Top 10 Business Apps Like Paragraf Lex - Best Alternatives

Paragraf Lex Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Paragraf Lex alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Business apps that are similar to Paragraf Lex. Pick one from this list to be your new Paragraf Lex app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Paragraf Lex on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Paragraf Lex - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Paragraf Lex alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Paragraf Lex 2025.



Advokatfirman Glimstedt ger dig aktiebolagslagen i fickformat! ABL är en app för advokater och andra jurister med behov av att snabbt få tillgång till paragraftexter i den svenska aktiebolagslagen. Appen ger omedelbar och överskådlig tillgång till den svenska aktiebolagslagen, sorterad...

Price: Free Developer: Lagläsaren AB


Legislaţia romanească şi europeană, actualizată la zi. Căutare dosare în instanțele de judecată din România. Presat de termene limită? Prins între modificări şi amendamente? Lege5, noul soft realizat de Indaco Systems, transformă documentarea legislativă în cea mai rapidă şi plăcută...

Price: Free Developer: Indaco Systems
LEX Magister

LEX Magister

Atenção, o acesso ao conteúdo não é gratuto. Para ter acesso, entre em contato com a editora. Instituída em 1937, a LEX EDITORA se firmou como uma das editoras mais tradicionais do País. A idealização de seus fundadores, na orientação do renomado advogado...

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Lex Mundi Events App

Lex Mundi Events App

The Lex Mundi Events app connects you to everything that's happening at the conferences. Access the agenda, speakers, sponsors, speaker presentations, connect with attendees, post about the event and much more with this app.

Price: Free Developer: TapCrowd NV
Detail Lex, LLC

Detail Lex, LLC

Central Kentucky's Premiere Auto Detailer Offering you the latest is Automotive Detailing

Price: Free Developer: Appsme Ltd
Lex Progam Legislativ

Lex Progam Legislativ

Prima aplicatie mobila pentru consultarea actelor normative publicate in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei. Se pot accesa relatiile intre acte (modificari, abrogari, etc.) Se pot consulta "forma la zi" ale actelor uzuale pentru a avea o viziune de ansablu asupra...

Price: Free Developer: GD Solutions


Lex Mantra is a corporate legal solution designed specially to streamline the legal workflow of a corporate with comprehensive reporting at a single click .The solution deals with facilitating management, employees, counsels of corporate to confidently use the timely...

Price: Free Developer: FSL Software Technologies Ltd


LexMeeting är en sammanträdes-applikation för Lex. Publicerade sammanträden i Lex kan med enkelhet nu laddas ner till läsplattan. LexMeeting tillåter även att handlingar från hela sammanträden laddas ner till läsplattan så att man kan förbereda sig inför sammanträdet även utan...

Price: Free Developer: Solarplexus IT-Strategi AB


WitCom provides a secure communication platform for defense attorneys to contact witness in their cases without revealing contact information to either party. Please visit our site to learn more and find out if WitCom is available in your area

Price: Free Developer: Lex Loci Technologies

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