Top 37 Education Apps Like BCM EM Resident Evaluations - Best Alternatives

BCM EM Resident Evaluations Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BCM EM Resident Evaluations alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Education apps that are similar to BCM EM Resident Evaluations. Pick one from this list to be your new BCM EM Resident Evaluations app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BCM EM Resident Evaluations on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like BCM EM Resident Evaluations - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BCM EM Resident Evaluations alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like BCM EM Resident Evaluations 2025.

Learning Potential

Learning Potential

The Learning Potential app provides you with practical tips and information to help you support your child's learning, from the early years right through to the end of high school. The app has hundreds of articles on all aspects of...

Price: Free Developer: BCM Partnership


- RESÜLÜMÜS - PEYGEMBERİZ PROGRAMI Peygamberimiz çok kaliteli ve çocuklarınıza örnek alabilecekleri en iyi hayat hikayesini öğretir.. özelliklede çocuğunuzun benzemek ve örnek almak için arayış içinde olduğu zamanda ki bu zamanlarda çocuk şarkıcı futbolcu yanlış veya doğru olan...

Price: Free Developer: chaker kalai
Acil Video Çözüm

Acil Video Çözüm

Acil Video Çözüm Kitaptaki soru çözümleri görebileceğiniz ücretsiz uygulama

Acil Öğretmen Çözüm

Acil Öğretmen Çözüm

Acil Öğretmen Çözüm Uygulaması Kitaptaki soru çözümlerini oluşturmak için çözüm uygulaması

Akademi Denizi Öğretmen Çözüm

Akademi Denizi Öğretmen Çözüm

Akademi Denizi Soru Çözüm Uygulaması Kitaptaki soru çözümlerini oluşturmak için çözüm uygulaması

Aktif Çözüm

Aktif Çözüm

Aktif Video Çözüm Soru çözümleri görebileceğiniz ücretsiz uygulama Soruların tamamının çözümü yapılmaktadır. Eksik soruların çözümleri tamamlandıkça uygulama içerisinde güncellenmektedir.

Altın Karma Video Çözüm

Altın Karma Video Çözüm

Altın Karma Video Çözüm Kitaptaki soru çözümleri görebileceğiniz ücretsiz uygulama Soruların tamamının çözümü yapılmaktadır. Eksik soruların çözümleri tamamlandıkça uygulama içerisinde güncellenmektedir.

Analiz Video Çözüm

Analiz Video Çözüm

Analiz Video Çözüm Soru çözümleri görebileceğiniz ücretsiz uygulama Soruların tamamının çözümü yapılmaktadır. Eksik soruların çözümleri tamamlandıkça uygulama içerisinde güncellenmektedir.

Antrenör Video Çözüm

Antrenör Video Çözüm

Antrenör Video Çözüm Kitaptaki soru çözümleri görebileceğiniz ücretsiz uygulama

Senar em Campo

Senar em Campo

O conhecimento é uma ferramenta indispensável para o sucesso de qualquer negócio, no campo e na cidade. Para que agricultores e pecuaristas estejam sempre muito bem informados sobre técnicas, inovações e tecnologias, a Assistência Técnica e Gerencial do Serviço...

Price: Free Developer: Talk Interactive
Letramento em Programação

Letramento em Programação

O Instituto Ayrton Senna (IAS) possui um programa de Letramento em Programação. O aplicativo é uma forma de introduzir os ensinamentos aplicados pelo Instituto Ayrton Senna, onde as crianças possuem uma primeira interação de criação de linhas de código...

Price: Free Developer: Instituto Ayrton Senna
Alokiddy - Tiếng Anh trẻ em

Alokiddy - Tiếng Anh trẻ em

Alokiddy – Tiếng Anh cho trẻ em Alokiddy là ứng dụng học tiếng Anh cho trẻ em và Toán tiếng Anh cho trẻ em được phát hành bởi Công ty Cổ Phần Công Nghệ và Giáo Dục KSC, đơn vị...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Phuong Anh
SmartEnglish by EM Normandie

SmartEnglish by EM Normandie

Learn English for free with the amazing SmartEnglish by EM Normandie* app. And yes, our app is completely, 100% free! With this app you will find a new video lesson unlocked EVERY WEEK. Learn: - the right words and phrases to use - what...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Reinvented
EM Strasbourg Inside

EM Strasbourg Inside

News, timetables, campus map or careercenter, EM Strasbourg INSIDE allows you to stay connected to your school, wherever you are! For a more complete student experience, EM Strasbourg has created the mobile app EM Strasbourg INSIDE. The app allows you...

Price: Free Developer: Université Strasbourg
Manual em Família

Manual em Família

Agora o Manual em Família cabe no seu celular! Fique por dentro das novidades, dos diários, das vivências e das próximas ações. O aplicativo do Manual em Família foi desenvolvido para facilitar a comunicação entre os participantes e a...

Price: Free Developer: Manual da Família
Sinalário Disciplinar em Libras

Sinalário Disciplinar em Libras

O Sinalário Disciplinar em Libras não é um aplicativo de ensino de libras e sim uma ferramenta de apoio para os alunos e os profissionais (intérpretes) que trabalham com os educandos surdos . Hoje com cerca de 300 vídeos, o app disponibiliza...

Price: Free Developer: R&A
OrthoBC! Br Orthopedic Basic Competency (em português)

OrthoBC! Br Orthopedic Basic Competency (em português)

Devido à projeção de um aumento desproporcional e progressivo das doenças relacionadas ao sistema musculoesquelético nos próximos anos, torna-se imperativo que os internos das escolas de medicina, os residentes do primeiro ano de especialidades como Ortopedia e...

Price: Free Developer: Carlos Vaz
Igreja Edificando em Cristo

Igreja Edificando em Cristo

Bem-vindo ao aplicativo da Igreja Edificando em Cristo. Aqui você encontrará diversas mensagens ministradas em nossos cultos de adolescentes (Binuí), jovens (Locomotiva) e dos cultos de domingo, além de conteúdos de artigos, devocionais, notícias, testemunhos e músicas do nosso ministério. Você...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Jogo da Forca - Palavras em Inglês HD - Grátis

Jogo da Forca - Palavras em Inglês HD - Grátis

This game is ONLY in Portuguese. Don't buy if you don't understand Portuguese... **** HD version for iPad *** O jogo da forca é muito conhecido no Brasil. Basicamente terá de adivinhar a palavra escolhida. Cada vez que errar...

Price: Free Developer: Idea-Factory
Stanford Microsurgery and Resident Training

Stanford Microsurgery and Resident Training

The Stanford Microsurgery and Resident Training app provides microsurgical trainees with access to information covering the basics of microsurgery. It provides a useful review of the many fundamental components involved in this technically challenging area of plastic surgery.

Price: Free Developer: HarborLight Solutions LLC
OMSRSG Resident Survival Guide

OMSRSG Resident Survival Guide

Oral OMS RSG Maxillofacial School Resident Survival Guide OMSRSG Oral and maxillofacial surgery requires up to 6 additional years of hospital based surgical and anesthesia training. As oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Dr.'s Sullivan and Smith manage a wide variety of problems...

Price: Free Developer: BFAC
UW Surgery Resident Assessment

UW Surgery Resident Assessment

Easily perform Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) Assessments for Residents with the UW Department of Surgery's Resident Assessment app! With this app you can: - For faculty members, fill out EPA Assessments for your residents - For residents, fill out self-assessments and view...

Price: Free Developer: University of Wisconsin-Madison Shared Apps
StarRez X

StarRez X

General Enhancements: • Improved User Interface • Advanced user security requires screen lock on the device • Easy 2 Step Setup: 1. Provide username in the mobile app 2. Claim the device token in StarRez Web Resident Directory: • Barcode...

Price: Free Developer: StarRez is a novel, multifunctional application which allows resident surgeons to have structured, frequent evaluations of their technical performance in the operating room. It contains the following sections: • Logbook • News Feed • Resident Evaluations • Staff Evaluations • Wellness Questionnaire. Resident surgeons add new cases to their Logbook on...

Price: Free Developer: Dominic Jean
RDoC Resiliency Mobile App

RDoC Resiliency Mobile App

RESILIENCY CURRICULUM FOR RESIDENTS Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) has developed a national Resiliency Curriculum for residents, drawing from content created by the Department of National Defence and the Mental Health Commission of Canada. RDoC’s Resiliency Curriculum is practical and...

Price: Free Developer: 247 Labs Inc
Biology Exam Review: 1660 Quiz

Biology Exam Review: 1660 Quiz

Biology Exam Review: Get +1660 Study notes, exam quizzes, terms & definitions and Prepare & Pass Your Biology Exam easily to guarantee the highest score. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning &...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Anesthesia Encyclopedia: 5600 terms, study notes, cases & quizzes

Anesthesia Encyclopedia: 5600 terms, study notes, cases & quizzes

Anesthesia Encyclopedia: Get +5600 Study notes, exam quizzes, terms & definitions and Prepare & Pass Your Exam easily to guarantee the highest score. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Child Nutrition, Health Safety

Child Nutrition, Health Safety

Child Nutrition & Care (DCF): Get +1000 Study notes, exam quizzes, terms & definitions and expand your Child Nutrition & Care expertise. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI


D-brief.ev is a novel, multifunctional application which allows residents to receive different types of evaluations, including Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) evaluations, all throughout their residency. This app is an essential tool for programs transitioning to Competency by Design (CBD)....

Price: Free Developer: Dominic Jean
Qridi for Learners

Qridi for Learners

Qridi is a formative evaluation and learning analytics app, which has been developed together with innovative Finnish teachers and experts, based on the most recent results of studies into learning. Qridi has a clear, visual interface that allows learners respond...

Price: Free Developer: Qridi Oy


RUBRIX REQUIRES A RUBRIX ACCOUNT. Rubrix is a free client for the Rubrix web service. Rubrix provides a systematic way to create and manage rubrics, perform evaluations and report on the results. Rubrics are guides for consistent and reliable evaluations....

Price: Free Developer: Discovery Software Ltd.


More than a digital class register - for teachers & schools Design your lessons with TEGO.CLASS, document absences and grades of your students and never again get annoyed about the annoying paperwork or time-consuming evaluations. Encrypted and as an offline...

Price: Free Developer: vaitego GmbH


This free collection of tools assists therapists and teachers in their day-to-day sessions with clients/students. 1. IEP Scheduler: counts out days to help calculate the exact date of upcoming IEPs, evaluations or specific day timelines for...

Price: Free Developer: PediaStaff
CE21 Mobile™

CE21 Mobile™

CE21 Mobile™ lets you take your continuing education with you wherever you are. Finally, a CE Viewer for the 21st Century. CE21 is proud to announce the release of the CE21 Mobile™ App! The CE21 Mobile™ app can be used to: •...

Price: Free Developer:
Advantum Kompetens

Advantum Kompetens

The Advantum app caters different micro learning training programs under the Advantum brand. Login access to app is provided by Advantum (this is a B2B app) Training program are built on a timeline. This means that interactions such as challenges, tips,...

Price: Free Developer: MOBB - Mobilized Business


Moblrn is an app for dialogue based micro-learning. The app is connected to a web based CMS. The CMS is where the unique training programs are created. The Moblrn app is where the participants take part of the training...

Price: Free Developer: MOBB - Mobilized Business

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