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Stoicism has just a few central teachings. It sets out to remind us of how unpredictable the world can be. How brief our moment of life is. How to be steadfast, and strong, and in control of yourself. And...
Dip your finger into the UK Aquarium App, swish the water around the resting Turtle and test your general aquatic knowledge in the UK Aquarium Quiz (share your completed scores with friends!). The UK Aquarium app uses your current location...
HEBREW-ENGLISH v.v Dictionary | PROLOG / eTeacher A comprehensive bi-lingual dictionary with up-to-date vocabulary, including slang and useful expressions. The dictionary is fully transliterated, in red, into both languages (with English words transliterated into Hebrew letters and vice versa); stressed...
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This Mini Guide - Street Fighter V is all you need to have that advantage over your opponent. All Combos and move set list in the palm of your hand. No need for internet connection to search around anymore....
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Cold War Military Vehicles is a mini encyclopedia of the most important and influential vehicles that were used during the Cold War. This pocket compendium app contains nearly 300 vehicles and lets you explore at a glance: - the arrival of...
Wikilator is a translation App that uses Wikipedia(TM) to look up and translate terms for you. It’s perfect for technical terms or phrases that dictionaries usually don’t know about. And it gives you some context to help you understand...
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English-Vietnamese & Vietnamese-English Dictionary for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with clear design, friendly interface, simple search functionality and speaking module for English keywords make learning foreign language easier than ever. ► Noteworthy: • Extremely fast startup and searching • Instant search...
The leading and offline English Vietnamese English Dictionary is now available on Appstore! English Vietnamese English Dictionary is a comprehensive and innovative Dictionary for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch with easy-to-use interface, quality contents, advanced search functionality and native pronunciation for English &...
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