Top 38 Shopping Apps Like TE-FOOD Public B2C - Best Alternatives

TE-FOOD Public B2C Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TE-FOOD Public B2C alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Shopping apps that are similar to TE-FOOD Public B2C. Pick one from this list to be your new TE-FOOD Public B2C app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TE-FOOD Public B2C on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like TE-FOOD Public B2C - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TE-FOOD Public B2C alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like TE-FOOD Public B2C 2025.

Tao Te Tea

Tao Te Tea

At this time, our app offers a clean web-view to more easily access your favorite premium quality loose whole leaf tea. Soon to come! is going to be launching app updates, including order tracking, tea news, and a tea...

Price: Free Developer: Andy Nava
Prizren Shopping

Prizren Shopping

Cilësia dhe jetëgjatësia e produkteve tona, i përmbushin kriteret më të rëndësishme për zgjedhjen e produkteve. Synimi ynë është të frymëzojmë një mënyrë të shëndetshme dhe aktive të jetesës duke i bërë njerëzit të kombinojnë sportin me jetën e tyre...

Price: Free Developer: Enes Haskuka


Globex is an application which allows iDevice users to have a virtual shop for making orders of the products from the company with the same name, without having to perform banking transactions. Functions: - List of products In the product list...

Price: Free Developer: Vangjush Stavro
Avenida Cabildo App

Avenida Cabildo App

Avenida Cabildo es un shopping a cielo abierto, queremos hacer que tu recorrido hacia la compra sea más fácil. No te quedes afuera de las mejores promociones. Con la app de Avenida Cabildo, te vas a enterar de todo!...

Price: Free Developer: Rafael Zak Galeano


Bienvenido a Yambalú (antigua Juegos al Mejor Precio), la app y página web que compara precios de videojuegos, consolas y accesorios en más de 25 tiendas internacionales. Busca el videojuego (ya sea tecleando su nombre, con nuestro reconocedor de voz...

Price: Free Developer: Raul Diaz Rodriguez


¿Cuánto hace que no te comes un tomate con sabor a tomate? ¿Echas de menos esos huevos fritos de gallinas camperas con pan de pueblo recién horneado? ¿No tienes cerca dónde comprar tus frutas y verduras frescas, cultivadas sin...

Price: Free Developer: Farmidable


Qëllimi i Matrapazit është që te siguroje nje menyre te shpejte te ofrimit te produkteve dhe sherbimeve online. Përmes faqes së Matrapazit, personat dhe kompanitë, kanë mundësinë të blejnë dhe shesin produktet dhe shërbimet e tyre në një mënyrë...

Price: Free Developer: ProCode Developers


Deze applicatie laat toe aan consumenten en handelaars/winkeliers een geschenkbon/kadokaart te controleren én te ontwaarden. De geschenkbon/kadokaart dient altijd eerst gecontroleerd te worden op geldigheid nadat deze ontwaard kan worden. Let op: de geschenkbon/kadokaart kan enkel voor het volledige...

Price: Free Developer: Gift2Give bvba
IJzerhandel J.F. Klunder B.V.

IJzerhandel J.F. Klunder B.V.

Scan & Bestel De Klunder App is zo eenvoudig te bedienen dat je binnen een paar stappen een bestelling plaatst. Scan een barcode of zoek een product en bestel hem direct, sneller kan bijna niet. Maak eenvoudig favorietenlijsten aan van jou...

Price: Free Developer: Klunder
Key Food Ave N

Key Food Ave N

Using Key Food Avenue N's new shopping app will let you search for products and make orders, quickly and easily from your phone. * Daily and Weekly Specials * Create shopping lists for any occasion * In-app scanner to easily...

Price: Free Developer: ALMONTE LANDS FOOD CORP
Beer&Food Expansion

Beer&Food Expansion

¿Estás pensando en abrir un negocio? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, busca un agente de expansión de Beer&Food y que te muestre la nueva App de uno de los grupos de restauración líderes en el segmento de cervecerías, con más...

Price: Free Developer: Casual Beer&Food SA
Beer&Food Expansion mobile

Beer&Food Expansion mobile

¿Estás pensando en abrir un negocio? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, busca un agente de expansión de Beer&Food y que te muestre la nueva App de uno de los grupos de restauración líderes en el segmento de cervecerías, con más...

Price: Free Developer: Casual Beer&Food SA
Living Food Co.

Living Food Co.

Our products are available in the market at a price that’s lower than or equal to equivalent produce. As Living Food Company, continues to grow and scale, we aim to make better, high-quality food more accessible to more people.

Price: Free Developer: Living Food Co.
Food City Mobile

Food City Mobile

Welcome to our newly redesigned Food City application! Our new Food City app is the first grocery app to offer helpful experience modes for both in-store and online shopping. Your favorite grocery app features are still present, such as money-saving...

Price: Free Developer: KVAT
Happyshopper - Order Food & Groceries

Happyshopper - Order Food & Groceries

We invite you to become a Happyshopper. Our Happyshopper Marketplace app connects restaurants and grocery stores with their Happyshopper's. Through the Happyshopper Marketplace you can view your favorite merchant’s special offers, menu items, sale items and place an order...

Price: Free Developer: Happy Shopper, Inc.
Food For us

Food For us

Food for Us is funded through the 10YFP Trust Fund established by UNEP. The project was selected through an open 10YFP Trust Fund Call for Proposals for Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme with the financial support of the Government...

Price: Free Developer: Ubulwembu Software Solutions (PTY)LTD
Almonte's Food Dynasty

Almonte's Food Dynasty

Order your groceries from Almonte's Food Dynasty on the go on your mobile device or from your iPad on your couch. Our award-winning grocery app makes grocery shopping a breeze with quick access to our weekly circular, an easy-to-use...

Price: Free Developer: ShopHero INC
Chappell's Food Valu

Chappell's Food Valu

Order your groceries from Chappell's Food Valu on the go on your mobile device or from your iPad on your couch. Our award-winning grocery app makes grocery shopping a breeze with quick access to our weekly circular, an easy-to-use...

Price: Free Developer: ShopHero INC
Food Depot Luverne

Food Depot Luverne

Order your groceries from Food Depot Luverne on the go on your mobile device or from your iPad on your couch. Our award-winning grocery app makes grocery shopping a breeze with quick access to our weekly circular, an easy-to-use...

Price: Free Developer: ShopHero INC
Public Auto Auctions

Public Auto Auctions

Save $$$ on buying a used car or truck at a local public auto auction. 1000's of low priced used cars trucks and vans are sold weekly to the public. * Public and Dealer Auto Auction Information * Addresses and...

Price: Free Developer: Jason Parker
Brentwood Public Library

Brentwood Public Library

Brentwood Public Library App takes library catalog to your iPhone and iPad - search library's collection, get a reminder on item about to become overdue, place a hold, manage your account and much more. Features: - Scan any item's...

Price: Free Developer:
Kirkwood Public Library

Kirkwood Public Library

Kirkwood Public Library' Mobile App takes library catalog to your iPhone and iPad - search library's collection, get a reminder on item about to become overdue, place a hold, manage your account and much more. Features: - Scan any...

Price: Free Developer:
Findlay Market Shopping

Findlay Market Shopping

Shop fresh food and more! Enjoy food from dozens of local and independent businesses located in Ohio's oldest continuously run public market. Enhance your shopping experience with added convenience. • Free pickup and delivery with no minimums or membership fee • Pay online...

Price: Free Developer: Food Forest
My Market Place

My Market Place

What is a market place? A market place is a single or multiple location site that form the market place community. The market place can be indoors or outdoors and consist of many vendors who provide products and or...

Price: Free Developer: Jenair Vision


The Free Guide to Product Design, Communication Design, Packaging Design, Interior Architecture and Professional Concept. The iF design app is a source of inspiration and a mirror of contemporary design. A standard reference for designers, art directors, architects and students....

Price: Free Developer: iF International Forum Design GmbH


AdForest Classified IOS Application is app for AdForest Classified WordPress Theme. AdForest Classified App is foremost and modern classified iOS app, designed to grow your classified business. You can upload this app to apple app store with your business...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Jawad Arshad
Mazad Live

Mazad Live

MAZAD LIVE , simply it is auction app, let you sell and buy things by auction or buy now, but with MAZAD LIVE you will have distinct experience, as we have our way. With MAZAD LIVE. you will have...

Price: Free Developer: ibrahim alrabiah
Set It Up

Set It Up

Set It Up introduces a business world that creates open opportunities to connect with others. The platforms purpose is to strengthen an economy by investing locally rather than to big corporations owned outside of your country. Order food, book...

Price: Free Developer: INTROVISION CORP.
Scrooge B2C

Scrooge B2C

Scrooge is a new-generation discount and referral system. For your business, Scrooge ensures a constant increase in the number of your customers, which means more profit. Using the Scrooge system, you simultaneously increase the loyalty of your customers and...

Price: Free Developer: Stanislav Zbitnyev


TechDeals.Asia is a dedicated online I.T. B2C marketplace. Unlike the traditional e-commerce marketplace which offers everything from A-Z, TechDeals.Asia is focused on offering only I.T. and consumer electronics related products. The advantage of this is that you will almost...



Creative Ads bridges all these by being the first of its kind online platform offering branding services for both B2B & B2C customers. Through our online platform, you can place an order for any of the branding services. Creative Ads...

Price: Free Developer: Kayalvizhi R


LOTEZY bridges the gap and helps store-based retailers and small-time manufacturers develop their market through the latest and most advanced technologies as well as compete with online B2C traders. LOTEZY is dedicated to provide the right platform to retailers through...

Price: Free Developer: Sparteqz Technologies



Price: Free Developer: Qiang Yang


created for Office Pen N Paper Sdn Bhd as B2B & B2C Mobile Commerce App, Office Pen N Paper is one of the leading suppliers of office & school stationery in Malaysia. Through our nationwide distribution channels, we supply...

Price: Free Developer: EUREKAISM SDN BHD


سلة خدمة تجاريه بطريقة B2B هذه الخدمة في الوقت الحالي تتعامل مع الشركات و الاسواق التجارية الكبيرة و في المستقبل سنعمل ايضا بطريقة B2C لتتعامل مع كل الناس . هذة الخدمة التي هي فعالة في العراق حاليا ، تعمل...

Price: Free Developer: Mansour Nader


话机世界-线上购物,线下体验! 由话机世界通信集团股份有限公司投资的B2C商城,商品覆盖全品类手机、数码配件、电脑、潮品玩具等。

Price: Free Developer: 话机世界通信集团股份有限公司


UTSOURCE is a professional purchasing B2B & B2C tools in electronic components. UTSOURCE characteristic is a professional purchasing B4B & B4C tools in electronic components field. provides different types such as IC, Modules, RF transistors etc., and various product...


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