Top 19 Finance Apps Like BG Store - Best Alternatives

BG Store Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BG Store alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Finance apps that are similar to BG Store. Pick one from this list to be your new BG Store app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BG Store on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like BG Store - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BG Store alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like BG Store 2025.

BG Trader

BG Trader

Mobile BG Trader е първото мобилно приложение за търговия на Българска фондова борса. Приложението е напълно синхронизирано с инсталационната версия на платформата BG Trader и с нейната уеб базирана версия Web BG Trader. Управлявайте вашата сметка, следете търговията на акции,...

Price: Free Developer: BenchMark Finance AD
m-Token Postbank

m-Token Postbank

Fast and easy electronic payment confirmation. m-Token Postbank is a software token, an application of Postbank Bulgaria for payment confirmation in electronic environment. With m-Token you confirm payments, ordered through the e-Postbank Internet banking platform as well as card payments...

Price: Free Developer: Eurobank Bulgaria AD
BG Token

BG Token

BG Token è l’app di Banca Generali che ti permette di accedere all’Home Banking, a BG Store o all’app Banca Generali Private e confermare le tue operazioni utilizzando semplicemente l’ impronta digitale o il FaceID! Accedere e confermare le operazioni...

Price: Free Developer: Banca Generali S.p.A.
CCBank Mobile App

CCBank Mobile App

Изтеглете безплатното приложение за мобилно банкиране на Централна кооперативна банка и банкирайте от дланта си, когато и където поискате, навсякъде по света. Чрез своя достъпен и интуитивен дизайн, базиран на високотехнологични решения, мобилното приложение Ви позволява лесно и удобно да извършвате голям брой...

Price: Free Developer: Central Cooperative Bank PLC
BG Cloud

BG Cloud

BG Cloud is a division of the Beatons Group. We are highly motivated chartered accountants in Suffolk and London. We provide high quality accountancy services, taxation advice, management accountancy and financial outsourcing to clients nationwide. We work with businesses...

Price: Free Developer: AppTheBusiness Ltd
MoviPago BG

MoviPago BG

MoviPago BG es una aplicación de Banco General que permite a su negocio convertir su teléfono inteligente o tablet en un Punto de Venta (POS) para que sus clientes le paguen con tarjetas de crédito y débito con chip. -...

Price: Free Developer: Banco General, S.A.
Tus Metas BG

Tus Metas BG

Tus Metas BG es una aplicación que permite planificar las metas de Ahorro tanto de clientes como no clientes de Banco Guayaquil . ...

Price: Free Developer: Banco de Guayaquil
Bulbank Mobile

Bulbank Mobile

Изтеглете и инсталирайте безплатното приложение за мобилно банкиране Булбанк Мобайл. Неговата навигация базирана на жестове и функционалности предлагат уникално изживяване докато банкирате. Всеки, който изтегли приложението може да се възползва от функциите на свободната зона: • Локатор и навигация до най-близкият...

Price: Free Developer: UniCredit Bank Bulgaria powered by Asseco


GanaMóvil es simple, rápido y seguro para realizar transacciones bancarias personales con tu iPhone® Consulta tus cuentas y tarjetas de créditos, realiza transferencias a otros bancos, entre cuentas propias, a cuentas de terceros, pago de servicios, pago de instituciones educativas...

Price: Free Developer: Banco Ganadero S.A.

Buy bitcoin in your local store with the App! Cashin makes it easy to buy bitcoin with its network of stores, you don’t need a credit card or even a bank account. Cashin, the only machine-less bitcoin top up solution in...

Price: Free Developer: cashin store
Pick n Store - Money Manager

Pick n Store - Money Manager

Life is all about spending time with your family, friends, enjoying hobbies and interests, following passion. But, are you skipping on the time of your life to write ledgers, planning budgets, manage transactions and accounts? Here is the one...

Price: Free Developer: vipul dudhat
Credit Card Deals & Credit Card Store Reviews

Credit Card Deals & Credit Card Store Reviews

'Credit Card Deals & Credit Card Store Reviews' brings you the best Credit Card Deals and Credit Card Store Reviews. It's the Credit Card Discovery tool you won't be able to live without. Get the best money saving deals for...

Price: Free Developer: Deals LLC
PIN Store

PIN Store

Struggle to remember your PIN number? Who can with bank cards, credit cards, alarm codes, door entry codes, and every other code you need in daily life! Keeping a note of them is silly - thieves love...

Price: Free Developer: J.S. Technology Ltd.
Seminar Store/Library

Seminar Store/Library

Seminar Store/Library ◆バージョン2.3 無料アプリ 『行き過ぎを狙うFX乖離トレード』ミニセミナーが、 バンドルされました。全てのお客様にご覧いただけます。 『行き過ぎを狙うFX乖離トレード』 「乖離」「勢い」「チャートパターン」で見極める 今回ご紹介する手法は、レンジ相場を狙って、「GMA(GinaMA)」という平均足と EMA(指数平滑移動平均線)を組み合わせたインジケーターと、 “そこ”から一定のピプス(pips)数離れたところにラインを表示する「乖離ライナー」という インジケータを使って、視覚的&聴覚的に行き過ぎを狙っていく「乖離トレード」です。 FXで勝ち続ける若き天才女性トレーダーが、その一端をご紹介します。 金融投資専門書籍出版のパンローリングが満を持してお贈りする、 iPhoneユーザーのためのセミナー動画アプリケーション。 『Seminar Store/Library』 国内外の貴重な投資手法を様々な切り口で、 さまざまな成功者が教えるパンローリングの 投資セミナーが、 iPhoneで手軽に視聴することができるアプリになりました。 紙の資料を手にテレビやパソコンの画面の前に座り勉強・学習してきたスタイルから、 通勤・移動時などのちょっとした時間にも手軽にお手持ちのiPhone、iPod touchで視聴・学習できます。 このアプリはストア兼ライブラリプレイヤー型のアプリで、 DVD化されているパンローリングの300以上あるセミナー映像の中でも 選りすぐりのベストセラー、人気セミナーが続々アプリ化され、 ワンクリックでダウンロード、視聴ができるようになります。 動画アプリケーション本体には、映像に同期した資料がついており、 リアルタイムで解説している資料をピンチイン・アウトしてご覧いただけます。 購入方法はとっても簡単。 アプリを起動したら「ストア」ボタンをタッチして、 お好きな商品をお選びいただき、(※)購入することができます。 また、一度購入した作品は、無料で再ダウンロードできます。 ※本アプリは、動画ファイルがパッケージングされた大容量のアプリになりますので、 WiFi環境、パソコンを用いたiTunes App Storeよりダウンロード購入いただくよう お願いいたします。 購入した作品を楽しむときは「ライブラリ」ボタンをタッチして、 作品を選ぶだけでお楽しみいただけます。 購入可能なセミナー動画も続々追加していきます。 あなたの投資の勉強に、 パンローリングの「Seminar Store/Library」をぜひご活用ください。

Price: Free Developer: Pan Rolling Inc.
Amazon Store Card

Amazon Store Card

Now there’s a simple, convenient way to manage your Store Card and Amazon Prime Store Card, issued by Synchrony Bank. With the Amazon Store Card app, you can access your credit account details, pay your bill, view credit...

Price: Free Developer: Synchrony Financial
TMB Store

TMB Store

TMB Store - One Stop app that provides a consolidated view of all Mobile Applications, Missed Call, Predefined SMS Keywords. This service can be activated only for the Mobile Number which is registered for particular Customer ID with the Bank....

Price: Free Developer: Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
Old Khaki Store Card

Old Khaki Store Card

Please note: This app is for the exclusive use of the Old Khaki Store Card customer. Our Self Service app allows you to review and manage your Old Khaki Store Card account details as and when it suits you....

Price: Free Developer: RCS Group
Poetry Store Card

Poetry Store Card

Please note: This app is for the exclusive use of the Poetry Store Card customer. Our Self Service app allows you to review and manage your Poetry Store Card account details as and when it suits you. You can: -...

Price: Free Developer: RCS Group

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