Top 40 Education Apps Like 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT - Best Alternatives

45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT. Pick one from this list to be your new 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like 45 Ngày học Kanji N4 & N5 theo chuẩn mới JLPT 2025.



日常生活中,你是否苦恼过小朋友问的这些问题: · 这是什么东西呀? · 星空都有什么呢? · 宇航员可以在太空飞行吗? 45度,是一款帮助小朋友自主认识世界的学习工具,利用多种互动方式帮助小朋友认识世界、探索世界。 【产品特色】 · 看世界 - 万物皆为师,处处皆可学。拍下照片,我们就能告诉你“是什么”、“为什么”,更为你准备了精彩的小知识、小故事哦。 · 去哪儿 - 你是否对外面世界充满好奇呢?精心设计的多种场景:星空、海底、极地、雨林,快来探索吧! · 写日记 - 以孩子为主体,家长为辅导,帮助小朋友养成记录生活、记录心情的习惯。 · 家长中心 - 根据小孩的使用习惯,分析其综合能力以及学习情况。 【联系我们】 微信公众号:45度亲子圈

Price: Free Developer: group cbk


«ABAI 45» — это уникальная аудио-версия знаменитого произведения Абая Кунанбаева «Книга слов», созданная при участии молодых кинематографистов и актеров Казахстана. Офицальный сайт:

Price: Free Developer: Baglan Dosmagambetov
KIDZEE Sector 45 Noida

KIDZEE Sector 45 Noida

KIDZEE Sector 45 Noida is introducing school management ERP with sole purpose to connect the parents with various information of their child like various events, notices, activities, important numbers, attendance, transport, hostel, timetable, class note, homework, documents, library, photo...

Price: Free Developer: Dipyaman Baral
NRS Learning Zone

NRS Learning Zone

Negocios de Restauración del Sur (NRSur) nació en el año1993 en Andalucía operando siempre en el sector de la restauración rápida. La Compañía cuenta en la actualidad con 45 establecimientos BURGER KING repartidos por toda la geografía andaluza, lo que...

Price: Free Developer: NRSUR
Onlineverdan Exam

Onlineverdan Exam

About Online Test Series: Online Test Series is designed considering the current trend of actual examination. The test papers are developed by R&D wing of Onlineverdan which include experienced faculties, professors from reputed colleges/universities and GATE, ESE, SSC-JE & Public...

Price: Free Developer: R K Infotech
School Administrative Unit 45

School Administrative Unit 45

With the School Administrative Unit 45 mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information,...

Price: Free Developer: Moultonborough School District
Trig Ratios of Special Angles (30°,45°,60°)

Trig Ratios of Special Angles (30°,45°,60°)

This Game offers a quick and easy way to practice and memorize the trigonometric ratios of the special angles: 30°, 45°, 60°. It is helpful to have the exact values of sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Faruk Ekiz
Memento Kanji Découverte

Memento Kanji Découverte

Les Kanji ont mauvaise réputation. Ne vivant pas dans un "Univers de signes", les Occidentaux n'ont pas, en général, développé leur mémoire visuelle. Ce qui rend ces très nombreux signes difficiles à mémoriser. Pour vous aider dans votre apprentissage, nous...

Price: Free Developer: FransOrienT
GS MCAT General Chemistry

GS MCAT General Chemistry

Gold Standard MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) General Chemistry flashcards application contains the most tested MCAT General Chemistry topics and concepts summarized using 107 high quality probing questions that are divided into 3 categories: Basic, Most Tested and MCAT...

Price: Free Developer: Ruveneco Incorporated
HC And - Allergi

HC And - Allergi

”HC And - Allergi” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Astma

HC And - Astma

”HC And - Astma” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til formål at...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Blodprøve

HC And - Blodprøve

”HC And - Blodprøve” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til formål at forberede...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Del 1

HC And - Del 1

”HC And - Del 1” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børne- og Ungehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Del 2

HC And - Del 2

”HC And - Del 2” om dagligdagen på børnehospitalet, er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Diabetes type 1

HC And - Diabetes type 1

Denne app ”HC And - Diabetes type 1” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Kræft

HC And - Kræft

Denne app, ”HC And - Kræft”, er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. "HC And" er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år, og...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Nyrebørn

HC And - Nyrebørn

”HC And - Nyrebørn” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børne-hospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år, og har til...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Røntgenafdelingen

HC And - Røntgenafdelingen

Denne app ”HC And - Røntgenafdelingen” er udviklet i samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Høretab

HC And - Høretab

Denne app "HC And - Høretab" er udviklet i samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til formål at...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
Kanji LS Touch

Kanji LS Touch

Kanji LS Touch is an App for learning japanese kanji. It utilizes the unique touch interface to intuitively teach you how to draw the Kanji by displaying strokeorder guidelines. But that's just one of the many great features helping...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Jan Bogner
Kanji Hero

Kanji Hero

► Kanji Heroes Saga là ứng dụng học Kanji tiếng Nhật tốt nhất kết hợp Flash Card và game trắc nghiệm. Người học sẽ chơi game và vượt qua những câu đố về cách đọc, âm Hán Việt và...

Price: Free Developer: Pham Anh
Asahi Kanji (English)

Asahi Kanji (English)

Study tool to memorize Japanese kanji, radicals (bushu) and primitive elements. * A stack of flashcards for all Jōyō kanji (2141 kanji, 2010 official list) and the 5 levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N5 to N1). Choice of the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Roger Meyer
Japanese Basic Kanji for iPad

Japanese Basic Kanji for iPad

If you are studying or using Japanese or Japanese kanji, this is a must-have application. It also can help you to remember kanji with your finger. It is redesigned for iPad's big screen and provide the fastest and simplest...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd
Learn Kanji N1-N5

Learn Kanji N1-N5

This application has been developed for people interested in taking any level examination of The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). All Kanji in this application are included according to the new pattern of JLPT Examination. It is primarily...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fidel Softech Pvt. Ltd
Instant Kanji

Instant Kanji

Instant Kanji is a simple flash card application based on the world-renowned Kodansha Kanji Dictionary designed to help you improve your understanding of Japanese kanji characters while on the go. Instant Kanji focuses on helping the learner grasp a...

Price: Free Developer: CJKI
Japanese Basic Kanji 2136

Japanese Basic Kanji 2136

If you are studying or using Japanese or Japanese kanji, this is a must-have application. It can help you to remember kanji with your finger. This application included 2,136 most commonly-used basic kanji which are Called 'Jooyoo Kanji' in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd
Kanji Draw

Kanji Draw

Prepare for the JLPT exam! Kanji Draw is the most complete and fun tool to learn and practice Kanji! The 3 ways to remember a kanji are: • Associate it with a story or image. • Associate it with a sound. • Write the...

Price: Free Developer: Oktoid
Kanji Pic 字

Kanji Pic 字

Each kanji represents an idea, and the best way to memorize it is visualizing an image associated with it. And this is exactly what Kanji Pic does! For each kanji there is an illustration that will help you remember it. Natives...

Price: Free Developer: Oktoid
Remembering the Kanji

Remembering the Kanji

"Remembering the Kanji" (Official flashcard and review app for the Heisig method) is a kanji learning App to complement the bestselling kanji books “Remembering the Kanji” (Volumes I, II & III), by Dr. James W. Heisig. * Now updated for...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Mirai Apps
Học Tiếng Nhật N4

Học Tiếng Nhật N4

Chức năng nổi bật : - Liệt kê các mẫu ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật N4 - Giải thích chi tiết từng mẫu ngữ pháp, ví dụ mẫu câu tiếng Nhật, tiếng Việt, phiên âm Romaji - Đầy đủ kanji, âm hán, hán...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Tien Thanh
Learn Japanese JLPT N4 Pro

Learn Japanese JLPT N4 Pro

Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! This is the second in the series, following JLPT N5 Beginner App. Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Martin Ogg
JLPT Monster N4

JLPT Monster N4

The JLPT Monster is a comprehensive vocabulary learning tool that helps you to memorize words needed to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N4. Developed by Japanese language linguists, the JLPT Monster follows a well established, card box based...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tobias Wiedow
FlipCard N4

FlipCard N4

FlipCard N4 là một ứng dụng để học Hán Tự N4. Tại sao dùng FlipCard N4: - Một phương pháp hiệu quả để học Hán Tự. - Một ứng dụng có thể vừa học, vừa chơi. - Một ứng dụng có thể thử...

Price: Free Developer: CUBE SYSTEM VIETNAM CO., LTD.
JLPT Test N4 Kanji

JLPT Test N4 Kanji

This is the app for to practice Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JPLT TEST) N4 Kanji これは日本語能力試験N4の漢字を練習するのためのアプリです。 これは にほんご のうりょくしけんの N4の かんじを れんしゅうする あぷりです。

Price: Free Developer: hiromu izuwa
Learn Japanese JLPT N4

Learn Japanese JLPT N4

Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! This is the second in the series, following JLPT N5 Beginner App. Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a...

Price: Free Developer: Martin Ogg
JLPT Grammar (N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)

JLPT Grammar (N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)

Ứng dụng tra cứu và học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật theo chương trình JLPT dành cho tất cả các trình độ N5, N4, N3, N2, N1. Các chức năng chính + Tra hơn 1000 mẫu ngữ pháp từ cơ bản...

Price: Free Developer: Tin Dang
JLPT N4 Listening Prepare

JLPT N4 Listening Prepare

#Description JLPT N4 listening Prepare Japanese Listening Practice brings you hours of Japanese listening comprehension and practice resources from real Japanese native speakers. Listen to correct pronunciation, learn useful Japanese phrases, when and how to use those phrases, learn new...

Price: Free Developer: Dong Nguyen
JLPT N4 Test

JLPT N4 Test

JLPT N4 Test contents variety of test question about Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji to help people level up their skills for Japanese. - Test level N4 include KanJi,Vocabulary,Grammar + Each category include 10 lession. + Each...

Price: Free Developer: Tin Dang
N4 文字語彙問題集

N4 文字語彙問題集

1. There is a detailed explanation in each problem according to the reach of the JLPT N4 (linguistic knowledge) character vocabulary. A learner can grasp a point easily. 2. As well as adding to the character reach of N4, the...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Yamase & Touwa Japanese Insititute

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