Do you want to find the best Thompson Health eLearning Services alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Thompson Health eLearning Services. Pick one from this list to be your new Thompson Health eLearning Services app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Thompson Health eLearning Services on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Thompson Health eLearning Services alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Thompson Health eLearning Services 2025.
The official Thompson School District R2-J app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved! Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the...
TRU Safe is an essential tool to enhance your safety at Thompson Rivers University. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. TRU Safe is the official mobile safety app of...
This is the most convenient way to access all episodes of Luke's English Podcast on your iPhone, including special bonus episodes only available in the app. This app gives you complete access to Luke's English Podcast and if you're a...
The official app of Thompson Rivers University. Quick and easy access to student tools, campus info, campus maps, news, events, grades, course schedule, balances and more. TRU Go also provides information on how to arrive on campus with parking locations,...
Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples and the Augmented Reality Lab York University, Toronto, have collaborated to bring you Augmented Reality Freedom Stories. Install the app on your iPhone or iPad, download...
We are the NAEA - National Alternative Education Association Developing Potential in All Students
Welcome to Swartz Creek Academy! Being Swartz Creek Community Schools' solution to alternative education, we believe that building a positive and safe culture is the first step to being successful, both inside and outside of the classroom. ...
Each song has vocals, accompaniments and sheet music. Need to connect digital(Electronic) piano for use . - Education: Beyer, John Thompson, Czerny, and more than 500 piano etudes are recorded. I have each accompaniment music and regular music score. - Pop: Over 50...
“Maya (3) still remembered all the signs we showed her several days later. Even the signs, like bird, that we’d forgotten!” — Owen, father Where is the Bird? is a buggy book designed to go wherever you go. It combines...
Bliss: Harvard Mental Health is an app designed to help students reach out. This application improves accessibility by offering a personal approach to navigate through mental health resources on Harvard's campus. Features include: - Explore your own mental health:...
With 322 targeted multiple-choice questions and detailed explanations, Upward Mobility's Praxis Health and PE app is the perfect tool for on-the-go teaching professionals preparing for the Praxis II: Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge (0856) exam. This app contains professionally-written...
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Health is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Health for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
The Club Teens in Action (TIA) application is focused around youth development. The application promotes positive attitudes, behaviors, promotes self-sufficiency, and education. The Club TIA program is funded by the New York State Department of Health and aims to...
"ابطال الصحة" هو تطبيق الكتروني تفاعلي ذكي يهدف إلى تزويد الأطفال بالمعلومات والمهارات الصحية والتي تساعدهم على تبني انماط حياة صحية. يركز التطبيق على استخدام الأساليب المشوقة في التعليم مثل السعي للفوز في المراحل وتخطيها، المنافسة مع الذات والآخرين،...
The Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition is a coalition of municipal health departments of Malden, Medford, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Winchester and Wakefield. This app was created as a part of this collaboration with the help of the local substance...
Upward Mobility presents our National Clinical Mental Health Exam Prep app, with over 300 review questions designed to help you study for the NCMHCE exam administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors. This is the ideal study tool for...
TechSafe Mental Health is an internet safety app for adults who work with or care for children, young people and their families. It's packed with advice and resources to help kids and teens deal with the issues of mental...
UC Health Hack (UC HH) is an annual interdisciplinary hackathon hosted by UC San Diego Health and members of the University of California’s six health systems. Students, physicians, and industry professionals will have the opportunity to address and solve...
The Health and Wellbeing Scheme of Work, written by Ilse Fullarton, the founder of The Children’s Health Project CIC, offers an holistic, comprehensive curriculum for Healthy Movement, Healthy Eating, Healthy Habits and Healthy Thoughts. With 160 lessons for EYFS, KS1...
The eLearning For You LMS app makes it easy to access everything to do with your eLearning For You training, Bookshelf resources and much more including Social Learning, Messages and News.
**This app requires a user account given to end-users by Aviation eLearning** Reduce the costs and minimize the logistic challenges when training crew for the External Inspection. Our Virtual training software can replace the need for an instructor and aircraft...
The SingHealth eLearning app empowers learning on-the-go. Through the app, users stay connected to the eLearning portal and have easy access to course content or learning activities anytime, anywhere. The app is easy to use and provides accessibility to...
This is an app for users of LMS provided by Aviation eLearning. Using this app, you can access your courses and even download them for offline viewing.
"eLearning Coupons, Free eLearning Discount" is a Money Saving App that saves you money and time by providing you money saving eLearning coupons. Download it now to start saving money on great eLearning offers and coupon discounts. Get eLearning coupons...
Die freiwerk B eLearning App ermöglicht Ihnen, hochwertige und anspruchsvoll produzierte Lernprogramme offline zu betrachten. Die App verfügt über eine WBT-Library, einen Player mit zeitgemäßer und intuitiver Benutzerführung und zahlreiche weitere Zusatzfunktionalitäten. Durch die integrierte Schnittstelle zum LMS Studio...
Amatrol Mobile eLearning provides access to Amatrol's eLearning content on the go from your iOS device. This compatibility means that Amatrol has expanded its definition of “anytime/anywhere learning” to include tablets, so now learners can access eLearning courses and take...
Welcome to GlassBoxx eLearning: educational eBook and audiobook access, all in one place. GlassBoxx eLearning represents the perfect, secure environment to enjoy your educational eBook and audiobook content, purchased through affiliated stores. With an extremely intuitive user interface, the app...
Die intus eLearning App ermöglicht Ihnen, hochwertige und anspruchsvoll produzierte Lernprogramme offline zu betrachten. Die App verfügt über eine WBT-Library, einen Player mit zeitgemäßer und intuitiver Benutzerführung und zahlreiche weitere Zusatzfunktionalitäten. Durch die integrierte Schnittstelle zum LMS Studio kann...
Welcome to the new CAT eLearning app! Through the use of Unity as a development environment, we are now able to offer our new eLearning Tool in a unified form on all platforms. Additionally there are now new and improved Annotation-Tools,...
The TCCS is a support organization for a highly regarded cluster of seven independent colleges known as The Claremont Colleges located in Southern California. The Student Services App provides quick access to important resources such as Campus Safety, Student Health,...
Ohio Legal Services Assistant (OLSA) is an app to help Ohio's legal service providers by giving them easy access to tools to help their clients. It will also help lay service providers to the poor. OLSA includes a number of...
The Paul Meier Dialect Services app is your mobile home for all the PMDS files (sound files and PDFs). Instead of carrying around your printed book and CDs, use this convenient app not just to listen to Paul’s audio...
Wholesome Food Services provides quality hot lunches to students at participating schools. We partner with local vendors to deliver customized lunches to students every day.
Visa point Educational Services is the one stop solution for all your international study and Migration needs. The core activity lies in assisting students to make the right choice with regard to pursuing Education in overseas Education institutions. Visa...
The trend for assignment help and homework help has increased to a new height. The assignment help websites have entered the modern educational arena to guide students who face problems in their academic tasks. These types of services will...
With the Innovative Creation Services app, students can now browse from these amazing features: - Notices - Chat with consultancy - View Innovative Creation Services Gallery - View Innovative Creation Services Profile - Maintain your own profile - Send files to Innovative Creation Services - Book...
ADEK Services is an app that provides many services to parents, students, employees and the general public. • Employees may apply for leave, view attendance records, demography data, raise help desk tickets, view the status of pending requests and approve/reject...
The York University Disability Services App is a mobile tool that provides students, staff and visitors with quick and easy access to information about our three divisions: Learning Disability Services, Mental Health Services and Physical, Sensory & Medical Disability...
The RivCo Business Services app brings you information related to services provided by Riverside County Business Services.
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