Top 39 Business Apps Like Odds And Ends Marketplace - Best Alternatives

Odds And Ends Marketplace Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Odds And Ends Marketplace alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Business apps that are similar to Odds And Ends Marketplace. Pick one from this list to be your new Odds And Ends Marketplace app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Odds And Ends Marketplace on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Odds And Ends Marketplace - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Odds And Ends Marketplace alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Odds And Ends Marketplace 2025.

Sports Picks and Odds

Sports Picks and Odds

Free daily sports picks, sports tips and free picks videos from Indian Cowboy (IC). Indian Cowboy gives out more. IC gives in depth and detailed analysis on every daily sports betting pick and prediction. Many outlets in Vegas including...

Price: Free Developer: MOSEMAN ENTERPRISES
PV quality Odds

PV quality Odds

1. アプリの概要 「太陽電池発電所の格づけ」を真正面から評価できるツールはこれまでなかった。 発電所としての現状の発電性能を正確に評価するためには、太陽光パネル全数のコネクタを外して、1枚ずつ発電性能を評価する必要がある。例えばメガソーラ発電所でのその計測費用を試算すると1MWで約3000枚パネル、約5000万円の費用が必要となる。そうした費用の経済性はないので、PSC毎のAC出力を毎日モニターし、集計することのみ行われているのが現状である。 通常の太陽電池パネルの発電劣化率は、4年稼働で、約2%程度であり極僅かであるため、発電劣化の進行をPCSのAC出力の総和から考察できるほどの精度はない。およそ10年程度経過後に5~6%となってから発電劣化の状態を認識することになる。 現在のセカンダリーマーケットでは、4,5年経過後の発電所プラントの売買が多く、その期間であれば、顕著な劣化のない状態のプラントなので、利回りのみが購入の判断基準となっている。本来は、10年後、20年後の発電性能の予測に基づく利回り表示されることが望まれるが、現状は、その評価方法がないため、発電所販売価格の適正価格を見積もることができていないのが現状である。 あるべき姿は、発電劣化メカニズムに則した発電劣化進行過程における20年後の寿命予測値(発電劣化率)が示されることである。 太陽電池パネルの発電劣化は、発電により生じるフレームとシリコンセル間のバイアスにより、フロントガラス含有のNaがイオン化し、また、EVA封し材の紫外線劣化により発生する酢酸(CH3COO-)とパネル設置による水分(OH-)浸入より、シリコンセル上にNaイオンが吸引され、水酸化ナトリウムや酢酸ナトリウムとして電極を腐食し、経年劣化を引き起こす。また、ナトリウムのアルカリ性でデラミネーションが発生し、更なるNaの堆積により、Na付着部分の短絡により、PIDが発生する。 Naイオンの移動量は、EVA封し材の劣化度と相関していることが分かっており、そのEVAの劣化度は、Ramanスペクトルのベースラインの高さに比例していることを発見した。 非破壊検査技術であるラマン分光は、発電所の発電を妨げることなく、短時間で計測できる技術である。Ramanスペクトルから求めたEVA劣化度とIV測定による発電性能との関係式を得たのち、その関係式にRaman 分光計測から得られたEVA劣化度を代入することで太陽光パネルの発電性能を算出できる。この値をオリジナルの発電性能との比較により、Raman測定時の発電劣化率を算出できる。 発電所稼働年数と発電劣化率は、直線的関係にあることが実験結果として明らかにされている。稼働年数とその時点の発電劣化率から20年後の発電性能を推測できる。Raman計測は、稼働4年以上経過したプラントであって、定点計測を毎年行うことにより、20年後の発電劣化率予測値の精度が向上するものである。 本評価ツールは、太陽電池パネルの構成部材であるEVAの劣化度をRaman分析から求めることができる。また、発電性能とEVA劣化度の関係式を得たのち、20年稼働後の発電所の発電劣化率を推定できる。 1. 機能ツリー(太陽電池発電所「格づけ」) ① 経済産業省発表設備認定リストのビジュアル化(更新機能つき) ② Raman分光分析結果と太電池部材の劣化度の表示および部材劣化の相対速度評価結果結果・コメント表示 ③ 発電所設置太陽電池モジュールの現電気物性の評価と部材劣化状態(Raman分析)の関係式表示 ④ 現状の発電劣化率の算出と20年後の発電劣化率表示および「格づけ」 2. 詳細説明 ① 経済産業省発表の設備認定リストのビジュアル化、日本地図上での場所、発電規模 の表示およびRaman計測対応案件の表示 ② Ramanスペクトルの分析結果の表示。第一世代パネル、第二世代パネル、第三世代パネルにおける標準的な劣化速度と測定した発電所の充填材劣化速度の比較 ③ Raman分光で解析したEVA封し材の劣化状態と太陽電池パネルのコネクタを外し、IV測定により得られたSTC(Pm)との関係式を求め、表示する。 ④ ③で求めた発電劣化率と稼働年数の直線的関係から20年後の発電劣化率を求め表示する。劣化率の大きさに応じて、アルファベットで「格づけ」を行う。

Price: Free Developer: ALPHAOMEGA INC
OLYMPUS Dictation for iPhone

OLYMPUS Dictation for iPhone

CREATE. ANNOTATE. COLLABORATE. A professional dictation app providing enhanced workflow and security. Includes a 60 day free trial of the Olympus Dictation Delivery Service. CREATE Create new dictations quickly and easily. Simply open the app, tap new and start your recording. ANNOTATE Edit...

Price: Free Developer: Olympus Corporation
BEAT mobile

BEAT mobile

As a leader, you want better results. In nearly all cases, this means doing something in a different way. In other words, people need to change their habits and everyday behavior. If you have already tried that, then you also...

Price: Free Developer: Trainers' House
CTO 2018

CTO 2018

The Changing the Odds Conference is a unique and dynamic event that convenes top thought leaders in education and mental health. The 7th annual Changing the Odds conference will explore the topic of belonging and how it relates to...

Price: Free Developer: Momentous Institute
CTO 2019

CTO 2019

The Changing the Odds Conference is a unique anddynamic event that convenes top thought leaders ineducation and mental health. The theme for Momentous Institute's 8th annual conference is Hidden Factors. Our lineup of internationally-recognized keynote speakers will illuminate topics...

Price: Free Developer: Momentous Institute
Business Plans Maker

Business Plans Maker

A good business plan can help to make a good business credible, understandable, and attractive to someone who is unfamiliar with the business. Writing a good business plan can’t guarantee success, but it can go a long way toward...

Max - Driver Assistant

Max - Driver Assistant

Max helps ridesharing drivers make more money. You can save on average $9000 in tax deduction each year and gain 30% income boost every month. How do we do it? - Maximize your tax deduction with our automatic mileage tracking solution -...

Price: Free Developer: SherpaShare, Inc


Ready to make something big of your small business idea? With StartitUp as your pocket-sized business coach, you’ll have access to the experts and tools you need to succeed. Get matched with your own business mentor, and tap and text...

Price: Free Developer: Startitup Technologies, Inc.
Community-Organized and Profit

Community-Organized and Profit

Organized & Profitable™ online community is where small business owners meet to get the support needed to build, run and grow strong profitable companies. Connect with other small business owners, have access to the worlds best...

Price: Free Developer: Organized and Profitable
HD Salon and Spa

HD Salon and Spa

Using our app, you can easily book appointments, receive deals, view service history, and so much more at our business. This free app allows you to connect to your information right from your mobile phone. Perfect for those who can't...

Price: Free Developer: HD Salon and Spa
Alpha and Omega LLC Driver App

Alpha and Omega LLC Driver App

How would YOU like to earn a whopping 90%of EVERY SINGLE FARE? That's 90% RIGHT OFF THE TOP! A turnkey business opportunity which no longer leaves you wondering how you're going to make the ends meet! EVERYONE IS EQUAL,...

Price: Free Developer: Alpha and Omega LLC
Business And Industry Today

Business And Industry Today

Business and Industry Today is a publication that circulates 5,000 printed copies on a national basis to approximately 15,000 readers and around 5,000 verified download copies per month via its website. The aim of the publication is to promote good...

Price: Free Developer: Business And Industry Today
Dan Clark Auction and Realty

Dan Clark Auction and Realty

Dan Clark Auction & Realty LLC provides Land & Residential Auctions, Farm & Ranch Equipment Auctions and offers Real Estate listings thru our Real Estate Brokerage firm. We provide live auctions with online bidding and also online only auctions....

Price: Free Developer: Dan Clark Auction and Realty
Magnolia and Vine

Magnolia and Vine

Start your path to success today and be connected like never before with Magnolia and Vine. Stay informed with corporate messages and notifications, complete challenges to earn points and rewards. Access company documents through the Resource Library. Growing your business has never...

Price: Free Developer: Krato
Bath and Tennis Club

Bath and Tennis Club

Everything you love about Bath and Tennis Club’s website, now in a native, easy-to-use mobile app! The time-saving tools you use online are now even more convenient; connect with other members, register for events, make a tee time, reserve...

Price: Free Developer: Bath and Tennis Club
Bright Star Realty and Auction

Bright Star Realty and Auction

This dynamic app allows you to (1) stay informed about our upcoming auctions; (2) view properties that interest you; (3) get notifications when you’ve been outbid; (4) bid no matter where you are located (or set and forget your...

Price: Free Developer: Bright Star Realty and Auctions, LLC
Deering Bay Yacht and Country

Deering Bay Yacht and Country

Everything you love about Deering Bay’s website, now in a native, easy-to-use mobile app! The time-saving tools you use online are now even more convenient; connect with other members, register for events, make a tee time, reserve a court...

Price: Free Developer: Deering Bay Yacht and Country Club
EAT and GIVE Partners

EAT and GIVE Partners

Partner app for restaurants to manage customer orders for takeaway's and table booking requests. This handy app will help you manage many aspects of your orders through EAT and GIVE.

Price: Free Developer: Eat and Give
FreshBooks Cloud Accounting

FreshBooks Cloud Accounting

Accounting and Invoicing for Small Business Owners The all-new FreshBooks App allows small business owners to work anywhere on-the-go by: invoicing, recording expenses, tracking time and getting paid quickly. FreshBooks Classic User? You can find our App by searching...

Price: Free Developer: FreshBooks


Presenting the iOS version of the business orchestration software Orchestly. Business processes can get complex and involve the participation of multiple teams. This can cause confusion. People might not know exactly where their role begins and ends. Orchestly eliminates...

Price: Free Developer: Zoho Corporation
Debitoor Invoice & Expense App

Debitoor Invoice & Expense App

Simple, fast, and intuitive invoice app for small businesses, sole traders, and freelancers. Debitoor invoicing and easy accounting software give​ you the tools you need to create and send professional-looking invoices from anywhere, anytime. Get started now to create and...

Price: Free Developer: Debitoor ApS
FB Classic

FB Classic

If you’ve signed up for FreshBooks after 2016, please use the new FreshBooks app. Download it here: or just search for “FreshBooks Cloud Accounting.” This app requires an existing FreshBooks Classic account. Don’t have one? Check out the new...

Price: Free Developer: FreshBooks
Kleard Open House Sign In App

Kleard Open House Sign In App

The Kleard app provides Smart Open House Technology to the real estate industry for an amazing open house sign in app that will take your business as a real estate agent to the next level. Kleard also includes a...

Price: Free Developer: Kleard


eBidLaw is an auction platform where lawyers and other legal professionals bid to handle your cases or legal transactions so you can easily select the professional who best suits your budget and needs. With eBidLaw, you can post a description...

Price: Free Developer: eBidLaw LLC
ADR Advisor

ADR Advisor

ADR-Advisor solves the application of regulations concerning the PACKAGE TRANSPORT of dangerous goods for you. Simply input the UN numbers and quantities of your consignments and ADR-Advisor will tell you - whether the exemptions are exceeded or whether the transportation...

Price: Free Developer: Suomen Kuljetusturva Oy
Call Recorder Live for Phone

Call Recorder Live for Phone

Call Recorder Live – Call Records Call Recorder Live is a call recording and voice recording application that is very easy to use developed for iphone phones. Record your phone calls, listen, share and edit at any time. Call Recorder Live, You...

Price: Free Developer: Generative Mobile


AUTOMATED BOOKINGS Set your schedule to when you want to work and your clients can book when it is convenient for them. We'll sync both your calendars and try to find the best time for both of you. We'll even...

Price: Free Developer: Jupiter Mobile Inc.
TouchNet Marketplace

TouchNet Marketplace

TouchNet’s Marketplace POS (Point-Of-Sale) is the latest addition to TouchNet Marketplace. It brings you all the convenience and features you have been waiting for in a turnkey and secure POS application. Marketplace POS integrates seamlessly with your existing Marketplace...

Price: Free Developer: TouchNet Information Systems, Inc.
DTN Ag Marketplace

DTN Ag Marketplace

Marketing your grain can now be as mobile as you are with the DTN Ag Marketplace iPhone app. The DTN Ag Marketplace app facilitates end-to-end cash grain sales to help growers take advantage of seasonal marketing opportunities and store...

Price: Free Developer: DTN, LLC
ECA MarketPlace

ECA MarketPlace

the 2019 ECA MarketPlace app displays information necessary for attending and navigating the MarketPlace. You'll have the ability to save reminders and preferences as well as a multitude of other features to enhance your stay at the MarketPlace.

Price: Free Developer: Tech365
OMCA Marketplace 2019

OMCA Marketplace 2019

The OMCA Marketplace 2019 app gives you access to many features and information selected to enhance your event experience. These include: Access to your full appointment schedule. Full event schedule for OMCA Marketplace 2019. Comprehensive profile information on attending companies and delegates. Floor...

Price: Free Developer: Infinite Software Solutions
Dental Marketplace

Dental Marketplace

Dental Marketplace is a mobile platform designed for dental professionals working in / who are keen to work in Singapore to keep track and stay abreast of the myriad of developments in the dental profession. + CDE & More: Search, filter...

Price: Free Developer: Dental Marketplace Pte Ltd
Sustainable Marketplace

Sustainable Marketplace

Buy and sell sustainable-certified products worldwide in the Sustainable Marketplace. Products are certified by the World Sustainability Organization (WSO), the industry-independent NGO certifying sustainable food production. This app enables you to access the Sustainable Marketplace. Choose if you are interested...

Price: Free Developer: PAOLO BRAY
Funeral Marketplace

Funeral Marketplace

Welcome to the Funeral Marketplace! The Funeral Marketplace is the largest and most complex marketplace for the configuration of funeral and funeral care in Germany. It enables the bereaved and provident to make personal decisions about the design of a...

Price: Free Developer: CONVELA GmbH
Dinova Restaurant Marketplace

Dinova Restaurant Marketplace

When your business and mealtimes overlap, Dinova helps you find the perfect restaurants for your needs. Our marketplace of thousands of restaurants throughout the United States are here for you – whether you’re grabbing a bite on the road,...

Price: Free Developer: Dinova, inc.
Equinix Marketplace

Equinix Marketplace

Take the Equinix Marketplace wherever you go. Find companies in your digital supply chain quickly and easily. Proactively look for business opportunities in target markets across Platform EquinixTM ecosystems. Same login and data as the desktop version of Marketplace,...

Price: Free Developer: Equinix Inc
PLM MarketPlace

PLM MarketPlace

PLM MarketPlace application for iPhone allows you to discover and get information on more than 150 complementary solutions to Dassault Systèmes’ CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA and 3DVIA. You can carry a wide portfolio of solutions right in your pocket...

Price: Free Developer: Dassault Systemes SE

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