Top 19 Entertainment Apps Like Dialog ViU - Best Alternatives

Dialog ViU Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dialog ViU alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Entertainment apps that are similar to Dialog ViU. Pick one from this list to be your new Dialog ViU app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dialog ViU on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Dialog ViU - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dialog ViU alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Dialog ViU 2025.

Dialog Lens

Dialog Lens

Welcome to Dialog Lens! Dialog Lens is an Augmented Reality (AR) mobile application from Dialog, for users to experience a host of immersive AR content. How it works: Open the Dialog Lens app Point your camera toward the image you would like to unlock Experience...

Price: Free Developer: Dialog Axiata PLC
Dialog TV GO

Dialog TV GO

Dialog Television customers can now watch all your favourite channel on-the-go anywhere, any time at no extra charge. Your start page will list down all your available channels and an icon will indicate the channels which you can Pause,...

Price: Free Developer: Dialog Axiata PLC


“Vinode” is the Sri Lanka’s leading video on demand streaming service enabling Sri Lankans to watch a vast collection of local Sinhala & Tamil entertainment anywhere and anytime on any device. You can get unlimited access to more than...

Price: Free Developer: Dialog Axiata PLC
Dialog Agent

Dialog Agent

With this application you speak freely with a robot. Speak anytime, anywhere, about anything you want and let's have fun. You can also send emotions and items to the robot to see its reactions. Moreover, it can be a good solution...

Price: Free Developer: Arnaud Jordan
Acting Partner

Acting Partner

ACTING PARTNER lets actors practice their lines anytime, anywhere and without having to beg a friend to help. Imagine running lines while working out, stuck in traffic on the 405, walking your dog, walking other peoples dogs, relaxing in bed, taking...

Price: USD 15.99 Developer: ScriptE Systems, LLC
Faker 2 - Fake Messages

Faker 2 - Fake Messages

Prank your friends with top most realistic Fake Messages! Have fun or make your friends confused or jealous by following these 4 easy steps: 1. Create a dialog. 2. Set recipient name. 3. Add various messages to make it look like a...

Price: Free Developer: Vladislav Kovalyov
ESPR Calc Free

ESPR Calc Free

Conceived, designed, and produced entirely by a retired career urologist, ESPR (Erection Size Percentile Rank) Calculator is a simple, discreet app which gives a man the ability to assess his total erection size and rank compared to the overall...

Price: Free Developer: OhsOwn LLC
ESPR Calculator

ESPR Calculator

Conceived, designed, and produced entirely by a retired career urologist, ESPR (Erection Size Percentile Rank) Calculator is a simple, discreet app which gives a man the ability to assess his total erection size and rank compared to the overall...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: OhsOwn LLC
Actors Mobile ADR™

Actors Mobile ADR™

Actors Mobile ADR™ provides Actors with a method to record their ADR in sync to picture on their iPhone, with traditional beeps, previews, and playbacks of their recorded ADR. The Editor sends encrypted videos to the Actor who...

Price: Free Developer: TODD-AO
Viu -Stream TV Shows & Serials

Viu -Stream TV Shows & Serials

Viu is the best Drama & Movie app for Indonesians,Malaysians,Indians,South Africans and those from the Middle East! You can stream & download your favorite shows,movies,TV series and music in full HD with Viu! Watch all of this with subtitles in...

Price: Free Developer: Vuclip, Inc.
VIU video

VIU video

VIU es la nueva plataforma de video en línea que te entrega una gran variedad de películas y amplio contenido para toda la familia. Ingresa ya a VIU y accede a todo el entretenimiento desde la web o desde...

Price: Free Developer: TvCable
Já Viu?

Já Viu?

Criamos um mundo em realidade aumentada para você te fornecer experiências inovadoras e interativas com várias marcas e objetos, além, de muita diversão. E aí, Já viu?

Price: Free Developer: Besro Enterprise Servicos de Jogos Recreativos Ltda


Fique ligado a tudo o que vai acontecer na FLICA 2019! No aplicativo você pode conferir todo o conteúdo de toda a programação, montar a sua agenda durante o evento, ler sobre as mesas, sobre as atrações confirmadas. Além...

Price: Free Developer: Republica Interativa Ltda ME
Singtel Cast

Singtel Cast

Get Cast, where you can watch the best English, Asian and Kids entertainment right on your mobile devices. We’ve packed the latest shows and dramas from US, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. We even have great shows, games...

Price: Free Developer: Singtel Idea Factory Pte Ltd
DarkSide Books RA

DarkSide Books RA

A DarkSide® Books, em parceria com a Flex Interativa, mostra que a experiência de um livro vai muito além da sua leitura. O terror e a fantasia serão elevados a um novo patamar, onde as histórias ganham vida...

Price: Free Developer: Flex Interativa
Acontece Lá em Casa

Acontece Lá em Casa

Novo Aplicativo Acontece Lá em Casa. As dicas e os melhores conselhos da psicóloga Betty Monteiro para você viver melhor em família + Vídeos exclusivos com tudo o que você não viu na primeira temporada do programa Acontece Lá...

Price: Free Developer: PremierSoft Seguranca Digital Ltda
Agenda Surtdecasa

Agenda Surtdecasa

Amb l’Agenda de Surtdecasa trobaràs les millors propostes per gaudir de la cultura, l’oci i el territori: gastronomia, espectacles, exposicions, fires i festes, concerts, entorn, activitats familiars i molt més! Més de 1.000 activitats per escollir en tot moment....

Price: Free Developer: MOYBU


Descubra com esse aplicativo se aquela notícia que você viu na web é verdadeira ou falsa! Depois de 13 anos pesquisando as farsas da web, o site lança esse aplicativo com tudo do E-farsas. Fotos, vídeos, artigos, notícias e...

Price: Free Developer: Fabio Marcal Blanco

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