Do you want to find the best EMF 2017 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to EMF 2017. Pick one from this list to be your new EMF 2017 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EMF 2017 on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid EMF 2017 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like EMF 2017 2025.
EMF (Equipment Map Finder) is an easy to use app that allows users to see equipment locations on a map, view active Trip Sheets and Equipment Scheduling information, view cameras associated to POIs and create routes between multiple POIs....
EMF Events is the event app for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. It allows you to view event details, network with other attendees, and contribute to live polls/Q&As.
Entrepreneurs traditionally take risks to maximize on the return on their investments. Unnecessary, unforeseen and miscalculated risks however, can rapidly halt the progress of the venture and result in serious financial loss. Timing is everything. The Entrepreneur Challenge App provides a pocket...
VeryPDF AnyFile Viewer can be used to view and play any Document formats, any Video formats and any Music formats on your iPad and iPhone. You can use it to Read, View, Play, Download, Compress, Convert almost anything you...
BYOB成立於2014年,是一個另類的創業服務平臺。我們遇見很多人擁有很棒的創業構想,但往往因資金不足而放棄計劃。BYOB的使命是幫助創業者以有限的成本及更低的風險讓創業理想落實並持續發展,而我們的團隊更是業界頂尖高手,有能力幫助創業者在天使投資,政府資助(如TVP,EMF),商業策略顧,創業導師 BYOB在新創團隊中的角色有點與天使投資者相似,不同的是我們除承擔一半開發成本外,還會成為新創團隊的技術合夥人,包辦所有營運策略,市場推廣和系統的開發、優化及維護工作。 BYOB App 操作簡單減低人力資源,促進商戶與客戶關係 - 實時更新產品,推出優惠 - 最新動態功能 令客戶更快了解新產品和優惠 - 預約功能 客戶自行預約減低人力資源,方便客戶選取合適時間 - 會員系統 方便商戶管理客戶,為客戶提供個人化服務 支援QR code會員儲分和即時支付 簡單快捷,易於管理 無論現有公司/創業人士都歡迎聯絡我們查詢
ファイルサーバーの文書・画像・図面・動画ファイルをiPadから閲覧できます。 ペーパーレス会議・現場作業・営業プレゼン・社外からの参照等にお使いいただけます。 わかりやすい画面と高速な検索機能で、資料をすばやく見つけることができます。 Ver.2ではデザインを刷新し、さらに快適にご利用いただけるようになりました。 ◆FileServerPadが選ばれるポイント「システム管理者様にもユーザー様にも優しい」 - ファイルサーバーのデータを自動登録するため、面倒な個別登録は不要です。 - ファイルサーバーのアクセス権限を引き継ぐため、権限の再設定は不要です。 - ActiveDirectory連携でらくらくユーザー管理、いつものID・PWで利用できます。 - 端末にデータを残さないセキュリティ設計なので安心です。 - ページ単位でデータを取得するため高速表示、ストレスなく閲覧できます。 - 説明書がなくても直感的にすぐ使える、非常にわかりやすい画面設計です。 ◆主な機能 - Microsoft-Office(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)、PDF、画像、動画ファイル等を閲覧できます。 - ファイルに手書きメモを書いて、サーバーへ保存できます。 - ダウンロードしてオフライン環境でも閲覧できます。 - 表示するページを他のiPad端末と同期することができます。 - 高速にファイル名検索・全文検索ができます。 ◆対応拡張子 - 通常閲覧:pdf、doc、docx、xls、xlsx、ppt、pptx、jpg、jpeg、png、gif、tif、tiff、bmp、xdw、xbd、m3d、ico、emf、wmf、are、sr2、crw、cr2、dcr、dng、mrw、nef、orf、pef、raf - 動画再生:mp4、mov ◆補足 - FileServerPadはファイルサーバー内のファイルを画像化するサーバーアプリケーションと、それらを閲覧するための専用ビューワ(本アプリ)から構成されています。 - FileServerPadをご利用いただくには、サーバーアプリケーションの購入が別途必要です。 - 初回起動時にはサーバーアプリケーション管理者から配布される接続先情報を設定してください。 - FileServerPadはiPad専用アプリです。 - iOS12推奨です。 ◆お問合せ 各種お問合せは[email protected](FileServerPad担当)までお願いいたします。
SmartOffice is an intuitive, easy-to-use document editing application with a workflow inspired by the familiar UI of a desktop Office document. ALL-IN-ONE DOCUMENT EDITING SUITE SmartOffice empowers users to view, edit, create, present & share MS Office documents directly on...
IMPORTANT: This application is designed for use by organizations that utilize a BlackBerry Dynamics secure platform. If you are an individual consumer or a company which does not utilize BlackBerry Dynamics, please download the SmartOffice app instead. SmartOffice for BlackBerry...
VSD Viewer - Professional Visio Drawings viewer. View, Interact, Share, Print, Convert to PDF any MS Visio drawing with VSD Viewer. VSD Viewer supports specific features required by professionals who needs to preview drawings in details - with Layers and even...
The official app for the 2017 Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3) at Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto, Canada About the App & the event: At IREI i3 2017, youíll experience: - Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3) (briefly known as IREI: Infrastructure Strategies) brings together...
With more than 90,000 software developers and 14,000 companies, Washington state is the epicenter for innovation in and all things ICT – everything from cloud computing ,IoT, gaming, as well as AI and machine learning. Stop by our...
Serbian national committee CIGRE will held a conference in period of June 5th to June 8th in Zlatibor, Republic of Serbia. CIGRE 2017 application will help you to get around, organize your schedule and provide you with useful info...
The official app for the 2017 Visions, Insights & Perspectives (VIP) Americas at Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, Carlsbad, CA About the App & the event: At VIP AMERICAS, you’ll experience: - VIP Americas is our flagship event that is anticipated by the...
The official app for the 2017 Visions, Insights & Perspectives (VIP) Europe at Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich, Munich, Germany About the App & the event: At VIP EUROPE, you’ll experience: - VIP Europe is the sister event of our highly acclaimed...
Web and Mobile Business in the Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg at Mobile World Congress 2017. The app provides information about all participants and the Berlin-Brandenburg ict scene. Mobile World Congress 2017 takes place from 27. February to 2. of March...
ABACx: The APEC-Canada Growing Business Partnership Symposium on Technology and Innovation is a one-day event on July 25, 2017 focused on start-ups and micro, small, and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region. The event...
Official app for ADIPEC 2017 – world's most influential Oil & Gas Exhibition. ADIPEC 2017 as a premium exhibition platform that enables professionals from around the world to do business and grow. Be the first to know about ADIPEC in...
Diese App bietet alles Wissenswerte zur 20. DIRK-Konferenz 2017. Die 20. Konferenz des DIRK - Deutscher Investor Relations Verband ist DER Branchentreff für Kapitalmarktspezialisten und Entscheider aus Politik und Wirtschaft in Deutschland. Sie findet in diesem Jahr am 12. und...
This is the official app for the Partners Summit 2017 in Palm Springs. The app features the most up-to-date agenda and event information, attendee networking, speaker bios and other interactive features. Use this app to enhance your experience at the Summit. Looking forward to seeing you in Palm Springs! Disclaimer: By downloading and activating this mobile application "Dynasty Partners Summit 2017" you acknowledge that any information or communications contained herein are not subject to regulatory monitoring or compliance recommended archiving. As such, this app should be used for the sole purpose of communicating about and with participants of the Dynasty 2017 Partners Summit. The app should not be used to conduct business or advise on or discuss existing business. By downloading and activating this app you also agree to receive communications from Dynasty Partners Summit 2017 participants and event organizers. By downloading the app you agree to these conditions in the usage of this app.
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