Top 38 Education Apps Like Who is the Thief - Best Alternatives

Who is the Thief Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Who is the Thief alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to Who is the Thief. Pick one from this list to be your new Who is the Thief app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Who is the Thief on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Who is the Thief - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Who is the Thief alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Who is the Thief 2025.

Who Got Brains - Brain Training Games - Free

Who Got Brains - Brain Training Games - Free

Did you know that your brain generates 10 to 23 watts of power while you're awake? That's enough energy to turn on a light bulb! Curious to find out your Brain Power and exercise your brain? Then get ready...

Price: Free Developer: XLabz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Who Art You

Who Art You

L’application Who Art You est associée au réseau social du même nom et donc à son site internet Elle permet à tout membre de prendre des photos d’œuvres d’art de façon géo-localisée dans les musées et les galeries d’art...

Price: Free Developer: Who Art You
Who Is It, Dragon? 3A

Who Is It, Dragon? 3A

Who Is It, Dragon? A Story for Beginning Readers Dragon is trying to play but he keeps hearing sounds. His curiosity always gets the best of him and he goes to investigate. Each new sound leads him to one...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Who Is Your Daddy

Who Is Your Daddy

Who's your Daddy? is an app designed to assist parent in teaching their children memorise their phone number - in any given language! Parents traveling with small kids can now feel safer by helping them know their phone number by...

Price: Free Developer: Elad Keidan
who? 한국사 조선 시대 편

who? 한국사 조선 시대 편

◉ 한국사 조선 시대 편 무료 전자책 “Who?” 한국사 조선 시대 편은 조선 시대 대표 인물들의 삶을 통해 시대 전체를 배울 수 있도록 기획되었습니다. 도서는 총 20권으로 구성되어 있으며, 이 앱을 이용하여 전자책 5권을 무료로 읽을 수 있습니다. ◉ 어린이 스스로...

Price: Free Developer: Bookjam
Guess Who's Who : First Step App to identify, learn, research homework projects on famous people that shaped the world. Scientists, Nobel Prize Winners, US Presidents, and Global Leaders

Guess Who's Who : First Step App to identify, learn, research homework projects on famous people that shaped the world. Scientists, Nobel Prize Winners, US Presidents, and Global Leaders

Hundreds of famous personalities are waiting to see if you can identify them... Scientists, Nobel Prize Winners, World Leaders, and U.S. Presidents. Can you recognize them all...??? Do you know why they are famous? Would you like to get a glimpse...

Price: Free Developer: LogTera Inc.
Guess Who? from I Can Do Apps

Guess Who? from I Can Do Apps

Guess Who? from I Can Do Apps is an educational app consisting of four clues and one answer designed to help individuals work on answering questions and inferencing: making predictions and deductive reasoning skills. Inferencing is an important...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: I CAN DO APPS, LLC
WH Question Cards: Who, What, When, Where, Why

WH Question Cards: Who, What, When, Where, Why

This educational app from Super Duper Publications helps children learn how to correctly ask and answer WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE-WHY questions with four entertaining learning games for each WH set of cards. Learn about this app with the FREE "WHO" deck, included. You...

Price: Free Developer: Super Duper Publications
who? 후 시리즈

who? 후 시리즈

어린이 스스로 자신의 미래를 설계할 수 있게 힘을 길러 주는 《who?》 《who?》 후 시리즈는 어린이 위인전 분야의 베스트셀러로, 인종과 성별, 직업을 넘어 세상을 더 나은 곳으로 만든 인물들의 이야기를 담은 만화 위인전입니다. 학부모와 선생님을 포함한 광범위한 설문 조사와 교과서 분석을 통해...

Price: Free Developer: Bookjam
Little Who Who - Good night

Little Who Who - Good night

Little Who Who is just an application you need for calming your child to sleep. Both you and your child will love and enjoy our happy and colorful backgrounds filled with animated animal characters one can interact with as...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Reci rcle d.o.o.
My Mommy Is A Lawyer

My Mommy Is A Lawyer

"My Mommy is a Lawyer" tells the story of a loving mother’s long journey to becoming a lawyer. A child has the chance opportunity to travel back in time with a friendly owl to discover how his/her mommy graduated...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: My Mommy Is, LLC
What time is it?

What time is it?

This is a teaching application which recognizes that children learn most effectively if they are having fun at the same time. What time is it? offers users a fun traditional clock as its home screen which allows children to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Software101
Where Is My Hat? by Comomola

Where Is My Hat? by Comomola

Where is my hat? Find it in this fun game of visual perception for the whole family! Double the fun with the 2-player mode on a single device! Challenge your parents, siblings or friends without the need for Wi-Fi. Enter our...

Price: Free Developer: Comomola Studios S.L.
MERLiN - Education is Fun.

MERLiN - Education is Fun.

ميرلن هو وسيلة لتعليم الطلاب عن طريق تقييمهم، مبنية على قواعد التعلم من خلال اللعب، مصممة لتلائم مواصفات المناهج الدراسية في العالم. ودعمًا منا للعملية التعليمية ولنظام التعليم الجديد، تمت إضافة بنك ضخم من الأسئلة لطلاب المرحلة الإبتدائية...

Price: Free Developer: cubeegypt
Is That an Earthquake?

Is That an Earthquake?

Is That an Earthquake? by Alan Bagnall illustrated by Jennifer Cooper A young boy wonders anxiously whether the movements and noises around his home could be an earthquake, and then, suddenly an earthquake does happen. The story incorporates a recount and an...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
Croco Math - Your Math Teacher is a cute Crocodile

Croco Math - Your Math Teacher is a cute Crocodile

CrocoMath is a great application for our kids to have a lot of fun with mathematics and at the same time to easily learn and improve their overall skills with all the four math operations. The application uses an approach...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Alessandro Benedettini
Game design is leuk!

Game design is leuk!

Download GAME DESIGN IS LEUK en meld je aan voor de TCR cursus "Basis Programmeren van Games"! In deze app staan de games die gemaakt zijn door leerlingen van de cursus. Speel mee en haal een high score!

Price: Free Developer: 21CC Education
Sentence Match Chores: WHO is DOing WHAT

Sentence Match Chores: WHO is DOing WHAT

Sentence Match Chores is the same as the orginal Sentence Match but with 91 new sentences and pictures based on daily living skills. Students learn to connect meaning with sentences. Choose from 2, 3 or 4 sentences to match the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Computerade Products
Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard is the second app in The Speech Wizard series. Sounds with The Speech Wizard app was created to increase your child’s sound recognition and listening skills. This is accomplished by having your child listen...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: The Speech Wizard
Freddie the Frog®

Freddie the Frog®

Do you have multiple student iPads at your school? Does your school participate in the Education Volume Purchase Program? You can download multiple copies of the same App from one school account with a 50% Discount! Freddie...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Freddie The Frog®
The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page English Linguistics Program is a neurolinguistic based program that instructs English learners using sounds of English phonemes, morphemes, and the writing and spelling of English words in isolation. Neurolinguistics is the study of how the...

Price: Free Developer: The Talking Page (H.K.) Limited
Far East-In the Wardrobe

Far East-In the Wardrobe

Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Far East Book Co., Ltd.
Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

With this App you will be able to enjoy the teaching Ministry of Matt Smith from Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God. Matt Smith has been the senior pastor of Jonesboro First Assembly since 2007. Under Matt’s leadership,...

Price: Free Developer: Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God
iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

The First 100 Words includes functional vocabulary which occurs throughout a young child's daily routine, such as food, clothing, body parts, animals, colors, numbers and actions. This app will allow parents, teachers and therapists to introduce and practice...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: The Moog Center for Deaf Education The Judaism iPhone App The Judaism iPhone App

Get easy access to Jewish wisdom for living from one of the web’s largest and must trusted Jewish sources. •Daily updates of articles and videos on spirituality, dating, marriage, Israel, Jewish holidays and more. •24-hour live webcam from the Western Wall •Inspiring,...

Price: Free Developer: The Jerusalem Fund, Inc
Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Fast paced interactive asteroid first person shooter game for use during presentations by approved performers of the Story Ship's live theater show, "Aliens Alive!"

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Story Ship
Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Raise your very own sea jelly from egg to medusa in the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Jelly Lab. Learn and do what it takes to keep a healthy and growing jelly…from maintaining water circulation to feeding and cleaning....

Price: Free Developer: Aquarium of the Pacific
Happi & The Word Thief

Happi & The Word Thief

Oh no! A Word Thief is loose in the town stealing all the words and letters. This is your chance to help out and earn your detective’s badge. Find all the hidden words before the Word Thief steals them...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Happi Papi
Where's a thief cat?

Where's a thief cat?

2012年 第一回デジタルえほんアワードにて企画部門準グランプリに選ばれた「ねこみっけ」が、株式会社デジタルえほんと株式会社アクシスからiPadアプリとしてリリースいたしました! 可愛らしい強烈なキャラクターの魅力と、楽しいアニメーション&サウンドが子供達を夢中にさせる動くえほんアプリです。 ----------------------- 「ねこみっけ」第一弾 無料版 ----------------------- ■アプリの概要 画面の中のどこかに隠れている「どろぼうねこ」を探し出して遊ぶデジタルえほんです。 隠れているどろぼうねこの居場所は毎回変化し、見つけた場所によって毎回違った猫のショートストーリーを見ることができます。 ■違う楽しみ方も! 画面の中に登場するキャラクター、モチーフ等には、動いたり音が出るしかけがたくさん隠されているので、純粋に眺めたりタップするだけでも楽しむことができます。 ■お子様1人でもできるシンプルな操作性 小さなお子様でも1人で簡単に操作できるようシンプルなつくりに仕上げました。 (C)滝原 宏野・株式会社デジタルえほん 制作:株式会社アクシス 協力:NPO法人CANVAS ----------------------- This is a game which discovers the "thief cat" which is hiding somewhere in screens. The hiding place of a thief cat changes each time. The animation of the cat which is different by the...

Price: Free Developer: AxIS Co.Ltd.
Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Tooniverse popular animation 'Hello Jadoo' season 1 OPEN!!(Korean animation) Opening Event Don’t miss a chance to get FREE opening & ending + 4 episodes~!! + Season 1 contains complete episodes! (40 episodes + Special 4 episodes) + Most loved animation from...

Price: Free Developer: UANGEL Corp.
My Monster Town - Police Games

My Monster Town - Police Games

It's time to become a police officer in this police station game! If your kids love to pretend to be a policeman or policewoman then 'My Monster Town - Police Station' is perfect for them. Ring the police siren...

Price: Free Developer: IDZ Digital Private Limited
Pinkfong The Police

Pinkfong The Police

Freeze! It's your time to protect and serve! Catch thieves as you take on the role of a police officer with Pinkfong! 1. Interesting Intro Animation - Enjoy watching the game's animated introduction that will both pique your interest and deepen you...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: SmartStudy
I Can Generate Electricity

I Can Generate Electricity

Content • This is a scientific enlightening picture story book. • The APP is a pure children’s reader without advertisement or harmful information. • collection is made up of 8 episodes. Episodes 1-3 are free. Episodes 4-8 are available...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Han Wise Technology Co., Ltd.
Strongmen Contest

Strongmen Contest

Content • This is a scientific enlightening picture story book. • The APP is a pure children’s reader without advertisement or harmful information. • collection is made up of 8 episodes. Episodes 1-3 are free. Episodes 4-8 are available...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Han Wise Technology Co., Ltd.
Wonderful Magic

Wonderful Magic

Content • This is a scientific enlightening picture story book. • The APP is a pure children’s reader without advertisement or harmful information. • collection is made up of 8 episodes. Episodes 1-3 are free. Episodes 4-8 are available...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Han Wise Technology Co., Ltd.
4A’s Hot Air Balloon

4A’s Hot Air Balloon

Content • This is a scientific enlightening picture story book. • The APP is a pure children’s reader without advertisement or harmful information. • collection is made up of 8 episodes. Episodes 1-3 are free. Episodes 4-8 are available...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Han Wise Technology Co., Ltd.

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