Top 19 Book Apps Like Smart Paragraph - Best Alternatives

Smart Paragraph Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Smart Paragraph alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Book apps that are similar to Smart Paragraph. Pick one from this list to be your new Smart Paragraph app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Smart Paragraph on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Smart Paragraph - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Smart Paragraph alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Smart Paragraph 2025.

Smart Book

Smart Book

The best way to learn english is reading english literature. But the main problem while reading foreign literature is unknown words in the text. In the app "Smart Book" you can easy translate them by one touch. Also, while translation...

Price: Free Developer: Stanislau Kurs
Smart Baby : Learn Alphabets

Smart Baby : Learn Alphabets

Teach your preschool RAZ Kids to recognize the abc letters with basic flash cards. We bring you the best interactive educational games for kids “Smart Baby: Learn Alphabets”. Research has shown that children get information quickly about colors, shapes, sounds,...

Price: Free Developer: Ammar Saeed
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור

ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור

For a generation, the original ArtScroll Siddur has been the unchallenged Siddur of choice across the English-speaking world. The new, expanded ArtScroll Siddur inaugurated a new era of excellence, beauty, user friendliness, & added features. It had the same classic...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Smart Quran

Smart Quran

Smart Quran is the first Al-Quran mobile application that has been reviewed and approved by the Malaysian Al-Quran Printing Control and Licensing Board (Lembaga Pengawalan dan Pelesenan Pencetakan Al-Quran) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia (MOHA) under the...

Price: Free Developer: Madcat World Sdn Bhd
Smart Bookstore for Everyone

Smart Bookstore for Everyone

Smart Bookstore is an intelligent Bookshop, providing and publishing the smart electronic books (the abbreviation name: intelligent Books - SmartBooks). The books are used for SmartPhones and Smart Devices (tablet) with audio books (audio), audio stories for kids ...

Price: Free Developer: Hoa Do
PE Smart

PE Smart

Se tiver em mãos um livro com a indicação de que é PE Smart, aponte a câmara do smartphone para as páginas especiais e aceda a vídeos, ficheiros áudio ou imagens suplementares relacionados com os temas tratados. A app PE...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Editora
Smart Muslim

Smart Muslim

Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) telah menjalin kerjasama dengan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) dalam membangunkan aplikasi Pendidikan Islam Sepanjang Hayat yang dinamakan sebagai Smart Muslim. Objektif pembangunan aplikasi ini adalah bertujuan untuk : Menyediakan satu mekanisme pembelajaran asas pendidikan...

Smart Books

Smart Books

Verwalten Sie jetzt Ihre Buchsammlung intelligent mit der App "Smart Books" für Ihr iOS-Gerät (iPhone, iPod Touch und iPad). Neben der manuellen Eingabe können Sie Ihr Buch über folgende Möglichkeiten anlegen: - Anlegen über Kamera (Scannen Sie einfach den Barcode Ihres...

Price: Free Developer: Sina Beckmann
Smart Hadith

Smart Hadith

Antara objektif utama aplikasi ini dibangunkan adalah: • Sebagai gerbang maklumat altenatif (kedua) yang disediakan untuk pengguna untuk mendapatkan pelbagai koleksi hadith. • Meningkat kepantasan capaian terhadap maklumat yang disediakan. Fungsi utama aplikasi Smart Hadith: • Carian; • Hadith Harian; • Perkongsian maklumat ke media sosial; • Hadith yang paling...



Paragraph is your library, register your physical books just by scanning the ISBN code or entering it manually, look for books near you to make a deal, connect with other users through our chat, receive notifications whenever someone is...

Price: Free Developer: Full Stack
iBouquiniste Lite

iBouquiniste Lite

iBouquiniste is an iPad and iPhone ebook reader like none you've seen before. Unlike other readers, this app supports FB2, EPUB, PDF, DJVU, MOBI, CBR, CBZ and TXT formats and offers adjustable fonts, paragraph indents, paper type and more....

Price: Free Developer: Sandr


iBouquiniste is an ebook reader like none you've seen before. This app supports FB2, EPUB, MOBI, PDF, DJVU, CBR, CBZ and TXT formats and offers adjustable fonts, paragraph indents, paper type and more. iBouquiniste gives you a reading experience...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Sandr
Story Potluck : Write in Group

Story Potluck : Write in Group

Read and Write Stories in a Group!! "Each person writes one paragraph of the story"" Diversity is what makes this world a great place to live. Different cultures speak different languages, celebrate different holidays and have different opinions/thoughts. In this...

Price: Free Developer: Swapan Sundoja
ShuBook 2M

ShuBook 2M

ShuBook 2M is an OPDS and Calibre friendly book reader and organizer. ■ READING BOOKS ① Read DRM-free and password-free books of 3 fluid-layout formats and 5 fixed-layout formats ② Read fluid-layout formats (EPUB, TXT, UPDB) in horizontal page-turning mode ③ Read fixed-layout formats (PDF, RTF,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Ambibma Ltd.
ShuBook 2P 書僕

ShuBook 2P 書僕

自動轉換中文橫排為豎排、簡體為繁體、文字為語音的讀書與聽書app首選 ShuBook 2P has all the functionalities of ShuBook 2M, plus extensive Chinese book specific features. ■ 中文書專用特色(Chinese book specific features) ① 新的圖章型中文專用控制界面:印泥紅框,內含四個帶藍字半透明按鈕,分別控制橫豎、線框、簡繁、字體的轉換;圖章本身可以自由拖動 ② 橫排與豎排的雙向轉換:原本為橫排設計的書也可以豎排(直排)讀 ③ 豎排線框:有線框為仿古線裝書風格,格調優雅;無線框為仿今平装書風格,格調簡約 ④ 簡體字與繁體字的雙向轉換:一個簡體字可能對應多個繁體字(正體字),正確轉換需要看前文後理。新算法再次提高了分析前文後理的能力,簡繁轉換的準確率繼續遠遠領先於同類軟件 ⑤ 內置三套優質字體(明體、楷體、黑體):可以在同一本書裡混合使用,例如一般文字為明體,標題為黑體,而引文或韻文(如詩詞歌賦等)為楷體,讓版面更美觀、更好讀 ⑥ 控制界面自動適應橫排與豎排:跳頁滑桿、書頁底部顯示閱讀進度幼線、翻頁手勢等的前進後退方向都一起隨橫排豎排的切換而變 ⑦ 中文書與外文書各自一套排版參數設定,互不干擾:比如中文書用楷體,對應行距要較大;外文書則用 Georgia,對應行距可較小。 ⑧ 自動產生多字體混編書:內置的碧瑪版《西遊記》示範了如何以空格符號去標記韻文或引文,以微小的增量編輯成本,得到超值的排版效果 ⑨ 支持讀者勘誤「好讀網站UPDB格式」書的整個流程:下載書本;發現錯謬,提出更正,並製作勘誤表;上傳勘誤表 ⑩ 支持自創的「書僕開放格式」,以方便用戶自己製作TXT電子書,格式簡易,效果美觀 ⑪ 支持聽書功能,適用於所有豎排中文書,可選普通話或廣東話、朗讀語速等等,關掉屏幕也可聽書 ■ READING BOOKS ① Read DRM-free and password-free books of 3 fluid-layout formats and 5 fixed-layout formats ② Read fluid-layout formats (EPUB, TXT, UPDB) in...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ambibma Ltd.
Holy Bible KJV (King James Version)

Holy Bible KJV (King James Version)

If you like our reader LoudReader, please go to APP store to search 'Loudreader' for many more great works: Bible (in 10+ different languages) Illustrated Bible Stories by Logan Marshall Illustrated Bible Stories by Mary A. Lathbury History of the United States 30 Politics...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LoudReader Inc
ShuBook 2F 書僕

ShuBook 2F 書僕

*** 中文讀者請看 ShuBook 2P 的相關說明。*** ■ READING BOOKS ① Read DRM-free and password-free books of 3 fluid-layout formats and 5 fixed-layout formats ② Read fluid-layout formats (EPUB, TXT, UPDB) in horizontal page-turning mode ③ Read fixed-layout formats (PDF, RTF, DOC, XLS, PPT) in vertical page-scrolling mode ④ Read...

Price: Free Developer: Ambibma Ltd.
Art of War 孫子兵法

Art of War 孫子兵法

孫子兵法 Sunzi on the Art of War (漢英對照版 Chinese-English Edition) 孙子兵法 Sunzi on the Art of War (汉英对照版 Chinese-English Edition) - 美國 App Store 書籍類精品聚焦第五位 (2011年10月20日) - Featured #5 in What's Hot in Books at USA App Store (Oct...

Price: Free Developer: Ambibma Ltd.

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