Top 39 Education Apps Like Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power - Best Alternatives

Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power. Pick one from this list to be your new Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Brain Power - Boost Your Brain Power 2025.

Empowered Brain

Empowered Brain

** You must own a Brain Power wearable device and have access to an Empowered Brain account to start playing modules within this app. ** Learn more at: The companion mobile app for Brain Power's wearable assistive and educational platform...

Price: Free Developer: Brain Power
Brain Tutor 3D

Brain Tutor 3D

Explore the brain from the palm of your hand! Learn about the structure and function of the human brain by interacting with high-resolution rotatable 3D models in real-time like you've never seen it before! Brain Tutor HD uses rendered...

Price: Free Developer: Rainer Goebel, Brain Innovation
Brain Tutor HD

Brain Tutor HD

Explore the brain from the palm of your hand! Learn about the structure and function of the human brain by interacting with high-resolution rotatable 3D models in real-time like you've never seen it before! Brain Tutor HD uses rendered...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Rainer Goebel, Brain Innovation
Brain U Lite

Brain U Lite

Brain U Lite is a tool for optimal aging and for those concerned about brain health. Based upon research that shows cognitive exercise during physical exercise is helpful in reducing the neurobiological effects of vascular dementia and increasing neurochemicals that...

Price: Free Developer: SMART Brain Aging, Inc
Remember The Shapes : A Cognitive Memory Function Brain Game

Remember The Shapes : A Cognitive Memory Function Brain Game

Remember The Shapes is a fun brain and memory game for kids and adults. Play this free classic of "Simon Says" and have fun testing your memory. Train your memory and brain by following the pattern of lights...

Price: Free Developer: Med Brain Apps
Mr. Brain

Mr. Brain

Do you have an exercise or problem that really challenges you? Do you need to hand that work in on time, but you have no idea how? Mr Brain is an app that lets you send your homework to a...

Price: Free Developer: Mr Brain
BRAND'S Brain Buddy

BRAND'S Brain Buddy "English Memory Booster"

The BRAND'S Brain Buddy "English Memory Booster" app provides a list of English vocabularies in the form of flash card that is useful for high school students to learn and memorize useful English words. Each set of vocabulary flash...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Idea Co., Ltd.


Would you like to enhance your brain focus? Clint – Cultural Brain Games For Adults is an exciting brain app which offers a myriad of brain teaser and other brain activities for your benefit. As one of the best...

Price: Free Developer: Dynseo
AR Human brain

AR Human brain

‘Human brain’ app provides an in-depth tour into the very vital organ of the human body – the brain. ‘Human brain’ app explains the structure of human brain through the interactive 3D model to accelerate the comprehension of the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: sunil christian
Mind, Brain, and Education

Mind, Brain, and Education

A leading education journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Fresh from the newsstand, “Mind, Brain & Education” brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of “Brain-Based” educational practices and “Research-Based” curricula. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
SEIA & SEPA Solar Power Events

SEIA & SEPA Solar Power Events

Solar Power Events, presented by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), host a variety of solar & storage events across North America. The flagship events are Solar Power International (SPI) and Energy Storage...

Price: Free Developer: Solar Power International
Redemption Power Church App

Redemption Power Church App

Welcome to the official app of Redemption Power Church located in Monroe, LA. Redemption Power Church is a regional-influencing, interracial, interdenominational church that reflects the values and convictions of its Founders and Overseers, Apostle C.T. & First Lady Kimber...

Price: Free Developer: Power Church, Inc.
Power To Excel

Power To Excel

Download the Power To Excel app now and begin to enjoy our live streams, previously recorded video messages from Dr. Sule Emmanuel and many other amazing contents. Power To Excel, Destiny Empowerment Initiatives is founded by Dr. Sule Emmanuel....

Price: Free Developer: Power To Excel International
Bruce Power

Bruce Power

Bruce Power provides a reliable source of low-cost, clean electricity for Ontario, meeting approximately 30% of the province's energy needs. The company has launched this app with an electricity bill calculator, allowing users the opportunity to understand where their...

Price: Free Developer: Bruce Power L.P.
GA Experience by Georgia Power

GA Experience by Georgia Power

From​ ​innovative​ ​business​ ​to​ ​professional​ ​unplugging,​ ​Georgia’s​ ​got​ ​the best​ ​of​ ​both​ ​worlds.​ ​And​ ​at​ ​Georgia​ ​Power,​ ​we​ ​want​ ​you​ ​to​ ​know​ ​that​ ​while Georgia​ ​may​ ​be​ ​the​ ​best​ ​state​ ​for​ ​business,​ ​it’s​ ​also​ ​got​ ​some​ ​of​ ​the​ ​most...

Price: Free Developer: Georgia Power Company
Power Gen Symposium 2019

Power Gen Symposium 2019

This is the official mobile application for Power Generation Symposium 2019. To get the most out of your convention experience, please use the app to check out the following features: * Attendee List * Agenda * General Info * Maps

Price: Free Developer: Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG
Power Packs™ Pre-K Self-Regulation Edition

Power Packs™ Pre-K Self-Regulation Edition

The free app is a “power pack” of ideas for adults to promote children’s vocabulary, curiosity, independence, and wonder. This edition, specifically aims to BLEND, BRIDGE, and BOOST children’s self-regulation skills. Self-regulation is defined as the conscious control of...

Price: Free Developer: Nikita Eelen
Power Series Calculator

Power Series Calculator

Power Series Calculator is a tool for evaluating the famous Taylor and Maclaurin Series of Certain Significant, Commonly used Mathematical Functions viz. Trigonometric Functions and Natural Logarithm. You can input your own custom independent variable values to see the...

Price: Free Developer: Jagjit Singh
Power Plant Engineering

Power Plant Engineering

The app is a complete free handbook of Power plant Engineering with diagrams and graphs. *Power plant engineering a part of energy engineering and electrical engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Amplify Boost

Amplify Boost

Boost is a set of games that helps kids practice early reading skills at school and at home. We think all kindergarteners and 1st graders will benefit from using Boost. 2nd and 3rd graders who last scored Well Below...

Price: Free Developer: Amplify Education, Inc.
Boost Skills

Boost Skills

Boost Skills is an interactive app for vocational training and assessment, enabling Food & Beverage and Housekeeping staff to learn world-class service skills. Boost Skills train hotel employees at a fraction of the cost of traditional training approaches,...

Price: Free Developer: Prima Ops Pte Ltd
Teachley: Fractions Boost

Teachley: Fractions Boost

Teachley: Fractions Boost is an exciting 3D racing game that helps children in 3rd-5th grades gain conceptual understanding of fractions while learning how to represent them on a number line. Children race through a futuristic world, driving through number...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Teachley
Learn & Boost

Learn & Boost

Be more Open your mind Own your schedule Shape your career Take it to the next level ! boost. Ce sont des formations au format poche, accessibles online et offline. boost. Ce sont des formations à consommer à son rythme et selon ses envies. boost. Ce...

Price: Free Developer: Skillsday
Boost SAT 1600

Boost SAT 1600

Boost SAT is an innovative mobile SAT test prep App that includes training videos by category, practice test taking and progress tracking and social messaging with friends, family and teachers. Key Features include SAT question of the Day...

Price: Free Developer: International Branding App Association
Boost Your Brain Power.

Boost Your Brain Power.

Here are things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain's full potential. How can you improve your brain power? You sense that you need more intelligence or 'smarts'...

Price: Free Developer: WebPix Solutions
IQ boost

IQ boost

IGN Rated IQ boost an 8/10 "Impressive" IQ boost is based on the Dual N Back exercise. The Dual N-Back task is the only mental activity that has been proven to improve your short-term memory and fluid intelligence. Read the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: tnxbai
Teachley: Fractions Boost EDU

Teachley: Fractions Boost EDU

*Use your premium Teachley account login to unlock the app and personalize the gameplay for each child in your class.* Teachley: Fractions Boost EDU is the school version of an exciting 3D racing game that helps 3rd-5th grade students gain...

Price: Free Developer: Teachley
Boost - eLearning Assistant

Boost - eLearning Assistant

Boost sends just-in-time reminders to students about their Canvas coursework. Students with active enrollments can receive notifications about upcoming assignment due dates, personalized encouragement after submitting an assignment, and recently posted course announcements. Boost is currently available at Indiana...

Price: Free Developer: Indiana University
Quiz your English

Quiz your English

Quiz your English is a fun new way to practise, improve, and test your English by competing against learners from all around the world. Practise with friends, building vital language skills in the process, and test yourself in a...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English
At your leisure

At your leisure

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios von At your leisure zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die At your leisure App nutzt das beliebte Augmented...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
Enabling Your Business

Enabling Your Business

Imagine an online platform that you can access anywhere at any time and on any device, tablet, laptop or phone. Designed for ease of use and accessibility for anyone thinking about setting up a business, new to business or business...

Price: Free Developer: Enabling Your Business
Feed Your Elephant Knowledge

Feed Your Elephant Knowledge

Feed Your Elephant is the ultimate app for learning and retaining knowledge. The app learns what you know, what you don't and tailors the content accordingly in order to ensure you learn in the most effective manner possible. It employs proven...

Price: Free Developer: Feed Your Elephant
Spark Your Idea

Spark Your Idea

INSPIRED BY A LECTURE ON CREATIVITY GIVEN AT VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, THIS APP HELPS ANYONE BE CREATIVE. There is a simple technique that successful and creative companies use to come up with new, groundbreaking ideas. With this app, you can practice...

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Scheer
Find Your Grind

Find Your Grind

The Find Your Grind App gives users a roadmap to discover who they are, where they’re going, and steps on how to get there; providing Modern Career Choices for Alternative Lifestyles. Start discovering who you are and what really...

Price: Free Developer: Find Your Grind
GabGab - Get Your Toddler Talking

GabGab - Get Your Toddler Talking

Teach your child to talk. This is a very simple app. Record 5-second videos of familiar people and objects that you want your child to learn to say then play them back in a special toddler mode. The toddler...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Lot 719, LLC
Learn2Learn – Hack Your Career

Learn2Learn – Hack Your Career

Future proof yourself with real-world learning techniques to accelerate your growth and hack your career. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and evidence-based learning, Learn2Learn is a practical guide to help you learn faster, smarter and deeper at work...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Your Incredible Brain
Make Your Mind Up

Make Your Mind Up

Childline report that 96% of students are stressed at school. Make Your Mind Up is aimed at teens and young adults to help build positive mindset and mental strength enabling them to better cope with the challenges of student life and...

Price: Free Developer: Make Your Mind Up Ltd
Play Your Talent

Play Your Talent

Play Your Talent gives you insight into your unique talents - What gives you energy and what drains you for energy. With this knowledge, you can optimize your life both professionally and personally. The app can be used advantageously by...

Price: Free Developer: Play Your Talent

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