Top 28 Food & Drink Apps Like Prestige Dining Club - Best Alternatives

Prestige Dining Club Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Prestige Dining Club alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Prestige Dining Club. Pick one from this list to be your new Prestige Dining Club app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Prestige Dining Club on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Prestige Dining Club - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Prestige Dining Club alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Prestige Dining Club 2025.

WMC Prestige

WMC Prestige

The iPhone app for WMC Group Prestige Members, where you can find out the latest news, events and special offers from WMC’s collection of hotels and restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City. Check your profile, annual qualifying spending, and...

Price: Free Developer: Hong An Dang
Le Prestige

Le Prestige

L'application iphone/ipad de Le Prestige vous permet de commander en ligne ou par téléphone via votre application . Vous pouvez consulter notre carte et choisir vos produits . Le Prestige : Tél.: Horaires d'ouverture: Ouvert 7J/7 De 11h00 à 23h45 Sauf le vendredi de...

Price: Free Developer: JOMAA BEN SASSI


Nexorder is a Prestige way to get your Food and Drinks. Order-Ahead from Restaurants, Cafe, and Bars: then, simply walk-in, pick-up, and walk-out: that easy! Easy made simple: 1)Simply browse thru the menu 2)Order and pay 3)Ready for pickup. Current state(s) launched: New York

Price: Free Developer: ifamust simon
Fratelli KSA

Fratelli KSA

Download the official Fratelli La Bufala - KSA App today to join our exclusive loyalty club! Join now to receive exciting gifts and tasty rewards! Wefee Empowered



Melucci's have been established since 2005 at the heart of Bexley Village in Kent and is owned by Maria and Christos. Apart from specialising in fresh Italian cuisine to cater for breakfast, lunch and even evening dining, there are considerable...

Price: Free Developer: Prestige Web Marketing
Outback Steakhouse Hong Kong

Outback Steakhouse Hong Kong

Become an Outback member to enter a world of privileges and rewards! When using Outback Mobile App, you can check Outback Points anytime & anywhere, exchange eCoupons with your Outback Points, get the reminders for membership renewal. You can...

Price: Free Developer: BLOOM NO.1 LIMITED
Trust your Wine

Trust your Wine

Every year, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato Spa products more than a billion of wine labels for Denomination of Controlled Origin Guaranteed (D.O.C.G.) and Denomination of Controlled Origin (D.O.C.) designations. Poligrafico traces the entire DOCG production and a...

Price: Free Developer: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato Spa
Wine Expo Vins

Wine Expo Vins

With just over a full week of wine related events, we’re certain that we offer something fun and entertaining for every taste and budget. Take a moment to see what treats are in store for the wine lover in...

Price: Free Developer: Vox Interactif
Dining Butler

Dining Butler

About Dining Butler WHAT IF YOUR MENU is in your customers’ phone? Your customers can now order by using their mobile phone. It is now easier for the waiter to provide better service. Table turnaround is up to 20min faster with...

Price: Free Developer: Dining Butler Limited


松山、広島で居酒屋8店舗を運営する【SAMURAI-DINING(サムライダイニング)】の公式Appアプリです。 【SAMURAI-DINING】のご紹介 和テイストな居酒屋を中心に、和カフェや飲食店を展開する【SAMURAI-DINIG(サムライ ダイニング)】各店こだわりの空間とお料理を提供しております。 隠れ家的な空間から、女性に人気のメニューを取り揃え女子会にもオススメなお店など、幅広くご用意しておりますので、飲み会、宴会などにぜひご利用ください。 ■トーク機能 【SAMURAI-DINING】と直接のやり取りが可能です。予約のご相談、来店前のお問い合わせから来店後のご質問まで、アプリで連絡を取り合うことができます。カメラで撮影した画像もその場で送ることができます。 ■ポイントカード お店で利用した金額に応じてポイントが貯まります。そのポイントでお店の特典に交換したり、貯まったポイントをお買い物に利用することもできます。 ■クーポン 【SAMURAI-DINING】全店で、いつでもお通しが無料になるお得なアプリ限定クーポンを配布しています。新しいクーポンが配信された際には、プッシュ通知で情報をお届けします。 ■最新情報をお届け 【SAMURAI-DINING】からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。 ■写真を一覧で掲載 【SAMURAI-DINING】各店の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。 ■MAP 【SAMURAI-DINING】各店の場所がMAP表示されているので、お店まで簡単にアクセスできます。 ■24時間365日いつでも予約可能 【SAMURAI-DINING】へのご予約は、24時間受付しています。 【SAMURAI-DINING】各店基本情報 店名:炭焼焼酎庵 侍 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町2-5-2 三栄ビル NO.2 2F東 店名:鉄焼麦酒庵 忍 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町2-5-2 三栄ビル NO.2 2F西 店名:旬彩和酒庵 かぶき 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町1-11-11 店名:和心和酒庵 銕 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町2-10-8 河井ビル2F 店名:サムライダイニング 茶ノ間 住所:愛媛県松山市一番町1-11-6 チャイクロビル2F 店名:サムライダイニング 炉 -irori- 住所:愛媛県松山市道後湯之町12-30 店名:炭焼鍋奉行 だいだい 住所:広島県廿日市市上平良133-8 店名:mononofu. 住所:愛媛県松山市道後湯之町6-22 1F ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS9以上です。

Price: Free Developer: USEN
Indian Dining Club App

Indian Dining Club App

Indian Dining Club is perhaps the most elegant Indian restaurant in Dulwich and one that offers food that’s way, way beyond the London norm. It’s brought to the lucky folk of London by the same team behind Kennington Tandoori...

Price: Free Developer: Indian Dining Club
Dining Decider

Dining Decider

Deciding where to eat can be stressful. With so many places to choose from, it can be overwhelming to scroll through hundreds of options. With a simple swipe Dining Decider cuts through all the information and provides you a...

Price: Free Developer: Dining Decider LLC
UCSC Dining - Menu

UCSC Dining - Menu

Menu app for UCSC Dining halls: - includes 5 dining halls for ten colleges - menu for nine cafés on campus - provides dining hall menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night - more informations about nutrition...

Price: Free Developer: Chai Jie
Dining Caddy

Dining Caddy

Dining Caddy is an online platform for food enthusiasts (caddies) that allows them to share their food experiences with other caddies. This platform enables its users to give reviews and ratings to different restaurants, bars, desserts and coffee shops...

Price: Free Developer: Dining Caddy, Inc.
Bar & Dining TORRENT(トレント)

Bar & Dining TORRENT(トレント)

▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲ 【Bar & Dining TORRENT】の公式店舗アプリ! ▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲ −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− アプリ機能紹介 メイン機能 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ▼最新情報お届け 最新のお知らせ・限定メニューなどお得情報がアプリに届きます。 是非ご確認ください! ▼スタンプ貯まります ご利用の際にアプリをご提示ください。アプリ内にスタンプが貯められます。 たくさん貯めていただくと次回使える特典をご用意しております。 ▼お得なクーポン アプリを持っていると限定のクーポンが発行されます。 いつもよりお得に使える限定ものなど 新しいクーポンができたらチェックしてみてください! ▼予約も簡単 アプリ内より簡単にご予約が出来ます。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご注意 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS10以上です。

Price: Free Developer: Hiroki Yokota
Dash Mobile Dining and Entertainment

Dash Mobile Dining and Entertainment

We know that when it comes to dining and entertainment, you have many options. Our goal is to make sure you know who has the best meals and the best deals at any point in the day, and the...

Price: Free Developer: Dash Mobile Dining and Entertainment Inc
Dining Paws

Dining Paws

Checking the dining hall menus at the University of Connecticut will no longer be complicated and confusing. Simplify the process with Dining Paws, the app that allows you to easily check what’s being served at each of the 8...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Kerendian
Convenient dining

Convenient dining

Checking the dining hall menus at the University of Connecticut will no longer be complicated and confusing. Simplify the process with it, the app that allows you to easily check what’s being served at each of the 8 campus...

Price: Free Developer: Poppy Dangar
ResQ Club

ResQ Club

Rescue delicious food that would otherwise go to waste from quality restaurants, cafés and bakeries near you – for dinner at home or an easy afternoon snack. Using our app is a fast, convenient and affordable, yet a healthy...

Price: Free Developer: ResQ Club Oy
Delivery Club – Доставка еды

Delivery Club – Доставка еды

Легко и быстро закажите еду из ваших любимых кафе, пиццерий и ресторанов с доставкой на дом или в офис! Более 10 000 популярных и модных заведений в одном приложении. У вас всегда есть большой выбор, чем порадовать себя –...

Price: Free Developer: Delivery Club, LLC
Cinnamon Club

Cinnamon Club

Cinnamon Spice Club is not just another Indian restaurant… we pride ourselves on being different in both cuisine and ambiance to give our guests an unforgettable experience every time. We are a destination restaurant home to a beautiful champagne bar...

Price: Free Developer: Ginilab Ltd
Sorted Club: Packs

Sorted Club: Packs

Available exclusively to Sorted Club members, Sorted Club: Packs helps you cook up deliciously fresh meals midweek with a simple and smart framework. Buy only what you need and eat everything you buy. Subscribe to become a Sorted Club member...

Price: Free Developer: Sorted Food
EAT Club - Corporate Catering

EAT Club - Corporate Catering

Is it lunchtime yet? We know that’s what’s on your mind, and EAT Club for iPhone makes getting food at the office easier than ever. Browse what we’re delivering today to your office, order something tasty, finish that spreadsheet...

Price: Free Developer: EAT Club
Sorted Club: Books

Sorted Club: Books

Sorted Club: Books is the place to access each and every club book in one place, while creating your very own personal cookbook. Browse through hundreds of unique and carefully crafted recipes and save your favourites to make for your...

Price: Free Developer: Sorted Food


CHOP CLUB App for iPhone allows our Chopped Leaf customers to use a virtual version of their CHOP CLUB card. The CHOP CLUB program is a way for us to reward our loyal customers and lettuce show how much we...

Price: Free Developer: ChoppedLeaf
Sorted Club: Eat

Sorted Club: Eat

Sorted Club: Eat helps you experience the top foodie cities all around the world, as if you were a local! Browse incredible independent restaurants, get detailed menu recommendations, redeem club offers and book full on restaurant experiences for you and...

Price: Free Developer: Sorted Food
Wine Club Signups

Wine Club Signups

Gone are the days where its safe for your customers to sign up for your wine club using a simple paper form. With The Wine Club Site iPad App, you have a fully secure PCI compliant way of allowing...

Price: Free Developer: Wine Club Site LLC

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