Top 22 Education Apps Like E-plan habilitering - Best Alternatives

E-plan habilitering Alternatives

Do you want to find the best E-plan habilitering alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to E-plan habilitering. Pick one from this list to be your new E-plan habilitering app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to E-plan habilitering on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like E-plan habilitering - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid E-plan habilitering alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like E-plan habilitering 2025. to go to go

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Price: Free Developer: GmbH & Co KG
e.driver Professional

e.driver Professional

e.driver Professional. Das Schweizer Lernprogramm für die Theorieprüfung LKW, Lastwagen, Bus und Taxi. Sicher durch die LKW Prüfung • Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung für die Kategorien C, CE, C1, D, DE, D1, BPT • Inkl. Vorbereitung zur CZV Prüfung • Prüfungssimulation mit über...

Price: Free Developer: e-university - Walter Systems AG
e.driver Swiss driving license

e.driver Swiss driving license

e.driver Driving Theory Test e.driver 2019/2020 theory test for cars, motorbikes, scooters, moped, tractors and construction vehicles Preparation for the car theory test for motor vehicle drivers Cat. A1, A, B, M, F and G, available in English, German, French...

Price: Free Developer: e-university - Walter Systems AG


e-Smart 2.0 version 1.0 1. 一站式介面,方便用戶快捷開啓各科教學資源 2. 課堂管理功能提升,老師可全面管理學生打開電子課本及系統 3. 新增老師概覽及學生手冊,用戶可一覽各系統的功課記錄 4. 新增老師訊息、查看學生名單,增進師生互動 EPH Reader version 5.0: 1. 新電子書目錄介面,整合電子課本的書目顯示 2. 優化內容介面,避免書頁內容與工具列重疊 3. 新增使用提示,插入資源時顯示提示句,使用時更清晰

Price: Free Developer: POPULAR E-LEARNING (H.K.) LIMITED
Treno di parole – Giochi di spelling bee e puzzle cerca la parola per bambini

Treno di parole – Giochi di spelling bee e puzzle cerca la parola per bambini

Treno di parole é un bellissimo gioco per bambini che li porta ad imparare parole del vocabolario di base, insieme al loro spelling. Il metodo “colpo e prova” lo rende un metodo di apprendimento divertente per i bambini dai...

Price: Free Developer: Naveed Abbas
Colégio Arte e Vida

Colégio Arte e Vida

Com a correria da vida moderna, faz-se necessário a busca por alternativas que dinamizem nossos compromissos e que nos oportunizem ampliar nossa qualidade de vida. Buscando estreitar a relação entre família e escola, nosso colégio adotou este aplicativo, que tem por principal...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Arte e Vida
E-School Cambodia

E-School Cambodia

E-School Cambodia is an online learning platform teach by most famous teachers in Cambodia for - Grade 7 to 12 followed Cambodia Education Standard - Bacc II exam preparation - Teacher Entrance exam preparation - Health Science Entrance exam preparation - Many more E-School...

Price: Free Developer: A.Z.E INNOVATION TECH CO., LTD
Escute e Monte

Escute e Monte

O aplicativo "Escute e Monte" é um ditado interativo destinado ao desenvolvimento da escrita de palavras no qual a criança terá que arrastar e organizar as letras após escutar a palavra ditada pelo aplicativo formando, assim, a correspondência entre...

Price: Free Developer: Lauro Oliveira
Colégio e Curso Desafio

Colégio e Curso Desafio

Colégio e Curso Desafio! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia do seus filhos e o calendário de...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio e Curso Desafio
Game Plan Mobile

Game Plan Mobile

Game Plan is a software platform that helps athletics organizations deliver online education, mentorship and career services to support their athletes through every step of their developmental journey.

Price: Free Developer: Game Plan
BARBRI Study Plan

BARBRI Study Plan

The BARBRI Study Plan App provides a focused, flexible supplement to assist you with your law school exams and bar exam preparation. Through the BARBRI Study Plan App, you will be able to access your active BARBRI study plans:...

Price: Free Developer: BARBRI, Inc.
Kinedu: Baby Development Plan

Kinedu: Baby Development Plan

Encourage your baby’s development through meaningful play. With engaging activities, designed by experts in child psychology, Kinedu creates a personalized development plan, supporting your child in reaching each exciting new milestone. Access stimulating, easy-to-follow video activities for key development areas....

Price: Free Developer: Kinedu
SQA My Study Plan

SQA My Study Plan

Do you need help organising your study time before important exams? SQA’s My Study Plan app will automatically create your own personalised study plan based on your exam times, their importance and when you want to study. Once the study plan...

Price: Free Developer: Scottish Qualifications Authority
Have a Plan

Have a Plan

The STOP-DWI New York’s Have A Plan mobile application has been designed and created to encourage individuals who may have had too much to drink to Have A Plan when impaired. It also serves to provide interactive information on...

Price: Free Developer: Element Creative LLC
Cristata Cares Business Plan Creator

Cristata Cares Business Plan Creator

Have the next billion dollar business idea? You'll need a plan! Verbose formal business plans are generally only needed for financing rounds, however, the core information is still extremely important when just thinking about a new business idea. The...

Price: Free Developer: Code Baltimore
Easy Study - Plan for school

Easy Study - Plan for school

Organize your study routine with Easy Study! Download now the best app to create your study plan. With Easy Study you will create an incredible study plan in only 3 steps. Just enter the subjects that you will study, how many...

Price: Free Developer: Aplicativos Legais
My Job Plan

My Job Plan

L'application IGS My Job Plan est un service offert par l'IGS ​pour vous aider à trouver un stage en alternance ou votre futur emploi. L'application My Job Plan permet d'accéder à votre espace client. Un compte My Job Plan est...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Courtaud
Plan Kids

Plan Kids

O Plan Kids é um aplicativo para Pais que planeja diariamente brincadeiras personalizadas para seus filhos, a fim de extrair de forma lúdica e divertida todo o potencial deles, por meio das ferramentas do Coaching e da Psicopedagogia! O...

Price: Free Developer: Ana Rita Santana Xavier de Sousa Souto
Undra om habiliteringen

Undra om habiliteringen

Undra är en liten superhjälte som tar reda på saker som barn med funktionsnedsättning undrar över. Följ med på en spännande upptäcktsfärd tillsammans med Undra på habiliteringen. Låt gärna barnet utforska appen inför besök på habiliteringen. På detta vis...

Price: Free Developer: Habilitering & Hälsa
Undra om känslor

Undra om känslor

Undra är en liten superhjälte som tar reda på saker som barn med funktionsnedsättning undrar över. I den här appen visar hon upp olika känslor du ska försöka känna igen hos andra. Appen vänder sig framförallt till barn med...

Price: Free Developer: Habilitering & Hälsa
Undra om träningscentret

Undra om träningscentret

Alla barn har rätt att vara delaktiga i sin vård. Därför har vi tagit fram appen om Undra. Undra är en liten superhjälte som tar reda på saker som barn med funktionsnedsättning undrar över. Syftet är att förbereda barnet...

Price: Free Developer: Habilitering & Hälsa

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