Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like AC Remote - Best Alternatives

AC Remote Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AC Remote alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to AC Remote. Pick one from this list to be your new AC Remote app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AC Remote on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like AC Remote - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AC Remote alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like AC Remote 2025.

Ac Boat

Ac Boat

Benvenuti nell'App di Ac Boat, una guida utile per navigare nel meraviglioso Lago di Como. Welcome in Ac Boat's App, a useful guide to navigate the beautiful Lake Como.

Price: Free Developer: Maria Pia De Sicot
AC Beer and Music Festival App

AC Beer and Music Festival App

The official app of the AC Beer and Music Festival. Join us in Atlantic City!

Price: Free Developer: MarketPower Mobile Apps
Rádio AC

Rádio AC

A Rádio AC tem como objetivo proporcionar as pessoas um ambiente de louvor e adoração em qualquer lugar em que elas estejam e, assim, trazendo os céus a terra! A igreja do Senhor Jesus está atualmente experimentando uma mudança de...

Price: Free Developer: Guilherme Dias
Unofficial Map for AC: Odyssey

Unofficial Map for AC: Odyssey

A fan-made map for AC: Odyssey. We've collected hundreds of locations into one simple map, so you can quickly find what you're looking for! The perfect companion for completionists to explore Greece, Elysium & The Underworld - make sure...

Price: Free Developer: Digitech Apps
IC Fantasy Football

IC Fantasy Football

You asked, I promised and here it is - the ICUAFC Fantasy Football has its own IOS app for the first time! Now you can take complete control of your squad on the go to ensure you score the...

Price: Free Developer: Leszek Nowaczyk
Window to the Past

Window to the Past

There are 2 mode in this application."Window to the Past" and "Old Photo Exploring." ・「Window to the Past」 Have you ever wished to travel into the past? Your wish comes true by “Window to the Past”. 1.Select an old photo on the...

Price: Free Developer: Tomohiro Tanikawa
AC攻略ニュースまとめ for アサシン クリード(アサクリ)【ASSASSIN'S CREED】

AC攻略ニュースまとめ for アサシン クリード(アサクリ)【ASSASSIN'S CREED】

アサシン クリード(アサクリ)【ASSASSIN'S CREED】の最新ニュースやまとめなどの関連情報を毎日更新! 攻略速報やとっておきの裏技までこのアプリ1つで完全網羅! 【主な機能】 ・お気に入り機能で重要な記事は保存可能 ・シェア機能が搭載されているのでSNSへのシェアもらくちんです! ・人気記事の一覧も見れるので忙しい方も重要な情報をもれなくチェックできます。 ・ブログリスト機能が搭載されており、読みたいサイトのみ表示することも出来ます。 このアプリはアサシン クリードの非公式アプリです。運営会社とは一切関係有りません。

Price: Free Developer: Hiroya Suzuki
► TV 番組表 日本: 日本のテレビチャンネルのテレビ番組 (JP) - Edition 2014

► TV 番組表 日本: 日本のテレビチャンネルのテレビ番組 (JP) - Edition 2014

► TV 番組表 日本 はあなたが一日のテレビ番組の、いつでもお好みのを表示することができます!あなたも低いインターネット接続でそれを見ることができます。アプリから利用可能なすべての最高のテレビチャンネルが備わっています。 特徴: •GPRS、EDGE、2G、3G、4GまたはWiFi接続。 •最新のオペレーティングシステム「iOSの8」だけでなく、以前のバージョンと互換性があります。 •インターフェイスのデザインとiPhone 6 用に最適化され、iPhone 6プラス、iPhone 5S、 iPhone 5C、iPad Mini(Retina)とiPad Air(Retina)。 •お気に入りのプログラム、彼らが起動したときに通知するアラームを設定する機能を。 •インタフェース品質(HD、1080)。 •アプリケーションは、日本語に翻訳されています。 •ワークス国内外。 •お好みのチャンネルに専用のタブ! Your favorite Japanese TV available from this TV-Listings App from Japan (JP).

Price: Free Developer: Pierre Morelle

Technology + Imagination, Unleash Theatre Value Open­Sky is the FIRST and UNIQUE video plat­form of The­atre Play in Hong Kong, where the­atre fans could find the most com­pre­hen­sive drama in­for­ma­tion. We also pro­vide di­ver­si­fied en­ter­tain­ment con­tent for lo­cal and global...

Remote Control for Kodi

Remote Control for Kodi

Remote Control for Kodi turns your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch into a remote control for Kodi, connecting through WiFi with Kodi running on any supported device like a Media PC, Windows PC, Mac or an AppleTV. Beautiful retina...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Apple TV Remote

Apple TV Remote

Apple TV Remote is a great companion to Apple TV, delivering the best of the Siri Remote. With Apple TV Remote, you’ll never need to put down your iPhone or iPad to enjoy Apple TV. Control Apple TV with a swipe of...

Price: Free Developer: Apple
MJA Smart Remote

MJA Smart Remote

MJ Acoustics Smart Remote (SR) is an App for iPad or iPhone. SR employs wireless communication technology for use with those subwoofers in the MJ Acoustics "Reference" and "Master-Class" series that have SR enabled hardware (from 2017 onwards). No...

Price: Free Developer: John Jefferis
Remote for VLC, PC & Mac

Remote for VLC, PC & Mac

The simplest VLC Remote you'll ever find. Period. But now the simplest VLC Remote is also a complete Mac Remote & PC Remote app. Groping in the dark for keyboard shortcuts whilst watching a movie or racing to your computer...

Price: Free Developer: Adarsh Urs
RSE Remote

RSE Remote

This app is an extension for the Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment VI for the Cayenne (E3) of the 3rd generation from 2018 onwards. Porsche RSE remote app – brief description: The Porsche RSE remote app allows you to remotely control...

Price: Free Developer: Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
Peel Smart Remote TV Guide

Peel Smart Remote TV Guide

This is the only remote and TV guide you need personalize your TV Program Guide Peel Smart Remote recomendation for your home entertainment experience by combining universal remote control and live or streamed TV listings into one simple-to-use app....

Price: Free Developer: Syarif Ayra
Swipe Remote for Roku & NOW TV

Swipe Remote for Roku & NOW TV

Swipe Remote for Roku & Now Tv is a simple and easy to use replacement remote for you Roku powered device.  Can't find your remote? lost it down the back of the sofa? install this app and you will...

Price: Free Developer: Mushroom Apps
FPT TV Remote

FPT TV Remote

FPT TV Remote is a multifunctional application helping you to control FPT TV device, experience FPT Television service directly on mobile devices and replace the traditional remote. Furthermore, FPT TV Remote lets you easily search for and select the...

Price: Free Developer: FPT Telecom JSC - FPT Television
Pioneer Remote App

Pioneer Remote App

Pioneer Remote App is an application that allows users to enjoy their favorite music at home on compatible Pioneer & Elite products. Through this single app, you can not only stream a different music track in every room or enjoy...

Remote DJ Lite

Remote DJ Lite

Remote DJ Lite turns your iPhone into a remote control for Windows Media Player on your pc. Play all of your digital music, playlists or internet streams in your media player library on your pc, right from your iPhone! This...

Price: Free Developer: Castillo And Associates, Inc.

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