Top 20 Education Apps Like Be Strong - Best Alternatives

Be Strong Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Be Strong alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Be Strong. Pick one from this list to be your new Be Strong app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Be Strong on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Be Strong - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Be Strong alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Be Strong 2025.

Be Hoc Tieng Anh

Be Hoc Tieng Anh

***** Be Hoc Tieng Anh là ứng dụng giúp bé nhà bạn học tiếng anh thông qua các video hấp dẫn và vô cùng hài hước, dễ nhớ. Đảm bảo bé nhà bạn sẽ yêu thích và ham học...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vu Thi Loan


Be-STAFF MAKE-UP UNIVERSALは35年の歴史のある教育理念と独自のシステムでプロを養成する総合美容スクールです。【Be-STAFF福岡本校】の公式アプリの誕生です。 【Be-STAFF福岡本校ご紹介】 一人一人の夢、目的に合わせて、マンツーマン、予約制で授業を行っております。高校生、大学生、社会人、現役の美容業界の方など、幅広い年齢層の生徒さんが在籍しています。コースはメイクのみのコースから、ヘアーメイク、ネイル、スキンケアなど、トータルビューティーのカリキュラムで多くの美容家を美容業界に送り出しております。 【機能紹介】 ■福岡本校カレンダー 先々の、実習などのスケジュールやイベント・セミナーをカレンダーにてお知らせいたします。 ■お知らせ 卒業生、在学生を対象に最新のBe-STAFF情報や就職情報をお送りします。 ■フォト 各コースの実習風景の写真や在学生の写真を掲載してます。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご注意 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS10以上です。

Price: Free Developer: BIZAN, K.K.
Be-Ready game

Be-Ready game

Ken jij de weg naar buiten bij een brand? Red jij al je meubelen voor het water stijgt? En kan jij in het donker een noodpakket samenstellen ? Test jouw reflexen in een noodsituatie in deze spannende game. In...

Price: Free Developer: Bazookas
Let's be Social - Social Skills Development

Let's be Social - Social Skills Development

Teach Social Skills - For FREE! ***Create Your Own Lessons - Unlimited!*** ***20 Lessons Ready To Go*** With our new Free version, you can test out what Let’s be Social has to offer! You can always upgrade to our Pro version later! With...

Price: Free Developer: Everyday Speech LLC
Let's be Social PRO: Social Skills Development

Let's be Social PRO: Social Skills Development

Go Pro and Get the Ultimate Social Skills Experience! Premium Features Include: **Full lesson editing (edit after creation, edit our lessons to your needs)** **Full Narration of Every Lesson** **20 Additional Lessons** **Voice Recording - Record Yourself reading your created lessons!*** **5 Video Lessons!** With 40...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Everyday Speech LLC
Way To Be

Way To Be

The Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) is excited to announce the release of Way to Be!, a new mobile app that will truly help the organization continue to support Next Generation Scholars. For over a decade, students, families,...

Price: Free Developer: Maryland Business Roundtable for Education
Wanna Be a Wizard?

Wanna Be a Wizard?

Hebrew Wizards has created a great way to learn all that you need to know about being Jewish. From Jewish Holidays to the Torah, this app has 18 Free games to play and master in iPad and iPhone versions....

Price: Free Developer: Hebrew Wizards
Wanna Be a Wizard? HD

Wanna Be a Wizard? HD

Hebrew Wizards has created a great way to learn all that you need to know about being Jewish. From Jewish Holidays to the Torah, this app has 18 Free games to play and master in iPad and iPhone versions....

Price: Free Developer: Hebrew Wizards
Be a Vet

Be a Vet

Ever wondered what it is like to be a veterinarian, who are also referred to as veterinary surgeons in many countries? This app initially guides you through the diversity of career opportunities that are open to veterinarians, and...

Price: Free Developer: University of Glasgow
Be-be-bears: Early Learning

Be-be-bears: Early Learning

Be-Be-Bears: Early Learning is a suite of “edutainment” apps to prepare your child for school. It lays the foundation for success in reading and counting and nurtures creative talent. All the best-loved characters from the Be-Be-Bears cartoon make the...

Price: Free Developer: Interactive Moolt DTv
Strong Mind Mazes

Strong Mind Mazes

Dr. Markus has used paper and pencil Strong Mind Mazes clinically since 2003 with children, adolescents, adults, traumatic brain injured patients, corporate executives and NASA scientists and engineers. This is a game designed to enhance concentration, memory and problem solving. Effective...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Strong Mind Puzzles
Strong Mind Estimator!

Strong Mind Estimator!

Strong Mind Estimator presents mathematical puzzles that force the individual to guess based on the relationship between the whole and it’s parts. When someone estimates they get close to the answer or exactly the answer without doing careful calculations. They...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Strong Mind Puzzles
Strong Rock Christian School

Strong Rock Christian School

Strong Rock Christian School is a Pre-K 3 through 12th grade private Christian school in Locust Grove, Georgia. The school’s mission is to glorify God and partner with families in educating and inspiring their children to impact the...

Price: Free Developer: Lincoln Parks
Strong/weak acid pH Calculator

Strong/weak acid pH Calculator

Calculating the pH of an acidic solution is a fundamental aspect of the chemistry laboratory. This app can calculate the pH of a strong acid solution given the concentration of the strong acid of choice. Calculating the pH of...

Price: Free Developer: Ray Schireman
TAYO The Strong Heavy Vehicles

TAYO The Strong Heavy Vehicles

Max, Poco, Chris, and Billy are working hard to construct a building! Dig the ground and transport cement with heavy vehicle friends to construct houses and building having various shapes. - Make a building with your heavy vehicle friends Experience...

Building a Strong Vocabulary

Building a Strong Vocabulary

Practice matching words with their definitions and improve your vocabulary. Building a Strong Vocabulary is a 3-book series from New Readers Press. This app will help you learn new words from the books. - Life Skills includes vocabulary for...

Price: Free Developer: ProLiteracy Worldwide
Bible Strong

Bible Strong

Les saintes Écritures sont une source intarissable de lumière et de vérité. En avoir une lecture linéaire et littérale ne suffit pas pour en comprendre le sens profond. Le véritable chercheur en quête de vérité devra creuser avec persévérance...

Price: Free Developer: Stephane Montlouis-Calixte


Across the country, architects are required to take continuing education courses to maintain their professional license. CE|STRONG offers an exciting new mobile friendly app, designed specifically for today’s active architects who want the flexibility to earn continuing education (CE)...

Price: Free Developer: CE STRONG
Berry College Healthy Life: Berry Strong

Berry College Healthy Life: Berry Strong

Berry College is a comprehensive liberal-arts college with Christian values. The college furthers our students' intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth; proffers lessons that are gained from worthwhile work done well; and challenges them to devote their learning to community...

Price: Free Developer: Gaurav Kumar

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