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The best free and paid GoldRetail - Ứng dụng bán vàng alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like GoldRetail - Ứng dụng bán vàng 2025.
Cette application couplée à un module installé chez le client permet une visibilité totale partout et en tout moment par la client sur toutes les activités de sa caisse. Les entrées et les dépense ou sorties de la caisse...
Need a Mechanic? Get the Mechanics.NG App Your driving companion, so that you never get stranded. -Find a nearby mechanic -Negotiate -Pay via the App -Save debit card to the App to save time on creating future jobs -Rate the mechanic after a completed...
This is the official app for ng-conf 2018 in Salt Lake City Utah. The world's original Angular conference!
This is the official app for ng-conf 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah May 1st - 3rd, 2019. THE WORLD'S ORIGINAL ANGULAR CONFERENCE!
SAMS NG - is an integrated digital tool for managing employee work attendance in public, private, small, medium and large scale corporate establishment. SAMS NG is a smart solution that eases HR operations in modern, forward looking establishments through: - Accurate...
With the Brainloop Secure Rooms Next Generation app, you have access to your Brainloop MyRoom and CollaborationRoom account anywhere and at any time – even without an internet connection. Brainloop Secure Rooms NG offers a secure platform for synchronizing...
WifiCall is a mobile application that enables you call anyone, anywhere without the need of a mobile sim card. With WifiCall, you don't have to worry about poor signal of your mobile network when you want to make a...
iNet - NG Design Israel - Automotive hi-tech Tracking security system . For Vehicles, Motorcycles, ATV, Trucks and more,,, iNet Powered with push notification interface Bi-directional communication, through Smartphone and dedicated server. Push notification alerts and indicators Arm - mode Arm Shock sensor activated Motion Sensor...
The Goodwill NG App is the official app for Goodwill of North Georgia and Goodwill Industries of North Georgia. Receive direct access to real-time updates about events and information around the organizations. • Like and comment on content • View photos from...
International conference app for payment system.
ファイルサーバーの文書・画像・図面・動画ファイルをiPadから閲覧できます。 ペーパーレス会議・現場作業・営業プレゼン・社外からの参照等にお使いいただけます。 わかりやすい画面と高速な検索機能で、資料をすばやく見つけることができます。 Ver.2ではデザインを刷新し、さらに快適にご利用いただけるようになりました。 ◆FileServerPadが選ばれるポイント「システム管理者様にもユーザー様にも優しい」 - ファイルサーバーのデータを自動登録するため、面倒な個別登録は不要です。 - ファイルサーバーのアクセス権限を引き継ぐため、権限の再設定は不要です。 - ActiveDirectory連携でらくらくユーザー管理、いつものID・PWで利用できます。 - 端末にデータを残さないセキュリティ設計なので安心です。 - ページ単位でデータを取得するため高速表示、ストレスなく閲覧できます。 - 説明書がなくても直感的にすぐ使える、非常にわかりやすい画面設計です。 ◆主な機能 - Microsoft-Office(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)、PDF、画像、動画ファイル等を閲覧できます。 - ファイルに手書きメモを書いて、サーバーへ保存できます。 - ダウンロードしてオフライン環境でも閲覧できます。 - 表示するページを他のiPad端末と同期することができます。 - 高速にファイル名検索・全文検索ができます。 ◆対応拡張子 - 通常閲覧:pdf、doc、docx、xls、xlsx、ppt、pptx、jpg、jpeg、png、gif、tif、tiff、bmp、xdw、xbd、m3d、ico、emf、wmf、are、sr2、crw、cr2、dcr、dng、mrw、nef、orf、pef、raf - 動画再生:mp4、mov ◆補足 - FileServerPadはファイルサーバー内のファイルを画像化するサーバーアプリケーションと、それらを閲覧するための専用ビューワ(本アプリ)から構成されています。 - FileServerPadをご利用いただくには、サーバーアプリケーションの購入が別途必要です。 - 初回起動時にはサーバーアプリケーション管理者から配布される接続先情報を設定してください。 - FileServerPadはiPad専用アプリです。 - iOS12推奨です。 ◆お問合せ 各種お問合せは[email protected](FileServerPad担当)までお願いいたします。
FTPManager is a fully featured FTP client that allows you to access files on FTP servers. Directly access and manage remote files, edit text files. Stream videos and music to your iPhone/iPad. Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and FTP server....
FTPManager Pro is a fully featured FTP client that allows you to access files on FTP servers. Directly access and manage remote files, edit text files. Stream videos and music to your iPhone/iPad. Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and FTP...
Door de QR-code op het label te scannen, is direct te zien in welke zekerheidsklasse de deur valt, wat de prestaties zijn op het gebied van brand-, rook-, geluid- en inbraakwerendheid en wat die waarden betekenen. Hiermee biedt GND...
Broekema Notaris is een kantoor met veel expertise op uiteenlopende gebieden. Wij luisteren goed, stellen de juiste vragen, geven directe opties en adviseren gericht. Niet te formeel met moeilijke vaktermen, maar ongedwongen en in normaal Nederlands. U krijgt een...
Brunei Postal Services Department brings you Mobile Application which offers services on the go. Via your mobile device or tablet, anytime and anywhere, you can get the details to track and manage your Mail Items. Features: • Track your important Mail...
Every day, millions of people search on Google for businesses like yours. Make your Business Profile on Google stand out for free and turn those searches into your customers with the Google My Business app. More than just a local...
PDF Scanner App is a powerful scanner that fits in your pocket! Discover a universal tool to scan any paper document and save it’s digital version in a wink. Scan, sign, affix and share multipage documents in high quality...
Tijarah -The Business Directory Ambitious! Have a great idea! Looking for converting it to a reality? Tijarah - GenX will provide you with all the needed resources to accomplish that! At Tijarah you will find people and resources to turn your idea...
v card is a free Digital Business Card mobile app; a QR code based online hub which is simply super smart and agile app aimed to create, save, share and search digital cards in 140 countries and 15 languages....
What is Whatsapp Business? WhatsApp Business is another WhatsApp app intended to be used by business owners to chat with their customers, providing additional features specifically designed for businesses. Why Whatsapp Business? • Talk to your customers using their favorite chat app! •...
A simple tool for businesses to talk to their customers. — WhatsApp Business from Facebook WhatsApp Business enables you to have a business presence on WhatsApp, communicate more efficiently with your customers, and help you grow your business. If you have...
1slap Business, is one of the best, online marketing tool any local business can have within their arsenal. Do you own, run or manage a small business - a restaurant, a cafe, a store front, an automotive services shop,...
Biztiz - Business Networking App Easily network during events, view agenda and setup meetings with attendees. Also our innovative digital business cards will always provide you updated contact details. You can use the app to check-in to our partner events and avoid long...
Van harte welkom op de VNG Belastingconferentie 2019! Dit jaar een bijzondere editie van het congres, want we vieren dinsdag 19 en woensdag 20 maart het 25-jarig jubileum! Tijdens de VNG Belastingconferentie vindt u volop inhoudelijke workshops en vaardighedensessies waar...
VNG Jaarcongres 2019, Jaarcongres, Barneveld Alle relevante informatie over het VNG Jaarcongres 2019 te Barneveld op 1 plek. Markeer uw favoriete programmaonderdelen en ontvang 5 minuten voor aanvang een melding. Gebruik de interactieve plattegronden om de exacte locatie van verschillende...
Donderdag 28 maart 2019: Gemeentelijk Grondstoffencongres. Het thema dit jaar is: ‘Gewoon doen!’. Gelukkig ‘doen’ veel gemeenten het al en de gemeenten die nog twijfelen over beleidsaanpassingen of de invulling van hun circulaire doelstellingen worden aangemoedigd om het ‘gewoon’...
The VNG Group offers you with the pricemonitor-app an innovative tool to support your natural gas procurement. The app is useful for public utilities and large industrial customers. Would you like to benefit from the changing market conditions and have...
vCloudcam là một sản phẩm của VNG Cloud, cung cấp dịch vụ giám sát và lưu trữ trực tuyến trên nền tảng công nghệ điện toán đám mây, hỗ trợ sử dụng dịch vụ đa nền tảng (Web, Mobile...
iSnapScan - The little app that scans everything support upload for Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive. Download Now. * Scan documents, photos, receipts, or just about anything * Lightning fast and gorgeously designed for both iPhone and iPad * Batch mode combines...
vCS (123CS) là 1 ứng dụng của VNG, đóng vai trò thiết bị đầu cuối của hệ thống call center trên điện thoại di động, hỗ trợ tiếp nhận cuộc gọi, chuyển cuộc gọi cũng như khả năng gọi...
Deze app geeft een overzicht van buurtsportcoaches in Nederland en de activiteiten die ze organiseren. Buurtsportcoaches zijn combinatiefunctionaris en hebben de taak om meer mensen te laten sporten en bewegen in de buurt. Ze leggen verbinding tussen aanbieders van...
Vooraf en tijdens het Congres Handhaving en Naleving bent u up to date met het complete programma, de blokkenschema's, plattegrond én het allerlaatste nieuws. Met de app stelt u gemakkelijk uw eigen programma samen. En ontvangt u 5 minuten...
Vooraf en tijdens het Democratiefestival 2019 ben je helemaal up to date met het complete programma, de blokkenschema's, plattegrond én het allerlaatste nieuws. Met de app stel je makkelijk je eigen favoriete programma samen. En ontvang je 5 minuten...
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