Top 10 Utilities Apps Like K-Chiing - Best Alternatives

K-Chiing Alternatives

Do you want to find the best K-Chiing alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Utilities apps that are similar to K-Chiing. Pick one from this list to be your new K-Chiing app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to K-Chiing on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like K-Chiing - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid K-Chiing alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like K-Chiing 2025.



K线决战主要针对国内股票市场中的不理性投资行为展开服务,通过模拟股票历史真实变化趋势,以游戏化群体对战的形式,将股票投资所需要掌握的相关技能和知识融入其中,进而提高国内初级投资者的投资素质。 同时,K线决战提供了一个全新的、基于实盘练习交易能力的模块——实盘场。获取有价值的练习积分,用最小的成本有效提升交易能力,最大程度减少真金白银的损失,更有“K线奖学金”等着你。 【特色功能】 实盘交易——实时同步A股数据,使用积分交易,股票行情、交易规则和沪深股市基本一致,可练习交易能力; 模拟炒股——以近年来国内所有经典个股的K线图为蓝本,利用股票真实历史数据,极易上手,秒懂买卖涨跌的乐与怒; 高手PK——练习场、PK场、乱斗场,可自行练习,也可跟高手过招,通过复盘学习炒股高手的操盘秘诀,股神称号指日可待; 提升盘感——200个股票交易日的200次决策,浓缩在200秒里,训练效率提高三万倍,大幅提升实战盘感; 练习专业——K线、均线、成交量、MACD、BOLL、KDJ核心指标齐全,训练做到超专业! 【联系我们】 有任何建议和问题,或想与大神共话K线,都可以加入 K线决战APP官方QQ群:375762607

Price: Free Developer: Fei Huang
K Blocker - Block Kardashian content

K Blocker - Block Kardashian content

Enjoy Kardashian-free web browsing. Instantly vanish Kim, Kylie, Khloe, Kendall, Kourtney, Caytlin, Kanye and the rest of the Kardashians from the interwebs. K Blocker filters out links, websites and photos that contain keywords related to the Kardashian clan. K Blocker...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: furtiv


K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线等,常用说法是“K线”,起源于日本十八世纪德川幕府时代(1603~1867年)的米市交易,用来计算米价每天的涨跌。因其标画方法具有独到之处,人们把它引入股票市场价格走势的分析中,经过300多年的发展,已经广泛应用于股票、期货、外汇,期权等证券市场。 《k线图解》对60种经典K线形态依据图形实例从形态要点、操作策略等多方位进行解析。

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: SONG XIANG


K-Tarip è l'applicazione per gestire l’intero ciclo delle attività di raccolta differenziata di casa tua o della tua azienda. Usa la tua voce per chiedere a K-Tarip dove buttare le cartucce consumate della tua stampante e aggiungi una notifica per...

Price: Free Developer: Sikuel S.r.l.



Price: Free Developer: Wang Jun


你必須先於windows上安裝K歌情人卡拉OK系統v4.0.0以上版本。 (也可裝在windows平板上, 當車機或客廳的KTVBOX都合適) 此程式可做為K歌情人卡拉OK系統的點播台,能利用手機及平板來點歌及切歌。 注意, 此程式必須搭配 K歌情人卡拉OK系統(Windows平台)使用, 謝謝。 官網:

Price: Free Developer: KUO HUNG CHI
KJ Pole ID

KJ Pole ID

Identify the poles of a magnet with the K&J Pole ID! This app lets you know which pole, north or south, is facing your phone. It will also tell you if a magnet is too close to your phone....

Price: Free Developer: K&J Magnetics, Inc.
Fernando K

Fernando K

Application to communicate with ESP32 and ESP8266. Have multiple custom connections listed, you can create, change status, and delete connection. You can connection with Wi-fi socket and Firebase Realtime database. Add custom buttons, containing title, code, screen position, button color, and...

Price: Free Developer: Fernando A. M. Koyanagi Tecnologia
Adiabatic Calculator Mini

Adiabatic Calculator Mini

Adiabatic process is a process in which heat exchange does not take place between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. Behavior of reversible adiabatic process is described by Poisson's equations. Adiabatic Calculator mini is a software that solves the Poisson's...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mineo Yamauchi

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