Top 32 Business Apps Like e4 house - Wienerberger UK - Best Alternatives

e4 house - Wienerberger UK Alternatives

Do you want to find the best e4 house - Wienerberger UK alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Business apps that are similar to e4 house - Wienerberger UK. Pick one from this list to be your new e4 house - Wienerberger UK app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to e4 house - Wienerberger UK on your iOS devices.

Top 32 Apps Like e4 house - Wienerberger UK - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid e4 house - Wienerberger UK alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like e4 house - Wienerberger UK 2025.

E4 Field Notes

E4 Field Notes

The E4 Field Notes app makes it easy to record field inspection data about invasive grasses, insects, diseases, weather damage, crop deficiencies and more. When inspection details are recorded in a consistent manner over multiple trips to a field...

Price: Free Developer: E4 Crop Intelligence, LLC


创业一点通是一款集线上线下热门品牌创业项目发布、展示、投资、加盟为一体的资源整合平台。无论您是爱创业还是准备创业,您都可以在创业一点通找到创业项目、加盟招商信息和开店经营技巧等。使用创业一点通客户端,掌握创业蓝海商机一手商机。 【新增】创业红包来啦,百万创业红包助您创业成功!!! 创业一点通APP邀您瓜分百万创业红包,助力您的创业梦! 【发现商机】 本平台覆盖了特色小吃、快餐,集成墙饰,美酒饮料等诸多新型创业项目品牌,包括喜茶、汾酒,百年匠心等耳熟能详的品牌加盟项目。 【严选项目】 由考察员实地考察、深度调研,确保项目真实性,高效帮助更多的创业者链接优质商机,让骗子项目无所遁形,加盟更放心,开店更安全。 【专业服务】 为投资创业者提供即时高效的专业答疑及建议;提供从项目筛选到加盟开店的一站式创业支持。 【更多优惠】 通过平台优势,为百万创业投资者节省不必要的项目额外支出成本,您可以选择在线咨询,或留下您想知道的问题,专业人员将会在24小时内为您解答回复。 咨询热线:4000-158-959 商务合作:[email protected] 微信公众号:959品牌商机网(ID:959ppsjw)

Price: Free Developer: minyuan lan


The Element 4 CRM app is designed exclusively for Element 4 Solutions LLC., engineers, technicians and service providers. The app will help you manage your clients while you are on the move. Turn your phone into a personal assistant...

Price: Free Developer: Navin Gidwani



Price: Free Developer: lianfei shao


E企营-发挥网络特性,助力企业全员营销,为企业提供营销素材制作,营销事体策划及营销市场推广,帮助企业实现全员营销的一站式营销服务工具。 移动互联网时代每个人都联通着世界,如何发挥企业员工每个人的社交关系网络为企业提供营销,助力企业营销服务?E企营就是由此而诞生的一个企业全员营销工具。再小的公司都有品牌与形象,再大的公司也需要营销,阿里发力通信软件“来往”的时候都是全员每个人都在做推介,市场是第一位的,让企业每个员工做市场接触客户,更是全方面获取市场反馈的良机与重要渠道与途径,更何况中小企业公司更需要全员助力营销,更需要实时获取市场反馈,更需要收集客户资料,当下是一个移动互联网时代粉丝经济,未来的营销与产品开发将全部由粉丝大数据来推动,如何借助网络工具,如何借助企业员工的社交关系属性为企业营销服务?使用“E企营”,助力企业全员营销,让我们大家一起为某个营销推广全策全力,一起做营销。 E企营首先为企业每个员工配制一套电子名片,名片可生成二维码用于线上线下互动展示,可将名片二维码直接印于线下的纸质名片或是宣传页上,客户通过扫描二维码可以打开电子名片,因电子名片可含图片、视频、电子地图、音乐等多媒体属性,所以可以很直观的展示企业形象或是产品,更好的传达企业需要传达给客户的内容。在电子名片的基础上使用企业通讯录与个人通讯录可以更好的实现企业内部互通与工作效率。 E企营主要还是一个企业全员营销的助力软件与工具,帮助企业实现企业全员营销,企业可以统一由指定管理员一键制作生成企业宣传页、邀请函、活动促销、市场反馈收集等动态手机网站,还可以统一由管理员收集各类营销素材与资料等然后由企业每个员工统一转发或是转载企业统一定制的电子内容到外部社交平台,达到快速推广的效果,一个员工外部100个社交关系属性,10个员工就可以产生1000个推广展示链接,1000个关系网络里面如果再有10%的互动就有100000个推广展示效果,这个是完全可以借助于E企营可以帮你达到的一个营销效果,再通过互动的市场或是产品等反馈功能,实时在营销的过程中收集各类反馈,产生一个良性互动的营销过程,为企业在营销推广的同时收集了第一手所需要的各类资料,达到客户管理,提升品牌形象与影响力,而从企业内部看由于使企业全员参与营销收集各类反馈更是提升了企业全员的参与感与主动性,提升企业全员的凝聚力,发展更大的企业团队效果。 E企营-助力全员营销,推动企业更好更快发展。

Price: Free Developer: 杭州企盼信息科技有限公司


无纸化会议是由传统会议以纸质为信息记录为载体转化成以平板电脑为载体的数字化、移动化的多媒体,利用智能平板的便携性,把会议从固定的会议室延伸场外的移动终端。 智能多媒体交互协作软件(简称NPS)作为智能会议系统,它是运行在平板电脑上的新一代会议系统,本系统采用全新的会议模式,将传统会议过程中的各个环节虚拟化、主体信息和承载介质数字化,将多种信息化技术融入会议的各环节、贯穿会议全过程,将频繁召开的会议全部搬上iOS平台,会议使用者在更短时间内完成多于以往的任务。主要实现会议文件分发,同步演示等功能,要求文件同步的实时性,保密性为主。 无纸化会议交互系统使用现代通讯技术、软件技术,通过文件的电子交换实现会议的无纸化。 其特征是:文件传输网络化,文件显示电子化,文件输入输出可控化。无纸化会议系统的一个基本特征是:席位以电子桌牌形式展现与会者的姓名等内容,与会者快速入座后,可自行操作该智能终端。此时,该智能终端如同一台独立使用的标准计算机,每个参会者可以自主地在终端上进行议题查看、资料查看、同步显示或异步显示等一键式快速切换。 其最大程度地在智能显示终端上集成会议多功能(拍照签到、呼叫服务、文档异步查看、会议资料同步显示及手写批注、跟随主讲,我要发言等),提供给用户最自然的人机交互界面(支持电容屏多点双指缩放、划屏翻页阅读批注、保存等操作),同时还实现了平板电脑、笔记本电脑等移动终端与智能显示终端的协同工作、智能共享和交互控制。

Price: Free Developer: 北京真视通科技股份有限公司
597企业版 - 人才网招聘找人才软件

597企业版 - 人才网招聘找人才软件

597企业版,由厦门才盛人才服务有限公司开发。为企业hr,用人部门提供的高效交流互动的手机招聘利器。通过597企业版,可以查看新投递的简历,邀约面试,与候选人即时沟通,更快的找到合适的人才。 【招聘城市】
目前已覆盖上海、北京、广州、深圳、成都、重庆、杭州、南京、沈阳、苏州、天津、武汉、西安、长沙、大连、济南、宁波、青岛、无锡、厦门、郑州、长春、常州、哈尔滨、福州、昆明、合肥、东莞、石家庄、呼和浩特、南昌、温州、佛山、贵阳、南宁、海口、湖州、唐山、临沂、嘉兴、绍兴、南通、徐州、泉州、太原、烟台、乌鲁木齐、潍坊、珠海、洛阳、中山、兰州、金华、淮安、吉林、威海、淄博、银川、扬州、芜湖、盐城、宜昌、西宁、襄阳、绵阳、惠州、大庆、厦门、泉州、义乌、龙岩、福州、漳州、南平、等全国150多个城市地区。 【行业类型】
正在热招的公司涵盖互联网、研发、金融、市场、人力资源、物流、房地产、银行、管理、电气、环保、园林土木、化工、服务、培训、IT电子、硬件设备、机械、交通、零售、医疗、保险、地产、电力、电子商务、计算机网络、旅游贸易、投资证券、教育等数十个行业,互联网开发测试、技术运维、程序员、产品经理、网页设计、运营编辑、市场销售、客服专员、行政人事、财务会计、高管、风投、游戏策划、媒介渠道、广告文案、总裁助理、律师、翻译。 无论您是什么样的公司,找人才,要招聘,就上597企业版。

Price: Free Developer: 厦门才盛网络科技有限公司


应用介绍: 【应用简介】 E兼职企业版是一款专门针对大学生兼职招聘,临时工招聘APP。 【应用介绍】 E兼职企业版是个让企业舒心,学生放心的招聘软件,给你最靠谱的招聘体验! E兼职是一款专注于大学生兼职招聘领域的APP,为企业提供高效快捷的兼职招聘人员。 E兼职用户均为在校大学生,他们有着认真负责的工作态度,良好的知识储备。 E兼职让企业更安心的挑选合适的人才,确保工作质量。 【所获荣誉】 E兼职荣获2016年第十五届互联网大会全球华人创新创业大赛“最具创新价值奖” 【联系我们】 微信:exjian 网址 客服:01053603543

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Rong Shun Network Technology Co., Ltd.


苏州智奇胜软件科技有限公司(Suzhou ChisalSoft Technology Co., Ltd.)是一家专注于移动应用领域的APP解决方案、软件开发、软件外包服务商。 通过本APP您可以第一时间了解我们的动态信息,通过本APP您可以7x24小时的随时将您的需求信息提交给我们,我们会在一个工作日内给您回复,以便更快更好的对项目技术咨询、精准评估及报价。

Price: Free Developer: Suzhou ChisalSoft Technology Co., Ltd.
My Princess House

My Princess House

Keep all the tools you need for your Princess House business with you! Get the latest news, offers, programs, videos, training and incentives to support your business, and you can also make payments on your orders – all available...

Price: Free Developer: Princess House Inc.
House Arrests

House Arrests has a great new alternative to ankle bracelet monitoring! For low-risk, non-violent offenders, we have developed which provides reliable, real time gps tracking using your own cell phone. This advanced house arrest system utilizes the...

Price: Free Developer: House Arrest App LLC
In-house Recruitment Live

In-house Recruitment Live

On the 10th September 2019, thousands of In-house Recruiters, industry visionaries and disruptors will gather for the return of the hugely successful In-house Recruitment Live London. This 1-day exhibition will present an abundance of opportunities for you and your...

Price: Free Developer: In-house Recruitment
House Arrest Admin

House Arrest Admin

Using location updates, as well as checking information sent from this house arrest app by the selling, agents can monitor selected low- and medium-risk offenders placed on house arrest programs by the courts. The agent can map the current...

Price: Free Developer: House Arrest App LLC
PRE Open House

PRE Open House

PRE Open House is the premier open house experience platform built for today’s buyer. With the ability to find and reserve your spot at PRE Open Houses happening today and preVIEW coming soon properties not yet on the...

Price: Free Developer: Open house finder llc
Feedback House

Feedback House

Feedback House is a platform that allows teams to send and receive feedback from peers, managers and clients simple. Employees receive notifications whenever a new feedback is created. The platform also allows clients and other stakeholders to send feedback directly...

Price: Free Developer: Entria Informatica Ltda - ME

Az GTC.HOUSE alkalmazás Európa elsőszámú eladó és kiadó ingatlan keresője. Villámgyorsan megtalálhatod új otthonod, ha megtetszik egy ingatlan egyszerűen felveheted a kapcsolatot a hirdetővel. Küldj neki e-mailt az alkalmazáson keresztül, vagy hívd őt azonnal telefonon! Az alkalmazással bárhol, bármikor végigpörgetheted a friss...

Price: Free Developer: App Arak
House Smart Agency

House Smart Agency

OS ASSINANTES - AGÊNCIAS, PRODUTORAS E CONSULTORES O House Smart Agency é uma ferramenta criada especificamente para empresas como agências, produtoras, consultores de marketing, jornalistas e similares, que tem necessidade de modernizar processos de gestão e de project management junto...

Price: Free Developer: Icone Software Office Ltda
Kleard Open House Sign In App

Kleard Open House Sign In App

The Kleard app provides Smart Open House Technology to the real estate industry for an amazing open house sign in app that will take your business as a real estate agent to the next level. Kleard also includes a...

Price: Free Developer: Kleard
Open House Pro

Open House Pro

If hosting open houses is an important part of your business, you need this app! Take your Open House opportunities to the next level and set yourself apart to Sellers and new Contacts. Open House Pro provides Real Estate...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Brite Minds Technology LLC
Wienerberger Produktfinder

Wienerberger Produktfinder

Sie wollen ein Ziegelhaus bauen und suchen aktuelle technische Infos? Der Wienerberger Produktfinder unterstützt Sie bei der Suche nach Produktinformationen, Referenzfotos und Verarbeitungsanleitungen. Scrollen Sie durch den interaktiven Produktkatalog und tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Wienerberger Dach-,...

Price: Free Developer: Wienerberger Österreich GmbH
Wienerberger Catalogo

Wienerberger Catalogo

Wienerberger, nata nel 1819 a Vienna, è un'azienda all'avanguardia nello sviluppo di sistemi innovativi in laterizio. Sfoglia il catalogo con le soluzioni innovative in laterizio. Wienerberger, da sempre attenta alle esigenze del cliente, offre una vasta gamma di soluzioni per l'involucro,...

Price: Free Developer: Città in Internet S.r.l.
Premier Jobs UK

Premier Jobs UK

Welcome to Premier Jobs UK! One of the UK's leading recruitment agencies dedicated to providing the highest standards of quality in recruitment search and selection for the financial services and banking industry. Premier Jobs UK was established in 2007 and is...

Price: Free Developer: Premier Jobs UK
UK Cold Express

UK Cold Express

Combining effective use of technology and extraordinary customer service, UK COLD EXPRESS offers Seamless Quality Fridge & Air Condition (FAC) maintenance service. With NO CALL OUT & LABOUR CHARGES, UK Cold Express puts all your FAC maintenance & repair needs...

Price: Free Developer: UK Cold Ltd
Gas App Uk

Gas App Uk

Gas App Uk has been designed by and for registered gas engineers Our multi-award winning app is a vital one-stop shop resource for the day-to-day work of gas engineering. The app includes just some of the following: • Thousands of Manuals and MI’s...

Price: Free Developer: Gas App Uk Limited
Henry Schein Dental UK

Henry Schein Dental UK

Provides access to latest news and all the websites operated by Henry Schein Dental UK (including in one handy screen.

Price: Free Developer: Henry Schein UK
Rexel UK

Rexel UK

Rexel is the UK’s leading distributor of electrical products and solutions. Connecting with us means you will get what you need, when and where you need it. Our heritage in the industry spans some 90 years, so we have...

Price: Free Developer: Rexel UK
Contractor UK Forum

Contractor UK Forum

Stay connected with the UK’s contracting community on-the-go. ContractorUK’s highly active and popular forum joins together both experienced contractors and newbies to discuss the most pressing topics in the contracting industry. With over 15,000 members the forum offers IT...

Price: Free Developer: Contractor UK
Esri UK Annual Conference 2019

Esri UK Annual Conference 2019

Esri UK Annual Conference 2019 event app This is the official app for the 2019 Esri UK Annual Conference. This mobile app allows you to: • View schedules and explore sessions • Plan out your day by creating your own personal schedule • Access location and speaker...

Price: Free Developer: Esri UK
Jobsite - UK Job search app

Jobsite - UK Job search app

Join the millions of happy Jobsite users and download the app today! Search by job title, keyword and location, and apply straight from the app. Your next career move is seconds away. Thousands of jobs at your fingertips - New jobs...

Price: Free Developer: Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Limited
UK Technology Today

UK Technology Today

Welcome to the fourth edition of UK Technology Today (UKT2), your interactive guide to the UK Mobile Industry at GSMA MWC & 4YFN 2018 The UK Technology Today app provides an essential companion to the UK Mobile Industry at the...

Price: Free Developer: Trade Fair Support Ltd
Dynamo Contractor Tax UK

Dynamo Contractor Tax UK

This powerful new free Finance & Tax App has been developed by the team at Dynamo Contractor Tax UK to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7.   The Dynamo Contractor Tax...

Price: Free Developer: Henton & Co LLP

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