Top 38 Education Apps Like VOA listening - synced transcript - Best Alternatives

VOA listening - synced transcript Alternatives

Do you want to find the best VOA listening - synced transcript alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to VOA listening - synced transcript. Pick one from this list to be your new VOA listening - synced transcript app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to VOA listening - synced transcript on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like VOA listening - synced transcript - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid VOA listening - synced transcript alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like VOA listening - synced transcript 2025.

VOA Burmese

VOA Burmese

VOA's live, Broadcast programs, Latest News and Articles Learning English, Democratic forum, interviews, Program Sports Business, Letter from Burma, health American women Science and Technology, Bae story, to the delight of the sections during the week can be...

Price: Free Developer: VOA
VOA Learning English - VOA Special English

VOA Learning English - VOA Special English

VOA Learning English is a free application for English learners. Practice your English vocabulary, listening and speaking skills with VOA Learning English now. Learn American English with English language lessons from VOA (Voice of America). VOA Learning English helps you...

Price: Free Developer: Quoc Tuan Nguyen
VOA慢速英语 - VOA每日英语听力

VOA慢速英语 - VOA每日英语听力

VOA 全称 Voice of America,“美国之音”,美国最大的新闻广播,最地道的美式英语。VOA 播音员口音纯正、规范、清晰,每个单词的每个音节的发音都如同教科书般标准,英语初学者先从慢速开始,能够轻松听懂以后再切换到常速。 VOA慢速: 英语初学者的首选材料,播报语速慢了1/3,句式、用词相对简单,且每一个单词的吐字格外清晰,适合用来逐字模仿跟读。 VOA常速: 属于标准的英语,内容为全球最新新闻,适合高级英文学习者学习。 特色亮点 =================================== 【中英双语】 阅读过程遇到不懂的可对照译文,看看自己哪里理解错了,哪些单词木有掌握 【中英切换】 先隐藏译文,听懂了再点击译文,这样听,高效! 【单击查词】 随时收藏遇到的单词,边读边记 【循环播放】 单句精听,允许自定义循环次数 【语速调节】 自由调语速,句句能听懂 来自用户的心声 =================================== “上英语课老师就给我推荐这个App。很棒” ——最美不过四月 英语初学者用它来练习听力非常棒,软件功能强大,不懂的单词双击就有单词读音,词译,还可以测评口语,真的太棒了。建议增加字体可以调大小,这样软件就很完美了。 ——梦幽幽888 首次使用,适用了一下,感觉很不错,可以自动播放下一篇,我就是特别喜欢这个,加上睡眠定时退出,完全可以把“VOA慢速英语”当作一个不错的音乐应用来用。很适合备考六级听力。 ——ZijinYu VOA慢速英语这个软件很适合想练习英语听力的学生党和上班族,基础英语很好懂也很方便,我会一直支持下去了…… ——打豆豆~ 学习英语的好帮手,尤其是好用的复读功能和评测功能能够帮助我们快速的学习英语确实是一款用过的比较好用的英语学习工具,很值得推荐大家使用。 ——蓝蓝123 炒雞喜歡,超級棒。配音配的好過癮!我也只不過是把次數全用光了而已,強推啊啊啊啊 ——喜欢那个吹笛子的,却打不过那个弹琴的 “推荐各位喜欢英语的朋友使用,查生词很方便,还可以练习听力,评论,用过最好的一个软件。” ——aininszboy “英语学习有时枯燥,但是能够听到其他人的朗读,感觉很新鲜,就像在课堂上一样,也很激励自己,希望通过学习也能这样流利地朗读英文。” ——Juruo2 “刚上高中,发现这个很不错 可以增添词汇量 连口语 坚持使用的话 英语应该会有很大的提高” ——麦矜 “给广大英语考试或者爱好者有完美的学习体验” ——川岛游子 “看似简单的句子其实其逻辑结构不简单,看下去会学到很多” ——艾丽莎语风 “很不错,这个软件就是我想要的” ——小弟59069 “用起来各种顺手,适合利用好小块时间” ——yhhwwxxz “可以跟别人pk,还有那么多志同道合的小伙伴,一起加油吧骚年们” ——橙子丁丁丁 “特别好,还可以在线进行单词对战!” ——瓶盖小子

Price: Free Developer: 让梨
Voa Special English Speak

Voa Special English Speak

Spring has blossomed and withered, and summer has shaded trees. What remains unchanged is our constant pursuit of innovation in English learning. VOA Special English Official King Returns. Ten categories, bilingual, daily updates, synchronization of the original text, voice...

Price: Free Developer: ShangHai AiLanguage Technology Ltd.
VOA English Daily News Radio

VOA English Daily News Radio

Learn English - VOA Radio is an application for listening to the "VOA Special English" , you can learn the latest "VOA Special English" course synchronously. Feature: 1. Listen to the "VOA Special English" episode while reading the transcript; Include all categories: ◆...

Price: Free Developer: GAO HUIJUAN


··本软件以VOA慢速英语为基本内容,用最便捷的方式帮您练习英语听力,具有语音文本同步播放,后台播放,多种播放模式可供选择,支持耳机线控等功能。是您学习英语的好帮手。 ··慢速英语又叫Special English,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。 ··该节目创始于20世纪50年代末期,是VOA电台的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者进行交际的产物。它正式开播于1959年10月。当时只面向欧洲和中东,但由于这个节目适合许多国家英语学习者的需要,所以它的广播对象不久就扩大到世界其他地区,并很快在全世界范围内产生了广泛的影响。 ··30多年来,VOA对Special English作了大量研究,它的播音速度、内容及用词范围都有规定,达到了既能为听众提供信息又不损害英语本身风格的目的,使之成为VOA独具特色,拥有最大量听众的节目。 ··慢速英语是一种由美国人最常用的1500个基本单词为主体构成的美国英语。 它用简短、明晰的句子写作和广播,它以每分钟90个单词的速度,即2/3的Standard English(标准英语)速度进行广播。

Price: Free Developer: wang yulong
Learn American English for VOA

Learn American English for VOA

Learn American English for VOA app allows you to learn English for free from Voice of America with the conversation, English Listening, English Vocabulary, English Grammar and English Speaking from VOA Learning English. * LEARN ENGLISH - You will...

Price: Free Developer: Ngan Le
VOA Special English Learning

VOA Special English Learning

VOA Special English Learning ~ Teacher Choice Listening and learning the latest "VOA Special English" news synchronously. Features: 1. Listen to the "VOA Special English" episode while reading the transcript; Include all categories: ◆ Last VOA Special English News; ◆ This is America; ◆ In the...

Price: Free Developer: GAO HUIJUAN


VOA慢速英语基础核心1500词汇:VOA特别英语词义的解释选自1500-2000个基本单词。因此VOA基本单词约1500个。所以,学习英语的朋友,学好这1500个基本单词将会为以后的英语学习打下良好的基础。 1500个基本单词和全部例句,美式真人阅读发音。是各类人士学习英语阅读和听力的一款得力工具。1500个精选的词汇量,易学易记,有效提高学习兴趣。足量的例句,使单词不再孤立,前后呼应,灵活运用。目标明确,学习方式简单,多听多看,水到渠成,坚持学完,听透VOA。

Price: Free Developer: zheng jinwan
VOA Learning English App

VOA Learning English App

All lessons are in the public domain from Learning English is VOA’s multimedia source of news and information for millions of English learners worldwide. Our audio programs and captioned videos are written using vocabulary at the intermediate...

Price: Free Developer: Dien Le
Functional Listening

Functional Listening

Functional Listening app includes listening exercises with everyday messages that might be heard throughout the day at different settings such as store, doctor’s office, school, etc. Functional listening can be used in speech therapy with individuals, who...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.
IELTS Listening Practice Tests

IELTS Listening Practice Tests

ielts listening practice tests app covered complete Listening Section with 4 types of sub section. It provides model Practice tests papers with detailed Solution. Listening Practice Test Sections The Listening test is 30 minutes long (plus 10 minutes transfer...

Price: Free Developer: devang patel
IELTS Vocabulary Listening

IELTS Vocabulary Listening

Learning by Listening! With "IELTS Vocabulary Listening" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "IELTS Vocabulary Listening" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. Work...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
IELTS Test Listening Offline

IELTS Test Listening Offline

Learning by Listening! With "IELTS Test Listening Offline" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "IELTS Test Listening Offline" include next themes and works offline: Topic...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
Business English Listening

Business English Listening

Learning by Listening! With "Business English Listening" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "Business English Listening" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. Advertising...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
TOEFL Vocabulary Listening

TOEFL Vocabulary Listening

Learning by Listening! With "TOEFL Vocabulary Listening" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "TOEFL Vocabulary Listening" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. Student...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
Learn English - By Listening

Learn English - By Listening

Learn English By Listening – an amazing tool for anyone trying to learn English as their second language - helps you master the English language, and increase your English esl listening skills in a systematic manner. Learn English By Listening...

Price: Free Developer: Thanh Vu Truong
English Listening A-Z

English Listening A-Z

English Conversation Listening - an amazing English learning app for your device – is a ultimate tool for rapidly increasing your English conversation listening skills and familiarizing yourself with advanced English phrases. If you are learning English as a second...

Price: Free Developer: Trinh Van Quan
English Listening Master Pro

English Listening Master Pro

English Listening Master will help you understand English better, improve your English language skills and help you learn real English spoken in everyday situations. English Listening Master is the first application of its kind to make a game out...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: MasterKey Games
IELTS Listening Section Test Samples Tricks Skils

IELTS Listening Section Test Samples Tricks Skils

- Did you find difficulty on Listening Section? - You want to find some materials on IELTS Listening Section? - Wanna be prepared on IELTS Listening tests? - Wanna master or get high score on Listening Section? This app is designed...

Price: Free Developer: Dien Le
English essential vocabulary

English essential vocabulary

▪▪ Special feature: Synced transcript - The transcript will automatically scroll to and highlight the current phrase or sentence in the audio Listening audio while reading synced transcript is one of the most effective ways to improve listening skills This app provide...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trung Nguyen
Padhiga Ratnam

Padhiga Ratnam

Padhiga Ratnam Kolaruppadhigam and Thiruneetruppadhigam describe the essence of Shaiva Siddhanta (philosophy) and have enlightened many devotees over the years. Thirugnyanasambandar, one of the Nayanmars, wrote these padhigams over thirteen hundred years ago. Here, we present the verses...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: EESUN LLC
Lecture Ready - sync transcript

Lecture Ready - sync transcript

Listening audio while reading synced transcript is one of the most effective ways to improve listening skills This app provide some lectures with audio and transcript. You can choose to listen the audio without transcript or with synced transcript. At...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trung Nguyen
Devi Stuti

Devi Stuti

Lakshmi blesses us with wealth. Sarasvati gives us knowledge and education. Parvati grants us enterprise and success. Here, we have a collection of slokas on these Devis. We believe that the power of reciting these slokas is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: EESUN LLC


Student Assessments: Use this component to book and manage on-the-job student assessments. Use the scheduler to manage bookings, change the student status, locate students on the map, keep track of communications with students. Send auto-customized text messages to...

Price: Free Developer: Qconz
Shiva Stuti

Shiva Stuti

Shiva, the Compassionate One, helps and guides His devotees in their journey of life. The Shivalingam is the symbol of the Absolute, formless God, the Parabrahmam, and this symbol makes the intangible Parabrahmam tangible. Shiva is sometimes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: EESUN LLC
Burlington Books WordApp

Burlington Books WordApp

Use the Burlington WordApp on all your mobile devices to get interactive unit-by-unit vocabulary and spelling practice. The WordApp includes interactive wordlists, vocabulary activities and games. To access the Burlington WordApp, scan the QR code on the inside cover of...

Price: Free Developer: Burlington Education Ltd.
OU Study

OU Study

COMPANION APP FOR OU MODULE WEBSITES. ACCESS YOUR LEARNING MATERIALS ON THE GO. The OU Study app is for enrolled students who are registered on a course or qualification. Free or paid-for learning content from partner websites (such as OpenLearn...

Price: Free Developer: The Open University
PDF Note Pro - Note Taker

PDF Note Pro - Note Taker

PDF Note Pro is the most innovative, flexible, compatible, and powerful Note-Taking application! PDF Note Pro features Freehand Notes in a Native PDF format, and Audio recording in a Native M4A format. Using the PDF format, Freehand...

Price: Free Developer: Mach Software Design
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - sync transcript

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - sync transcript

This app combines the novel "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
All Quiet on the Western Front - sync transcript

All Quiet on the Western Front - sync transcript

This app combines the novel "All Quiet On The Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque, with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
Animal Farm - notes, sync transcript

Animal Farm - notes, sync transcript

This app combines the novel "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable tool...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
Anna Karenina - notes, sync transcript

Anna Karenina - notes, sync transcript

This app combines the novel "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable tool...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
Brave New World - notes, sync transcript

Brave New World - notes, sync transcript

This app combines the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
Demian - sync transcript, notes

Demian - sync transcript, notes

This app combines the novel "Demian" by Hermann Hesse with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable tool...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
Emma - notes, sync transcript

Emma - notes, sync transcript

This app combines the novel "Emma" by Jane Austen with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable tool for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen
Frankenstein - notes, sync transcript

Frankenstein - notes, sync transcript

This app combines the novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley with professional narration enabling advanced functions like sync transcript, read aloud (a professional narration synchronized with the highlighted text.) Benefits of Read aloud feature: ▪ a valuable tool for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Anh Nguyen

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