Top 25 Entertainment Apps Like Caffe Latte Coaster - Best Alternatives

Caffe Latte Coaster Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Caffe Latte Coaster alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Entertainment apps that are similar to Caffe Latte Coaster. Pick one from this list to be your new Caffe Latte Coaster app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Caffe Latte Coaster on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Caffe Latte Coaster - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Caffe Latte Coaster alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Caffe Latte Coaster 2025.

Caffé Galileo

Caffé Galileo

CAFFE' GALILEO Locale storico situato nel cuore della "movida" biellese. Probabilmente il più longevo dei locali notturni tuttora in attività. Nasce nei primissimi anni '90 per giungere ai giorni nostri, dopo alcune gestioni che pur susseguendosi hanno sempre...

Price: Free Developer: Kimera Hitech srl
AqvaWorld blu Wellness family club

AqvaWorld blu Wellness family club

Se sei un socio Aqvaworld o vuoi avvicinarti al nostro mondo, questa è l’applicazione creata per farti vivere e conoscere il nostro club a 360°. Scarica l’app e programma il tuo wellness! Questa applicazione ti darà la possibilità di consultare gli...

Price: Free Developer: Makeitapp s.r.l.
Créativité pratique

Créativité pratique

La première application francophone sur la créativité. Retrouvez toutes les informations sur la créativité professionnelle et tous les conseils et sources d'inspiration pour animer vos réunions. Fonctionnalités : - Informations théoriques et pratiques sur la créativité - Actualité ert veille internet - Conseils...

Price: Free Developer: DEV 2A
F d O

F d O

La Fabbrica dell’Oro prende l’eredità dello storico Club La Barraca , situata nel cuore di Biella nasce dalla sinergia dei gestori dello storico AmericaBar Caffè Galileo , e del circolo meta dei più giovani Privilege Cafè sotto la direzione...

Price: Free Developer: Kimera Hitech srl
Frasi per ogni occasione LITE

Frasi per ogni occasione LITE

"Frasi per ogni OCCASIONE" è l'unica applicazione del suo genere su AppStore con oltre 4.450 frasi suddivise in 40 categorie. Con notifiche push per rimanere aggiornato su tutte le novità. Utilizza la pratica funzione 'Contribuisci' ed inviaci le tue...

Price: Free Developer: Gino Sarnieri
Guglielmo Online

Guglielmo Online

Caffè Guglielmo vicino ai suoi clienti, tessera punti e shop online.

Price: Free Developer: tb
Notturno Backstage

Notturno Backstage

NOTTURNO BACKSTAGE Piazza XX Settembre 1/2 VARESE (VA) Tel. 0332 830866 Titolari e stilisti: Creatori d’immagine e protagonisti di Backstage, Alessia, Sabrina e Patrick Notturno, figli d’arte, sono i responsabili del salone varesino Notturno Backstage. Sotto l’attenta guida di Enzo Notturno, hairstylist e...

Price: Free Developer: EDIZIONI HP s.r.l.


BLK PRIME. EVERYWHERE. We provide easily accessible on demand original multicultural movies, and TV Series to inspire and entertain diverse audiences worldwide. BLK PRIME. READY. The world is ready for BLK PRIME. We believe in supporting the next influences -thinkers, creators, and...

Price: Free Developer: Endavo Media and Communications, Inc.
Supernova Video

Supernova Video

Supernova is the streaming app that gives you exclusive access to the world’s best Digital Animations. A new breed of artists are unleashing 2-6 minute videos, accompanied by music, in an explosion of creative imagination! Through Supernova you can now...

Price: Free Developer: Supernova Media LLC
REPO Rewards

REPO Rewards

REPO REPO is the ultimate digital loyalty application, and the only one you will ever need. Forget multiple loyalty program or old-school stamp cards – now you can collect your points, redeem rewards and enjoy experiences across as many brands as...

Price: Free Developer: Retroban Worldwide WLL
CaffeLatte - Cute Cup of Coffee Emoji Sticker

CaffeLatte - Cute Cup of Coffee Emoji Sticker

Cafe Latte "Latti". Wish happiness be always with you! Make your conversations cuter with these stickers!

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Quang Tran Vinh


Free, easy to use digital colouring book for your iPhone and iPad! Create inspirational and beautiful artwork – you will be amazed at how creative you can be with Colourfil. All illustrations are hand drawn in the UK by...

Price: Free Developer: Postsnap Group Ltd


PackStory es una aplicación mobile de Tetra Pak que te permite conocer en realidad aumentada a los productos que consumís todos los días. Descargala, escaneá el frente de los packs, el logo de Tetra Pak al costado del envase,...

Price: Free Developer: Agustin Mende
Pickup Lines - Chat Up & Dating App For Flirting

Pickup Lines - Chat Up & Dating App For Flirting

"Do you have any raisins? How about a date then...?" "Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte..." Ever wanted over 450* Chat up / Pick up lines ready to use whenever you need, wherever you are!...

Price: Free Developer: iDevver Apps Limited
Spin the Bottle: chat-n-flirt

Spin the Bottle: chat-n-flirt

HOW TO PLAY? When you start the game, you find yourself at a table where other players have been waiting for you. Each player takes turns to spin the bottle. When the bottle points at you, choose – kiss or...

Price: Free Developer: Ciliz Co. Ltd.
VR 360 Roller Coaster Video HD

VR 360 Roller Coaster Video HD

Love VR(Virtual Reality) App? Here is VR 360 Video. You can try to watch amazing VR 360 for FREE! Realistic VR For Roller Coaster, Sky Driving, Animal and Natural that you never found anywhere! Main Feature: - You can have good...

Price: Free Developer: Khwunvadee Intapura
Coaster! VR Stereograph.

Coaster! VR Stereograph.

Experience roller coaster VR right on your iOS device. Hand designed tracks, supports, ground effects, sky domes, actual recorded sounds, velocity controls, physics modelling, an immersive 3D stereographic view, and multiple viewports, combine to create an surprisingly authentic coaster....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Snow Storm Software
Coaster Pro! Runaway Railcar VR Edition

Coaster Pro! Runaway Railcar VR Edition

Experience roller coaster VR right on your iOS device. Try one of the included tracks, complete with background scenery, or build your own with the included editor. Choose your favorite track, change the sky and the ground texture, and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Snow Storm Software
Coaster Pro! VR Stereograph.

Coaster Pro! VR Stereograph.

Experience roller coaster VR right on your iOS device. Try one of the included tracks, complete with background scenery, or build your own with the included editor. Choose your favorite track, change the sky and the ground texture, and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Snow Storm Software
Coaster VR, Extreme Endless 3D Stereograph

Coaster VR, Extreme Endless 3D Stereograph

Take a thrill ride on an endless, extreme virtual reality, roller coaster! Rendered in full color 3D, Coaster Extreme offers diverse, dramatic landscapes, wild track colors, and user controls. Viewable as a VR stereographic image (glasses not needed), the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Snow Storm Software
Roller Coaster VR for Google Cardboard

Roller Coaster VR for Google Cardboard

Get ready to be thrilled! Experience the virtual reality as the roller coaster twists, turns, and loops. Get on the coaster for the best VR experience on your mobile! ◆VR Roller Coaster for Google Cardboard VR compatible headsets◆ ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ ◇ Ultimate...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Perfectrix
Roller Coaster Apocalypse - VR Virtual Reality

Roller Coaster Apocalypse - VR Virtual Reality

This experience is for VR mobile virtual reality headsets like Google Cardboard and Other Three roller coasters with a Interactive Roller Coaster Three different experiences The best Virtual and Interactive RollerCoaster for iOS ! -Apocalypse Destruction At this ride you...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Luciano Silva
Roller Coaster Egypt - VR Virtual Reality

Roller Coaster Egypt - VR Virtual Reality

Enjoy riding a roller coaster between Egyptian pyramids while dodging mummies and spiders! An Egyptian roller coaster ride with more than five minutes of twists and turns. Two rides included included at this version - Day and Night Enjoy...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Luciano Silva
VR Roller Coaster Pro

VR Roller Coaster Pro

VR Roller Coaster Pro is an app for Google Cardboard provides the best roller coaster experience In VR. Now,use this App and begin your new VR Life.

Price: Free Developer: Yi Wang

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