Top 27 Education Apps Like X-CD Technologies - Best Alternatives

X-CD Technologies Alternatives

Do you want to find the best X-CD Technologies alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Education apps that are similar to X-CD Technologies. Pick one from this list to be your new X-CD Technologies app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to X-CD Technologies on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like X-CD Technologies - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid X-CD Technologies alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like X-CD Technologies 2025.

X-CD Events

X-CD Events

Conference and association apps by X-CD Technologies

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
Common Core Code X

Common Core Code X

This app is for Code X Digital-enrolled students with an active account. Common Core Code X is an authentic English Language Arts Curriculum that challenges students to read, think, analyze, question, cite evidence, debate, and write every day.  With this app,...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
X Leader

X Leader

X Leader aims to build the next generation of exponential leaders. The world around us is changing and the challenges we face are more complex and intertwined. We need a new form of leadership. These skills are all dependant on...

Price: Free Developer: X Leader
Fair Grove R-X School District

Fair Grove R-X School District

The official app for Fair Grove R-X School District, MO allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty...



You may not be able to fly to Mars, But you could walk there.. Inspired by the ‘Pioneer’ and ‘Voyager’ exploration missions, X- Trails bring the Solar System and your chosen space to life. Displaying the Sun and the planets...

Price: Free Developer: Roni Waserman
Computer Class - Final Cut Pro X Edition

Computer Class - Final Cut Pro X Edition

Learn how to use and get the best out of Final Cut Pro X with this highly informative set of 257 video tutorial lessons. These lessons cover many video editing topics and you will learn many skills and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: GR8 Media
X PUBLO Viewer Education

X PUBLO Viewer Education

・X PUBLO(クロスパブロ)とは? X PUBLOは書籍としてのページ閲覧機能に、クロスメディアコンテンツ(動画、音声、静止画など)を内包し、 iOSデバイスに最適化したリッチコンテンツアプリの制作環境です。 コンテンツの制作には「X PUBLO Author」、コンテンツの管理には「X PUBLO Store Manager」、コンテンツの閲覧には「X PUBLO Viewer」をご用意しております。 ・エデュケーション版 通常版X PUBLO Viewerの機能に加え、教育・学習用途などに有用なマーカー・メモ機能を追加した「X PUBLO Viewer エデュケーション版」がラインアップに加わりました。 ・X PUBLOでできること 1.コンテンツの制作 専用に設計されたオーサリングツールを使用し、PDF上に動画/音声や静止画などのメディアファイルを配置します。大量のデータを扱うために、オーバーレイのテンプレ―ト機能やCSVファイルによる静止画一括インポート機能も搭載。短期間で大量のコンテンツが効率的に制作できます。 2.コンテンツの発行と販売 発行したコンテンツをサーバにアップロードし、X PUBLO Store Managerにてコンテンツを管理、更新することで、ビューワーアプリ起動時にコンテンツのダウンロードが行われます。 コンテンツ一括の購入の他、チャプター単位での分割購入にも対応します。 3.コンテンツの閲覧 - 目次ボタン - ページサムネイル - 動画/音声再生 - 静止画のスライドショー/ギャラリー表示 - ブックマーク - テキスト検索

Price: Free Developer: Pico House Co.,Ltd.
Exponential Integral En(x)

Exponential Integral En(x)

Exponential Integral En(x) Calculator calculates a table of x/En(x) value pairs from an interactive input of x, n and increment variables. Exponential Integral En(x) Calculator also displays a graph for the x/En(x) generated values. The graph is touch enabled...

Price: Free Developer: Donald Schaefer
St Pius X College

St Pius X College

Bridge the gap between home and school with the St Pius X College app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about St Pius X College, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more. Key features of the St Pius...

Price: Free Developer: Digistorm Education
CD - Thanh Ca Dang Me

CD - Thanh Ca Dang Me

This app allows users to listen to song samples in the Album Thanh Ca Dang Me, by Artist Ha Thanh Xuan. Dùng app này, quý vị có thể nghe sơ qua những bản trang trong CD Thánh Ca Dâng Mẹ,...

Price: Free Developer: Thinh Le
CD Thinkpod

CD Thinkpod

A one stop shop for all CD related training & development, information, policies and procedures

Price: Free Developer: QuoDeck
CACCN 2018

CACCN 2018

Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting being held on September 24 - 26, 2018 in Calgary, AB during the Dynamics of Critical Care Conference 2018. Our annual national conference will...

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
ICFP 2018

ICFP 2018

Join us for the 2018 International Conference on Family Planning! The conference will be held at the state-of-the-art Kigali Convention Centre. The conference theme, Investing for a Lifetime of Returns, speaks to the various returns on investment family planning provides, from...

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
NABE 2019

NABE 2019

National Association for Bilingual Education 48th Annual Conference Program App View conference schedules, session descriptions, venue maps, and stay up-to-date with everything happening at NABE 2019!

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
Retina Society 2018

Retina Society 2018

The 51st Anniversary Meeting of The Retina Society will take place September 12-15, 2018 in San Francisco, CA. Download the mobile app to view the program schedule, presentation speakers, and other schedule information for the event. THE MISSION OF THE RETINA...

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
RSOA 2018

RSOA 2018

The Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) was established in 1976 to assist and encourage the application of research to the solution of problems related to alcoholism. Today, the Society serves as a meeting ground for scientists; providing a...

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
2018 LTS Conference

2018 LTS Conference

The conference will provide technical information, education, and networking opportunities for representatives from government agencies, regulatory agencies, political offices, tribal groups, and other stakeholders involved in long-term stewardship (LTS) of remediated sites and facilities. LTS includes activities necessary to...

Price: Free Developer: X-CD Technologies Inc.
Blank Slate Technologies

Blank Slate Technologies

This application is designed to be used in conjunction with a Blank Slate account assigned by an administrator. It works as a supplemental tool, allowing users to review assigned content on their mobile device.

Price: Free Developer: Blank Slate Technologies
Creative Technologies Academy

Creative Technologies Academy

The official app for the Creative Technologies Academy allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff,...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Zoom Technologies

Zoom Technologies

Zoom Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. is the leading provider of network and security training with a special focus on Cisco , Microsoft , Linux , Firewalls and VMware. Learn from the comfort of your home or come join us...

Price: Free Developer: Hozefa Topiwala


The all new iCentrifuge has everything you'll need to configure a centrifuge. The iCentrifuge app is fully functional as a free download, and has additional features available for purchase. FREE FEATURES iCentrifuge is a FREE app that lets you quickly...

Price: Free Developer: Evo Group Technologies, Inc.
Visual Impact 3

Visual Impact 3

Remember the time-tested adage – you get what you pay for! It's time-tested for a reason. In the App world, you can easily find things that might work, or could work, if you retrofit them. But the savings in...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: AbleLink Technologies, Inc.
Visual Impact 3 - iPhone

Visual Impact 3 - iPhone

Remember the time-tested adage – you get what you pay for! It's time-tested for a reason. In the App world, you can easily find things that might work, or could work, if you retrofit them. But the savings in...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: AbleLink Technologies, Inc.
Bananas Sometimes - LAZ Reader [Level B–kindergarten]

Bananas Sometimes - LAZ Reader [Level B–kindergarten]

PRESCHOOL TO KINDERGARTEN readers use their imagination when reading this humorous story about a child who envisions everyday objects made from bananas. Predictable sentence patterns and pictures support the students as they read. Discussion questions after the reading help...

Price: Free Developer: Language Technologies, Inc.
Big - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

Big - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]

PRESCHOOL TO KINDERGARTEN readers will try to think of the biggest thing - A house? A tree? A plane? A dinosaur? They are all featured in this adorable book “Big”, the companion book to “Little.” Repeated high-frequency words assist...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Language Technologies, Inc.
Discovering Dinosaurs - LAZ Reader [Level I–first grade]

Discovering Dinosaurs - LAZ Reader [Level I–first grade]

KINDERGARTEN TO FIRST GRADE readers will learn that scientists have found the fossilized remains of dinosaur bones, footprints, teeth, nests, and eggs. They will also learn how scientists dig up, wrap, transport, and study dinosaur remains. The text is...

Price: Free Developer: Language Technologies, Inc.

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