Top 50 Education Apps Like Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! - Best Alternatives

Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert!. Pick one from this list to be your new Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Dragon ABC – 26 little dragons will help you to become a real ABC-Expert! 2025.

Dragon Counts to Ten Plus

Dragon Counts to Ten Plus

Dragon Counts to Ten A Story for Beginning Readers Dragon is busy counting. Mom is cleaning house. She sends Dragon outside to count. Preschoolers will love this delightful story about Dragon's adventures as he finds a set to match...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Who Is It, Dragon? 3A

Who Is It, Dragon? 3A

Who Is It, Dragon? A Story for Beginning Readers Dragon is trying to play but he keeps hearing sounds. His curiosity always gets the best of him and he goes to investigate. Each new sound leads him to one...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Go Home, Dragon! & Activities

Go Home, Dragon! & Activities

Go Home, Dragon! An Animated Story for Beginning Readers with Learning Activities Children will love this delightful story about Dragon's adventures. The text of the story has simple words and lots of repetition, making it perfect for beginning readers. Colorful...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Sudoku – Dragon Adventure

Sudoku – Dragon Adventure

This app is an excellent tool to: • Improve logical thinking, concentration and reasoning. • Build critical thinking skills. • Build confidence in abilities to complete challenging tasks. Discover this great version of Sudoku. Solve the puzzles and raise your own dragon. Hatch...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Juf Jannie


Приложение для учеников школы Dragon English. Тренируйте аудирование в любом месте в любое время!

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Telegin
AR Dragon - Virtual Pet Game

AR Dragon - Virtual Pet Game

It is time to care for your own virtual dragon pet animal. Download now and enjoy new technology of Augmented Reality (AR) with an AR simulator game. AR Dragon - Virtual Pet Game is an augmented reality simulator with lot...

Price: Free Developer: Isabel Zaballos
Dragon Maths: Key Stage 1 Reasoning

Dragon Maths: Key Stage 1 Reasoning

This Maths App addresses KS1 Reasoning. It has been prepared in conjunction with a separate KS1 Maths Arithmetic App to help prepare children for their KS1 maths exams which can be daunting for children and parents alike. The App...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Unit11
Dragon Maths: Key Stage 1 Arithmetic

Dragon Maths: Key Stage 1 Arithmetic

This Maths App addresses KS1 Arithmetic. It has been prepared in conjunction with a KS1 Maths Reasoning App to help prepare children for their KS1 maths exams which can be daunting for children and parents alike. The App has...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Unit11
Dragon Minders

Dragon Minders

Begynn leseopplæringen gjennom dette morsomme spillet. Lær bokstaver, bokstavlyder og ord. Øv hjernen på å lære. Spillet brukes i norsk skole.   Dragon Minders er et spill som både trener barnets evne til å lære og tilbyr grunnleggende lesetrening. Spillet er...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: By Un Mi AS
ABC Play

ABC Play

Named by the US App Store as the best of the iPhone Education category in App Store Rewind 2011 Expose your child to the exciting world of Sports! Our award-winning ABC Series teaches children new words through sight, sound & touch. Let...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Peapod Labs LLC
ABC Food

ABC Food

ABC Food is getting better than ever! We began to include educational games in the app (one ready, more in the works). Now your children will have fun exploring, learning, and playing, all within the app! Honored to have...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Peapod Labs LLC
ABC Wildlife

ABC Wildlife

ABC Wildlife is getting better than ever! We began to include educational games in the app. Now your children will have fun exploring, learning, and playing, all within the app! Awarded “Excellence in Design” by Children's Technology Review Expose your...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Peapod Labs LLC
ABC ZooBorns

ABC ZooBorns

Children's Technology Review Editor's Choice Award for Excellence in Design. The newest, cutest baby animals from the world’s zoos and aquariums are here to teach through sight, sound and touch! Let your child explore an exotic, adorable world of tiger...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Peapod Labs LLC
ABC-klubben: ABC-bingo

ABC-klubben: ABC-bingo

ABC-bingo är en ABC-klubben-app för barn som håller på att lära sig läsa och skriva. Låt ditt barn samla föremål och djur och samtidigt träna på att att höra hur bokstäver och ljud låter och läsa ord. ABC-klubbens appar...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Natur & Kultur
ABC-klubben: ABC-bingo Lite

ABC-klubben: ABC-bingo Lite

ABC-bingo är en ABC-klubben-app för barn som håller på att lära sig läsa och skriva. Låt ditt barn samla föremål och djur och samtidigt träna på att att höra hur bokstäver och ljud låter och läsa ord. ABC-klubbens appar...

Price: Free Developer: Natur & Kultur
ABC-klubben: ABC-domino

ABC-klubben: ABC-domino

ABC-domino är en ABC-klubben-app för barn som håller på att lära sig läsa och skriva. Låt ditt barn samla föremål och djur och samtidigt träna på att att höra hur bokstäver och ljud låter och läsa ord. ABC-klubbens appar...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Natur & Kultur
ABC-klubben: ABC-domino Lite

ABC-klubben: ABC-domino Lite

ABC-domino är en ABC-klubben-app för barn som håller på att lära sig läsa och skriva. Låt ditt barn samla föremål och djur och samtidigt träna på att att höra hur bokstäver och ljud låter och läsa ord. ABC-klubbens appar...

Price: Free Developer: Natur & Kultur
ABC-klubben: ABC-korsord

ABC-klubben: ABC-korsord

ABC-korsord är en ABC-klubben-app för barn som håller på att lära sig läsa och skriva. Låt ditt barn samla föremål och djur och samtidigt träna på att att höra hur bokstäver och ljud låter och skriva ord. ABC-klubbens appar...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Natur & Kultur
ABC-klubben: ABC-korsord Lite

ABC-klubben: ABC-korsord Lite

ABC-korsord är en ABC-klubben-app för barn som håller på att lära sig läsa och skriva. Låt ditt barn samla föremål och djur och samtidigt träna på att att höra hur bokstäver och ljud låter och skriva ord. ABC-klubbens appar...

Price: Free Developer: Natur & Kultur
Cary School District 26

Cary School District 26

The official Cary School District 26 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the...

Price: Free Developer: Cary Community Consolidated School District 26
26 Letters

26 Letters

The 26 Letters method was developed by an Adult Literacy volunteer tutor to help beginner readers quickly learn the alphabet letter shapes and their main sounds. While it was created to serve adults, 26 Letters is visually-designed for...

Price: Free Developer: Penny Sidik
ABC Phonics & Alphabet Songs

ABC Phonics & Alphabet Songs

FREE GAMES ! ABC Alphabets Sound for toddlers and kids. Babies will enjoy ABC songs. HOW TO PLAY In applications with a button and a Alphabet English. 26 letters from A to Z, when pressed, it 26 sounds with the English alphabet....

Price: Free Developer: Nattagrit Ridtikhab
26 английских времен

26 английских времен

Программа "26 английских времен" поможет разобраться с самой сложной темой грамматики английского языка - "английские времена"! - Все 26 времён (временных форм) английского языка! (Past Simple (Active/ Passive) ; Present Simple (Active/ Passive) ; Future Simple (Active/ Passive) ;...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Maxim Morozov
26 millió angol mondat

26 millió angol mondat

A HVG egykori kedvence, a 26 ezer angol szó most új formában tér vissza. Dinamikus példamondatok millióival teszi könnyeddé az angoltanulást. Tényleg 26 millió mondat van benne? - Valójában több mint 16 milliárd. De ezzel a névvel tiszteleg az App nagysikerű elődje...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Attila Varga


26国学网是国内首家专注于国学移动社交O2O以及国学云大数据建设的平台。 国学移动社交: 随时随地轻轻松松与国学同仁互动。 国学问答学习: 学国学碰到任何问题不用再发愁了,即时问答。精编国学文章满足您深度学习需求。 国学O2O: 为广大国学修习者提供线上线下活动互动。 国学云大数据 : 可以实现任何人、任何时间、任何地点、可以通过此APP连接到26国学网国学云大数据平台,享受最充分的优质国学资源服务。 精准版块分类方便您快速找到你所需的内容: 公务员 企业家 校园 学术 公众

Price: Free Developer: YumLive
Core Java

Core Java

Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology to design a program using classes and objects. It simplifies the software development by providing some concepts: 1. Object 2. Class 3. Inheritance 4. Polymorphism 5. Abstraction 6. Encapsulation Advantage of OOPs over Procedure-oriented programming language 1)OOPs makes development and maintenance...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Tooniverse popular animation 'Hello Jadoo' season 1 OPEN!!(Korean animation) Opening Event Don’t miss a chance to get FREE opening & ending + 4 episodes~!! + Season 1 contains complete episodes! (40 episodes + Special 4 episodes) + Most loved animation from...

Price: Free Developer: UANGEL Corp.


【课程介绍】 课程针对没有任何程序设计基础的初学者,全面介绍C语言及利用C语言进行程序设计的方法。课程注重知识的传授,更关注学习者能够通过实践的方式,真正学会利用C语言解决问题,奠定程序设计的基础。为此,专门设计了实践方案,指导学习者在听讲的同时,有效完成实践。讲课中还适时穿插进行学习指导,帮助初学者尽快掌握程序设计的学习方法。 【课程目标】 课程主要针对无任何编程经历的初学者,利用主讲者多年来教授大一学生的教学经验,准确把握知识点掌握中的难点,在和视频配套的实践方案配合下,帮助初学者顺利掌握知识,获得学习中的自信。 【课程计划】 本课以系列课程的形式开出,供学习者渐次深入,掌握C语言及程序设计的方法。 课程目录 一 1人人学点程序设计 2 程序设计语言 3 搭建C语言的运行平台 4 C语言程序初体验 5 本课的学习策略建议 6 让代码积累“看得见” 7 分支结构程序体验 8 数值数据类型及表示 9 变量 10 标识符及其命名 二 11 算术运算符与算术表达式 12 自增与自减 13 数值型数据的存储 14 指针及其运算 15 数据的输入 16 数据的输出 17 赋值运算符与赋值表达式 18 逗号运算符与逗号表达式 19 字符数据及字符类型 20 表达“条件”——条件表达式 21 将条件“组合”起来——逻辑表达式 22 控制结构与流程图 23 用if语句实现分支结构 三 24 if语句的嵌套 25 用switch语句实现多分支结构 26 利用switch语句解决问题 27 条件运算符和条件表达式 28 编程学习中常见障碍的克服 29 调试利器——程序的单步执行 30...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Wang Lingling
Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?

Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?

Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?  Zürich  Bern  Luzern  Uri  Schwyz  Obwalden  Nidwalden  Glarus  Zug  Freiburg  Solothurn  Basel-Stadt  Basel-Landschaft  Schaffhausen  Appenzell Ausserrhoden  Appenzell Innerrhoden  St. Gallen  Graubünden  Aargau  Thurgau  Tessin  Waadt  Wallis  Neuenburg  Genf  Jura

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Julien Bourgouint
Little Fox Player

Little Fox Player

Little Fox Player lets you watch Little Fox content on your mobile devices. Enjoy a new English or Chinese story or song—whenever, wherever! At Little Fox, our goal is to make learning languages fun. That's why we've created...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Little Lunch

Little Lunch

What happened to you on your morning break? Everyone has a recess or little lunch story to tell! Matching the funny and moving on-screen tales of the TV series, the Little Lunch App lets your tell and share your...

Price: Free Developer: Australian Children's Television Foundation
Little Fox English

Little Fox English

Enjoy learning English with Little Fox animated stories and songs with the brand new Little Fox English app! Over 410 animated stories and songs for English learners are available free with this app. FEATURES OF A PAID LITTLE FOX SUBSCRIPTION 1....

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Bird and Kip - Little Fox Storybook

Bird and Kip - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “Bird and Kip” as a Storybook App! Enjoy the exciting stories of the two neighbors, Bird and Kip, and their friendship! [Bird and...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Fun at Kids Central - Little Fox Storybook

Fun at Kids Central - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “Fun at Kids Central” as a Storybook App! This original Little Fox series introduces readers to fun after-school activities such...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Magic Marker - Little Fox Storybook

Magic Marker - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents a popular series “Magic Marker” as a Storybook App! This original Little Fox series is about Maxie the cat and his adventures after he...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Rocket Girl - Little Fox Storybook

Rocket Girl - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a children’s English education company, presents its most popular story “Rocket Girl” as a Storybook app! Join Rocket Girl on her fun adventures!
 Save Metro City from danger! Created by Little Fox, Rocket Girl is about...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
South Street School - Little Fox Storybook

South Street School - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “South Street School” as a Storybook App! Enjoy the fun stories of Miss Gray’s second-grade class! An original Little Fox series,...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Hush Little Baby Sing Along

Hush Little Baby Sing Along

~~~ 9 Smart, Fun, Educational Games and Sing-along in a Sensational App for Young Kids! ~~~ Sing the Classic Tune “Hush Little Baby” & Play Great Games & Puzzles ~~~ Gorgeous Graphics and Magical Music will Stimulate Your Child’s Imagination...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Games Club by TabTale
Little Palms Preschool

Little Palms Preschool

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Little Palms Pre-school students and parents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keeping you up to date on Little Palms Pre-school announcements. **About Little Palms Pre-school** About Us ------------- Little Palms Preschool provides progressive and innovative early childhood education for toddlers...

Price: Free Developer: Little Palms Preschool LLC
Wealth Dragons

Wealth Dragons

Launched by Wealth Dragons Group PLC in 2016, a world leader in promoting live events and training programmes in self-development, our vision is to make self-development available to everyone on the planet. The idea came when we noticed that...

Price: Free Developer: Wealth Dragons Group Plc.
Dragons! Dragons! Dragons!

Dragons! Dragons! Dragons!

by Feana Tu‘akoi illustrated by Donovan Bixley In this lively, humorous, interactive book for shared reading, four fiery dragons are having trouble making friends. This app is intended as a New Zealand Sign Language resource. FEATURES: - Swipe-to-Read™ - Touch-to-Hear™ - Touch-to-Spell™ -...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
Alphabet Learning Letters Quiz

Alphabet Learning Letters Quiz

Clever Dragons is proud to bring you the newest way for even the youngest dragons to learn their letters! In this quiz, learners will learn to match uppercase letters with their lowercase counterparts, beginning to form fundamental connections for reading...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Always Icecream & Clever Dragons
Dragons and Puzzles: Puzzles for Kids Free

Dragons and Puzzles: Puzzles for Kids Free

For 2-5 year old kids Fun and educational! Dragons and Puzzles: Puzzles for Kids Free game is cool, fun and educational jigsaw puzzles that will both entertain and educate your kids. Dragon puzzles bring jigsaw puzzles to your phone and...

Price: Free Developer: FAMILY PLAY PTE. LTD.
How To Draw Dragons

How To Draw Dragons

Learn How To Draw Dragons Chinese dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and Chinese folklore. The dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles, fish, and imaginary creatures, but they are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs....

Price: Free Developer: Lvxiang Song
Learn and Practice Reading for First Graders

Learn and Practice Reading for First Graders

Clever Dragons is proud to bring you this beginning literacy app for young learners! In this quiz, learners will match pictures to written words, with or without audio cues. The app features: + Ten levels to reinforce learning. + Optional read-aloud feature guides...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Always Icecream & Clever Dragons
Learn to Count Syllables - Word Homeschooling Quiz

Learn to Count Syllables - Word Homeschooling Quiz

Clever Dragons Syllables combines two games into a single app, helping beginning readers to strengthen their emerging skills. Counting Syllables asks questions like “Which word has 1 syllable sound?” and offers a set of words from which to choose. How Many...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Always Icecream & Clever Dragons
US State Shapes Geography Quiz

US State Shapes Geography Quiz

Learning about the states of the USA? Try your hand at this fast-paced quiz and see if you can recognize each of our nation’s 50 states from its outline alone. State capitals and some other cities are marked, but...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Always Icecream & Clever Dragons
Addition Math Practice 2: Learn Simple Math Facts

Addition Math Practice 2: Learn Simple Math Facts

Contains all learning levels — no in-app purchases required! Get a jump start on learning with this addition facts quiz from Clever Dragons! Twenty-two levels of quiz teach double-digit addition facts from 20 + 20 through 93 + 100...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Always Icecream & Clever Dragons
Addition Math Practice: Learn Basic Math Facts

Addition Math Practice: Learn Basic Math Facts

Contains all learning levels — no in-app purchases required! Get a jump start on learning with this addition facts quiz from Clever Dragons! Twenty-two levels of quiz teach the addition facts from 1 + 1 through 20 + 20 with...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Always Icecream & Clever Dragons

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