Top 19 Education Apps Like Meal Monsters - Best Alternatives

Meal Monsters Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Meal Monsters alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Meal Monsters. Pick one from this list to be your new Meal Monsters app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Meal Monsters on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Meal Monsters - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Meal Monsters alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Meal Monsters 2025.



お子さまの成長を見守るお母さまが、日々3食のバランスを考えるとき、幼稚園・保育園のその日の給食献立を知ることはとても大切です。 「キッズミール」は、ママと園を結ぶ給食アプリ。 アプリの主な機能 園の献立 ・その日の献立が実際に配膳された給食の写真とともに届きます。 ・園の献立をカレンダー形式で確認することができます。 ・園からの献立表や給食に関するお便りが届きます。 我が家の献立 ・ご家庭での夕食などを、お子様にやさしいメニューを中心にご提案いたします。 ・材料や作り方を、ビデオとテキストで分かりやすく解説いたします。 メッセージ ・園からのメッセージが手元のスマートフォンに瞬時に届きます。 educe食育 ・食事に関する様々な情報を食育の観点からコラム形式でお届けします。 その他 ・お子さまの成長(身長・体重)を記録してグラフ表示することができます。 ・お子さまのアレルギー情報を管理することができます。 ・使い込めば使い込むほど、考食指数が上がって、あなたのご家庭にあった食事提案するようになります。 ・ファミリーコネクトでお母さまだけでなく、家族全員で食事に関する情報を共有できます。 もちろん、お母さまのアプリご利用は、すべて無料。 子育て中のママを応援するKIDS MEALです!

Price: Free Developer: MEALCARE CO., LTD.
Meal Sınavı Uygulaması

Meal Sınavı Uygulaması

Uygulama Yapılacak Olan Bütün Kur'an Meali Sınavlarına Hazırlananlara Bir Kaynak Olarak Hazırlanmıştır !-( Meal Sınavlarını Hazırlayan Platformlarla Resmi Bir Bağı Yoktur )- ! Meal Sınavı İçin 30 Cüzün Soruları Eklendi Meal Dinleme Aktif Edildi Arka Planda Meal Dinleyebilme Kolaylığı Geldi Güncellemelerle Gelişmeye Devam...

Price: Free Developer: mehmet ali bayram
Map Your Meal

Map Your Meal

Do you love food? Find out how green and fair your food and drink products are. As many other organisations and individuals, we at Map Your Meal would like to see a world where food is sustainably produced, healthy for...

Price: Free Developer: Ekkotek
Meal Planner Lite

Meal Planner Lite

Grocery Shopping-Meal Planning is a highly customizable app that can support individuals with intellectual disabilities to independently and efficiently plan healthy meals, check for necessary ingredients and use a grocery list to shop for these items. Healthy recipes are...

Price: Free Developer: Roy Pargas
My Meal Matrix

My Meal Matrix

My Meal Matrix (M3) is an engaging FREE app designed to motivate Ontario high school students to reflect on and improve their eating habits. Using M3, students can - Electronically record their food intake - Review their food record assessment based on Canadian...

Price: Free Developer: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Kuranı Kerim Meal Oku

Kuranı Kerim Meal Oku

Kur'an namazı dosdoğru kılan, zekatı veren ve ahirete de kesin olarak inanan mü'minler için bir hidayet rehberi ve bir müjdedir. (NEML Suresi) Uygulama, Kur'an-ı Kerim mealinin okunmasını sağlamaktadır. Uygulamada 10 adet meal bulunmaktadır. √ iPhone 5 ile tam uyumludur. √ INTERNET...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tansel Demir


「キッズミールカメラ」は、キッズミールシステム用の給食写真撮影・アップロードアプリです。 アプリの主な機能 ・調理後にその場でスマートフォンにて給食写真を撮影できます。 ・撮影時に明るさ、色合い、彩度、傾きなどを調整することができます。 ・写真はコメントと一緒にキッズミールシステムに登録することができます。 ・登録された写真とコメントは、献立情報とともに保護者繊維用のキッズミールアプリに届きます。 なお、キッズミールカメラのご使用に際しては、予めキッズミールのご利用お申し込みが必要となります。

Price: Free Developer: MEALCARE CO., LTD.
Kuranı Kerim Meal Dinle

Kuranı Kerim Meal Dinle

Uygulama, Kuran-ı Kerim mealinin Online olarak dinlenmesi sağlamaktadır. İstenilen Cüz'ün telefona indirilmesi. İstenilen Cüz'ü dinleme sonrası telefondan silebilme özelliği. Dinlenen Cüz'ler için Cüz isminin işaretlenmesi. Dinlenen Cüz'lerin dinlendi işaretini kaldırma. Uygulamadan çıkıp geri döndüğünüzde Cüz'ü kaldığınız yerden başlayarak dinleme imkanı (Sadece indirilmiş dosyadan dinlerken) Uygulama...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tansel Demir
PowerSchool Mobile

PowerSchool Mobile

Built for convenient access to real-time student information like grades, assignments, and attendance, the PowerSchool Mobile App provides enhanced functionality for parents, guardians, and students. • Get easy access to the most important student data with an updated user...

Price: Free Developer: PowerSchool Group LLC
Toca Kitchen Monsters

Toca Kitchen Monsters

Ever wanted to play with your food? Now you can! In this Monster edition of the super-hit Toca Kitchen you can cook and play with food for two hungry monsters. Pick any ingredient and prepare it in your own way!...

Price: Free Developer: Toca Boca AB
Monsters Assemble 3D

Monsters Assemble 3D

Monsters Assemble 3D is a simple yet satisfying matching game designed to develop your child’s fine motor skills and color/shape recognition. Children use simple touch controls to assemble friendly monsters within a vibrant 3D environment. Features: - 10 unique 3D...

Price: Free Developer: Creative Bytes Studios
Duckie Deck Monsters

Duckie Deck Monsters

"Demystify the secrets behind dark shadows" - Stop hiding under those covers, come out and meet your new Monster friends! At first glance they may seem like creepy dark shadows, but switch on the lights and you’ll uncover a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Duckie Deck Development
Following Directions Monsters

Following Directions Monsters

Following directions monsters was designed by educators to help children practice and improve their auditory memory and following directions skills. This application has a total of 27 levels, starting with basic recognition of items, all the way to...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Coin Monsters - Math Games

Coin Monsters - Math Games

Coin Monsters™ - Fun money math counting game for kids that reinforces common core math skills while teaching how to count money, make change, and solve money math problems. Have fun decorating your own Monster Mansion with funny monsters...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: ecom enterprises, inc.
Monsters and robots to paint - coloring book

Monsters and robots to paint - coloring book

App free for a limited time! Take advantage and download it now! With this application you can paint the most terrifying and fantastics monsters and robots in the world, we have over 40 monsters and robots for coloring and drawing. You...

Price: Free Developer: Mireia Lluch Ortola
Mini-U: Charmed. Monsters. Magic inside.

Mini-U: Charmed. Monsters. Magic inside.

Join the atmospheric battle between light and dark! Mini-U: Charmed is an atmospheric adventure puzzle with touching background story about charmed creatures and a balance between light and dark. In Mini-U: Charmed, the player solves logical puzzles to unravel the secrets...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: PopAppFactory
Factor Monsters

Factor Monsters

Get ready to factor and fight in this cool new math game! Learn how to factorize while fighting monsters! Protect your house using your math skills to fight off monsters. Climb the leaderboard and beat all your friends. It’s...

Price: Free Developer: Knowledge Platform Pte Ltd
Even Monsters Are Shy

Even Monsters Are Shy

Featured by Apple as a Best New App Featured in USA Today Featured as a top pick in iPad for Dummies Silver Award winner from Parents' Choice Kids play and interact with Ben as he tries to help his monster...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Busy Bee Studios

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