Top 20 Book Apps Like ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD - Best Alternatives

ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Book apps that are similar to ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD. Pick one from this list to be your new ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like ARCBIRD - ARC BIRD 2025.



ARC OCEAN Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Look at realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experience realistic sea animals through augmented reality What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that brings virtual reality to the real world. It is...

Price: Free Developer: Alzzam Education Corp.


你看!草原上的動物靠過來了! 結合3D擴增實境,體驗未來的智慧學習模式 ‧ 精美全幅照片,接觸最真實的生物樣貌 ‧ 有趣實用的知識,邊玩邊學習 ‧ 透過擴增實境技術,與動物面對面 什麼是「擴增實境」? 擴增實境是一種電腦技術,能將虛擬實境帶進現實世界,現在許多先進國家都已經採用這種絕妙的智慧型教育科技。《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》結合了擴增實境,你只要把智慧手機或平板電腦對著書頁,就能看到栩栩如生的3D立體動物。 《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》繁體中文版(遠流出版) ‧ 翻開書頁,閱讀不同的動物故事 ‧ 你會看見各種草食動物及肉食動物 ‧ 書中採用真實的動物照片以及最新的科學研究,並有專家審定 ‧ 全書高品質印刷 ‧ 以調查研究孩童的喜好選擇收錄於書中的動物 ‧ 書中介紹12種動物:大象、河馬、斑馬、長頸鹿、花豹、獅子、老虎、駱駝、梅花鹿、耳廓狐、 貓熊、北極熊。 如何使用3D擴增實境APP? ‧ 隨意移動動物 ‧ 看看動物如何獵食、聽聽牠們的叫聲 ‧ 各種有趣的小遊戲,像是觀察動物的家、比大小,還有拼圖 ‧ 和動物一起拍照,還可以自己設計背景 ‧ 真實的動物影片 智慧型裝置的系統需求 ‧ iOS 4.3或以上版本 APP測試 1. 造訪網頁,下載或列印測試頁面。 2. 安裝ARCANIMAL應用程式APP 3. 開啟APP,將手機或平板鏡頭對準你下載或列印出的測試頁面,就能看見3D影像內容。

Price: Free Developer: Alzzam Education Corp.


你看!書裡的恐龍跑出來了! 結合3D擴增實境,體驗未來的智慧學習模式 • 精美全幅照片,接觸最真實的生物樣貌 • 有趣實用的知識,邊玩邊學習 • 透過擴增實境技術,認識活生生的恐龍 什麼是「擴增實境」? 擴增實境是一種電腦技術,能將虛擬實境帶進現實世界,現在許多先進國家都已經採用這種絕妙的智慧型教育科技。《你看!書裡的恐龍跑出來了》結合了擴增實境,你只要把智慧手機或平板電腦對著書頁,就能看到栩栩如生的3D立體恐龍。 《你看!書裡的恐龍跑出來了!》繁體中文版(遠流出版) • 翻開書頁,回到恐龍生存的中生代 • 看見不同種類的恐龍在地球上生活 • 全書依據最新科學研究編寫 • 插圖是高畫質的3D繪圖 • 在每一頁的科學小知識,學習有關恐龍的最新訊息 • 書中一共有12種恐龍:迅猛龍、棘龍、暴龍、賴氏龍、腕龍、劍龍、禽龍、釘狀龍、三角龍、矛頜翼龍、無 齒翼龍、薄板龍 如何使用3D擴增實境APP? • 隨意移動恐龍 • 看看恐龍如何獵食、聽聽恐龍的吼叫聲 • 當個小小考古學家,一起挖掘化石、觀察恐龍 • 和恐龍一起拍照,還有各種有趣小遊戲 • 天啊!會發生什麼事呢? 智慧型裝置的系統需求 - iOS 4.3或以上版本 APP測試 1. 造訪網頁,下載或列印測試頁面。 2. 安裝ARCDINO應用程式APP 3. 開啟APP,將手機或平板鏡頭對準你下載或列印出的測試頁面,就能看見3D影像內容。

Price: Free Developer: Alzzam Education Corp.
ARC Bookshelf

ARC Bookshelf

This easy-to-use app gives children the ability to read books from American Reading at Home, the award-winning, school-based program that has been teacher-vetted, parent-approved, and kid-tested in thousands of schools and homes across America. PLEASE NOTE: Requires an American Reading...

Price: Free Developer: American Reading Company
Welding Technology

Welding Technology

* The app is a complete free handbook of Welding Technology which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Mechanical engineering programs & degree...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.


Biography. The book about people who changed the world. Every century had eminent people who amazed the society with their talents, inventions and discoveries. They made the world we live in today. Do you know them all? Biography, interactive history book,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MAMN84
Audio Catholic Books

Audio Catholic Books

*Get it once in the app store, and will work on both your iPad and iPhone* An audiobook library of five (5) classic Catholic books. Will work on your iPad as well as your iPhone (see instructions below). This audio...

Price: Free Developer: As Written Productions
Biblia CCB

Biblia CCB

A versão digital da Bíblia Sagrada, versão João Ferreira de Almeira Revista e Corrigida, utilizada na Congregação Cristão no Brasil(CCB); => Use Gratuitamente! => Audios dos versículos; => Favoritos e Anotações; => Marcador de Leitura; => Receba versículos por notificação; => Dicionário Bíblico(+8000 palavras); => Mapas...

Price: Free Developer: Adriano de Oliveira
Biblia Plus

Biblia Plus

Great reading experience with thousands of Biblical resources just a click away Biblia Plus was designed to make the Bible relevant for your life. It offers a highly customizable reading experience to enhance your quiet time reading. Great offline reading support allows...

Price: Free Developer: United Bible Societies
Lazy Bird

Lazy Bird

”Top 5 iPad and iPhone Interactive Story Books for Children” – Rated by PRESS Lazy Bird app is a fun new storybook app for children. I recommend this app to those with young children who love to read or are...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Lazy Bird, Inc.
African Bird Club

African Bird Club

Capability to read the latest and two previous bulletins on smart phones and tablet devices. For selected African Bird Club members only as per the website version. Privacy Policy: Terms and Conditions:

Price: Free Developer: African Bird Club
Roberts Bird Guide 2

Roberts Bird Guide 2

ROBERTS BIRD GUIDE 2 is a new app based on the new publication "Roberts Bird Guide (second edition)" with all new illustrations, distribution maps and bird texts for 977 Southern African bird species, including all the new species and...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Southern African Birding CC
EVO BIRD - Augmented Reality

EVO BIRD - Augmented Reality

EVO BIRD Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Look at realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experience realistic birds through augmented reality What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that brings virtual reality to the real world. It is an excellent smart educational...

Price: Free Developer: Alzzam Education Corp.


○ What is AREVO BIRD? - It is an amazing coloring book in which the bird that you color move magically when viewed through a smartphone or tablet PC. - After you color the bird and their...

Price: Free Developer: Alzzam Education Corp.
Jataka Tales - Bird Stories - Amar Chitra Katha

Jataka Tales - Bird Stories - Amar Chitra Katha

** Download our "India comics" App - ***Includes FREE ACK AND DIAMOND COMICS. link: *** Get the EM-Amar Chitra Katha Complete collection- 192 comic bundle and 42 comic Mahabharata complete collection bundle inapp in India Comics App at over...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: iRemedi Corp.
Striding Bird - An inspirational tale for kids

Striding Bird - An inspirational tale for kids

"Striding Bird has been named among the best in family-friendly media by the Mom’s Choice Awards®" "Striding Bird - An inspirational tale" is an original animated and interactive story about a young bird finding his way in the world. Join Striding...

Price: Free Developer: Comicorp
Little Bird

Little Bird

Little Bird’s Internet Security Adventure, is a children’s book produced by AVG for parents to use with their young Pre-School children. The book is designed to help parents initiate conversations about Internet safety in an age-appropriate manner. We hope...

Price: Free Developer: AVG Technologies
Bert E. Bird The Third

Bert E. Bird The Third

This storybook is an interactive, inspiring journey about the quest for dreams. “For all the dreamers out there, this book of ideas is top notch and well worth a download” “a stellar addition to any digital library of children's book apps”...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Gil Gur Arie
Humming Bird Forest

Humming Bird Forest

“There's no doubt you will take a step forward tomorrow. You will smile when you hum.” Here is a HummingBird’s book for everyone who struggle not to cry. This book speaks kindly to you such message, “ You can cry…”. So it will...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: chihart

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