Top 20 Education Apps Like TUDO READY - Best Alternatives

TUDO READY Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TUDO READY alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to TUDO READY. Pick one from this list to be your new TUDO READY app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TUDO READY on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like TUDO READY - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TUDO READY alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like TUDO READY 2025.

Learn Portuguese - Tudo Bem

Learn Portuguese - Tudo Bem

TUDO BEM ® is the award-winning app that makes learning Portuguese simple and fun! Quickly learn essential vocabulary, phrases, and grammar concepts. Designed especially for students and tourists as well as business and medical professionals. Vocabulary and Phrases ------------- • Contains 110...

Price: Free Developer: Online Language Help
QI Fly

QI Fly

O curso de inglês QI Fly - Inglês Sem Limites é a soma de diferentes esforços e atualizações ao longo de mais de 10 anos de ensino de inglês, sempre investindo na fala eficiente e material próprio, agora com...

Price: Free Developer: QI - Cursos Técnicos


A equipe Ouse Saber nasceu do desejo de três amigos de auxiliar as pessoas a impulsionarem suas aprovações em concursos públicos. Os professores do Ouse passaram por variadas situações para alcançar seus objetivos no mundo dos concursos públicos e...

Price: Free Developer: Filippe Nascimento
Bel Pesce

Bel Pesce

Através do App Bel Pesce você consegue acompanhar os conteúdos do Facebook, Instagram e Youtube da Bel em um único lugar, totalmente gratuito! Com o aplicativo você pode: • Acompanhar conteúdos do Facebook, Youtube e Instagram Bel Pesce em uma única...

Price: Free Developer: Bel Pesce


A APP Educabiz tem dois públicos alvo: - Para os Encarregados de Educação acompanharem o dia a dia do seu filho na creche, jardim de infância ou ATL que frequentem e sejam clientes da plataforma Educabiz. - Para os...

Price: Free Developer: Educabiz
Agenda Digital AFAM São Miguel

Agenda Digital AFAM São Miguel

Olá, Pais! Nós sabemos como é difícil conciliar o trabalho e a família no dia-a-dia. Acompanhar tudo que acontece na escola das crianças, atender às solicitações e tarefas de casa para complementar as atividades pedagógicas na escola. Ler todas as...

Price: Free Developer: Palo Technology
Colégio CERC

Colégio CERC

Olá, Pais! Nós sabemos como é difícil conciliar o trabalho e a família no dia-a-dia. Acompanhar tudo que acontece na escola das crianças, atender às solicitações e tarefas de casa para complementar as atividades pedagógicas na escola. Ler todas as...

Price: Free Developer: Palo Technology
Colégio Objetivo Pouso Alegre

Colégio Objetivo Pouso Alegre

Olá, Pais! Nós sabemos como é difícil conciliar o trabalho e a família no dia-a-dia. Acompanhar tudo que acontece na escola das crianças, atender às solicitações e tarefas de casa para complementar as atividades pedagógicas na escola. Ler todas as...

Price: Free Developer: Palo Technology
Espaço do Saber SJC

Espaço do Saber SJC

Olá, Pais! Nós sabemos como é difícil conciliar o trabalho e a família no dia-a-dia. Acompanhar tudo que acontece na escola das crianças, atender às solicitações e tarefas de casa para complementar as atividades pedagógicas na escola. Ler todas as...

Price: Free Developer: Palo Technology
i-Ready for Students

i-Ready for Students

i-Ready® for Students is a free app for students who use i-Ready at school. Students can use this app to access i-Ready and Ready Classroom Mathematics. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 11 or above. iPad minis...

Price: Free Developer: Curriculum Associates, LLC
i-Ready Learning Games

i-Ready Learning Games

i-Ready® Learning Games is an engaging math game suite for Kindergarten – 4th grade i-Ready students, to be used with the i-Ready® for Students app. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 10 or above. iPad...

Price: Free Developer: Curriculum Associates, LLC
Get Ready Emergency

Get Ready Emergency

Welcome to the Get Ready Emergency This app was developed by healthcare professionals to give the public immediate access to over 70 short “How To” videos. Get Ready Emergency is always with you! Emergency Categories Our easy to use app is...

Price: Free Developer: Get Ready Online Inc.
Get Ready First Aid

Get Ready First Aid

Welcome to the Get Ready First Aid App This app was developed by healthcare professionals to give the public immediate access to over 70 short “How To” videos. Get Ready First Aid App is always with you! First Aid Categories Our...

Price: Free Developer: Get Ready Online Inc.
Principal Ready

Principal Ready

Welcome to the ATLAS – Principal Ready This app was developed to give first aider immediate access to over 70 short “How To” videos. ATLAS – Principal Ready App is always with you! First Aid Categories Our easy to use app is...

Price: Free Developer: Get Ready Online Inc.
Child Ready - Home Safety Tool

Child Ready - Home Safety Tool

University of New Mexico, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Child Ready Program presents the “Home Safety Tool.” This interactive and visually engaging tool takes you through a home, room by room and in the front and backyard, to identify...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Sapien
Ready Jet Go! Space Explorer

Ready Jet Go! Space Explorer

New Updates!! · Fixed the loading issue for some iPhone users · Now in both Spanish and English! Choose your language preference in the Settings section · New look! We...

Price: Free Developer: PBS KIDS
Ready 4K

Ready 4K

Get your child ready for kindergarten with Ready 4K. Developed by education experts from the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), the resources, games, and activities accessible through this app will help your pre-k child develop the skills they...

Price: Free Developer: GlowTouch Technologies
Hygiene Ready - LITE

Hygiene Ready - LITE

Do you work in the food industry and are you required to pass the annual hygiene training? And with a mandatory certificate of completion? With the app “Hygiene Ready” you will not only learn all you need to know...

Price: Free Developer: inside Gesellschaft fuer Lern- und Informationssysteme mbH
Ready Steady Safe

Ready Steady Safe

Keen to become a master of disaster? Do you know what to pack if you had to leave in a hurry? Thought about where you would go in an emergency? Emergencies and hazards can occur at any time and be...

Price: Free Developer: Save The Children Developer

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