Top 15 Education Apps Like Mitologia Celta - Best Alternatives

Mitologia Celta Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mitologia Celta alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Education apps that are similar to Mitologia Celta. Pick one from this list to be your new Mitologia Celta app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mitologia Celta on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Mitologia Celta - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mitologia Celta alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Mitologia Celta 2025.

Mitologia Nórdica

Mitologia Nórdica

Um Guia de bolso com os Nomes e descrições dos principais Deuses, Reis, Valquírias e informações de estudo da Mitologia Nórdica, em um formato de acesso simples e rápido. A mitologia nórdica é uma coleção de crenças e histórias compartilhadas...

Price: Free Developer: Theago Liddell
Mitologia Grega Go

Mitologia Grega Go

A Pocket Guide to the Names and descriptions of the main gods, the Titans of Greek mythology and study information in a simple and fast access format. Greek mythology has an extensive influence on the culture, arts and literature of...

Price: Free Developer: Theago Liddell
Dizionario di ITALIANO ™

Dizionario di ITALIANO ™

Dizionario COMPLETO di ITALIANO™ in offerta 50% off per questa settimana ! Guarda il video su youtube: E' lo strumento che aspettavi! Buchi di memoria su vocaboli da comprendere al volo? Hai poca padronanza con la lingua e ti serve un manuale...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Gino Sarnieri
Dizionario Italiano completo FREE

Dizionario Italiano completo FREE

Dizionario COMPLETO di ITALIANO™ gratis per questa settimana ! Guarda il video su youtube: E' lo strumento che aspettavi! Buchi di memoria su vocaboli da comprendere al volo? Hai poca padronanza con la lingua e ti serve un manuale di sopravvivenza quando...

Price: Free Developer: Gino Sarnieri
I miti greci

I miti greci

Gioca e impara con i protagonisti della mitologia greca. Sfoglia le schede delle creature fantastiche e guarda le infografiche che raccontano le storie dei personaggi, scopri il pantheon e immergiti nelle avventure di incredibili eroi. E poi metti alla prova...

Price: Free Developer: De Agostini Libri
Present Perfect Simple,English Grammar,GCSE, CELTA

Present Perfect Simple,English Grammar,GCSE, CELTA

Present Perfect Simple - Unfinished Past - Duration use. This is the 2nd of 4 Apps that covers in detail how to use the Present Perfect Simple like a native speaker. The 4 important parts of The Present Perfect Simple are: 1)...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Retail Solution Group Limited
IGNITE by SixClouds

IGNITE by SixClouds

Learning does not need to be boring anymore! IGNITE is a video learning platform designed to help children have fun while learning. BUZZ English Learning Videos teaches functional language, vocabulary and grammar. ANIMATION Animation makes learning easier! Our videos allow children to...

Price: Free Developer: SixClouds Pte Ltd


WayPal英语基于北外、外研社大学视角和国际视野创建,整合全球顶尖教学资源,在“大阅读(Big R)”教育理念下搭建K12线上学习生态,致力于以阅读教育为切入点,全面提升孩子的语言素养、学科素养和人文素养。 【大阅读“阶梯式”课程体系】5岁开始英语读写启蒙,3大阶段24级,遵循中国课标及国际标准,满足长期学习规划,助力孩子英语听说读写能力全面提升! 【一对一在线外教伴读英语语文课】以国际知名分级读本切入,通过课内指导性分级阅读(精读)+课外任务式拓展阅读(泛读),牵引阅读习惯,培养孩子音素意识、自然拼读、情景词汇、情景语法、流利度、阅读理解、策略技巧等英语语用能力。 【8步层层筛选及培训优质外教】每一位WayPal外教都要经过8步层层筛选及培训。我们已同英国国际学校协会、英国大学协会国际部、英国英语教师协会等权威机构建立长期合作关系。确保每位外教具备 TEFL/TESOL/CELTA等教学资质,最终录取率<6%!

Price: Free Developer: Beijing WayPal Education Technologies Co., Ltd.
English Sounds: Pronunciation & Phonetics HD Lite

English Sounds: Pronunciation & Phonetics HD Lite

Learn, teach and perfect ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION and PHONETICS wherever you are! Get a fun, FREE taste of the Full Version with great interactive activities and resources. Brought to you by the creators of the English-Speaking Union President’s AWARD-WINNING Phonetics...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
English Sounds: Pronunciation & Phonetics Lite

English Sounds: Pronunciation & Phonetics Lite

Learn, teach and perfect ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION and PHONETICS wherever you are! Get a fun, FREE taste of the Full Version with great interactive activities and resources. Brought to you by the creators of the English-Speaking Union President’s AWARD-WINNING Phonetics...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
Hey Monster! English for Kids

Hey Monster! English for Kids

Hey Monster! is an interactive English program for children aged 4 to 8, developed by teachers. Children learn by creating their own characters and building their own story worlds. 52 beautifully animated interactive stories, 35 songs, 200 games and...

Price: Free Developer: TechSpaghetti
Phonetics Focus HD

Phonetics Focus HD

Winner of The English-Speaking Union President’s Award 2011/British Council ELTons Awards 2012 - Digital Innovation nominee! Help perfect your pronunciation with the best-value, most-comprehensive English phonetics iPad app available. 19 ‘big-screen’ activities and resources in one popular powerful app. Perfect...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
Phonetics Focus HD Lite

Phonetics Focus HD Lite

Get a FREE taste of our AWARD WINNING Phonetics Focus PRONUNCIATION & PHONETICS app - WINNER of The English-Speaking Union President’s AWARD 2011/British Council ELTons Awards 2012 - Digital Innovation nominee! Help perfect your English pronunciation & phonetics with this...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
Smart University. Английский

Smart University. Английский

Индивидуальные занятия английским с квалифицированным преподавателем онлайн на платформе Smart University по адаптивной программе, составленной с учетом целей обучения и текущего уровня знаний каждого ученика. Занимайтесь с преподавателем прямо через приложение везде, где есть интернет. У нас в команде только профессиональные...

Price: Free Developer: Stream, LLC (Russia)

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