Top 19 Business Apps Like PRC Macro - Best Alternatives

PRC Macro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PRC Macro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to PRC Macro. Pick one from this list to be your new PRC Macro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PRC Macro on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like PRC Macro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PRC Macro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like PRC Macro 2025.

PRC EasyView

PRC EasyView

Digest healthcare market research with a breeze on the PRC EasyView® app, a first of its kind data platform for instantaneous reporting and insights. The PRC EasyView® app’s intuitive interface allows users to easily track data progress & performance over...

Price: Free Developer: Professional Research Consultants, Inc.
PRC Tabs

PRC Tabs

PRC tabs® stands for temporary assignment booking system. It’s a simple to use yet powerful mobile solution enabling live, dynamic and fully automated staff deployment for businesses that employ, or agencies that use shift, contract, freelance and temporary workers. PRC...

Price: Free Developer: GLobal ILabs Ltd
PRC Mobile

PRC Mobile

PRC Mobile provides access to vital property information available anywhere, anytime. This powerful smart-phone application gives real estate professionals instant access to title profiles: property ownership and characteristics, title transfer and default information as well as comparable sales. A...

Price: Free Developer: Red Shed Technology


View and Navigate 3D models stored in OBJ, STL, Collada (.dae) (Xcode Compressed ) and PDF (PRC) formats.You can easily zoom, pan and rotate 3D model with multi-touch gestures. The application recognises various file extension and you can choose...

Price: Free Developer: ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd.
Alucraft Aluminium

Alucraft Aluminium

Alucraft Aluminium Pte Ltd, prides itself as the aluminium extruder plant in China and with strong support from its parent company and is a Singapore based aluminium group with more than 30 years of experience in the technical know...

Price: Free Developer: Monster App Limited
AVIChina 中航科工

AVIChina 中航科工

中国航空科技工业股份有限公司(简称“中航科工”)于2003年4月30日在中国北京注册成立,注册资本46亿元人民币。2003年10月30日,中航科工在香港联交所主板上市。主要股东为中国航空工业集团公司、欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)、中国华融资产管理公司、中国信达资产管理公司、中国东方资产管理公司。中航科工总资产约350亿元人民币,总股本54.74亿股,H股股数23.56亿股。欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)是中航科工的战略合作伙伴,持有中航科工股份总数的5.02%。 中航科工的主要航空产品包括各种类型的直升机、教练机、通用飞机航空零部件、航空电子产品及附件。直升机有:直-8系列、直-9系列、直-11系列、H425、HC120。与欧洲直升机公司合作生产EC120系列直升机,与意大利阿古斯特公司合资生产CA109系列直升机以及与美国西科斯基公司合作生产S-92系列直升机零部件。中航科工亦是中国领先的教练机与通用飞机制造商。产品有:L-15高级教练机、K-8系列教练机、CJ-6初级教练机、Y-12系列运输机以及N-5型农林飞机。主要研发生产基地在哈尔滨、南昌、景德镇。中航科工与世界一流的航空产品制造商有广泛的合作,与巴西航空工业公司合资生产莱格赛系列公务机,与空客公司合资的项目有:空客A320系列飞机天津总装线项目(投资额占中方投资的20%);哈尔滨哈飞空客复合材料制造中心有限公司(中航科工合计拥有20%的股权)。 中航科工的目标是在中航工业的鼎力支持下,通过国际合作不断强化技术和管理;通过国际化资本运作不断扩大资本实力,提高市值规模,将公司打造成中航工业全价值链民用航空产品制造业务的旗舰公司和中航工业国际化融资并购平台。 中航科工秉承“敬业诚信,创新超越”的理念,不断完善管控模式,加强管理,规范运作,提高效益,回报股东,回报社会。 AviChina Industry & Technology Company Limited (“AviChina”) was established in Beijing, the PRC on 30 April 2003 with a registered capital of RMB4.6 billion. AviChina has been listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong...

Price: Free Developer: HM Information Services Ltd
Friends HAPC

Friends HAPC

Take our SOS,Riddler,Bonds,Odds & Villains Quizes. Play our memo game,Complete our POW! puzzle.Start M-Power Training & Take notes,View fetal development videos & descriptions...

Price: Free Developer: New Beginnings PRC
FTP Manager - FTP Client

FTP Manager - FTP Client

FTP Manager is a full-featured FTP client for iOS with support of FTP and SFTP protocols as well as convenient file manager to store, view and manage files and documents. The application includes tools for viewing files on the remote...

Price: Free Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
FTP Manager Pro - FTP Client

FTP Manager Pro - FTP Client

FTP Manager is a full-featured FTP client for iOS with support of FTP and SFTP protocols as well as convenient file manager to store, view and manage files and documents. The application includes tools for viewing files on the remote...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
Global Macro Investor GMI

Global Macro Investor GMI

This application has been designed exclusively for the clients of Global Macro Investor. Global Macro Investor is an internationally renowned, highly original, thought-provoking and completely independent research publication. The service covers all aspects of global macro investing from taking advantage...

Price: Free Developer: Amanda Goodwin
LCA Macro

LCA Macro

O aplicativo LCA Macro permite o acesso a todo conteúdo que você, cliente LCA, assina: relatórios, projeções, agendas de indicadores e base de dados – em simultâneo ao envio por e-mail e à publicação na Área de clientes do...

Price: Free Developer: LCA Consultores
Strategas Macro Research

Strategas Macro Research

Strategas is a leading institutional brokerage firm focused on providing macro research, capital market and corporate advisory services, and financial solutions to institutional investors and corporate executives around the world. This application will provide product access to subscribers of research...

Price: Free Developer: Strategas Research Partners, LLC
Ai-macro  알림이

Ai-macro 알림이

1. 회원가입 후 매크로를 설치 해주세요. (windows 10설치 가능) 2. 매크로 프로그램 구동시 발생되는 이벤트를 받아 볼 수 있습니다.

Price: Free Developer: sangki son


O sistema de pedidos é uma ferramenta desenvolvida visando facilitar a comunicação de clientes com a empresa. O sistema funciona em 3 módulos: Através de página de internet, o qual somente o cliente cadastrado terá acesso. Através de aplicativo para...

Price: Free Developer: Macro Publicidade


O sistema de pedidos é uma ferramenta desenvolvida visando facilitar a comunicação de clientes com a empresa. O sistema funciona em 3 módulos: Através de página de internet, o qual somente o cliente cadastrado terá acesso. Através de aplicativo para...

Price: Free Developer: Macro Publicidade
Macro Fit Meals

Macro Fit Meals

MacroFit is the alternative that you have been waiting for. We offer customized daily meal plans. We stand for everyone that has ever tried a meal plan that was generic, unreaslistic, and unenjoyable. We at MacroFit have tried every...

Price: Free Developer: Arthur Rios
Macro Island Security App

Macro Island Security App

The oldest and largest civic group on Marco Island If you own improved property or rent on Marco Island for one month or longer, you are eligible to join the Marco Island Residents’ Beach. The Marco Island Civic Association (MICA) is...

Price: Free Developer: Hang 10 Meda


Mobilephone side software of Macro-video company, it's used for portable monitoring your sites which installed cctv cameras, remote monitoring became convinient without limitation from place or time. Features: 1.Receive the images which is transmited from server computers. 2.Cloud transmission, autoly port forwarding...

Price: Free Developer: Wenhao Hu

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