muslim " on your Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. => Content: - The 56 books -...

Price: Free Developer: ISLAMOBILE
Forty Hadith Nawawi : شرح الأربعين النووية صوتيات

Forty Hadith Nawawi : شرح الأربعين النووية صوتيات

**** - يحتوي التطبيق على شرح الأربعون النووية - بالصوت**** ** المحاضر محمد بن صالح العثيمين ** قم بتنزيل التطبيق مجانا! Download FREE APP برنامج الأربعين النووية للإمام النووي جمعهم الإمام النووى فى كتابه "الأربعون النووية الاحاديث الاربعين النووية من الاحاديث الصحيحة للامام النووي رحمه...

Price: Free Developer: Hassen Smaoui
Complete Bahar-e-Shariat

Complete Bahar-e-Shariat

Key Features of the App: This app contains: • Fundamentals of Islam • Basic Beliefs of Islam • Quranic Ayah • Ahadith • Some important Istilahaat (Terminologies) • Dictionary that helps you in understanding some difficult words • Advance Search Moreover through this app, you can also; • Share...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Ondemand e-book

Ondemand e-book

Ondemand e-book(オンデマンドイーブック)は、ヤマトシステム開発の「販促品オンデマンドサービス」をご利用して頂いているユーザのみ利用できるアプリとなります。 「販促品オンデマンドサービス」に登録している電子ブックをiPhone/iPadから閲覧することが出来ます。

O Céu e o Inferno

O Céu e o Inferno

Atenção: Se tiver algum problema após esta atualização, remova e reinstale o app; Leia a descrição e as funcionalidades do app: O livro O Céu e o Inferno, ou A Justiça Divina Segundo o Espiritismo é a quarta das cinco...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: F&E System Apps


Svensk Byggtjänst E-bokhylla innehåller e-böcker i formatet e-pub. Tjänsten finns både som webbtjänst och app och passar dig som är intresserad av böcker från Svensk Byggtjänst och automatisk vill erhålla ny litteratur. • Alla dina köpta böcker samlade på en...

Price: Free Developer: AB Svensk Byggtjänst
E-Library Academy

E-Library Academy

E-Library merupakan satu aplikasi untuk membaca buku-buku dalam bentuk digital. Perisisan ini merupakan salah satu sumbangan YaPEIM dalam meningkatkan minat membaca di kalangan masyarakat. E-Library memudahkan pengguna untuk membaca dengan menggunakan gajet-gajet yang ada pada masa sekarang. E-Library ini merupakan satu...

Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods


SNCF e-LIVRE est une bibliothèque digitale gratuite destinée à tous les voyageurs TER et INTERCITES permettant de lire des milliers de livres numériques. Téléchargez l’application SNCF e-LIVRE depuis votre IPhone et votre IPad et découvrez la nouvelle animation du service...

Price: Free Developer: SNCF
DARC e. V. App

DARC e. V. App

Die offizielle App des DARC e. V. bietet den Mitgliedern des Vereins die Möglichkeit, u.a. die Clubzeitschrift CQ DL oder den Deutschland-Rundspruch zu erhalten. Die CQ DL ist das Amateurfunkmagazin des Deutschen Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) e. V. und erscheint zwölf Mal...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e. V.


Picture books for children of all ages storys by Max Bolliger drawings by Klaus Brunner read by Ann Malcolm TINY and the seven stories of his secrets There once was a little boy, and all the other children called him Tiny. In his...

Price: Free Developer: e-publish
Eliseo e Manto Blu

Eliseo e Manto Blu

Ambientato nei meravigliosi scenari della Valle di Fiemme, questa volta Eliseo è alle prese con un mago pasticcione che dovrà essere salvato da una pozione magica.

Price: Free Developer: Dario Cavada
Narvesen e-kiosk

Narvesen e-kiosk

Read ebooks on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Thouch with Narvesen e-kiosk's newest reading app. The app is easy to use and offers excellent reading comfort. Choose between a variety of functions and settings. The app is automatically synchronized...

Price: Free Developer: Menca
Hadith al-Kisa

Hadith al-Kisa

Presenting the holy tradition of Hadith al-Kisa in a very attractive design and a perfect calligraphy. -Synchronization between recitation and text. -Offers 2 recitation and new recitation will be added soon. -Farsi translation of the hadith, English coming soon. Please support us by...

Price: Free Developer: Seyed Mohsen Hosseini-Milani
Kolay Öğren GŞS

Kolay Öğren GŞS

Şan eğitimi (ses eğitimi) uzun soluklu ve çok fazla emek isteyen bir iştir. Bu kitap, bir şan eğitim metodu değildir. Sadece, daha güzel şarkı söyleyebilmek için bilmemiz gereken püf noktaları ve bu becerimizi geliştirmemize yardımcı olacak bilgi ve örnek...

Price: Free Developer: Yasar Bozdag
Faruk Dilaver Uygulaması

Faruk Dilaver Uygulaması

Uygulamamızda Faruk Dilaver'in özlü sözlerini, kitaplarıyla ilgili bilgileri, sesli kitap bağlantılarını, fuar ve konferans takvimini, sosyal medya hesaplarını ve kısa bir biyografisini bulabilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: Mehmet Ozsahin


Köşegen Yayın Dağıtım son çıkan yayınlara ulaşabileceğiniz en kısa adres.

Price: Free Developer: Farklifikir Bilisim


Kısa süreliğine indirimde!!!!! Nutuk, Ulu önder Atatürk'ün biz Türk halkına bıraktığı en güzel armağanlardan biridir. Tarih bilinci olan her Türk vatandaşının okuması gereken bu büyük kitap artık iphone'da! Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tarafından yazılan bu büyük eser artık sizinle. Atatürk ve...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Cenk Ebret
Tecvid Dersleri

Tecvid Dersleri

- Kur'an tecvidi konularını içeren bir uygulama. - Ayrıca kısa sureler ve namaz dualarını da dinleyerek doğru bir şekilde ezberleyebilirsiniz. - Tecvid soruları ile tecvid seviyenizi test edip bilgilerinizi pekiştirebilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: Tecvid
Yazıgen Üçüncü Göz

Yazıgen Üçüncü Göz

Yazıgen 3. GÖZ size bambaşka bir kitap dünyasına davet ediyor. Kitapların arasındaki sürpriz içerikler sayesinde, bir kitabı okumanın çok ötesinde bir deneyim sizleri bekliyor. Kitapların uçsuz bucaksız derinliklerinde serüvene çıkmak için mobil cihazlarınızı 3. GÖZ ikonlarına yaklaştırmanız yeterli. ‘‘Artırılmış...

Price: Free Developer: Farklifikir Bilisim
Urdu Dictionary +

Urdu Dictionary +

• Bilingual English to Urdu and Urdu to English dictionary • Urdu to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image...

Price: Free Developer: iThinkdiff
English Urdu Voice Translator

English Urdu Voice Translator

English to Urdu Translator Pro App is one of the best fast and free app on store where user can find English to Urdu translation and Urdu to English translation. English to Urdu Translator Pro App is a free...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Islam



Price: Free Developer: AfghanExpress.Com
Bible in Urdu

Bible in Urdu

Bible in Urdu The holy bible in Urdu (Devanagari) - UGV Devanagari (UGVDV). It's free This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
English to Urdu Dictionary - Urdu to English

English to Urdu Dictionary - Urdu to English

English Urdu dictionary is 100% Free Offline dictionary. It has embedded Urdu fonts which doesn't require any additional Urdu feature on your mobile device. Its just smooth and free of headache. The vocabulary is constantly being updated time by...

Price: Free Developer: Sajid Khan
English - Urdu Offline Dictionary

English - Urdu Offline Dictionary

****Biggest & Updated Offline Dictionary**** For all the students and professionals who want to learn English, the app offers both English to Urdu as well as Urdu to English dictionary search. In this app there is a huge database of...

Price: Free Developer: Nasreen Zulfiqar
English Urdu Dictionary with Audio Pronounciation

English Urdu Dictionary with Audio Pronounciation

Urdu to English Dictionary is learning iOS Application, designed to facilitate the Urdu speaking users who are keen to learn the meanings of English words in easy and interactive way. Modes of Use: Urdu English dictionary can be used in...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
English To Urdu Vocabulary

English To Urdu Vocabulary

It's an English to Urdu Offline and Online Vocabulary. Using this dictionary user can know the meanings of English words into Urdu. It's simple but with some useful features. Offline and Online English to Urdu Vocabulary. You can search...

Price: Free Developer: Red Stonz Technologies Private Limited
Quran in Colors Arabic Urdu

Quran in Colors Arabic Urdu

Complete Quran in Arabic and Urdu. • High Quality modern Uthmani Script and modern Urdu script based. • Individual Surahs separated for quick and easy access. • Each Surah with reader selectable bookmarks for stopping and starting from the same place next time. • Beautiful text and...

Price: Free Developer: Evergreen Islamic Center
Urdu to English - English to Urdu Dictionary

Urdu to English - English to Urdu Dictionary

Free "English to Urdu" & "Urdu to English Dictionary" This is English - Urdu and Urdu - English Dictionary (اردو سے انگریزی لغت), containing 147,000 words for you. Find meanings from thousands of words both in Urdu and English. Also search...

Price: Free Developer: Nasreen Zulfiqar

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