Top 43 Education Apps Like Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice - Best Alternatives

Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Education apps that are similar to Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice. Pick one from this list to be your new Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Apps Like Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Solfeggio - Note & Key Signature Reading Practice 2025.

Solfeggio Free - Note Reading Practice

Solfeggio Free - Note Reading Practice

If learning to read music is your goal Solfeggio is the app for you! - Note reading Quiz - - Key Signature Quiz - Major, Minor - (only in non-free version of solfeggio) Uses a smart algorithm for a faster learning...

Price: Free Developer: Eliade Novat
Guido - Learn to read notes

Guido - Learn to read notes

The advantages of Guido: - Guido will help you learn to read music notes step by step: - You start by learning with only two notes. ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Yannis RICHARD
Marbel Musik

Marbel Musik

Marbel Belajar Musik - Aplikasi pendidikan yang membantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal tangga nada dan alat-alat musik beserta bunyinya. Seperti gitar, bass, drum, seruling, piano. Banyak sekali fitur tambahan yang disediakan seperti : belajar mengenal nada piano, bermain piano...

Marbel Musik Full - Seri Belajar & Game Edukasi

Marbel Musik Full - Seri Belajar & Game Edukasi

Marbel Belajar Musik - Aplikasi pendidikan yang membantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal tangga nada dan alat-alat musik beserta bunyinya. Seperti gitar, bass, drum, seruling, piano. Banyak sekali fitur tambahan yang disediakan seperti : belajar mengenal nada piano, bermain piano...

Visual Note

Visual Note

Visual Note helps you achieve a dream: learning to play your favorite instrument from day one. We strive to revolutionize instrument learning techniques, helping musicians and aspiring musicians alike to play and have fun right from the start. Play Thanks to Visual...

Price: Free Developer: Visual Note srl
Kids Note

Kids Note

Essential application for your day care center! Kids Note! (Smart daily reports for your kids) Dear institute directors! Enhance your institute's competency with Kids Note! How do the current users feel about the Kids Note service? Parents Kids Notes changes my life! Communication...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Note, Inc
Note Reading - Note Bird

Note Reading - Note Bird

Samson the yellow bird is learning note names, but he needs a bit of assistance. Luckily, he's enlisted you to help him name each note as he places it onto the staff. Note Bird comes with many different options...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bradley Ratke
Note Reading - Note Snap

Note Reading - Note Snap

Can you quickly identify every A on the grand staff? Do you get the treble staff and bass staff letter names mixed up? How are you doing with the alto and tenor clefs? Note Snap provides note reading reinforcement...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bradley Ratke
Note Reading - Piggybank

Note Reading - Piggybank

The resident Tonic Tutor piggybank is hungry for coins... and notes and rests! Coins with notes and rests keep coming, it's up to you to identify them to make sure it goes into the bank. Turn on a countdown...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bradley Ratke
Note Quest: Learn Piano Tutor

Note Quest: Learn Piano Tutor

"Not only fun, but motivational...Highly recommend for children and adults...Excellent value!" - 5 Stars, Educational App Store Note Quest drills not just single notes, but also intervals...including this app in my Teacher's Kit! - Leila Viss, 88Piano Keys "Note Quest......

Price: Free Developer: grace lee
PDF Note Pro - Note Taker

PDF Note Pro - Note Taker

PDF Note Pro is the most innovative, flexible, compatible, and powerful Note-Taking application! PDF Note Pro features Freehand Notes in a Native PDF format, and Audio recording in a Native M4A format. Using the PDF format, Freehand...

Price: Free Developer: Mach Software Design
Blue Note: Learn to read music notes - Flash Cards

Blue Note: Learn to read music notes - Flash Cards

Learn to read music notes in minutes by memorizing one set of notes at a time via random repetition. Begin at level one and build musical note recognition while advancing through all levels until all notes have been mastered. Get...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Cornel Borcean
Note Hitter

Note Hitter

A selection of challenges specifically designed to improve your sight reading. Play the right notes and try to beat your best score. Note Hitter contains flash cards to teach note recognition and games to test your ability to sight read...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Spectral Efficiency Ltd
Note Hitter Lite

Note Hitter Lite

A selection of challenges specifically designed to improve your sight reading. Play the right notes and try to beat your best score. Note Hitter contains flash cards to teach note recognition and games to test your ability to sight read...

Price: Free Developer: Spectral Efficiency Ltd
Key Science

Key Science

The mission of the Citizen Scientist Project is to use citizen and professional scientists to monitor and to protect resources, and to share information on the most critical natural resources of Key Biscayne and Virginia Key. Our vision is...

Price: Free Developer: Key Biscayne Community Foundation, Inc
Key Signature Snap

Key Signature Snap

Do you know A major from A flat major? Can you identify all major and minor key signatures? Key Signature Snap is a matching game that reinforces key signature identification. Take the easy road with level 1 (C, G,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bradley Ratke
Key Surgical Education

Key Surgical Education

Now you can access Key Surgical education on your mobile devices through the Key Surgical Education app! The Key Surgical education program is a set of virtual learning labs that focus on important topics in the sterile processing, operating room,...

Price: Free Developer: Key Surgical LLC
Key Word Kids

Key Word Kids

"Great app for practising expressive and receptive language skills and following directions." - The iMums Key Word Kids is an educational therapy program app, supporting children's language development by increasing their understanding of instructions through Key Words. As a child...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Language And Learning Steps Pty.Ltd
Key Word Sign Australia - Auslan Resource

Key Word Sign Australia - Auslan Resource

Key Word Sign Australia is a new app from Scope Victoria which lets you: • Print out the Key Word Sign Australia dictionary a-z or by category. • Create and print individualised resources using line drawings of Auslan signs, Widgit symbols or photos...

Price: USD 30.99 Developer: Scope (Aust) Ltd
Team Key

Team Key

Team Key is the key to optimizing teams in the start-up phase, in the process and all the way to the finish line. Team Key unveils each team member's favorite team role and team's overall competencies. Team Key gives you...

Price: Free Developer: Team Key IVS
Digi-Key AR Boards Guide

Digi-Key AR Boards Guide

Digi-Key is proud to provide this companion app to the Make Magazine Handy Dandy Boards Guide. Use it to interact with boards in augmented reality AR and see them like you have never seen them before. It's often...

Price: Free Developer: Digi-Key Corporation
Quick Key Mobile Grading App

Quick Key Mobile Grading App

Created by a 15-year veteran teacher and launched by 250 teachers on Kickstarter. Quick Key’s mobile grading app easily grades paper quizzes and assessments with just one device, anywhere, even without any network connection at all. Paperless classroom? With...

Price: Free Developer: Design by Educators, Inc
Citrus Pests Key

Citrus Pests Key

Citrus is one of the most important commercially grown agricultural products in the United States. Additionally, many citrus varieties are backyard crop plants, providing important sources of food at a local community level. As a result, citrus is one...

Price: Free Developer: United States Department of Agriculture-APHIS
English Key Stage 2

English Key Stage 2

The Ultimate English Learning Aid! Daydream Education’s new English Primary Pocket Poster app is the perfect revision, classwork and homework aid. Designed in consultation with a core group of teachers and experienced consultants, the app simplifies key English...

Price: Free Developer: Daydream Education
Personality Analysis by Handwriting & Signature

Personality Analysis by Handwriting & Signature

Want to know people through their Handwriting or Signature? Your signature tells the world who you are. Signature analysis says that often, we choose signature styles without knowing they may harm us. Your handwriting and Signature reveal a great deal...

Price: Free Developer: Ujwal Chordiya


Signature Maker provides you easy way to create your scan like signature.Signature Maker allows signs you in multiple steps to provide more accuracy. Feature of Signature Maker – 1. Allow signature in both mode portrait and landscape for better...

Price: Free Developer: Nikunj Gajera


Learn to sight read sheet music with this simple note training app. Great for kids and adults trying to learn how to read sheet music by sight. Just play for a minute or two each day and be amazed...

Price: Free Developer: James Buchanan
Circle of 5ths Master HD, 3rd Edition

Circle of 5ths Master HD, 3rd Edition

Circle of 5ths is essential for all kinds of music. It is absolutely important for musicians to have a basic understanding of how the perfect 5th and intervals work in music. If the interval of 5th (P5) goes further...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Circle of 5ths Master III

Circle of 5ths Master III

Circle of 5ths is essential for all kinds of music. It is absolutely important for musicians to have a basic understanding of how the perfect 5th and intervals work in music. If the interval of 5th (P5) goes further up...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Little Musician - Rhythm

Little Musician - Rhythm

Help your children learn Rhythm. Get a set of 29 physical Music Cards to play along with the app. These lovely Music Cards contain musical notes, time signature, and counts. Simply tap your Music Cards to the screen and...

Price: Free Developer: BelugaBloo
Stars Day Nurseries

Stars Day Nurseries

Stars Day Nurseries is a chain of Early Years Education settings based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK. We opened our first setting, Little Stars Day Nursery, on Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough in September 2003. Currently we run 10 settings in the...

Price: Free Developer: SysIQ
Baby's Days

Baby's Days

Baby's days is the most established and most advanced childcare software package in the industry, evolving it's secure system since April 2009 for a broad spectrum of childcare providers ranging from childminders, to nurseries and preschools. We pride ourselves in...

Price: Free Developer: SysIQ
Reading Comprehension Camp

Reading Comprehension Camp

**Featured on AppoLearning, 2013 ** *Featured by Apple on iTunes as a New & Noteworthy in 77 countries"* Reading Comprehension Camp is a multi-purpose app specifically designed to encourage language growth and reading comprehension. With multiple levels, 50 stories, and the...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Reading Skills 6A

Reading Skills 6A

How have the symbols that people use for numbers changed over the centuries? What role have women played in the development of mathematics? What are fractals? Reading Skills 6A is a collection of nonfiction passages with interactive learning activities,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Reading Trainer

Reading Trainer

Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. ▪ #1 Education App in 20 countries ▪ Top chart position in over 70 countries ▪ Our iPhone version is App Store Rewind Award...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HeKu IT GmbH
Reading Trainer for iPhone

Reading Trainer for iPhone

Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. • #1 Education App in 11 countries • Top chart position in over 25 countries • App Store Rewind Award Winner – iPhone App...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HeKu IT GmbH
Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....

Price: Free Developer: Software For a Better World
Reading Counts!

Reading Counts!

*Available only to Reading Counts! customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection.* Formerly known as Scholastic Reading Counts!, and now brought to you by Houghton Mifflin...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
DigiSmart Reading Skills

DigiSmart Reading Skills

This app focuses on 3 powerful techniques that improve reading and have been proven to create a breakthrough for struggling or reluctant readers. The core techniques of Skimming, Scanning and Keywords are fundamental building blocks to better reading –...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Curious Quo Limited
Montessori Early Reading - Phonics & Rhyme games

Montessori Early Reading - Phonics & Rhyme games

Montessori Early Reading is made for early readers who are eager to practice reading easy phonetic words. If your child can sound out most letters, he/she is just one step away from reading words. Trigger reading with this great...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: EDOKI ACADEMY
OgStar Reading Explore

OgStar Reading Explore

OgStar Reading® Explore 7-day FREE TRIAL helps kids to earn to read, write, and spell the multisensory way. After the trial period ends, you will be able to purchase the full app, so that your child will continue to...

Price: Free Developer: OGSTAR READING, LLC
Reading Detective® A1

Reading Detective® A1

Using Higher-Order Thinking to Improve Reading Comprehension Teaches a depth of analysis that guarantees superior reading comprehension, top grades, and higher test scores! The standards-based critical thinking activities of Reading Detective® develop the analysis, synthesis, and vocabulary skills students need...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.

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