Top 20 Education Apps Like Meteo VR - Best Alternatives

Meteo VR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Meteo VR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Meteo VR. Pick one from this list to be your new Meteo VR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Meteo VR on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Meteo VR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Meteo VR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Meteo VR 2025.

Meteo AR

Meteo AR

The Meteo AR app provides an Augmented Reality interface for exploring 3D earth science data sets and learning more about the complex environment we live in. Just point your iPhone or iPad’s camera to one of our “science...

Price: Free Developer: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research


Improve your French and increase your knowledge of La Francophonie cultures! The authors of the popular CD-ROMs, La chaise berçante and Le chandail de hockey, have developed FRANCOFONE to help you do just that. -- French version follows -- For...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Donna Mydlarski
Nuvole a motore

Nuvole a motore

Regola la quantità di pioggia fino a far comparire l’arcobaleno, fai muovere la pala eolica alla giusta velocità per produrre corrente elettrica e cerca di trasformare tutte le macchine in biciclette per aiutare il pianeta e mantenere il riscaldamento...

Price: Free Developer: AnotheReality


Chaque jour, l’air que vous respirez est plus ou moins pollué, chaud et humide. Il varie selon l’heure, selon la météo et les sources d’émission de polluants, selon vos activités (à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur, à proximité du trafic, dans un...

Price: Free Developer: Vincent Dupuis
Ach Arabic

Ach Arabic

Ach Arabic est une application pour les débutants dans la langue arabe. L'application "Ach Arabic" fonctionne sans internet et contient : -La famille et les pronoms -La rencontre -L'école -Les pays -Lire et écrire -Les chiffres -Date,heure et jour de semaine -Les activités -Les couleurs -La nourriture -Les saisons et la...

Price: Free Developer: jamel achria
ASSIMO Touch Lecture Ecriture

ASSIMO Touch Lecture Ecriture

Le célèbre logiciel ASSIMO Lecture Ecriture enfin sur IPAD. La collection ASSIMO « apprendre et réapprendre à tout âge » s'adresse à toutes les personnes jeunes et adultes qui souhaitent apprendre la lecture et l'écriture du français. Utilisé dans...

Price: USD 16.99 Developer: NEOTIS
Click4Clean Crispiano

Click4Clean Crispiano

Click4Clean Faggiano è l'app che consente all’utente finale di segnalare particolari situazioni di degrado o di disservizio nel comune di Crispiano (Ta). Per ogni segnalazione l’app consente di: · Personalizzare le tipologie di...

Price: Free Developer: Consorzio Quadrifoglio Srl
Click4Clean Faggiano

Click4Clean Faggiano

Click4Clean Faggiano è l'app che consente all’utente finale di segnalare particolari situazioni di degrado o di disservizio nel comune di Faggiano (Ta). Per ogni segnalazione l’app consente di: · Personalizzare le tipologie di...

Price: Free Developer: Consorzio Quadrifoglio Srl


L'application mobile de la commune de Crisnée (Belgique). Un accès direct aux actualités, à l’agenda de tous les prochains évènements, à la météo de Crisnée et aux contacts de nos élus. De plus, vous pourrez même recevoir des messages en...

Price: Free Developer: Commune de Crisnee
AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Virtual Space OOO
AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: Free Developer: Virtual Space OOO
Athens in VR

Athens in VR

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: For the first time ever, you can use your iPhone to take a self-guided on site tour of Athens, Greece, the greatest tourist destination of...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: Experience Croatia in a way that has not been possible for 2,000 years. Step into the shoes of a Roman, and see Pula exactly as...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Hyperloop VR

Hyperloop VR

Download the VR app now to discover the technological breakthroughs from the Delft Hyperloop team. Use your mobile VR headset or Google Cardboard to bring the Hyperloop concept to life. Features: · Sit...

Price: Free Developer: INDG
VR Classroom

VR Classroom

Assistant app to VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: ATOMS AND ORBITALS - the first of a kind educational virtual reality experience designed for group visits to location-based virtual reality venues from schools, summer camps, education centers, and for everyone else who wants...

Price: Free Developer: Abelana VR Productions Inc
ID College VR

ID College VR

De ID College VR app is een co-creatie onder leiding van EMansion, i.s.m. DutchVR, Rabobank en ID College. Het maakt het voor toekomstige studenten makkelijk een virtuele kijk in de klas te kunnen nemen, het gebouw te kunnen ervaren en interviews met...

Price: Free Developer: DUTCH VR BV
Metro VR Store

Metro VR Store

Welcome to your METRO VR store! Experience first-hand how to keep a store running! Restock, take care of quality and presentation, and make sure everything is nice and customer friendly. In three exciting games you will boost the customer experience and...

Price: Free Developer: VR Owl
MLU VR Führung

MLU VR Führung

Fast wie live vor Ort! Unsere VR-App bietet mit 360-Grad-Videos und interaktiven 360-Grad-Panoramen Eindrücke von den Studienbedingungen an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) sowie der attraktiven Studentenstadt Halle (Saale) die zugleich Kulturhauptstadt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt ist. Die optimale Wirkung der vollsphärischen...

Price: Free Developer: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala is an innovative project that is aiming to bring the tragic incident of Karbala to life. Through virtual reality, VR Karbala is aiming to allow its user to walk among the companions of Imam (as), praying behind...

Price: Free Developer: VMA Nordic IVS

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