Top 30 Education Apps Like Stevenson Student Activities - Best Alternatives

Stevenson Student Activities Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Stevenson Student Activities alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Stevenson Student Activities. Pick one from this list to be your new Stevenson Student Activities app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Stevenson Student Activities on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Stevenson Student Activities - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Stevenson Student Activities alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Stevenson Student Activities 2025.



Stevenson provides campus services such as quicklinks, an employee directory, and campus maps. With Stevenson University's mobile app you can find contact information for faculty and staff members as well as their office location* conveniently placed on a map when...

Price: Free Developer: Stevenson University
Stevenson-Carson SD 303

Stevenson-Carson SD 303

With the Stevenson-Carson School District mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information, sporting...

Price: Free Developer: Stevenson Carson School District
Stevenson School

Stevenson School

The Stevenson School app provides parents, students, and faculty members with all the information they need in one place, conveniently accessed and formatted specifically for consumption on their mobile devices. The app includes: • News and announcements • Calendar events • Athletics events...

Price: Free Developer: finalsite
Food & Cooking Genius

Food & Cooking Genius

New Version: Test out what Gourmet Food is like for FREE, then unlock everything when you're ready. Want to sound smarter in nice restaurants? Want to hone your cooking skills and feel confident in the kitchen? Take the first...

Price: Free Developer: Brainscape
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde York Notes for GCSE 9-1

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde York Notes for GCSE 9-1

Praise for YORK NOTES+ DIGITAL EDITIONS “I really love the digital York Notes version I’ve purchased, particularly the facility to add notes” – Debbie Ward, English Teacher Barton Court Grammar School Academy. Everything you need to know about Robert Louis...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Balberry Publishing
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde York Notes GCSE 9-1 for iPad

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde York Notes GCSE 9-1 for iPad

Praise for YORK NOTES+ DIGITAL EDITIONS “I really love the digital York Notes version I’ve purchased, particularly the facility to add notes” – Debbie Ward, English Teacher Barton Court Grammar School Academy. Everything you need to know about Robert Louis...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Balberry Publishing
GCSEPod Stickers: Jekyll & Hyde

GCSEPod Stickers: Jekyll & Hyde

GCSEPod presents these fun, colourful, and educational stickers straight from the pages of Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous work, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. Let your friends know what you’re revising, and feel more involved in...

Price: Free Developer: Soundbitelearning UK Ltd
Japanese Verb Master

Japanese Verb Master

This app gives ALL the Japanese verb conjugations,(over 200 !) and their English equivalents in a scrolling format that's easy to use for anyone,beginning or advanced. Written in easy-to-understand romaji,(English letters).There's nothing else like it on the app market,...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Debra Stevenson
Japanese Verb Master kana

Japanese Verb Master kana

This is the kana version of Japanese Verb Master. No book ever tells the whole story about conjugation. Most just show you the basic forms, or a few examples of 501 verbs. Now you can have ALL the patterns...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Debra Stevenson
Student Messenger

Student Messenger

โปรแกรม Student Care Messenger ใช้สำหรับรับข้อความจากระบบ Student Care Solution ซื่งเป็นระบบที่ช่วยเพิ่มช่องทางในการสื่อสาร ระหว่างโรงเรียนกับผู้ปกครองของนักเรียน ให้เป็นไปอย่างรวดเร็วและมีประสิทธิภาพ เพื่อลดปัญหาที่อาจเกิดขึ้นกับตัวนักเรียน และเพิ่มความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีระหว่างโรงเรียนกับผู้ปกครอง อีกทั้งยังเป็นระบบที่ช่วยในการบริหารจัดการข้อมูลของนักเรียนในด้านต่าง ๆ ให้มีประสิทธิภาพและเกิดประโยชน์สูงสุด อาทิเช่น ข้อมูลการมาเรียน ข้อมูลด้านสุขภาพ ผลการเรียน ความประพฤติ และแผนที่บ้านของนักเรียน เป็นต้น โดยไม่เป็นการเพิ่มภาระหน้าที่ให้กับคุณครูแต่ประการใด

Price: Free Developer: Student Care Co.,Ltd.
Reflector Student

Reflector Student

Reflector Student helps students connect their iOS devices to a teacher’s Reflector software on limited or restricted school networks. It also allows students to view the other devices that are connected to a teacher’s computer, directly on their devices...

Price: Free Developer: Squirrels LLC
SALT - Student Academic Literacy Tool

SALT - Student Academic Literacy Tool

The Student Academic Literacy Tool (SALT) has been constructed to aid students in improving the standard of their academic writing at University. The tool is organised as a checklist, where students are able to learn about, gain confidence in...

Price: Free Developer: Jisc
Visible Internet Student

Visible Internet Student

Your school has made an important step to include Visible Internet as part of your schools Internet environment. Visible Internet Student platform is a non-intrusive way for teachers and wellbeing personnel to connect to their students. In the class room,...

Price: Free Developer: Visible Internet, INC
Black Student Advocate

Black Student Advocate

The Black Student Advocate's objective is to be the support system and voice for Black Families with school aged children. Our advocates work to meet the unique needs of every families, and advocate for fair and just treatment in...

Price: Free Developer: Black Student Advocate, Inc.
Marianopolis Student Union

Marianopolis Student Union

The MSU app is the center of your student life, easily accessible at the comfort of your fingertips. Stay up-to-date with the latest news about events, parties, elections, and more involving the MSU, MSU Congress, clubs, committees and others....

Price: Free Developer: Marianopolis Student Union
Random Student - teachers

Random Student - teachers

Main Features • Classes of up to 200 students each • Select a student at random. Track correct responses • Easily import student lists from Google Classroom • Device speaks name aloud • Take attendance so absent students are...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Student Work

Student Work

Designed by a teacher, for teachers. Student Work is designed to assist teachers in keeping a digital photo portfolio of various projects that students complete throughout a school year. Main Features • Save a photo for each assignment • Record individual...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Student Campus Limerick

Student Campus Limerick

The Student Campus Limerick app is here to provide current students with an improved experience at the college. - Quickly submit requests through the app - See upcoming events at the college and save them to your personal calendar...

Canadore Student Council

Canadore Student Council

The new Canadore Student Council App gives you direct access to your student council. - View the latest news & events - Reserve tickets for events - Check out Executive profiles - View your campus map - Make claims through the health plan tab

Price: Free Developer: ACL Student Benefits Inc.
iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn daily life skills with video modeling and fun games, for individuals with Autism, Asperger and other special needs. IMPORTANT: *** THIS IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME APP AS *iDO HYGIENE*, WITHOUT...

iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

*** iDo Chores is an innovative and comprehensive application for learning to take care of the house. (Sweeping, straightening the room, washing dished etc.) *** "This is the most comprehensive and professional application for special education I have...

GoBabyClub - Baby Development Activities

GoBabyClub - Baby Development Activities

The GoBabyClub app includes 250 age-appropriate baby development activity video clips & picture sequences, accompanied by 150 beautiful songs & rhymes for babies from 3 to 12 months. The app was rated Nr.1 Baby Development App by Living &...

Price: Free Developer: Walter Raymond Woodman
Grade 2 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Science and Spelling for 2nd graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 2 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Science and Spelling for 2nd graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 2 Learning Activities is a comprehensive app with over 300 engaging learning activities in the most important Second Grade subject areas. There are Free Sample Games for each of the following in-app purchase products: •...

Price: Free Developer: Flink Learning
Grade 3 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Vocabulary and Spelling for 3rd graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 3 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Vocabulary and Spelling for 3rd graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 3 Learning Activities is a comprehensive app with over 300 engaging learning activities in the most important Third Grade subject areas. There are Free Sample Games for each of the following in-app purchase products: •...

Price: Free Developer: Flink Learning
Grade 4 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Vocabulary and Spelling for fourth graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 4 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Vocabulary and Spelling for fourth graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 4 Learning Activities is a comprehensive app with over 300 engaging learning activities in the most important Fourth Grade subject areas. There are Free Sample Games for each of the following in-app purchase products: •...

Price: Free Developer: Flink Learning
Grade 5 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Vocabulary and Spelling for fifth graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 5 Learning Activities: Skills and educational activities in Reading and Math along with Vocabulary and Spelling for fifth graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 5 Learning Activities is a comprehensive app with over 300 engaging learning activities in the most important Fifth Grade subject areas. There are Free Sample Games for each of the following in-app purchase products: •...

Price: Free Developer: Flink Learning
Kids Daily Routine Activities

Kids Daily Routine Activities

What's your daily routine? Establish a Routine for Kids That Actually Works. Explore our daily routines activities for kids. Find many more daily routine activities and worksheets for kids, for home and school. Morning and Bedtime Daily Routine Charts...

Price: Free Developer: BHADRIK MEHTA
Grade 1 Learning Activities: Skill Building Educational Activities in Reading and Math along with Phonics and Spelling for 1st graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 1 Learning Activities: Skill Building Educational Activities in Reading and Math along with Phonics and Spelling for 1st graders - Powered by Flink Learning

Grade 1 Learning Activities is a comprehensive app with over 300 engaging learning activities in the most important First Grade subject areas. There are Free Sample Games for each of the following in-app purchase products: •...

Price: Free Developer: Flink Learning
Family5 - Activities & Goals

Family5 - Activities & Goals

Better parents, happier kids! Undivided attention for the kids through fun and development boosting activities - in as little as 5 minutes a day! 100% free for now! "it’s an enjoyable way for the whole family to create meaningful...

Price: Free Developer: Family Five

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