Top 47 Education Apps Like KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. - Best Alternatives

KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. Alternatives

Do you want to find the best KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. alternatives for iOS? We have listed 47 Education apps that are similar to KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil.. Pick one from this list to be your new KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. on your iOS devices.

Top 47 Apps Like KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like KPSS 2018 GK-GY Eğt. Bil. 2025.



KPSS-Coğrafya uygulaması KPSS sınavında çıkan sorulardan derlenen coğrafya şifreleri(kodları) 'ni kullanıcılara sunmaktadır. Uygulama içersinde kelimeler ve sorular görsel içerikler ile zenginleştirilerek sınava çalışmayı kolaylaştıran kartlar ile birlikte sunulmaktadır. - Coğrafya kodları görseller ile desteklenerek kullanıcının o kodu daha iyi bir...

Price: Free Developer: Furkan Avcu
KPSS 2018 - Soru Bankası

KPSS 2018 - Soru Bankası

KPSS 2018 için hazırlanmış genel kültür, genel yetenek deneme sınavları sizlerle. Sürekli güncel tutulan sorular sayesinde sizde kpss sınavına bizimle hazırlanın. İçerisinde yüzlerce sorunun bulunduğu bu uygulamadan ayrılamayacaksınız. Kendinizi geliştirmeniz için kpss 2018 genel kültür, güncel bilgiler, GK -...

Price: Free Developer: ozan sumer
KPSS Burada

KPSS Burada

KPSS 2020 Testlerini internet bağlantısı gerekmeksizin çözebilirsiniz. Yeni eklenen testleri ana menüden uygulamayı güncellemeden cihaza indirip hemen çözmeye başlayabilirsiniz. KPSS 2020 Özetler Eklendi* Coğrafya özetleri, tarih özetleri ve şifreleri, vatandaşlık konu anlatımları eklendi. Online Karşılıklı KPSS Bilgi Yarışması. KPSS Burada Online Soru Yarışması...

Price: Free Developer: omur olgunay
KPSS 2018  - Güncel Bilgiler

KPSS 2018 - Güncel Bilgiler

Tüm konuları bir araya topladık ve sizlerle KPSS 2018 genel kültür, güncel bilgiler uygulamasını buluşturduk. Uygulama ile kpss tarih, kpss edebiyat, kpss coğrafya, kpss genel kültür ve kpss güncel bilgiler derslerine kolayca ulaşabileceksiniz. Ayrıca uygulamamız bünyesindeki kpss cepte,...

Price: Free Developer: ozan sumer
KPSS 2018 - Genel Kültür

KPSS 2018 - Genel Kültür

Kpss Soru-Cevap ile hızlı anlaşılır bir şekilde Kpss 2018'e hazırlanabilirsiniz. Bünyesinde barındırdığı kpss genel kültür, güncel bilgiler, tarih ve coğrafya'dan oluşan tam +130 soru ile sizde eğitimizini ücretsiz bir şekilde almaya başlayın.. Hadi sende eğitimini tamamlamak için ; kpss lisans,...

Price: Free Developer: ozan sumer
2018 KPSS

2018 KPSS

Size 2018 KPSS sınavını nasıl kazanacağınızı anlatacağım. Bu uygulama ile - KPSS Tarih, - KPSS Coğrafya, - KPSS Türkçe - KPSS Vadandaşlık, - KPSS Anasayfa başlıkları altında yer alan sizlere sınavda diğerlerinin önüne geçireçek bir dizi...

Price: Free Developer: Geeg Yazilim
Kpss Bu Sene Son - 2020

Kpss Bu Sene Son - 2020

-Ön Lisans kpss, Lisans Kpss ve Orta Öğretim Kpss için, bir kpss öğrencisi elinden hazırlanmış en iyi KPSS uygulaması. - Ucu ucuna KPSS çalışmak için tek bir uygulama yeterli. - Bu uygulama sayesinde KPSS ile ilgili her şeye ulaşabileceksiniz. - Denemeden...

Price: Free Developer: ishak akdas
KPSS 2018 - Coğrafya

KPSS 2018 - Coğrafya

Kpss Coğrafya uygulamamız ile sizlere Türkiye'nin bölgelerinin en kritik bilgilerini sunmaktayız. Toplamda 300+ bilgiyi sizlere uygulamamız ile sunuyoruz. Kpss'de çıkması muhtemel güncel bilgilerin hepsi uygulama ile size artık çok yakın. Uygulamamız kpss 2018 coğrafyanın yanı sıra sizlere kpss a, kpss...

Price: Free Developer: ozan sumer
KPSS Deneme Sınavları

KPSS Deneme Sınavları

İos da ücretsiz KPSS Deneme Sınavları Aramaya Son Bu program sayesinde artık teknolojiyi hayatımızda etkin bir şekilde kullanabileceğiz. Ders çalışırken bile kitapların kağıtların esaretinden kurtuluyoruz. Çıkmış sorular için sayfalarca çıktı almak zorunda olmamak harika. KPSS Genel Kültür Genel Yetenek deneme...

Price: Free Developer: Turker GUNEY
Børnenes U-landskalender 2018

Børnenes U-landskalender 2018

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2018 danske børn med på en spændende rejse, hvor de oplever Jordan og møder flygtningene fra Syrien. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Jordan. De...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
CityU Information Day 2018

CityU Information Day 2018

City University of Hong Kong CityU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions will be held on 13 October 2018 (Saturday, 9:30am – 5:30pm) at CityU Campus, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Use this App to find event information and plan your...

Price: Free Developer: City University of Hong Kong
AIHEC 2018 Conference App

AIHEC 2018 Conference App

The Official AIHEC 2018 Conference App March 11-14th, 2018 - Bismark Event Center The American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) is the collective spirit and unifying voice of our nation's 37 Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs)—a unique community of tribally and...

Price: Free Developer: Ready Education Inc.
ITA 2018

ITA 2018

DEAR COLLEAGUES, It is our great pleasure to invite you not only to participate but to contribute in the success of ITA-2018 workshop (International Training Academy 2018). Which will be held on September 6th – 7th, 2018 at Towers Heliopolis...

Price: Free Developer: Girgis Atalla
SemiEdu 2018

SemiEdu 2018

SemiEdu reaches its 26th edition and consolidates itself among the most important educational events of the Midwest region, bringing together researchers from several Brazilian states and from other countries. In 2018, the event takes place between 04 and 07...

Price: Free Developer: SETEC-UFMT
CACCN 2018

CACCN 2018

Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting being held on September 24 - 26, 2018 in Calgary, AB during the Dynamics of Critical Care Conference 2018. Our annual national conference will...

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
FTCE Test Prep 2018

FTCE Test Prep 2018

FTCE Test Prep 2018 Florida Teacher Certification Examinations -- Pass the FTCE on Your First Attempt! Scrumic Resources is Proud to have Brought You High-Quality Test Prep Contents You Will Not Find Anywhere Else. Scrumic App Allows You To Study Anywhere, Anytime, Without Internet...

Price: USD 20.99 Developer: Scrumic Resources
GPHR Test Prep 2018

GPHR Test Prep 2018

GPHR Test Prep 2018 Global Professional in Human Resources -- Pass the GPHR on Your First Attempt! Scrumic Resources is Proud to have Brought You High-Quality Test Prep Contents You Will Not Find Anywhere Else. Scrumic App Allows You To Study Anywhere, Anytime, Without...

Price: USD 20.99 Developer: Scrumic Resources
HOBET Test Prep 2018

HOBET Test Prep 2018

HOBET Test Prep 2018 Health Occupations Basic Entrance Test -- Pass the HOBET on Your First Attempt! Scrumic Resources is Proud to have Brought You High-Quality Test Prep Contents You Will Not Find Anywhere Else. Scrumic App Allows You To Study Anywhere, Anytime, Without...

Price: USD 20.99 Developer: Scrumic Resources
NYSTCE Test Prep 2018

NYSTCE Test Prep 2018

NYSTCE Test Prep 2018 New York State Teacher Certification Examination -- Pass the NYSTCE on Your First Attempt! Scrumic Resources is Proud to have Brought You High-Quality Test Prep Contents You Will Not Find Anywhere Else. Scrumic App Allows You To Study Anywhere, Anytime,...

Price: USD 20.99 Developer: Scrumic Resources
GK Gurukul - Parents

GK Gurukul - Parents

The GK-GURUKUL school app is for bridging the triad between parents, teachers and students. In this app parents can access the progress reports of their children and keep a track of GKG school activities and events. In the GKG app...

Price: Free Developer: GK Research Foundation
General Knowledge : GK Quiz

General Knowledge : GK Quiz

Knowledge is Power. Power excels you to this world. This General Knowledge Quiz: World GK Quiz helps you to do the same. This general knowledge app helps you to be sharp-witted in gk and to be fast in world gk...

Price: Free Developer: VishalKumar Savaliya
Daily GK & Current Affairs

Daily GK & Current Affairs

These daily GK (General Awareness), current affairs and business questions, given in the form of a sample quiz, are ideal for all those who are preparing for various competitive exams like CTET, CSAT, CWE Bank PO-MT, clerks. Besides that...

Price: Free Developer: Instock Inc.
Current Affairs and GK 2016

Current Affairs and GK 2016

Current Affairs and GK are two most important and powerful subjects of any competitive exam in India including SSC, IBPS, PSU, Civil Services (IAS), State PSCs, etc. There are thousands of exams conducted in India for recruitment of Government...

GK in english 2017

GK in english 2017

This app contains Important GK related questions in Quiz format. * Important GK related questions in Quiz format * All previous year question paper sets in Quiz format (for you to practice) * History, Geography, Biology, Indian Polity, Physics, Chemistry,GK, General Awareness,...

Price: Free Developer: Abhishek gaba
GK Tricks

GK Tricks

GK Tricks are the easiest way to learn General Knowledge topics for competitive examination. You can be a master of GK in just 5 days with our Tricky GK (Hindi) app. This app will help you to laern GK in...

Price: Free Developer: rahul baweja
GK and Current Affairs 2017 (English)

GK and Current Affairs 2017 (English)

GK & Current Affairs 2017 Best thing is Offline Browsing feature is available so you don't need an internet connection to read Current Affairs or any Updates. It will load all the updates once you connect to internet. Features like : --...

Price: Free Developer: Amit Sharma
All GK Questions Answers

All GK Questions Answers

All GK ( General Knowledge ) app contains a big collection of questions answers which helps students & professionals to prepare for Interviews , Competitive exams. Just Download This FREE GK ( General Knowledge ) App and read 10000 +...

Price: Free Developer: Charan Rathore
Datewise GK

Datewise GK

This app provides you Daily GK(day to day GK) in hindi language. This is one of the most innovative app to learn about GK. We have compiled most important GK points which are asked in competative exam at one place. You can...

Price: Free Developer: raj kumar
GK Short Tricks

GK Short Tricks

GK Tricks are the easiest way to learn General Knowledge topics for competitive examination. You can be a master of GK in just 5 days with our GK Trick app in Hindi. Find Tricks to Learn General Knowledge in Hindi. Its...

Price: Free Developer: raj kumar


Features: Vertretungsplan: Sieh schnell nach, ob Unterricht ausfällt oder vertreten wird, ganz bequem von Zuhause oder unterwegs. Du bist immer auf dem neuesten Stand dank automatischer Aktualisierung im Hintergrund und Benachrichtigungen auf deinem Gerät. Stundenplan: Trage deinen Stundenplan ein und werde durch ein...

Price: Free Developer: Gymnasium Waldstrasse
KPSS Soru Bankası

KPSS Soru Bankası

KPSS(Kamu personeli seçme sınavı) Lisans, Önlisans ve Orta Öğretim, Eğitim Bilimleri sınavına hazırlananlar için ücretsiz KPSS Soru Bankası artık cebinizde. Bu program sayesinde istediğiniz her yerden telefon ve tablet ile internet bağlantısına gerek olmadan soru çözerek kendinizi test edebilirsiniz, 9000den...

Price: Free Developer: Furkan Torun
Benim Hocam KPSS 2019

Benim Hocam KPSS 2019

Arkadaşlar merhaba, 2016 yılından beri Benim Hocam Mobil Uygulaması adı altında KPSS sınavına hazırlanan adaylarımız için elimizden geldiğince hizmet vermeye çalıştık. Siz değerli öğrencilerimizin yoğun isteklerine kayıtsız kalamadık ve sizlerden gelen yoğun talepler üzerine uygulamamızı yeniledik ve hizmetinize sunduk. Benim Hocam KPSS...

Price: Free Developer: BENIM HOCAM


QLeva är ett undervisningsmaterial om hållbar livsstil med syfte att bidra till hälsa och bättre inlärning för barn. Det är tänkt att genomsyra grundskolan genom att återkomma vid något eller några tillfällen i alla stadier enligt följande: i förskoleklass-åk1,...

Price: Free Developer: LiquidCMS
Runic script alphabet

Runic script alphabet

You find below the English description too. ------------------------ Rovásírás abc Az alkalmazás lehetővé teszi, hogy elolvashassunk székely-magyar rovásírással készült szavakat, mondatokat. Ha láttál már rovásírást és kíváncsi voltál mit rejtenek a jelek, akkor erre az alkalmazásra van szükséged! A rovásírás egy ősrégi,...

Price: Free Developer: Laszlo Nagy


您会说 poetry (诗) pianist (钢琴家) 吗?闭上眼睛能拼写出来吗?那再看看 po·e·try, pi·a·nist。发起音来是不是简单多了。把 po·e·try 发音三遍, 再闭上眼睛,一个音节一个音节地拼写出来。 Po·e·try 拼起来就有点如履平川的感觉了吧——这就是神奇的《听说拼》一通全通,一听就会啦! !!!!!!! 下载速度慢的朋友, 请下载《听说拼两千》!!!!!!!!! 英语单词学习的诀窍是把《音》和《拼》连系起来,达到《拼说听》一通全通。长长的一串字母,就像没有标点符号的古文,无始无终,读起来不知哪跟哪;听起来像连绵不断的口哨,哪听得出歌词!这就是所有人学英文的苦楚。就是在国外生活了几十年的华人,好多常用单词都说不清楚? 为啥?不会给单词加标点符号!一旦学会了单词标点符号,把单词分成几个发音音节,发音,拼写,听说就变得易如反掌。 In·di·ge·nous, a·nes·the·tic, ma·the·ma·ti·cian, ac·ce·le·ra·tor,me·tho·do·lo·gy,u·bi·qui·tous,pri·o·ri·tize, in·e·qua·li·ty,这些单词或许折腾您一辈子了。再试试发音,还有那么难吗?假如再配上极其清晰的美音,把每个音节都清晰地朗读出来。很快,你就会发现,老师一发音,每个音节就在您眼前跳出来了——这就是本软件的基本功能。 自从1980上清华,89年去剑桥,92年到美国当教授,三十多年来,作者一直在研究英语学习。近来把常用的八千八百四十八个单词,根据极其标准的美音发音,逐个配上了标点符号,标出《发音音节》, 现全部在本软件里按常用性列举出来,和大家分享。《发音音节》和常规音节不同,反映的是美国人发音的真实情况, 是本作者辛勤劳动的结果。字典里的音节你都看了一辈子了,对您的发音和拼写有帮助吗? 使用建议: 1. 根据自己水平,选择单词量,不要把精力浪费在不常用的单词上。 2. 听单词朗读,把老师的标准发音和每个《发音音节〉联系起来。从现在起,您要学会听发音音节。千万别再听那些连音节都听不出来的语音了。会把耳朵都听坏的。 3. 刚开始时,边听边看《发音音节》,到最后,边听就边拼,拼不出来,才看一眼。 4. 边走边听,耳机控制,八千八百四十八个千单词, 听听就到手了。 小伙伴,到那时,您就站在喜马拉雅的峰顶啦! 还背啥? 一听就会啦!

Price: Free Developer: himalaya-soft


您会说 mathematics 吗?闭上眼睛能拼写出来吗?那再看看 math·e·mat·ics。发起音来是不是简单多了。把 math·e·mat·ics 发音三遍, 再闭上眼睛,一个音节一个音节地拼写出来。 math·e·mat·ics 拼起来就有点如履平川的感觉了吧——这就是神奇的《听说拼-两千》一通全通,一听就会啦! 英语单词学习的诀窍是把《音》和《拼》连系起来,达到《拼说听》一通全通。长长的一串字母,就像没有标点符号的古文,无始无终,读起来不知哪跟哪;听起来像连绵不断的口哨,哪听得出歌词!这就是所有人学英文的苦楚。就是在国外生活了几十年的华人,好多常用单词都说不清楚? 为啥?不会给单词加标点符号!一旦学会了单词标点符号,把单词分成几个发音音节,发音,拼写,听说就变得易如反掌。 In·di·ge·nous, a·nes·the·tic, ma·the·ma·ti·cian, ac·ce·le·ra·tor,me·tho·do·lo·gy,u·bi·qui·tous,pri·o·ri·tize, in·e·qua·li·ty,这些单词或许折腾您一辈子了。再试试发音,还有那么难吗?假如再配上极其清晰的美音,把每个音节都清晰地朗读出来。很快,你就会发现,老师一发音,每个音节就在您眼前跳出来了——这就是本软件的基本功能。 自从1980上清华,89年去剑桥,92年到美国当教授,三十多年来,作者一直在研究英语学习。近来把常用的两千个单词,根据极其标准的美音发音,逐个配上了标点符号,标出《发音音节》, 现全部在本软件里按常用性列举出来,和大家分享。《发音音节》和常规音节不同,反映的是美国人发音的真实情况, 是本作者辛勤劳动的结果。字典里的音节你都看了一辈子了,对您的发音和拼写有帮助吗? 使用建议: 1. 根据自己水平,选择单词量,不要把精力浪费在不常用的单词上。 2. 听单词朗读,把老师的标准发音和每个《发音音节〉联系起来。从现在起,您要学会听发音音节。千万别再听那些连音节都听不出来的语音了。会把耳朵都听坏的。 3. 刚开始时,边听边看《发音音节》,到最后,边听就边拼,拼不出来,才看一眼。 4. 边走边听,耳机控制,两千单词, 听听就到手了。 还背啥? 一听就会啦!

Price: Free Developer: himalaya-soft
iTooch CE1 Français et Maths

iTooch CE1 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 3 000 exercices, iTooch CE1 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CE1 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CE2 Français et Maths

iTooch CE2 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 6 000 exercices, iTooch CE2 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CE2 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CM1 Français et Maths

iTooch CM1 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 8 000 exercices, iTooch CM1 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CM1 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CM2 Français et Maths

iTooch CM2 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 9 000 exercices, iTooch CM2 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CM2 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CP Français et Maths

iTooch CP Français et Maths

Avec plus de 3 000 exercices, iTooch CP est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CP en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
Classes de mots - Exercices et règles de grammaire française pour école et étudiants FLE

Classes de mots - Exercices et règles de grammaire française pour école et étudiants FLE

Apprenez à reconnaître les classes de mots en français et entraînez-vous grâce aux 1 000 questions regroupées en exercices thématiques. C'est un outil pédagogique au service des élèves et des enseignants... ▸ 1 000 exercices (200 gratuits, 800 en achat intégré). ▸...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antoine van Eetvelde
Antura et les Lettres (Darija)

Antura et les Lettres (Darija)

Aidez vos enfants à apprendre l’Arabe avec ce jeu GRATUIT plusieurs fois primé! La lecture se transforme en une aventure grâce à l’adorable chien Antura. Retrouvez les lettres arabes cachées à travers le monde, résolvez des puzzles et gagnez des...

Price: Free Developer: Video Games Without Borders
Participes passés - Exercices et règles de grammaire

Participes passés - Exercices et règles de grammaire

Participes passés est l'application pour maîtriser les participes passés. Découverte, règles et beaucoup d'exercices pratiques, l'app est conçue pour être utile à l'école comme à la maison : DES MILLIERS D'EXERCICES ▸ 1.200 exercices de participes passés à accorder, ▸ 500 exercices...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antoine van Eetvelde
Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires

Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires

L’application Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires c’est l’histoire d’une rencontre. La rencontre entre un petit garçon exemplaire, un modèle de courage et d’intelligence, et des enfants différents, extra-ordinaires, qu’il va aider à apprendre un grand nombre de choses. Sans aucun...

Price: Free Developer: LEARNENJOY
Pierre et le loup

Pierre et le loup

•19/20 - « Pierre et le loup dans une version poétique et ludique exceptionnelle » •Label « Appli Géniale » - « Poésie et musique au diapason » •« Un joli tour de magie à savourer par...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: France Televisions Distribution SA

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