Top 26 Travel Apps Like CN Tower Experience - Best Alternatives

CN Tower Experience Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CN Tower Experience alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Travel apps that are similar to CN Tower Experience. Pick one from this list to be your new CN Tower Experience app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CN Tower Experience on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like CN Tower Experience - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CN Tower Experience alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like CN Tower Experience 2025.

Otkrivamo Peking

Otkrivamo Peking

Sažetak: Aplikacija isključivo za hrvatske turiste: hrana, turistička odredišta, hoteli, shopping, telefonski brojevi - sve to i još više u Otkrivamo Peking! Želite li posjetiti važne turističke znamenitosti Pekinga? Želite li isprobati ukusnu hranu koju Peking nudi? Želite li otkriti skrivenu...

Price: Free Developer: 中国国际广播电台


Aplicación Convención Notables Encontraréis toda la información sobre el destino y actividades que se realizarán durante el viaje.

Price: Free Developer: Clara TR


【功能】 1.内容:精选国内外超酷极限体验短视频,下一个极限玩家会是你吗?飙坦克?开战斗机?实弹射击?高空跳伞?深海救援?你能想象的和不能想象到的都在这里。 3.预定:一键完成预定,立即出发。不用找攻略,我们的客服随时在线,24小时为你服务! 4.目的地:避开人群,拒绝常规,带你体验最深度最刺激的极限玩法。 【联系我们】 官方微博:H-hour出格 微信公众号:Hhour出格 客服微信号:H-hourchuge 客服邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Shanghai Cloudwave Network Technology Co., Ltd.


大唐商旅成立于2003年,隶属于同程旅游旗下子公司,是中国唯一一家同时获得世界商务旅行行业组织GBTA、ACTE专业认证的差旅管理公司,是德国汉莎城市中心中国区域联盟合作伙伴。依靠优质的服务和专业的能力,连续多年被各大航司评为“优质服务商”、“最佳合作伙伴”、“销售最大贡献奖”等。 大唐商旅如何帮企业管理差旅: 1、一站式差旅出行产品 【机票】国内国际机票随时随地在线预订,提供中航信实时票价,支持企业大客户协议,整合官网直连资源,提供国际机票全球比价资源。 【酒店】覆盖全国超过50多万家酒店,支持国内酒店集团华住/如家/亚朵/锦江/铂涛/维也纳等企业协议价直连对接,享受差旅政策范围内的最优价,帮助企业节省出差酒店费用,让员工更好的差旅体验。 【火车票】12306直连购票。提供在线退改签服务、支持在线选座,方便又快捷。 【用车】企业员工上下班打车、拜访客户、出差用车,整合滴滴/曹操/神州/首汽等多平台资源,一次叫车,多种选择,方便快捷。 【员工福利】严选优秀旅行资源,提供企业员工专属旅行产品。 【会议会场】拥有全国多家会议酒店资源,场地预定、会议组织安排一站式服务。 2、企业差旅全流程管控 大唐商旅实现了从出差前的差旅申请、行程预订,出差中的变更及紧急服务以及出差后的差旅报销等产品功能的升级,打造全面、智能、一体化的一站式差旅管理服务。不仅能帮助企业节省差旅成本,更能帮助企业提升差旅管理的效率。 3、多种支付方式 大唐商旅支持公司账户及个人账户支付,通过月结、预存两种公司账户支付方式,透明合规,便捷高效!月结服务支持机票、酒店、火车票、用车等差旅出行产品预订结算。 4、多维度的差旅政策 机票/酒店/火车票可根据员工级别设置详细的差旅政策。多维度的差旅政策可同时生效,增强差旅管控,从差旅行为上节约差旅成本。可禁止违反差旅政策的预订行为。 5、多场景的审批流程 可以根据成本中心、组织架构、项目等进行审批设置;可以设置全部审批或者超标审批;代订人可根据费用所属来灵活确定审批流程参照人。国内差旅及国际差旅可根据实际情况制定不同的审批规则。 6、差旅管理功能不断升级 “订单”随时查看订单状态;“行程”自动管理差旅行程,App首页直接显示每日提醒,出行更智能、省心、省事! 更多信息请搜索“大唐商旅”。 商旅官网: 意见反馈,客服电话:025-86782333 联系邮箱: [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: 大唐汇智网络科技(南京)有限公司
300 Useful Chinese Sentences!

300 Useful Chinese Sentences!

This software applies to both beginners that start to learn Chinese and learners that have already mastered daily conversation. You can learn to speak simple Chinese quickly when you watch dialogues in different scenes. *** What‘s the feature of the...

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社イーチャイナ
CCG Conciege

CCG Conciege

上海・北京・大連・香港への観光、ビジネスにも 現地生活に便利な街案内&生活情報アプリ 「ここ(現在地)から一番近い北京ダックの店は?」 「日本語が通じる安心して行けるお店は?」 「特典クーポンのあるお店で安く楽しみたい!」 アウェイな中国でも地元並みに快適&スマートに街めぐり!そんな願いを叶えてくれる 中国ステイに必携のアプリです。 <主な機能> ●お店を探す 飲食店・買物・美容院・マッサージ・観光&レジャースポットなど。 ●現在地からのお店検索 今いる場所から近くにある店を一挙リスティング。 ●マップ&お店へのアクセス機能 地図アプリと連動し、現在地からお店までのアクセスも一目瞭然。 タクシーの運転手さんに見せるだけでOK! ●特典クーポン お店の特典掲載画面を提示すれば、さまざまな割引優待が受けられます。 ●「Concierge」記事が冊子よりも早く読める! 現地でしか読めないConciergeの特集記事やビジネスインタビューが、 いつでもどこでも閲覧可能! 「Concierge(コンシェルジュ)」とは? 1995年創刊。中国で生活する駐在員およびそのご家族、出張・留学・観光などの目的で 中国を訪れる日本人の皆様が、現地で快適に楽しく過ごすための日本語情報誌です。

Price: Free Developer: GMO China Concierge Inc.
Raise Tower Bridge

Raise Tower Bridge

Experience the view from the iconic Tower Bridge like never before! Simply download the app, point your device at the marker image and see the most famous bridge in the world in a stunning 360 degree video and raise...

Price: Free Developer: Tower Bridge Exhibition
KL Tower Passport

KL Tower Passport

** To be used with the KL Tower Passport as a companion app ** Welcome to the KL Tower Passport: Virtual Audio Guide app! This app is your guide to exclusive insights and facts on the world renowned KL...

Price: Free Developer: Travel Technology Passport Sdn Bhd
Reunion Tower VR

Reunion Tower VR

See Dallas from a whole new perspective! When visiting Reunion Towers’ GeO-Deck you’ll experience breathtaking 360-degree panoramic views, high-definition zoom cameras, interactive touch screens, telescopes, photo ops and an indoor/outdoor observation deck that lets you see for miles in...

Price: Free Developer: Wemersive Inc
Tower Hotel Management

Tower Hotel Management

This brand new App features full details of six UK hotels which form Tower Hotels Management (part of Peel Group). The hotels featured within this App are: The Heart - Media City Manchester. Ramada Encore - Doncaster. Holiday Inn - Media City Manchester. Holiday...

Price: Free Developer: Engage Solutions Group Ltd
VR Paris High Up On Eiffel Tower Virtual Reality

VR Paris High Up On Eiffel Tower Virtual Reality

Nice VR experience and beautiful memories if you already were there or if not, gain experience as if you are there. Take a Virtual Reality Tour around and on top of The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the capital of France...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: IUW
FukuokaTower View Guide

FukuokaTower View Guide

More ways to enjoy Fukuoka Tower, Japan's No.1 seaside tower! 'FukuokaTower View Guide' is a camera app and guide to help you enjoy the scenery from Fukuoka Tower's observation room. First, check out the grand 360° panorama from the top-floor observation...

Price: Free Developer: FUKUOKA TOWER CORP.
Eiffel Tower Paris France Tourist Travel Guide

Eiffel Tower Paris France Tourist Travel Guide

Explore the best places in the world with the best unique Tourist Guide app on store. App Functionality: - Wikipedia - Offlinemap - GPS - Directions - POI Search - Weather - Camera - Gallery - Bookmark - Share - Ads free App - Simple design - One app for all your devices -...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Shailaja bavikadi
App to the Tower

App to the Tower

L'applicazione integra la visita della mostra "Il Torrione di Carpi" attraverso un modulo di realtà aumentata, per visualizzare le trasformazioni dell'edificio nel corso della storia, e alcuni video che spiegano i complessi processi di restauro strutturale, funzionale e impiantistico...

Price: Free Developer: Carlo Monzini
Guide to Alhambra, Granada

Guide to Alhambra, Granada

Let us guide you through the historical site of Alhambra in Granada, Spain. This guide covers 40 of the most important historical structures at the Alhambra. It offers a full description and photos of every building and markings on the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Excavation Guides IVS
Experience America

Experience America

The Experience America app creates an integrated solution between students and staff on school trips and summer programs. The app organizes your calendar with all your events in real time, reflecting any changes and updates instantly. Chaperones can create...

Price: Free Developer: Experience America
Experience America Staff

Experience America Staff

The Experience America Staff app creates an integrated solution staff and teachers to manage and operate school trips and summer programs. Starting with program calendars and events, staff can view their work schedule between multiple programs along with task...

Price: Free Developer: Experience America
VR Travel Experience -Bibai City,Hokkaido-

VR Travel Experience -Bibai City,Hokkaido-

You can travel experience in a 360 degree tour of the Bibai-City,Hokkaido from anywhere in the world, without actually being there. "Travel Experience Through Virtual Reality(VR)-Bibai City,Hokkaido-" app has been developed by the Bibai City Hall. The app lets you experience...

Price: Free Developer: BIBAI CITY HALL
Passporter | Travel Experience

Passporter | Travel Experience

Get ready to stamp your passport! Passporter is a community of travelers that share and plan their trips by uploading photos and videos from the best spots in the world. Do you want to discover some of the most...

Price: Free Developer: Passporter Technologies SL
Experience the Southern Part of Denmark

Experience the Southern Part of Denmark

Your holiday guide to experiences in South Denmark (Southern Jutland): • History Alive: Travel back in time and visit the living museums, go on guided tours around cities & villages, explore our castles and churches and participate in the historic...

Price: Free Developer: Redia
SCTH Experience

SCTH Experience

SCTH Experience is an interactive Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality application that aims to promote tourism sites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The SCTH Experience application delivers an exceptional AR/VR experience anywhere, anytime. Get the app and become instantly...

Price: Free Developer: Midwam Edutainment
Digitour Experience

Digitour Experience

Digitour brings your 2D experience to life! Simply point the app at designated images next to the Digitour logo to either view translated information boards in your chosen language or experience a 3D virtual image come to life in...

Price: Free Developer: Digitour Ltd
Mallorca 360° Virtual Reality Experience

Mallorca 360° Virtual Reality Experience

360° Virtual Reality Tour across the north coast of Mallorca. Mallorca is one of the most popular holiday destinations to visit for your summer holiday. The north coast is home to the most popular holiday resort in Mallorca. Enjoy the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Torsten Hemke
Sightseeing Experience

Sightseeing Experience

Are you visiting Italian cities or are you planning a trip to Italy? This free application will help you plan your vacation in over 15 Italian cities. Sightseeing Experience is an App for do-it-yourself tourists, an EASY and PRACTICAL way to...

Price: Free Developer: AudioGuide®
Experience Visit Philly

Experience Visit Philly

Download the Visit Philadelphia VR app today and experience Virtual Reality. Get fully immersed with or without a headset! See what makes Visit Philadelphia special. The experience is so immersive, it's second only to experiencing it in real life. Using the...

Price: Free Developer: YouVisit LLC

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