Top 22 Education Apps Like Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) - Best Alternatives

Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to Match - Setningar (Nynorsk). Pick one from this list to be your new Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like Match - Setningar (Nynorsk) 2025.

Preschool Memory Match

Preschool Memory Match

You will love this playful educational app packed with reward buttons that your child will love! - Does your heart melt when your little one learns while having fun? Introducing the classic game of concentration specifically designed to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Murtha Design Inc.
Count, Sort and Match

Count, Sort and Match

****Featured in Kids Best iPad Apps – “Count, Sort and Match” simplifies key math concepts for preschool kids up to age 6. The app helps kids to count to 20, spell numbers, and sort by color, shape and size...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ripple Digital Publishing
Easter Word Match and Coloring

Easter Word Match and Coloring

***Awarded KID SAFE – no annoying ads or links to the internet. Quality educational content. *** Easter is here, so come on kids, let’s play! It is spring in our bug world and all the bugs are buzzing with excitement....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ace Edutainment Apps
Froggy Match-it Phonics FREE

Froggy Match-it Phonics FREE

Froggy Match-it will help your child to develop good reading and spelling skills. Try out this FREE version. It has all the features of the full Froggy Match-it app, but covers the first level only. This...

Price: Free Developer: Easylearn
Phonics Match

Phonics Match

Available in British, American and Australian English. Match the different phonics pairs and learn the 42 different phonetic sounds. Phonics Match is designed to help children get familiar with the 42 sounds of the English language, rather than the alphabet. By...

Price: Free Developer: Bram Van Damme
Phonics Match Premium

Phonics Match Premium

Available in British, American and Australian English. Match the different phonics pairs and learn the 42 different phonetic sounds. Phonics Match is designed to help children get familiar with the 42 sounds of the English language, rather than the alphabet. By...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bram Van Damme
Froggy Match-it Phonics

Froggy Match-it Phonics

Froggy Match-it will help your child to develop good reading and spelling skills. It is an educational, interactive phonics game for children just learning to read and is ideal for use in school and at home. The...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Easylearn
Match & Find

Match & Find

Award-winning app helping children build confidence though activities designed to improve working memory, language and fine motor skills. The child friendly activities put them in control of their learning and provide an educational tool adaptable to their abilities. Working memory...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Special iApps C.I.C.
Match & Learn Greek Gods Lite

Match & Learn Greek Gods Lite

*** Winner of a Parents’ Choice Approved Award *** *** Winner of a W³ Silver Award by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts NY *** *** Finalist in the Made for Mums Toy Awards 2016 *** "Appearance wise, the app is...

Price: Free Developer: Petita Demas Ltd
Match & Learn The Greek Gods

Match & Learn The Greek Gods

*** Winner of a Parents’ Choice Approved Award *** *** Winner of a W³ Silver Award by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts NY *** *** Finalist in the Made for Mums Toy Awards 2016 *** "Appearance wise, the app is...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Petita Demas Ltd
Avaz fo - til samskifti

Avaz fo - til samskifti

AVAZ FO er ein app til børn og onnur, sum ikki fáa tosað, ella hava trupult við at tosa. Tað verið seg vegna autismu, Downs Syndrom, Angelmans Syndrom, Aspergers, Apraxia og aðrar non-verbalar umstøður. Avaz er brúkaravinarlig, bæði hjá...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Avaz, Inc.
Orðaflipp - Fyrir krakka sem þora að skapa

Orðaflipp - Fyrir krakka sem þora að skapa

Orðaflipp er íslenskt sköpunarforrit fyrir skáld framtíðarinnar. Forritið, sem er hannað af grunnskólakennara, byggir á hugmyndum um handahófskenndar kveikjur í skapandi skrifum. Slík opin verkefni með engum ákveðnum svörum eru til þess gerð að örva sköpun og frumleika í...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Gebo Kano ehf.
AstroMatte nynorsk

AstroMatte nynorsk

Hovudbry i verdsrommet. Nynorsk utgåve. Forsvar verda mot asteroidane og tren matematikk samtidig. AstroMatte øver hovudrekning i talområdet 0-20 og gangetabellen på ein spanande måte. Vel oppgåvetype og svaralternativ og fyr laus. Treff dei rette svara og samla poeng til...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Geir Larsen
Nynorsk lesing

Nynorsk lesing

For å verta ein god nynorsklesar, må ein lesa mykje på nynorsk. Øvingane som er samla her, har som hovudmål å øve opp evna til å raskt kjenne att ei mengd vanlege ord. I dei fleste øvingane trenar ein...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Kjartan Leine
Katta i sekken NYN

Katta i sekken NYN

Katta i sekken. Nynorsk utgåve. Katta og dei andre orda skal ned i sekkane. I denne appen trenar du gruppering og sortering av ord. Øv på 700 ord i 35 grupper. Vanskegrad set du ved å velje kor mange sekkar du...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Geir Larsen


TELLA - MATHS FOR SMALL KIDS TELLA is an educational game for tablets that introduces children to basic maths through play. Created for 5-8 year olds, TELLA may also be enjoyed by younger or older kids. TELLA consists of several...

Price: Free Developer: Hogskulen pa Vestlandet


sketchometry is an interactive construction and exploration tool for plane Euclidean geometry. Points, circles and lines can be sketched on the screen with fingers or stylus. sketchometry identifies these gestures and generates an exact figure. These constructions can...

Price: Free Developer: Alfred Wassermann
Bokbussen FAKTA

Bokbussen FAKTA

FLERSPRÅKLIG Appen kan benyttes av alle elever, men er svært velegnet til morsmålsundervisning. Den gir elever av ulik språklig bakgrunn en unik mulighet til å lese den samme litteraturen. Bøkene er fordelt på to nivåer og er innlest på bokmål, nynorsk,...

Price: USD 36.99 Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
Bokbussen – alt i ett

Bokbussen – alt i ett

BOKBUSSEN – ALT I ETT Bokbussen – alt i ett benytter seg ikke av in-app-purchase, men gir tilgang til alle de 48 bøkene straks kjøpet er gjennomført. Den er derfor velegnet for utdanningsinstitusjoner som benytter Apples VPP-program (voluminnkjøpsordning). En pedagogisk app...

Price: USD 36.99 Developer: Aschehoug Forlag


Lesetjeneste på bokmål og nynorsk! Målgruppe: Elever i barneskolen, alle klassetrinn. Lesemester er en lesetjenester som gir skoleelever tilgang til hundrevis av e-bøker fra store og små forlag. - Send leseutfordringer til lesevenner - Samle lesepoeng - Les med og uten lyd - Ta opp og...

Price: Free Developer: Lesemester AS
Troll i ord - BillyGoats Gruff

Troll i ord - BillyGoats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a classic Norwegian Fairy Tale. On their way to eat the juicy grass, they have to cross a bridge with a huge troll. The troll does not like anyone to cross the bridge!...

Price: Free Developer: GROM as

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