Top 39 Entertainment Apps Like Uni - Magic AI Friend - Best Alternatives

Uni - Magic AI Friend Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Uni - Magic AI Friend alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Entertainment apps that are similar to Uni - Magic AI Friend. Pick one from this list to be your new Uni - Magic AI Friend app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Uni - Magic AI Friend on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Uni - Magic AI Friend - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Uni - Magic AI Friend alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Uni - Magic AI Friend 2025.



Aus GoetheApp wird GoetheCampus! Im Rahmen der SeLF 2014 Ausschreibung hat das GoetheApp Team eine erste releasefertige Version zum Wintersemester 2015/2016 entwickelt. Für die zweite Finanzierungsrunde wurde beschlossen, das Projekt unter neuem Namen fortzuführen: GoetheCampus. Der neue Name soll den Bezug zum...

Price: Free Developer: studiumdigitale
Mustread scary chat stories

Mustread scary chat stories

READ & PLAY! Choose a story and join an interactive quest - read, make choices & do tasks to help the main characters and unfold the story. Horror, romance, mystery, comic and much more! NEW! Become an author and write...

Price: Free Developer: Wowmaking LLC
Soundcollage Kalter Krieg

Soundcollage Kalter Krieg

Panzerketten auf Landstraße, Sirenengeheul, Tiefflieger ... Geräusche wie diese zeigen, wie der Kalte Krieg auch den Alltag im beschaulichen Münsterland mitgeprägt hat. Hören Sie das Eingangstor eines ehemaligen Munitionsbunkers, wenn es verschlossen wird und lauschen Sie einem geheimnisvollen Radiosender,...

Price: Free Developer: Roger Sennert
Where is Walter?

Where is Walter?

In 2019, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus in Weimar will be celebrated. Together, the Chair of Experimental Radio and the Chair of Monument Preservation and Building History at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar used this occasion to...

Price: Free Developer: OPHRYS Systèmes


Bellodi Snc è presente quindi nel settore elettrico ed idraulico da oltre 30 anni, offrendo come obiettivo finale per le aziende e per i privati un riferimento sicuro ed affidabile. Le nostre capacità si basano su: Un notevole...

Price: Free Developer: Solution Group Communication SRL
Imaginary Friends Society

Imaginary Friends Society

The Imaginary Friends AR Experience features three of the film series’s most lovable characters: Uni, Charlie, and Roger, along with a cast of new characters. You can select a character, adjust its size, and place it in the environment...

Price: Free Developer: Tool of North America
Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer

Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer

El mític joc de beure arriba a iOS de la mà d’Unidestroyer a Instagram amb +400 frases èpiques! Descobreix els secrets més vergonyosos i picants dels teus amics jugant al jo mai mai definitiu en català. Aquesta app es...

Price: Free Developer: Pol Villaverde
Jo mai mai PRO by Unidestroyer

Jo mai mai PRO by Unidestroyer

La versió PRO de l’app et dona accés anticipat a les noves funcionalitats i elimina tots els anuncis en l’aplicació. A més, anirem introduint noves frases exclusives només disponibles per als usuaris PRO. El mític joc de beure arriba a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pol Villaverde


Lotterich is a fun app generating numbers for your lottery tickets. We don't guarantee any win but try your luck ! We don't connect to any lottery companies. It's fun and if by any chance you'll get winning numbers we will be...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yair Uni-Shafransky
MAGIC Spell Studios Launch

MAGIC Spell Studios Launch

Explore the future rooms that will be housed inside of MAGIC Spell Studios building coming Fall 2018!

Price: Free Developer: MAGIC Spell Studios
Voila - Easy. Real. Magic.

Voila - Easy. Real. Magic.

“One App To Rule Them All.” - Myke Phillips, creator of iUnlockYourMind “Voila is more than a magic app.” - Antonio, winner of France’s Got Talent “We use Voila every time we can but we always fight over who will perform it…” - Les...

Price: Free Developer: Guillaume Bellut
Johnny Magic School

Johnny Magic School

Amaze your friends! Professional magician Johnny Magic pulls back the curtain on the secret art of magic. Now you can confidently create your own moments of wonder for others! FEATURES • Johnny Magic Classic Kit instructions • Magic wand scanner reveals secret content •...

Price: Free Developer: Johnny Magic LLC
Magic Leap

Magic Leap

• Requires Magic Leap One device and a Magic Leap ID. With the Magic Leap Mobile App, you can: Find your proper Magic Leap One fit Use the mobile trackpad for input and for control Use your mobile device for text entry on...

Price: Free Developer: Magic Leap
Magic Trump

Magic Trump

Are you in need of some advice, need to know the outcome of something before you do it? Let The President Donald Trump give you his mystic wisdom and tell you your future. Ask Magic Trump anything! His ability to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Nirva Apps, LLC
Magic TV Streaming

Magic TV Streaming

KNOWN ISSUE: Cannot Stream to iOS 6 device with old firmware Require Firmware 7.02 or newer to stream to iOS6 device *** Require MTV7000D/MTV7000D-MINI/MTV8000D Hardware *** Video Streaming from MTV7000D/MTV8000D to iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad Discover and stream video from MTV7000D/MTV8000D in...

Price: Free Developer: Pixel Magic Systems Ltd.
Marty's Magic Coin

Marty's Magic Coin

The original coin-in-phone magic trick is back and better than ever! Over 25k sold worldwide! Illusion: Appear to rub a coin into your iPhone screen and then get it back again. Now featuring: * Free test-drive version * Many new coins from around...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: YitYat Studios
Magic Alchemist Springtime

Magic Alchemist Springtime

Springtime Edition of Magic Alchemist! This version is free of advertising. The ad-supported version is called "Magic Alchemist Springtime Edition". On your Springtime journey to become the most famous and glorious alchemist you have to merge objects until you discover the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:
Magic Alchemist Springtime Ed.

Magic Alchemist Springtime Ed.

Springtime Edition of Magic Alchemist! On your Springtime journey to become the most famous and glorious alchemist you have to merge objects until you discover the final and most mysterious Springtime item! Magic Alchemist Springtime is an easy to...

Price: Free Developer:
Magic Coloring - Paint Book

Magic Coloring - Paint Book

Brighten your weekdays and fulfill your weekends — paint in Magic Coloring! Become a cool painter and express your emotions with colors! Make all the way from the first line to the final image in its glory. Relax your mind and...

Price: Free Developer: ZiMAD
AI Love

AI Love

AI Love is an experiment in finding love and AI. Explore and find new interesting ways to interact and communicate.

Price: Free Developer: Birger MOELL

Teach an AI what face you find most attractive by rating artificially generated photos of faces. Using patent-pending technology, once the training is complete our AI can predict and generate the face you'd find most perfect.

Price: Free Developer: Steve Seguin
ai.Message Box

ai.Message Box

Be the fastest and smartest typist, use thousands of ready-made messages for every occasion from our Message Box! For any time, any place any topic - you always find the right thing to say. Copy and Share with your friend’s...

Price: Free Developer: ai.type Ltd
Voice Changer: Celebrity TV AI

Voice Changer: Celebrity TV AI lets you change your voice to any person's voice immediately: - AI based engine to change your voice. - Add your own voice as a filter - Choose from a list of filters For ideas & feedback: [email protected] terms: privacy: VIP Subscription: - You...

Price: Free Developer: Panda Mobile Games & Apps ltd - Celebrity AI Voice Changer, Spook Calls Pranks, Look alike Filters.
AIライブ - みんなで人工知能と会話や愚痴・雑談をして育成

AIライブ - みんなで人工知能と会話や愚痴・雑談をして育成

◆ AIと配信部屋を訪れた人々がおしゃべりするLIVE! AIキャラによるエンドレスなおしゃべり配信のコミュニティに参加することのできるアプリ「AIライブ」がリリースされました! SHOWROOMやユーチューバー、バーチャルユーチューバー(VTuber)など、様々な配信者の「LIVE配信」を楽しむコンテンツが登場している昨今ですが、このアプリがお届けするLIVEは『AIキャラ』が行うおしゃべりライブです。多彩な雑談が可能なAIキャラが、配信部屋を訪れた人たちと奇想天外なおしゃべりを繰り広げます!。 AIキャラはユーザのみなさんとの会話や「言葉の学習」によって成長を続けています。Siriやりんなちゃんといった数多くの人工知能や人工無脳が存在している現在ですが、また一味違ったおしゃべりAIの魅力を堪能できるとアプリになっています。他の人工知能や人工無脳と比べ、幅広い雑談や愚痴の相手になれるよう設計されています。みんなで育成してユニークな人工知能を作り上げましょう。 配信者が人間であるこれまでの配信とは異なり、人間と会話をすることができるよう開発されたプログラムが主人公。人間が行う配信でないことから、LIVEに終わりはありません。エンドレスに繰り広げられるAIキャラによる予測不能で奇想天外な配信をぜひお楽しみください!。雑談から豆知識、占い、愚痴、悩み相談など幅広い会話でAIキャラが対応します!この頃はラップや様々な方言も勉強中です。(できることはAIキャラのレベルアップによって増加します) ◆ みんなで「AIライバー」を育成する! 「AIライブ」上に登場するAIキャラは、ユーザからのおしゃべりや「言葉の学習」、「プレゼント」などを通して、経験値を蓄積しレベルアップします。レベルアップに応じて話のバリエーションや特技、口調などが変化していきます。AIキャラがどんな成長を遂げるかは、「AIライブ」を利用するユーザの皆さん次第です。みんなでAIキャラを育て上げましょう。 ◆ キャラクターは随時追加予定! キャラクターは随時追加していきます。不思議少女、犬、ロボットなど様々なおしゃべりキャラクターを導入予定です。

Price: Free Developer: Masashi Kunugi
E ai Pah Gerador de tirinhas

E ai Pah Gerador de tirinhas

Aplicativo gerador de tirinhas "E aí Pah", você pode criar as melhores e mais divertidas tirinhas "E aí Pah", suas piadas serão ainda mais divertidas com as incríveis possibilidades que o aplicativo "E aí Pah" possui. Com diversos modelos de tirinhas...

Price: Free Developer: Escolha Tecnologia LTDA - ME
Ai la thanh troll 2015

Ai la thanh troll 2015

Ai la thanh troll 2015 là một phiên bản hoàn toàn mới game dòng game nổi tiếng ai là thánh troll, với bộ sưu tập cực kì khủng lên đến hơn 1000 câu hỏi cực kì troll và cực...

Price: Free Developer: Le Duy
AI Palmistry - Palam -

AI Palmistry - Palam -

"AI Palmistry - palam - " is an application that performs hand analysis and personality analysis just by taking pictures of the palm! 【Completely free】 "AI Palmistry - palam - " is free to download, no in-app billing! 【What is AI?】 AI is...

Price: Free Developer: WICH.INC`
Tyche AI

Tyche AI

Tyche is one of the most sophisticated AI-like human intelligence. Talk and listen to Tyche, it will learn and respond to you. Tyche AI allows the users to talk about the world around them using natural language human beings can...

Price: Free Developer: AIBRAIN INC.
AI Buddy

AI Buddy

This AI Buddy app is a companion app that is used in conjunction with your AI Buddy device. The AI Buddy device has an AI chip, built-in Wifi and a TF/microSD card that lets you store and access files....

Price: Free Developer: 深圳深海瑞格科技有限公司
My Imaginary Friend (Magic mental trick)

My Imaginary Friend (Magic mental trick)

« They merely THINK about a friend, you read their thoughts and reveal his identity! ». "Priced far too low (...) don't hesitate to buy this one, two thumbs up!" Carl Andrews, Vanish Magazine "If you like mind reading and mentalism, you...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Moulay Hassan OUEDRHIRI
BFF Test - Friend Quiz

BFF Test - Friend Quiz

Test your friends to see who's your true BFF by answering these simple questions, share the final percentage score at the end to let everyone know. Use the camera, maps and other features on your phone to enhance the quiz....

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Moran-Perkins
BFF Test Pro - Friend Quiz

BFF Test Pro - Friend Quiz

*** PRO: NO ADVERTS IN THIS APP *** Test your friends to see who's your true BFF by answering these simple questions, share the final percentage score at the end to let everyone know. Use the camera, maps and other features...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Benjamin Moran-Perkins
Furry Friend

Furry Friend

Lenord is a friendly, furry monster that responds to your touch or voice like a real pet. He repeats everything you say and loves to play games. You can tickle him, poke him, grab his ears or tease him. Record...

Price: Free Developer: Plutinosoft
Talking Pato Premium – Pocoyo´s Friend

Talking Pato Premium – Pocoyo´s Friend

You’ve already enjoyed playing with Talking Pocoyo, and now you can play with Pocoyo’s best friend! With Talking Pato, you can always keep one of the most fun and surprising characters from the Pocoyo series in your pocket! Prepare to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Zinkia Entertainment, S.A.
Turtle Friend

Turtle Friend

This fun and entertaining app allows you to watch giant sea turtles as they nest and to witness baby sea turtles hatch and then crawl to the sea. You can also track sea turtles as they travel around the...

Price: Free Developer: Paso Pacifico
Furry Friend Plus

Furry Friend Plus

Lenord is a friendly, furry monster that responds to your touch or voice like a real pet. He repeats everything you say and loves to play games. You can tickle him, poke him, grab his ears or tease him....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Plutinosoft
Valentines Friend

Valentines Friend

Valentines Friend App is a great February 12 Valentines Day sticker pack. Send your friends full hearts, loving, friend, rings, teddybears, song icons and more.

Price: Free Developer: Ogoki Learning Systems Inc.
AR Dogo - a Virtual Friend

AR Dogo - a Virtual Friend

Augmented Reality Dragon - the Virtual Friend ! Dogo is a nice and funny Dragon that lives in the Real World ! Create and share video with Dogo that walks and flies in the Real World! Broadcast to Facebook live, Youtube and...

Price: Free Developer: INFOGP

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