Top 47 Health & Fitness Apps Like A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle - Best Alternatives

A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle Alternatives

Do you want to find the best A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle alternatives for iOS? We have listed 47 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle. Pick one from this list to be your new A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle on your iOS devices.

Top 47 Apps Like A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like A-Z Healthy Diet - Finding a Healthy Lifestyle 2025.

Mile a Day

Mile a Day

Mile a Day has been designed to be used to target additional daily exercise for all children around the world. With the ability to track and monitor the distances covered, children can see the impact they are having on their...

Price: Free Developer: Matthew Knowles
Low FODMAP diet A to Z

Low FODMAP diet A to Z

This app was created by a software developer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) who found the low FODMAP diet to be very effective in avoiding trigger foods. It includes the following key features: - Clear and simple FODMAP rating system -...

Price: Free Developer: Temeraire 1798 Ltd
Vitamins A & D Counter & Tracker for Healthy Diets

Vitamins A & D Counter & Tracker for Healthy Diets

Use this app to count, track, chart and control your dietary vitamin A and D intake for healthy bones, muscles, teeth, nerves, brain, vision, skin, mouth, gut, lung, heart, kidneys, reproductive health and fetal development, and protection from infections....

Price: Free Developer: First Line Medical Communications Ltd
Dash Diet: A 7 day diet plan

Dash Diet: A 7 day diet plan

DASH DIET is famous for the stands for people who want to prevent or treat high blood pressure and reduce their risk of heart disease. The diet name itself means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. In this diet, the food...

Price: Free Developer: Bhavini Patel
Smart Solution - A simple and efficient body track

Smart Solution - A simple and efficient body track

A simple and efficient body tracking scale app for your family * Smart Solution Scale could support HealthKit * Smart Solution Scale could support 8 users at the same time * SmartSolution Scale could track the weight, body fat %, body...

Price: Free Developer: ShengXi Xie
I Deserve a Donut

I Deserve a Donut

Do you eat when you're stressed? Or when you're bored, lonely, or annoyed? If so, this app will help! It contains 32 sets of questions and 150+ Bible verses you can use to go to God for help with...

Price: Free Developer: Barb Raveling
A+ Genius Baby

A+ Genius Baby

A+ Genius Baby แอพพลิเคชั่นสำหรับคุณแม่มือใหม่ เหมือนมีผู้เชี่ยวชาญส่วนตัว ด้านพัฒนาการลูกน้อยตั้งแต่เริ่มตั้งครรภ์ เพราะทุก 1 วินาที กว่า 700 เซลล์สมองเกิดการเชื่อมต่ออย่างไม่หยุดนิ่ง ซึ่งถือเป็นช่วงเวลาสำคัญของการพัฒนาสมอง อย่าปล่อยให้โอกาสทองแห่งพัฒนาการลูกน้อยผ่านไป A+ Genius Baby แอพพลิเคชั่น ที่ช่วยคุณแม่มือใหม่ ในการเลี้ยงดูอัจฉริยะตัวน้อย ด้วยเนื้อหาที่ครบครันด้านโภชนาการและพัฒนาการ พร้อมวิธีการกระตุ้นพัฒนาการ ตั้งแต่ตั้งครรภ์ถึง 3 ขวบปีแรก ที่คุณแม่มือใหม่ไม่ควรพลาด พร้อม Live Chat ปรึกษาผู้เชี่ยวชาญโดยตรงผ่านแอพพลิเคชั่น - ข้อมูลครบครัน เพื่อการเลี้ยงดูลูกน้อยในทุกช่วงวัย รวมข้อมูล ที่เป็นประโยชน์ในการเลี้ยงดูลูกน้อย ไม่ว่าจะเป็น การเปลี่ยนแปลงของคุณแม่และลูกน้อย วิธีการกระตุ้นพัฒนาการตามช่วงวัย โภชนาการเพื่อพัฒนาสมอง รวมถึง เคล็ดลับที่แม่มือใหม่ควรรู้ และ ข้อมูลเพื่อสุขภาพของคุณแม่และลูกน้อย...

Price: Free Developer: Mead Johnson Nutrition (Thailand) Limited
Breast Aware - Research a Cure

Breast Aware - Research a Cure

Research a Cure App is a medical / educational app promoted by Research A Cure NFP and helps women, through a reminder, to perform a breast check monthly or quarterly. It is important to get into the habit of...

Price: Free Developer: iPLANiT Ltd
Fisioterapia a tu alcance

Fisioterapia a tu alcance

Poniendo la fisioterapia al alcance de todos, de forma sencilla, simple, y sobre todo accesible. Encuentra los vídeos que te interesan por zona corporal o por palabra clave, descubre los últimos vídeos que he publicado, o profundiza en la fisioterapia...

Price: Free Developer: Marcos Sacristan Puig
Happy Pregnancy - A Week By Week Guide

Happy Pregnancy - A Week By Week Guide

Looking for a week-by-week guide to pregnancy? You're in luck! We've got loads of expert-approved info about each week and trimester, including what's up with your growing baby and what changes to expect for yourself. We take you from the...

Price: Free Developer: Abuzar Khan
Z Med Clinic

Z Med Clinic

Z Med Clinic Appointments & Medical Consultation Z Med Clinic App lets you communicate with your Z Med clinic and provider with ease!If you have any medical issues or concerns that need to be taken care of, the Z Med...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Hashim
Fitatu Calorie Counter & Diet

Fitatu Calorie Counter & Diet

Instead of imposing strict discipline on you, Fitatu will help you reach your goal in the easiest possible way. Join millions of users for free. The free Fitatu is a simple to use calorie calculator. With Fitatu and its paid subscriptions,...

Price: Free Developer: Fitatu Sp. z o.o.
Vitalia Holia

Vitalia Holia

Aplikacja dostępna jest tylko dla osób, które wykupiły abonament Vitalia Holia. Vitalia Holia to więcej niż dieta. To wolność wyboru, której potrzebujesz, aby osiągnąć swój cel. Schudnij i pozostań zdrowy. Tylko w naszej aplikacji to Ty decydujesz o wszystkich aspektach...

Price: Free Developer: Fitatu Sp. z o.o.


Aplikacja PKUlicznik umożliwia osobom chorym na fenyloketonurię szybkie sprawdzenie zawartości fenyloalaniny w produktach. Główną jej zaletą, jest pokazanie wartości fenyloalaniny, białka oraz kaloryczności w produktach spożywczych. Dzięki niej, użytkownik łatwo wyliczy procent dziennego zapotrzebowania na białko. Z łatwością skontroluje...

Price: Free Developer: NUTRICIA POLSKA SP Z O O
Beauty Last Minute

Beauty Last Minute

Nagłe wyjście, wieczorna randka, a może niezapowiedziana wizyta? Szukasz wizyty u fryzjera lub kosmetyczki na ostatnią chwilę? Aplikacja Beauty Last Minute przychodzi z pomocą. Znajdź najszybszy wolny termin w salonach w Twojej najbliższej okolicy. Wystarczy kilka kliknięć, aby zarezerwować...

Price: Free Developer: Biokod Lab Sp. z o.o.


Jak krok po kroku rozszerzać dietę dziecka? Skorzystaj z porad dot. żywienia dostosowanyh do wieku dziecka. W aplikacji znajdziesz: - Porady z zakresu żywienia i rozwoju dostosowane do wieku Twojego dziecka, stworzone pod okiem ekspertów. - Jadłospis do 1. roku życia z...

Price: Free Developer: NUTRICIA POLSKA SP Z O O


Opracowana przez lekrzy kardiologów leczących pacjentów z zawałem serca, zawiera najważniejsze porady i zalecenia jak uniknąć kolejnego niedokrwienia mięśnia sercowego, przypomina o lekach i aktywności fizycznej. W ostrej fazie zawału serca liczy się każda minuta by dotrzeć do szpitala i...

Price: Free Developer: Heart Team Sp z o.o.


Jeżeli męczy Cię alergia pokarmowa, odchudzasz się, jesteś na specjalnej diecie lub interesuję Cię zdrowe odżywianie to aplikacja FiFiFo jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Z nami wiesz co jesz i nie musisz już czytać etykiet. Ustaw swoją dietę...

Price: Free Developer: Frecado Sp. z o.o.
Healthy Minds Program

Healthy Minds Program

Train your mind and rewire your brain to experience less stress, more focus and resilience, and better health--while enhancing your understanding of your own mind and how it works. The Healthy Minds Program, developed by the non-profit Healthy Minds Innovations,...

Price: Free Developer: Healthy Minds Innovations, Inc
Healthy Way

Healthy Way

Welcome to The Healthy Way app, where tracking your food and weight loss has never been easier! This App Features - Daily Food Journal - Weight Graph - Healthy Way Social Media - Healthy Way Grocery List - Daily Food Totals The...

Price: Free Developer: The Healthy Way Inc.
Healthy Pantry

Healthy Pantry

Get the facts on your food with the Nxtnutrio Healthy Pantry App is now Free, which helps you spot artificial ingredients and common allergens in many packaged foods and beverages. Simply scan a food item’s barcode to see specific...

Price: Free Developer: Nxtranet
JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JoinTheChallenge helps you live a healthier lifestyle and invites you to try our app, with your first 30 days FREE! We made the easiest app for tracking your food, water, exercise, steps, and weight, while giving you the feedback...

Price: Free Developer: JoinTheChallenge
Fat Burner: Healthy Diet Plan

Fat Burner: Healthy Diet Plan

15 Days Belly Fat Workout App is best fitness application to shape your tummy and reduce risk of health problems. Designed by professional fitness instructor, our 15 days exercise workout is scientifically proven to improve health. This app focusses on...

Price: Free Developer: Shahzad Qureshi
Healthy Detox Drinks Recipes

Healthy Detox Drinks Recipes

If you're looking for the best detox drinks that actually detox your system. This Healthy Drink Recipes application consists of various recipes of fat burning drinks, such as: smoothie recipes, detox tea recipes, juice recipes, and detox drink recipes....

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
Healthy Life

Healthy Life

Healthy è il primo centro polisettoriale a Napoli che opera per la realizzazione e la diffusione della cultura del benessere. 1000 mq per cinque le aree di competenza: Farmaci, Estetica medica, Centro fitness, Book area, Bio Bar. Un solo obiettivo...

Price: Free Developer: WIPsrl
Healthy Recipes !!

Healthy Recipes !!

Easiest and fastest way to search for the healthy and delicious cooking recipe is nonetheless “Healthy Recipes” app on your mobile device. It is a best collection of healthy yet nutritious recipes of various dishes which families are sure...

Price: Free Developer: Signity Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Healthy Teens Mississippi

Healthy Teens Mississippi

Families First for Mississippi is expanding Governor Bryant’s Healthy Teens for a Better Mississippi initiative throughout the State to include educational and innovative programs on healthy choices to engage teens. Families First is working diligently to promote healthy choices...

Price: Free Developer: Chase Computer Services
Fat Counter and Tracker for Healthy Food Diets

Fat Counter and Tracker for Healthy Food Diets

Use this app to count, track, chart and control your monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and total fat intake for heart and brain health and a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and dementia. A low carb, high...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: First Line Medical Communications Ltd
Thyroid Diet- Juicing&Eating Plan for Weight Loss

Thyroid Diet- Juicing&Eating Plan for Weight Loss

With complete meal plans and recipes, our app guides you towards your weight loss goals, even if you struggle with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease. All juice and food recipes are thyroid-friendly, delicious, and developed by certified nutritionists. Insightful videos...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Joe Cross
Planetary Health Diet

Planetary Health Diet

Find out what your options could be if you decided to follow the recommended quantities for the Planetary Health Diet. What should we be eating for a healthy diet that's also sustainable for our planet's future? By 2050 there will...

Price: Free Developer: Chris J Ward
Diet Coaching

Diet Coaching

A "smart application" that animates the proposals for nutritional care from the book "Thin ... positive - SECRETS TO CONTROL HUNGER AND APPETITE” of the famous dietician-nutritionist Evangelos Zoumbaneas and applies through culinary proposals and recipes of...

Fast Tract Diet

Fast Tract Diet

Fast Tract Diet App helps you identify gut friendly foods versus hard-to-digest foods, track and chart your meals and symptoms, create shopping lists and quickly look up symptom potential for specific foods & drinks at your favorite market on...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Norm Robillard
Eatime Diet Manager

Eatime Diet Manager

This is your Diet Manager. Eatime will guide you what and when to eat every day so that you lose weight without starving. You don’t have to do anything special, just follow your Diet Manager. The foods you have...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ddimitrov
Smart Diet Scale

Smart Diet Scale

The Smart Diet Scale App - Track Nutrition the Smart Way ​The Smart Diet Scale (SDS) app makes it easy and simple to track your daily, weekly and monthly meals. Display and track your calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, cholesterol​...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Diet Scale
Keto Diet App Quiz

Keto Diet App Quiz

The Keto Diet Quiz is a fun way to learn about healthy low-carb eating. All quiz questions are factual and science-based with references to relevant online resources. Our goal is to spread the message that low-carb eating is not just...

Price: Free Developer: Compumaster Ltd
Detox diet 21 days - 4 meal plans for weight loss

Detox diet 21 days - 4 meal plans for weight loss

DETOX 21 DAYS One of the best selling paid app in fitness and health application category. Our successful detox program, used by people around the world, now in a new up to date version, that includes 4 different 21 days menus....

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: eatgood LTD
Best Detox Diet Plan Tips

Best Detox Diet Plan Tips

Anyone that has attempted to lose weight and is also looking to lead your health has probably tried a number of different methods. The most effective ways to cleanse the body from harmful toxins and germs is by using...

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
Bloomfield Morris Canal

Bloomfield Morris Canal

The Bloomfield Morris Canal Greenway Mobile App is a free app that provides education, guidance and health and fitness. Bloomfield has installed way finding signs and kiosks in order to provide education and preservation of the historic canal's...

Price: Free Developer: Derek Maciak
JSHealth Nutrition

JSHealth Nutrition

Join a community of millions of women worldwide finding balance with food and embracing their happiest, healthiest lives. The JSHealth App, created by clinical nutritionist and best-selling health author Jessica Sepel, has revolutionised the health industry, offering a kind,...

Price: Free Developer: JSHealth
Kokua Life

Kokua Life

Kokua Life is a suicide prevention app that provides users with Hawaii resources and tools related to suicide prevention. It is designed for use by both healthcare or other professionals and the general public. The app is divided into...

Price: Free Developer: Mental Health Association in Hawaii
BB Links - Your Coaching Links

BB Links - Your Coaching Links

THE essential tool for all Independent Beachbody Coaches who are serious about building their business! Made BY a coach, FOR coaches! --------------------------------- Hey Beachbody Coaches! Do you find it frustratingly slow finding and creating the correct links for sharing Beachbody workout...

Price: Free Developer: Justin Stanley
Height Workout Fitness App

Height Workout Fitness App

Get ready for the most beautiful app of the year. With this app experience simple exercises which will increase your height. Get ready to reach the milestones. In this diet plan app you will learn how to reduce and...

Price: Free Developer: Shahzad Qureshi
Bloom: CBT Therapy & Journal

Bloom: CBT Therapy & Journal

Bloom is the easiest & most affordable way to improve your mental health. Get your personalized digital therapy experience & guided CBT journaling exercises to cope with Stress, Anxiety, Depression to boost your mood & cultivate more joy in...

Price: Free Developer: Meemo Media Inc.
diabetIQ - Recipes and Health for Diabetics

diabetIQ - Recipes and Health for Diabetics

DiabetIQ is your solution for living a healthy and happy life with diabetes. - With diabetIQ, you’ll have access to hundreds of exclusive recipes that are low on carbs but high on flavor. Receive suggested meal plans each week,...

Price: Free Developer: Original Agency


Finding food that’s safe for you? Is it so difficult to find food that gives you optimum compliant nutrition that suits your dietary preferences? Not anymore. NutriGuide makes your food choice simpler by providing valuable summary and details of your...

Price: Free Developer: Taha Consulting LLC


We get it. Nobody likes being locked into one gym. With FitMatch, you can skip the big box gym membership and find Certified Personal Trainers in your area. Work out at your home, at their studio, or on the...

Price: Free Developer: 121 Fitness, Inc.

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