Top 39 Finance Apps Like Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net - Best Alternatives

Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Finance apps that are similar to Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net. Pick one from this list to be your new Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Church Growth Investment Fund Member.Net 2025.

Church Wallet

Church Wallet

A mobile app where church members can make all kinds of payment to their church; tithe's, harvest donations, offering e.t.c

Price: Free Developer: Fidelity Bank Plc
Saddleback Giving

Saddleback Giving

We give because God gave first. SB Giving is Saddleback Church’s mobile giving application. Whether Saddleback is your home church or you just want to support the great work God is doing through Saddleback along with other churches globally, use...

Price: Free Developer: Saddleback Church
MyChurchWebsite Giving

MyChurchWebsite Giving

Giving to your church or organization has never been easier. Save card details to your account to make it even easier. All account info is fully integrated with your online giving, text giving, kiosk giving, and all other MyChurchWebsite...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Giving By Your Giving, Inc If you're a church, sign up at’s app enables mobile giving for churches that’s simple, safe and secure. Your members will be able to make one time or recurring gifts to one or...

Price: Free Developer: Your Giving, Inc.
Givelify Mobile Giving App

Givelify Mobile Giving App

Use the Givelify mobile giving app for charity donations and giving to your place of worship in as few as three taps. Donate during nonprofit fundraising events, make church tithes and offerings, or while traveling. 2014 TechPoint Mira Awards Nominee &...

Price: Free Developer: Givelify
Abundant Giving

Abundant Giving

The Abundant app allows you to securely donate to your church or parish via multiple payment options and gives you the ability to select a designation for your gift. You can also store your payment information for future donations...

Price: Free Developer: ACS Technologies Group, Inc.
Generosity by LifeWay

Generosity by LifeWay

• Give anytime, anywhere with Generosity by LifeWay. Our convenient app allows you to give generously to your church if they have subscribed to Generosity by Lifeway. Easily set up recurring donations, participate in exciting initiatives, and see how...

Price: Free Developer: iDonate LLC


With Give+ Church, you can use your mobile device to make secure, convenient one-time or recurring donations to any church that uses Vanco Payment Solutions. Simply search Give+ for the church you want to give to, select a fund...

Price: Free Developer: Vanco Services, LLC
Redonno Mobile Giving

Redonno Mobile Giving

Built with the church in mind, Redonno is a tool created to maximize and encourage giving so the church can focus on what matters. With the world quickly becoming cashless, why stay in the stone-age? Stay ahead and empower...

Price: Free Developer: Redonno LTD
Growth Metrics Wallet

Growth Metrics Wallet

With the Growth Metrics Wallet, we use novel and state of the art account security to protect your Ethereum private keys. We split your key across your app and our servers to provide strong security, while still retaining the...

Price: Free Developer: Growth Metrics LLC
Inventure Growth & Securities

Inventure Growth & Securities

The story of Inventure began on June 22, 1995 as a public limited company, today the company has membership in cash and derivatives segment of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), currency futures segment of BSE...

Price: Free Developer: Inventure Growth & Securities Limited
Growth Investing

Growth Investing

• Growth Investing luôn dành cho bạn những điều tuyệt vời nhất!!!! • Tại sao chọn hệ thống đầu tư Growth Investing: 1. Dễ Sử Dụng Bạn không cần phải sử dụng quá nhiều chỉ báo Phân tích kỹ thuật cũng như...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Nam
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)

Calculate total return and annual growth rate based on initial amount and dates. Frequently, brokerages will provide the total return because it is the higher number, but total return is not a useful tool for comparing investments over different...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: brian drye


NORGESTION ASSET GROWTH es una aplicación de acceso exclusivo a clientes asesorados patrimonialmente por NORGESTION ASSET GROWTH EAFI. Esta aplicación permite a sus usuarios acceder y firmar documentos enviados por su asesor en cualquier momento y lugar, bajo protocolos...

Price: Free Developer: Novayre Solutions S.L.
Stock Fcsts

Stock Fcsts

“A really fascinating and extremely useful application” Professor Calie Pistorius, Vice-Chancellor University of Hull, United Kingdom This is a powerful and user-friendly program capable of making price forecasts with improved accuracy further into the future. Its uniqueness is a science-based approach that...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Theodore Modis
Stocks' Futures

Stocks' Futures

This is a powerful, user-friendly, and well-documented program capable of making price forecasts with improved accuracy further into the future. Its uniqueness is a science-based approach that treats stocks like species and the stock market as an ecosystem. But...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Theodore Modis
Lifetime Financial Growth LLC.

Lifetime Financial Growth LLC.

Welcome to the newest innovation in financial services. With our new app you can reach out anytime with questions, concerns and comments. Need an appointment? Schedule it easily here. Have a question about an investment or a concern about...

Price: Free Developer: FMG Suite
Stock Value Analyzer Lite

Stock Value Analyzer Lite

Stock Value Analyzer helps you research stocks by analyzing over 20,000 securities from the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom! Stock Value Analyzer provides instant access to growth rates, charts, Value Prices,...

Price: Free Developer:, LLC.
Nutmeg Saving & Investment

Nutmeg Saving & Investment

Get an intelligent investment portfolio from Nutmeg. Nutmeg, one of the UK’s largest digital investment managers, makes it easy to access quality investing. Why choose Nutmeg? ● High-quality investing: benefit from globally diversified portfolios, built by investment experts ● Great...

Price: Free Developer: Nutmeg Saving and Investment Limited
Transcend Investment

Transcend Investment

Transcend Investment is a FREE app brought to you by TRANSCEND INVESTMENT ADVISORS Private Limited. This FREE App is for Investors to track their Investment Portfolio and know about Transcend Investment . Products covered include Mutual Funds & Equity...

Price: Free Developer: TRANSCEND INVESTMENT ADVISORS Private Limited
Divine Investment Consultant

Divine Investment Consultant

Divine Investment Consultant is a FREE app brought to you by Divine Investment Consultant This FREE App is for Investors to track their Investment Portfolio and know about our services. Products covered include Mutual Funds & Equity Shares. Key Features: 1. Family Portfolio...

Citadel Investment Services

Citadel Investment Services

We understand what drives our clients. We know what they mean by 'success'. We realise how hard-earned their wealth is, and we're mindful of what keeps them up at night. That’s because a new client journey always begins with a...

Price: Free Developer: Citadel Investment Services
Hermes Investment Symposium

Hermes Investment Symposium

The 2018 investor symposium will be an opportunity to hear from key investment experts across the business. You will be provided updates on the funds that many of you have supported, as well as a taster of new strategies. We...

Price: Free Developer: Hermes Fund Managers Limited
Kritika Investment

Kritika Investment

Kritika Investments is a FREE app brought to you by KRITIKA INVESTMENT & INSURANCE MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED. This FREE App is for Investors to track their Investment Portfolio and know about Kritika Investments . Products covered include Mutual Funds...

Zeus Investment

Zeus Investment

Research | Invest | Track A dedicated app for all your Mutual Fund needs. A simple and easy way to invest in Mutual Funds. Instant SIP: Once you are registered. It takes less than a minute to start a SIP. Access to Handpicked...

LBMC Investment Advisors LLC

LBMC Investment Advisors LLC

This app provides an intuitive financial dashboard of your finances, document vault, interactive reports, budgeting tools and more – all in a secure and easy to use mobile app. TOP FEATURES • Interactive dashboard showing you your complete financial picture. • Dynamic reports with...

Price: Free Developer: LBMC Investment Advisors LLC
Personal Investment Management

Personal Investment Management

This app provides an intuitive financial dashboard of your finances, document vault, interactive reports, budgeting tools and more – all in a secure and easy to use mobile app. TOP FEATURES • Interactive dashboard showing you your complete financial picture. • Dynamic reports with...

Price: Free Developer: Personal Investment Management
Sadoff Investment Management

Sadoff Investment Management

See your complete financial picture and interact with your financial advisor. This app provides an intuitive financial dashboard of your finances, document vault, interactive reports, budgeting tools and more – all in a secure and easy to use mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Sadoff Investment Management
Mutual Fund App - Investica

Mutual Fund App - Investica

Investica offers you free mutual fund investment account which allows you to invest in Mutual Funds with ease. Our Mutual Fund App allows you invest in more than 2500 mutual fund schemes with features like Goal Planning, Mutual Fund...

Price: Free Developer: Choice International Limited
My Fund Office - SIFO

My Fund Office - SIFO

The My Fund Office mobile application is the secure, members-only app for active and retired members of Steamfitters’ Local 638. With My Fund Office mobile, you have 24/7 access to your Steamfitters’ Industry Fund Office account information from almost anywhere....

Price: Free Developer: Steamfitters Fund Office
iCross Fund

iCross Fund

iCross Fund是一家专注于美国优质房地产投资的美国本土基金。类比于股票市场的一级和二级市场,传统房地产投资一般投资于“二级”房地产市场,购买已建成的房产,获取房租和流通(二级)市场的房地产升值;iCross Fund则投资“一级”市场,享受开发商的“原始股”开发利润,或以土地建筑为抵押,贷款给开发商,获取稳健的固定利息回报,投资金额低,省去出租打理繁冗不便,投资流程透明简便,实现收益最大化。 直接对接开发商和投资人,iCross Fund主打的两大类投资产品分别是iCross 美元余额宝和 iCross美国大房东股权产品。iCross 美元余额宝产品是获取固定收益的债权产品,以美国尤其纽约黄金地段的土地或建筑物为抵押,如同银行发放贷款给资历深、实力强、信用佳的美国开发商,获取固定利息,周期一般半年、一年、一年半或两年不等,年化6.25%-7.5%,投资金额5000美元起。国际投资人享受美国免税优惠,净回报高于自行买房出租打理的回报率。美国华人可以将“躺”在银行的闲散资金利用起来,投资短期定期的理财产品。 iCross美国大房东股权产品如同“原始股”的股权项目,用小量资金, 直接参与向来只有华尔街大佬机构参与的公寓楼房地产开发项目,获取可观的开发利润。如果将利润转化成买房折扣,那就如同自己建房,买到心仪的成本房。无论从哪个角度考虑,都是上乘的股权投资选择;结合iCross 美元余额宝产品,可以优化地产投资组合,以及养老计划、401k计划、教育基金、股票投资等家庭投资规划组合。 自成立以来,iCross Fund已成功发行27个美元余额宝项目和4个股权项目,累计项目金额近一亿美元,其中美元余额宝1-12号项目已经到期完成,投资人本金和利息顺利返还。2019年将陆续完成其他一些余额宝和股权项目。 iCross Fund的过往业绩充分体现iCross团队严格筛选的尽职调查和风控能力。团队成员具有多年银行和房地产贷款及风控经验,在众多项目选择中,只有不到5%的项目经评估后,可以上线iCross。充足的抵押物价值,稳健的贷款与抵押物比值,开发商其他资产连带责任担保,投资安全系数高,本金有地产保证。 拥有如此优质的项目资源,源于iCross团队多年积累的行业经验和多方合作关系。iCross团队是行业的专家,拥有多年纽约精品地产投资和开发经验,深谙本土文化,具备独到的地产投资视野,为散户投资人提供过去以少量资金难以接触到的“一级”地产投资机会,为海外资产配置和优化投资组合提供多样化的投资产品。 iCross 与世界各地多家知名地产开发商、建筑商、银行、律所、会计师和地产经纪建立长期合作关系,形成全产业链一条龙式投资、地产、金融、法律和财税的服务体系,围绕地产投资,全方位为您提供最佳专业服务。通过iCross平台,无需投资中介,化繁为简,让整个投资流程简单明了地呈现在您面前。作为我们尊贵的客户,您的美国房地产项目投资可以得到iCross专业团队的全方位服务。  投资无门槛,视野无疆界!欢迎您和iCross一同创新,人人参与海外地产投资!

Price: Free Developer: iCross Fund Inc
Ember Fund - Crypto Investing

Ember Fund - Crypto Investing

Meet Ember Fund. Invest like a cryptocurrency hedge fund. Using the app is incredibly easy: 1. Choose a fund 2. Link your Bank or Coinbase account (or deposit using an external wallet) 3. We’ll automatically create your crypto wallets, fund your portfolio and...

Price: Free Developer: Ember Fund LLC
MAP Fund

MAP Fund

MAP Fund is a multi-employer Provident Fund and provides an opportunity to access a professionally-managed occupational retirement and savings plan. Members can use this app to access Aon Hewitt’s online administration platform, Your Benefit Resources (YBR™). This app offers a...

Price: Free Developer: Aon Hewitt SA
Black Car Fund

Black Car Fund

The Black Car Fund app allows drivers of our Member Bases to quickly report a work related incident to us. Driving in the concrete jungle can be rough for Black Car and Luxury Limousine Drivers. If your base is...

Price: Free Developer: The Black Car Fund
Indian Fund Bazaar

Indian Fund Bazaar

Research | Invest | Track A dedicated app for all your Mutual Fund needs. A simple and easy way to invest in Mutual Funds. Paperless Investing: Quick & paperless account creation and instant Activation. Within a couple of minutes, you are all...

Price: Free Developer: SR Fund Bazaar Private Limited
IFA: Index Fund Advisors

IFA: Index Fund Advisors

The IFA app, from Index Fund Advisors, is an educational resource for investors. Gain access to articles and videos on evidence-based investing strategies, including investing advice videos from Nobel Laureates Eugene Fama, and Harry Markowitz. IFA’s Index Portfolios and...

Price: Free Developer: Index Fund Advisors, Inc
Moneyguru-Mutual Fund App

Moneyguru-Mutual Fund App

Until now, investors were forced to use multiple apps to invest in mutual funds, monitor the market or stay updated on daily financial events. That’s why we designed moneyguru - a platform where investors can invest in direct mutual...

Price: Free Developer: MG Funds Private limited
UTI Mutual Fund

UTI Mutual Fund

With UTI MF app you can invest easily in UTI Mutual Funds (UTI MF) anytime, anywhere. New Investors can start a new SIP, invest a lumpsum without any paperwork (100% Paperless). Existing investors get a host of new features...


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