Top 19 Education Apps Like Plato Philosophy - Best Alternatives

Plato Philosophy Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Plato Philosophy alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Plato Philosophy. Pick one from this list to be your new Plato Philosophy app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Plato Philosophy on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Plato Philosophy - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Plato Philosophy alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Plato Philosophy 2025.

Mathador Flash & Plato - Jeux de calcul mental pour la famille

Mathador Flash & Plato - Jeux de calcul mental pour la famille

~ Un chouette outil pour pratiquer le calcul mental en s'amusant ~ Le Parisien Avec Flash et Plato, découvrez les joies du calcul mental en famille ! Pas besoin de connexion internet : votre iPad devient un plateau de jeu autonome,...

Price: Free Developer: Reseau Canope
PLATO - Personalised Learning

PLATO - Personalised Learning

PLATO is a Personalised Learning & Assessment Tool available exclusively to the students and teachers of RYAN INTERNATIONAL. Through this Study App, you can access video lectures by expert teachers and take tests/assessments after watching the video lecture and/or...

Price: Free Developer: Robomate Edutech Private Limited
OIS Plato App

OIS Plato App

Plato Meslek Yüksekokulu OİS Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemi iPhone uygulaması.

Price: Free Developer: Ubit Technology


6秒えいご漬けは、「聴く力」「話す力」を短期間で一気にのばすための教材です。 TOEICのスコアアップや入試のリスニング対策になります。 ・TOEICスコアアップ、大学入学共通テスト対策 ・CEFR(セファール)に準拠したコンテンツ ・英語の学力は問いません ・経験値を積み上げ、短期でやり抜く! 世界で広く採用されているCEFR(セファール)の単語・表現、文法のガイドラインに従って作成したコンテンツです。対話文で構成され、6つにレベル分けされています。コンテンツの98%以上が容易な基本単語で書かれています。 英語での表現がストックされ、話せる範囲が自然に拡大していく作りになっています。 ※「えいご漬けMOKA」FRIEND、JOBと同じ内容です。 聴く、話すを同時に行うシャドーイングと音声認識を組み合わせた、新しいスタイルの教材です。ゲームのように集中力を持続しやすく、効率よく英語力を伸ばせます。 練習を始めてすぐにリスニングの能力向上を実感でき、次第に英語らしい発話ができるようになります。入試のリスニング対策としても短期間で結果を出せます。 シャドーイングだけのモードと、音声認識による判定モードの2パターンの練習ができます。 音声認識による判定モードを利用するにはアップ内課金が必要です。(初回は50回分が無料でついています。) 都度課金タイプとサブスクリプション(定額制)があります。 サブスクリプションについて 【価格】 月額480円 【課金方法】 ご利用のiTunesアカウントに課金されます。 1ヶ月ごとの自動更新 【自動更新に関するご注意】 有効期間終了日の24時間以上前に解除しない限り、自動更新されます。 iTunesアカウントには有効期間終了日の24時間以内に請求されます。 【解約(自動更新解除)のしかた】 1.端末の「設定」から「iTunes StoreとApp Store」をタップ。 2.先頭の「Apple ID(メールアドレス)」をタップし、「Apple ID を表示」をタップしてサインインする。 3.「登録」をタップし、「6秒えいご漬け」を選択してキャンセル処理をする。 プライバシーポリシー 利用規約 お問い合わせ

Price: Free Developer: PLATO CORP.
ISM Plato

ISM Plato

The social network of the International School of Monaco

Price: Free Developer: Herve Michelland
Alphabet Stories - Pre-K Games & Learning

Alphabet Stories - Pre-K Games & Learning

From the award-winning educational games studio, Dreamkind, comes Alphabet Stories – an exciting new way for pre-k kids to learn and play. Have fun playing games, reading stories, and learning the alphabet and sigh words. Join Merlin the Monkey,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dreamkind
Wisdom Of The Famous People

Wisdom Of The Famous People

This app brings the wisdom of the famous people to your iPhone or iPod. Read the words of the prominent authors, religious people and philosophers. They share their thoughts on everything from the pursuit of happiness to the meaning...

Price: Free Developer: WebLantis
Ancient Greek

Ancient Greek

From the makers of "SPQR" - the App Store's most advanced app for Latin students and teachers - comes an unmissable addition to every Greek scholar's iPhone and iPad! This app combines a searchable copy of the LSJ with...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Paul Hudson
Philosophy Explained

Philosophy Explained

Includes offline full texts of: Aristotle: Metaphysics, Nichomachean Ethics, Politics, Rhetoric, Poetics Buddha: Siddhartha Confucius: Analects, Mencius, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Great Learning Rene Descartes: Discourse on the Method, Meditations, Principles of Philosophy Ludwig Feuerbach: The Essence of...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Krister Johnson
CHI Encyclopedia of Philosophy

CHI Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Explore the the world's Philosophy in thousands of hours of articles and pictures covering everything from 17th-century Philosophy to Zeno of Citium. Our encyclopedia of Philosophy contains beautiful HD photos, simple organization and user interface, and the most comprehensive...

Price: Free Developer: Coast Heavy Industries
Journal of Applied Philosophy

Journal of Applied Philosophy

Journal of Applied Philosophy provides a unique forum for philosophical research which seeks to make a constructive contribution to problems of practical concern. Open to the expression of diverse viewpoints, the journal brings critical analysis to these areas and...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Philosophy Now

Philosophy Now

Philosophy Now is a magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It aims to corrupt innocent citizens by convincing them that philosophy can be exciting, worthwhile and comprehensible, and also to provide some light and enjoyable reading matter for those...

Price: Free Developer: Anja Publications
Philosophy Bites- Bite-sized Philosophy Topics

Philosophy Bites- Bite-sized Philosophy Topics

This is the most convenient way to access Philosophy Bites on your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad. You're always connected to the latest episode. Instant access, just touch and play! * About the Hosts* David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton are the co-hosts...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Wizzard Media
History of Western Philosophy

History of Western Philosophy

The History of Western Philosophy is an easy tool for high school and university students who would like to revise philosophical schools or for everyone who is fascinated by the world of thoughts. The application describes the history of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Daniel Klimsza
Philosophy Quizzes

Philosophy Quizzes

Test and evolve your information answering the questions and learn new knowledge about Philosophy by this app. This app also include about Philosophy facts. Learn new and interesting facts. Philosophy includes by the multiple choice questions: - Greek Philosophy -...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gulsen CAKIR
Philosophy Dictionary

Philosophy Dictionary

This app provides an offline version of "Dictionary of Philosophy" by Simon Blackburn The Gambler's Fallacy, the Dirty Hands Argument, Pascal's Wager--philosophical terms can be both intriguing and baffling. Now, eminent philosopher Simon Blackburn offers the most authoritative and up-to-date...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thanh Nguyen
Philosophy — dictionary

Philosophy — dictionary

Are your philosophy exam at the corner? Then our app is just for you! "Philosophy" is your personal helper that provides you with all information required. Can you just imagine that with the help of one mobile app you can...

Price: Free Developer: AppCrab
Philosophy Quiz Trivia

Philosophy Quiz Trivia

Philosophy is the critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and an analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs. Philosophical inquiry is a central element in the intellectual history of many historical civilizations. Test...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Coskun CAKIR

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