Top 19 Business Apps Like Evo Fidelity - Best Alternatives

Evo Fidelity Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Evo Fidelity alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Evo Fidelity. Pick one from this list to be your new Evo Fidelity app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Evo Fidelity on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Evo Fidelity - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Evo Fidelity alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Evo Fidelity 2025.

EVO Snap Mobile EVO MSR ITM50

EVO Snap Mobile EVO MSR ITM50

EVO Snap* Mobile is a complete mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS) solution allowing small business owners to streamline sales and accept payments on-the-go with a smartphone or tablet device. Use your iOS device to process sales, apply discounts, calculate tips...

Price: Free Developer: EVO Payments International, LLC
EVO GPS Tracker

EVO GPS Tracker

The EVO GPS Tracker is a GPS vehicle tracking device that allows users to track their vehicle in real-time. This application makes it easy for subscribers of the service to monitor their EVO GPS Tracker-equipped vehicle using their smart...

Price: Free Developer: EVO SYSTEMS Sdn Bhd


evo-移动办公管理平台是北京华宇软件(300271)全资子公司北京万户网络技术有限公司在秉承20年的协同领域里的专业移动解决方案之一。 可为政府机构、企业组织、医院学校等公共事业组织提供私有化部署的移动办公方案,也提供基于企业微信、钉钉、云之家的公有云平台对接方案。 evo-移动办公管理平台是移动应用服务统一入口,第三方应用集成管控和统一的移动协同信息交流平台。 当前版本作为基础办公套件的一个入口,具有完整的移动办公业务: 1、流程审批:与PC端的工作流引擎自动同步,适配手机办公的表单、审批环节; 2、公文处理:公文的收发、办理审批、查看转办、在线编辑、手写意见的签批等; 3、信息管理:查看与PC端一致的信息更新、推送、阅读情况,一处发布多终端查阅; 4、组织用户:自动同步组织用户并根据权限推送到每个员工,员工可公私通讯录共同管理; 5、更多办公套件应用:内部邮件、任务、工作汇报、领导日程、会议、用车、日志、员工关怀、问卷调查等 万户evo-移动办公管理平台不仅是一个办公入口,更是一个强大的移动业务管理平台,帮助组织进行统一的组织用户管理、统一的移动业务发布、不管是源生业务还是H5业务均可轻松对接,提供标准化的业务接口帮助组织打造专属的移动管理中心,助理组织管理创新迭代,开拓和发展新的移动化管理模式

Price: Free Developer: 北京万户网络技术有限公司
EVO Snap Mobile MagTek MSR

EVO Snap Mobile MagTek MSR

EVO Snap* Mobile is a complete mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS) solution allowing small business owners to streamline sales and accept payments on-the-go with a smartphone or tablet device. Use your iOS device to process sales, apply discounts, calculate tips...

Price: Free Developer: EVO Payments International, LLC
EVO Snap* Mobile

EVO Snap* Mobile

The EVO Snap* mPOS solution is designed to assist merchants in streamlining the sales process by accepting EMV and swiped payments on-the-go using a smartphone or tablet device. In addition to processing sales and payments, merchants can also apply...

Price: Free Developer: EVO Payments International, LLC


K2-EVO 服务平台是由广州 K11 管理团队与云系科技有限公司共同合作,倾心打造而成的高端办公生活服务平台。是 K11 与云系科技对传统写字楼服务的 崭新革命。 K2-EVO 个人版面为所有广州 K11 ATELIER 办公人员所打造轻松上班与生活体验。通过整合珠江新城 CBD 周边资源,为各租户提供便利的饮用水、办公文 具、穿梭巴士及绿化保洁等服务。每时每刻都体现着广州 K11 所提倡的 BESPOKE 精神——贴心打造,致力为您提供更独特、更便利、更细致的服务。 K2-EVO 每时每刻都体现着广州 K11 所提倡的 BESPOKE 精神——贴心打造,我们致力为您提供更独特、更便利、更细致的服务,除了基本的写字楼服务, 通过 K2-EVO,您还可以在线预订专属搭配的工作餐,可以完成 6A 级会议中心的预约,可以尽情选购我们为您精心挑选的商品,同时,我们亦专门为您在 K2-EVO 开通对公服务窗口,极大程度减少您烦心繁琐杂务的时间,令您可以更专注于自身工作。 通过 K2-EVO 平台的不断优化,我们将与您紧密互动,从中吸纳经验,听取意见,从而提供更优质服务。衷心希望您能感受这场由 K2-EVO 带来的创新办公 风潮,享受极致工作体验,体会 K11 艺术、人文、自然三大元素的融合。

Price: Free Developer: 广州云系信息科技有限公司
Luxriot EVO Mobile

Luxriot EVO Mobile

Luxriot EVO Mobile is a free iOS application that allows you to access Luxriot EVO Servers' live and recorded video streams using your smartphone or a tablet from almost anywhere. This easy to use application allows simultaneous multiple camera...

Price: Free Developer: A&H Software House, Inc.
EVO APP – Etstur ve Odamax

EVO APP – Etstur ve Odamax

Dünyanın dört bir yanından binlerce tesisi bir araya getiren Etstur ve ile tesisinizi milyonlarca misafir ile buluşturmak artık çok kolay! Bunun için yapmanız gereken tek şey, Etstur ve Odamax extranet sisteminin mobil uygulaması EVO’yu telefonunuza indirmek. Kayıt işlemlerinizi...

Price: Free Developer: Etstur
EVO! Cegonha

EVO! Cegonha

Cegonheiro, encontre as melhores oportunidades de transporte! O EVO! é um aplicativo que reúne solicitações de frete de veículos em todo Brasil. Todo o transporte é acompanhado através do app e você cegonheiro recebe o seu pagamento de forma...

Price: Free Developer: Arivan Bastos
Bankers Fidelity Quoting Tools

Bankers Fidelity Quoting Tools

Free online Quoting Tools from Bankers Fidelity lets you quote insurance products fast and easy on the go. You can access this time saving tool directly from our free mobile app that can be downloaded to your mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Bankers Fidelity
Fidelity Canada Events

Fidelity Canada Events

Download this free app for financial advisors who would like more information about a Fidelity Face to Face event. It provides details about the event, including the agenda, speakers, information about the host city and more. You will...

Price: Free Developer: Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Fidelity Meetings & Events

Fidelity Meetings & Events

Fidelity Events is the official hub for all Fidelity Investments meetings and events mobile apps. Each app—available by invitation only—helps you to: • Stay informed with agendas, schedules, locations, and speaker details. • Create your own personal event schedule. • Get a...

Price: Free Developer: Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC,
Fidelity Card - Admin

Fidelity Card - Admin

FINALLY, creating your own fidelity cards network is now easy and FOR FREE. Create your own network of fidelity cards for free in only four steps: 1) Download and install "Fidelity Card - Admin" 2) Register your company and choose your fidelity...

Price: Free Developer: IT TRAD CONSULTING
Fidelity Card - Client

Fidelity Card - Client

Fidelity Card - Client Application work alone or together with Fidelity Card- Admin and manages a virtual fidelity system. You also can scan your pre existing cards. You may now create your own FIDELITY CARD system easily and for free! Create your...

Price: Free Developer: IT TRAD CONSULTING


FIDELITY CARD is the first application born of its kind on the iPhone, designed to retain your customers. Finally you can also create your fidelity cards to your customers without spending money on expensive equipment and systems. This application has been...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Alessandro Busso
Fidelity TitleForce

Fidelity TitleForce

Fidelity TitleForce is Fidelity National Title’s answer to vital property information available anywhere, anytime. This powerful smart-phone application gives access to property ownership and characteristics, title transfer and default information as well as comparable sales. A listing of neighborhood...

Price: Free Developer: Red Shed Technology
Fidelity Card POS

Fidelity Card POS

Fidelity Card POS è la versione mobile dell'applicativo web Softvision Fidelity Card. Si tratta di un'applicazione pensata per permetterti di gestire, in maniera semplice e del tutto autonoma, le campagne di fidelizzazione tramite fidelity card (raccolta punti, tessere sconto,...

Price: Free Developer: Softvision srl
Fidelity Assist

Fidelity Assist

Fidelity Assist is for any member of the website. Users who are members can manage their CRM accounts right from their cell phone. All the features that Fidelity Assist users have learned to appreciate are now...

Price: Free Developer: NewHomePage LLC

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